10 12th grade welcome letter english

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John E. Gates jgates@cotopaxi.k12.ec Interim High School Principal

www.cotopaxi.k12.ec Inspiring young Minds to Lead Tomorrow’s World

August, 2014 Dear Parents of Grade 10-12 Students, Whether your student is entering the next grade level, beginning their final year, or has recently joined Academia Cotopaxi, most students experience a combination of excitement and anxiety as they enter a new grade level with heightened expectations and increased intellectual demands. Parents also experience transitional emotions as their students become more independent, young adults. These emotions are normal and expected. Be assured that the educators and counselors at Academia Cotopaxi’s High School not only anticipate and understand these transitional issues, but also do everything possible to help both students and parents address them. On behalf of the High School staff, my welcome to each of you as we begin this new school year. On the first day of school, the entire high school student body and their teachers and counselors will meet at 8:00, Monday, September 1st, for a welcoming assembly. At this time we will review the Academia Cotopaxi’s Core Values, emphasize the importance of students taking responsibility for their education, stress the expectation that students will act with kindness, and remind students that they have a profound role in establishing a school community where everyone is accepted and is able to learn to their full potential. If we expect students to reach their scholastic and human potential, we must not lose sight of the importance of their physical and emotional well being. A school must be full of laughter, a refuge from intimidation, and a place in which young people want to spend the majority of their time. Following the opening assembly, students meet by grade level for an introductory get-to-know-you activity designed to begin the process of establishing community. Students will also receive their class schedules, locker assignments, information about the block schedule rotation, and provisional IDs for purchasing lunch. If a student needs to make a schedule change that process will be thoroughly explained. Following the Director’s assembly, students will attend abbreviated classes where they will be introduced to the learning expectations, assessment practices, required course materials, and curricular standards for each class. To conclude the first day of school, time is allocated for students to report to their mentor classes. The comprehensive mentor program is explained in the high school handbook. During both this inaugural mentor period and several subsequent mentor periods, students will participate in a guided review of our high school handbook, underscoring the importance of acting according to Academia Cotopaxi’s Core Values, Vision and Mission statements. Our handbook is a living document, detailing key programs, procedures, and expectations. Should students have suggestions to improve the handbook, they are encouraged to work through their student council representatives. As an important communication vehicle, it is critical that both students and their parents review the information in this handbook. Parents and students are, therefore, asked to confirm their review by signing and returning the required handbook form. Most importantly, I am here to listen to any concerns or questions you may have and to support your student’s educational program. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email, phone or in a personal meeting. I look forward to meeting you and working cooperatively for a successful school year. Sincerely,

John E. Gates Interim High School Principal

De las Higuerillas y Alondras (Monteserrin) Quito-Ecuador Casilla 17-11-6510 phone: (593-2) 246-7411 fax: (593-2) 244-5195

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