Reasons Behind Noise Problem in Gas Heaters

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Reasons Behind Noise Problem in Gas Heaters

HVAC systems are complex and require regular maintenance to prevent frequent breakdowns. Appliances are prone to issues, breaking down suddenly mid-winter, and the gas heater is no exception. Scheduling annual maintenance by the best HVAC company in Sacramento can help. Professionals know the ins and outs of HVAC systems, immediately detecting the issue. Heaters are hard-working appliances involving moving parts that wear over time and make noises. Unusual noise coming from your heater can be a matter of concern.

Since the HVAC system includes an air conditioner, scheduling an inspection with a professional air conditioning company in Sacramento can help before summer sets in.

Here Are the Potential Reasons for Gas Heater Noises.

A heater releases a noise when the metal expands, or two metals rub against each because of the following:

1. Tension Releasing:

When the covering element in your heater expands, you hear loud sounds. This happens when the heater heats up and the temperature changes causing crackling noise.

2. Electric Coils Vibration:

The coils in the heater cause loud noise when they are overheated.

3. Loose Screws:

Every appliance ages, resulting in loose screws. If you notice loose screws, you may hear a vibrating heater. The noise will be loud if your heater has blowers.

4. 2-point Control System:

If your heater has a 2-point monitoring system, check its metal rods. This system controls temperature and overheating. These metal rods collide when the temperature exceeds the specified level.

5. Delayed Gas Ignition:

Due to gas collecting inside your heater instead of combusting, a loud noise can occur, causing ignition delay.

6. Damaged Motor or Belt:

Gas heaters involve fans to use air and distribute heat in the house. You may hear a screeching or whining noise if the fans have a loose connection to the belt or motor.


Temperature Fluctuations:

When you switch your heater on, please set it to a specified temperature. To accomplish this, it uses a 2-point control system, causing noises. If you think the noise is unusual, consulting an expert can help.


Gas heater noises during quiet winter days can be annoying. Ignoring to fix can escalate the issues leading to expensive repairs and replacements. Check out these signs to solve the problem. Consulting with an expert in HVAC systems can help identify the issue and employ the best solution. Regular maintenance is necessary for the smooth functioning and longevity of the HVAC system. If you continue using your gas heater despite the noises, it may suffer permanent damage leading to an expensive replacement. Also, ask experts to inspect your water heater for comfortable winter days. Consulting an expert in Sacramento water heater repair is the best solution to stay prepared.


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