How to turn nothing into something

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How to turn Nothing into Something

Dec 06, 2016 10 views

Every time I return to my parent's house, I feel like the same 18-year-old girl who left home for the first time. There are a few small details which I usually don’t notice unless my family points them out to me, like a few new buildings but everything looks the same as it did back then. Other than the fact that we have all gotten physically older, it looks like time has stopped and nothing has moved on. Even the people look the same and thank God people say the same about me - I know it is true because I want to believe it... I still look like I did at 18 J. All right, they just want to be polite - I get it! I have changed a lot, we all have, it is the natural progression of life... Each of us will have changed in different ways, so every time I hear that I have not changed - I just smile because it reminds me just how much I HAVE changed. Maybe not in my appearance but inside, in the way I think, the way I look at things from a different perspective, the different way I feel about many things but mainly it reminds me of how much I have grown up. I went out there to see the world and discovered a whole different life than the one I had known.

Only a big dream I left home with a big dream - to travel and experience something more than just the mundane life of just going to work and back home. I had no clear vision at that time about what I wanted to do or what kind of life I wanted to have- but I just KNEW there was something better out there, something MORE. I had nothing except my dream and


the knowledge that staying static was not an option if I wanted that dream to come true. All I knew was imaging possibilities. Since then I have experienced different opportunities while “looking” for myself and eventually, I ended up in London, a city I fell in love with. (if you follow my stories you know this already) London is a multicultural city... It has everything... Literally. You can find anything here, from food, people, culture, jobs, music, education, lifestyles, history... simply everything. It is a city full of opportunities. I love this city because it offers a piece of everything but most of all it is the place where I discovered I could realize my dreams. It has shown me how much I do not know and how much I need to learn. It has shown me new doors which I had no idea existed – a completely different type of life, the like of which I had only ever seen on a TV. Now THAT life is the ONE I am living. London has shown me anything is possible, as long as you are willing to learn. (Sometimes you have no other choice but to learn! Life has a habit of teaching us a thing or two J) Living my life in London has proved to me that everything can be learned and anyone can do it. Of course, it wasn’t always easy and I went through some hard times too – just like everyone. Often I bought those hard times on myself by stubbornly refusing to open my mind to the opportunities that came my way and I am pretty sure I am not an exception when it comes to some basic “life lessons”! I was thrown into the deep-end and I could sink or I could swim... I learned to swim! London is an ideal example of a perfect mix, where people from different countries, different nationalities, different religions and different values can live happily side by side in peace and be friends. I have met many amazing people and made new friends.

From nothing to something Why am I telling you this? You may think there is nothing special about London - especially these days when we have the option to travel anywhere. Yes, exactly you are right, there is nothing extra special about London that you won’t find in a lot of other cities but it is the place where I started to live MY dream and anyone can do it - anywhere. That is the reason why am I telling you this story. Just to illustrate to you how easy it is to turn nothing into something. It all started with a dream in my head... just an idea when I wanted something better. I didn’t know at the time how or what exactly but the dream was there. Then came the discovery and with it all the possibilities of a completely new life. New opportunities, new doors opening for me to have something better – for things to BE better. I realized it was possible to have a completely different life and I started to believe I could have that life too. I had new things to learn... I had to learn about a new culture, a new language, new habits, new skills - everything was new to me so I had a lot to learn! Yes, on that journey I went through many bumps in the road and sometimes I had to climb to the top of the hill. Once I did it, the journey down was one easy and smooth slide down the hill, such an enjoyable winter slide ha ha ha! I had to learn every day and I had to stick with it to make it happen. To be disciplined, just to make happen nothing into something. This easy principle from Jim Rohn can be applied to anything. It doesn’t matter what you want, it works with everything - All you need... is to want. 1. It always starts with nothing. Just with an idea at the beginning. Or with a big dream. To imagine possibilities. Start with your imagination.


2. Then you have to believe it is possible. Have the faith to believe. It is possible for YOU. 3. The next step is getting down to work and to make it happen – learn new skills, get to know people, change your mindset. Work on yourself! 4. The last piece is to have discipline. Create new habits, be consistent and do it every day. Create discipline and activity on how to turn nothing into something. Maybe you also only have an idea and want to figure out HOW to make it real. Or maybe you just need to learn some new skills which you are missing to make your idea happen... And maybe this example is the missing piece for you on HOW to take YOUR nothing and to turn it into something. P.S.: It is nothing unusual to come and live in London but by following those steps you can be something... maybe not in London but in the city or place that you love. I hope this article about “nothing“ will inspire you or others to “something“. Simply repeat this process and apply – in the same way, I did and have written about in this article. P.P.S: Just remember the saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" – Lao Tzu so take that first step and get in touch!


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