Why being consistent pays off not only in online marketing

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Why being consistent pays off not only in online marketing digitalbloggers.com/health-and-fitness/why-being-consistent-pays-off-not-only-in-online-marketing

Dec 09, 2016 17 views


I was sweating at the gym - my daily ritual. Everything was just the same as it always is - you know, the usual sights and sounds of a busy modern gym. There were lots of people around me, most were working harder than me I work smart. I enjoy my gym time, but I’m not a runner... I’m happy fast-walking but running on a treadmill? No! no! I don’t even run for the bus! So if I don’t even like running you may be wondering why I even mentioned it? Let me tell you another of my stories about something I experienced recently. It made me realize how consistency is so very important - not only with online marketing but in other areas of life too.

The first time... in the gym Do you know what I mean if I was to tell you that the three, young, good looking guys, who came into the gym where “newbies“not only in the gym but in life too ? Still young and fresh looking college students or maybe new school leavers? I’m sure you are getting the picture... those who you can spot from miles away and tell straight away “this is their 1st time” ... in the gym :-). It was pretty obvious from the moment they walked in that they were new to the gym. It was in their swagger, their posturing, their preening for all of the young girls who were staring at them. Despite the fact that they have never been in the gym before, their half-naked bodies were young and beautiful and certainly something to look at. I admit it... I was one of the pair of eyes on them. They were far too young for me so it was just me being curious to see what would happen next. I mean, what else was there to do while I was fast walking?

Competition begins As I watched their procession through the gym, the group of 3 made their way towards the cardio machines and so were coming straight towards me! They stopped at the row of machines right in front of me, so I was in the prime position to view the 1st league! With the typical Alpha-Male need to out-do each other, they predictably turned their exercise session into a competition between them, to see who could run the longest. This is nothing unusual and not just something unique to young males, it is human nature and even I love challenges. They are what we use to push ourselves to do better – even if the person we are competing against is ourselves. I always welcome a chance to compete with others as it pushes me to do more, to reach further. But back to our 3 young bucks... All was pretty straight forward until they started to run :-). There was no gentle warm up for these guys, oh no, they


were running full out from the beginning. A flat out sprint like they were being chased by a bear! “OMG, this was going to be interesting”, I thought. I really want to watch this till the end, and it was no hardship for me because the display, did not last long.

And the winner is... After a couple of minutes of full on sprinting, I could see them all start to slow down. One of them started to have a little trouble with his breathing and another was secretly slowing down his machine as he couldn't keep up. Oh no, he stopped... so that was one out of the challenge. Now there were two of them left... Which one is going to win? I mentally gave them another couple of minutes as I didn’t think they would last much longer - both of them were breathing heavily and loudly. The laughing and joking had stopped, they just didn’t have the breath in their lungs... AND WE HAVE A WINNER!! Well, a technical winner by virtue of the fact he stayed on the machine the longest - but he was holding himself with his hands as he was not able to switch the machine off by himself! The other friend had to do it for him :-). Those guys were out of breath and I was too as I was chuckling to myself at their antics. What a foolish idea, they looked like they would collapse at any second! Of course, what did they expect - it doesn’t make any sense to run full out in the first couple of minutes? Oh, those poor boys and the bravado of youth! They did, however, make my day. Not only because they made me laugh but also because they made me realize how foolish I am sometimes too. Well, I used to be :-). I am sure many of you know that feeling too! When we start something new, we are full of energy and motivation and expect things to happen, to see instant results but of course, it doesn’t work that way. As I could see with the boys at the gym, it doesn’t work with simple running - it is impossible to start with sprinting for 2 minutes without proper and consistent training and expectation you will get to the end still being able to breathe! You need to be consistent, you need to train daily and increase your speed slowly. Like with any other activity, from work to learning new skills, playing any sport and actually in life too – with anything and online business is no exception. Step at a time. I hope this story made you laugh but also realize that anything you want to achieve takes some time, effort and consistent work. Slow and steady wins the race, so don’t give up, keep going. BE CONSISTENT. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. www.aboutmartinak.com



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