How to Change a Furnace Air Filter?

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How to Change a Furnace Air Filter?

The furnace filter is one of the most critical parts of your HVAC system, protecting the blower fan from dust, debris, hair, and other pollutants entering the ducts. In addition, furnace filters help maintain indoor air quality, safeguarding your health. Proper maintenance of furnace filters is necessary to maintain the efficiency of your HVAC system, helping you save money on utility bills. Homeowners should change furnace filters every one to three months. Although changing furnace filters is not challenging, consulting with the Sacramento HVAC company can help.

Here Are the Steps to Changing the Furnace Filter: Find the Filter:

Most furnaces have a filter window installed adjacent to the furnace, close to the ductwork.

Size of the Filter:

Determining the size of the filter is crucial for the new installation. First, measure the size of its cardboard frame to buy the correct-sized filter.

The Correct Way to Install:

When you remove the existing filter, you notice a marking on the filter, indicating the airflow direction. Mark these directions with a marker to remember the correct way of installation.


Buy the new filter and work towards the marking indications, pointing you towards the correct side of the filter that faces the furnace. Then, slide it in the direction of the arrow.

Remember the date you changed the filters to replace them again after a few months. Some homeowners have plastic filters installed in their home furnaces. Plastic filters are reusable that need periodic cleaning for efficient working. Take the filters out and spray them clean using a garden hose. Make sure to dry the filters properly before installing them again. Also, beware of installing it in the wrong direction because that will cause unnecessary wear and tear, leading to malfunction. Finally, always use markers to remember the airflow indication.

Cleaning or installing filters from time to time keeps a check on your utility bills. If you are unsure about doing it yourself, consulting with a heating and air conditioning company in Sacramento can help. Professionals have the training and appropriate tools to execute the task effectively.


Using these steps can help you install the furnace filter effectively. Changing furnace filters is necessary for better indoor air quality and energy efficiency. Homeowners can successfully execute this task. However, if you are unsure about the DIY approach, consulting with the experts in heating repair in Sacramento can help. Changing your filter will promote peak performance, preventing dust and pollutants from entering your home. Additionally, scheduling an inspection for the comfort of your home system makes all the difference because experts can prevent extensive damage in the long run.


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