Words have almost the power of god

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Words have almost the power of God digitalbloggers.com/preview/words-have-almost-the-power-of-God

Dec 24, 2016 0 views

When we were little, everyone was waiting expectantly for us to utter our first word. It is such a big event – that important milestone is such a big breakthrough in our young lives. After that first word, for most of us, there is no shutting us up and we talk all the time. People communicate with words, be it with talking, writing, singing or sign language. We talk and listen to everyone and everything around us, to family, friends, colleagues and the media; People talk all the time in many different forms. We use words to express our moods, our feelings of happiness or frustration. Words in any form are very powerful. Words can change your life.

Different words mean different life I did not realize the power of words until recently. Everything changed when I really started to listen to different words. Words I heard from people who are living the life I have always imagined for myself. When I listened to their


stories I realized there was not much difference between us as they too had ups and downs in their lives because this is how life is for everyone, right? They are as human as anyone of us but where they were different was words! The words they were feeding themselves with, who they were listening to, what they were reading and what words they chose to put into their minds. Those are the words that make such a big difference. Words can create the light inside each of us. By listening to the right words we can see the things we have not seen before. Words can make that much difference! They can transform your life – your life or somebody else. It was only when I started to learn about online marketing that I realized the power I would be tapping into. By listening to the right words - not only has my life changed but I have also learned what a big difference I can make in the lives of others. I have realized that everything I currently know and everything I will learn in the future, I can share with others. I know I can be “somebody” and have everything that I deserve in life, as can anyone else. My life was changed by listening to the right words so by telling and sharing my stories, experiences, and knowledge I can help change the lives of others - if they too just realize that power comes from words, in the same way as I have.

Power of words in a digital form Realizing the power of words, I wanted to learn everything I could about it. I wanted to learn digital skills because the power of words is stronger and faster with digital. So by telling my story in a digital form, the words in my story are more powerful and can possibly help somebody to see something in a way they have never seen it before. Having that opportunity to help change somebody's life in a positive way is the biggest satisfaction I can get. I know the power of words as well as the power of digital skills. I feel it almost as a duty to tell you about this power which each of us has within us. It isn‘t “mine” to keep to myself. It all starts within us and by choosing the right words we allow into our minds, by listening to the words of the right people. We can watch and read words that can empower us but mostly its the right words we tell ourselves and say to others. I believe that anyone of us has that special power with words. Everyone has something special within them that can change lives. Each of us has that unique story, that special something we can share and tell to others. To light up that spark inside each of us, to help people see how they really are or to give them the ability to see the world in a way they have never seen it before. To help open their eyes, to tell them about the different options that can change their lives forever. To point them in the right direction to learn the power of words in a digital form. Words are like a bridge to take us where we want to be. P.S.: Words can make a difference in a positive way but they also have the same amount of power in a negative way which is why it is so very important to only choose to allow the positive into your mind. Let's start with you. Choose the right words for you and your loved ones. Words have almost the power of God. www.aboutmartinak.com



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