How to Remove Rust Stain From Your Toilet

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How to Remove Rust Stain From Your Toilet


Rust Stains in Toilet

A rust stain is not just an unsightly and unpleasant blemish in your toilet bowl; it can also be a sign of a bigger problem. Additionally, these hideous signs can be embarrassing when you have guests over. Finally, rust stains can be prevalent if you live in an area with hard water or have an old plumbing system. But fear not! With a few simple steps, you can remove rust stains from your toilet and restore it to its former glory. We have gathered some techniques in this blog and discussed how Sacramento plumbing services specialists could help you with any plumbing issues that may be causing the stains in the first place.

Iron in the Water Supply:

Rust stains are caused by the presence of iron in the water. When iron mixes with water and oxygen, it oxidizes and forms rust. It is especially true in areas with hard water.

The Causes of Rust Stains in Toilets

Aging Pipes:

Sometimes, rusty pipes contribute to staining as old iron pipes corrode and release rust particles into your water supply.

Damage to Water Heater:

A damaged or malfunctioning water heater can also cause the water to become rusty. If this is the case, consider conferring with a water heater repair Sacramento expert.

To Dismiss Rust Stains From Your Toilet

Start with Deep Cleaning:

Before tackling the rust stains, it's vital to give your toilet a thorough cleaning. Start by turning off the water supply to your bathroom and flushing it to drain the bowl. Then, apply a toilet bowl cleaner to the inside of the bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. Next, use a toilet brush to scrub the inside of the bowl, heeding to the areas around the rim and under the lip of the bowl. Once you've cleaned the entire bowl, flush the toilet and turn the water supply back on.

Utilize a Rust Remover:

If the deep cleaning didn't remove the rust stains, it's time to bring out the big gun: a rust remover. Several rust removers on the market are specifically designed for use in toilets. Look for a product that contains oxalic acid, as this is the most effective ingredient for removing rust stains. Follow the instructions on the package carefully, and wear gloves and eye protection while using the product.

Try a Natural Remedy:

If you prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, several natural remedies can effectively remove rust stains. One popular option is to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Start by pouring a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl, followed by a cup of vinegar. Let the mixture sit for a few hours (or overnight) before scrubbing the bowl with a toilet brush and flushing the toilet. You can also try using lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide to eradicate rust stains.

Call a Professional Plumber: If you've tried everything and the problem persists, probably, there's an underlying plumbing issue that needs to be addressed. A Ace Plumbing technician can inspect your plumbing system and identify any problems that might cause rust stains. Ace Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning (916) 455-4548 3011 Academy Way, Sacramento, CA 95815


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