Abm newsletter volume1 issue5

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A Better Me Volume 1, Issue 5

Newsletter Date: 23, May 2012

I Have Purpose! Add us on Facebook: Kerrykay Publications

The Lord started calling me into prayer and I just couldn’t make the time. It was a real struggle. Not that I didn’t want to fast and pray but it felt like the hardest task.

My life story is one that is a true testament that all things work together for good. During later parts of 2009 and 2010 I felt so disconnected spiritually it was as if God was pushing me. I couldn’t see beyond not being able to attend the church I was saved in, I had so many questions as to why things were going the way they were. It was just depressing.

Inside this issue:

Holiness Part 5


I Have Purpose


While I’m Waiting


While I’m Waiting


Word of Encouragement


He Always Has Me On His Mind


As the time passed my prayer life was not what it used to be and it became harder and harder to have daily devotions. Work stress and adapting to a new environment took over and caused me many sleepless nights or nights dreaming about the stressing situation at work. That was no life for a Christian. The enemy used my job and situation as a tool to cripple me. I became so negative that even though I was being promoted in miraculous ways- I couldn’t see my daily blessings.

At the dawn of 2011, I started to review my life. Upon doing so I really saw all that God was doing with me and how He was using these situations to mold me into the woman He wanted me to be. I came to realization of my purpose in the Kingdom, but was confused as to what was next. I started praying more. The more I prayed, the less confused I was. My prayer life was however, a struggle as the demands of the job would most times render me so tired.

Thanks be to God that He knows how to fix us—in ways that we don’t even know we are being fixed. I remember being in Youth Conference (BAUC) July 2011 and I received a word about the project I was writing– I didn't say anything to anyone and I just held it in my heart. I was so fearful to write about what I really wanted to because of fear that others might judge me or because I might offend some. When I went to Youth Camp (HBAC) December 2011-- I was really empowered to let go of evil fear. That I did and I came home ready to work.. Continued on Page 2….

Holiness Part 5— Continued from previous issues. Holiness is not depicted by signs and wonders. We are warned in Matthew 24 of this. Some will be deceived because they see miracles and be taken into ungodliness. In the last days the enemy will pull out all

stops to deceive the people of God. Be not of itching ears and eyes--- for miracles—but seek after God in righteousness. “They that endure to the end the same shall be saved.” “Watch therefore that ye enter not into temptation.” The Word of God is our road map

and it shall lead us into His holiness. Holiness is not by Man’s standards The bible declares in Isaiah that the righteousness of man is like filthy rags in the eyes of God. In Jeremiah chapter 5

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A Better Me

Holiness Part 5...cont’d we see how God passes Judgment on the Jews for not following after him. They strayed from God. When a people stray it is generally because their leaders stray. In the two last verses 30-31 God states: “A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so; and what will ye do in the end thereof?” Wonderful in this context by no means refer to something good- but something so horrific that it is unimaginable. We have to be careful that we don’t equate

our standards as God’s standards— Let us seek to follow the standards of Him that is true unto all things. When anything is of man it shall utterly fail- but the judgments of the Lord shall last forever. As a people we have to also be careful that we don’t worship God with itching ears. That is, only listen to what seems pleasing to us. The bible says that we are to try the spirit to see whether or not they are of God. So let us not play a blame game—we will all be held accountable for our own sins.

Holiness Is loving Others and sharing what God has blessed us with John 3:16—“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” “Be ye holy for I am Holy.” “God is love” so if we are going to be Christians (Christ like) we have to love. The commandments hang on love. If we have not love we are non of his (1 Cor.13:2). Just as God did through the ultimate sacrifice we have to likewise make sacrifices for others.

I Have Purpose...cont’d I started making dietary changes because I made up in my mind that fasting and praying will and must continue to be a consistent part of my life. I started this newsletter in January mainly though distribution on Facebook. I then started the process of publishing While I’m Waiting: Sexual Issues Facing the Unmarried. Gradually, my job seemed to be losing the power that it had over my life. I started reading and studying my Bible more. I also invested in books that lifted me spiritually and geared my focus towards missions. The Omniscient One: All He Does Is Think About You by Dwayne Nelson,

Find it on the iBookstore

The Way Forward: Embracing Unity, Faith and Power by O’Neil Fisher, Becoming Fishers of Men: Fulfilling Your Purpose in Building the Kingdom of God by Dr. Lyndon B.N. Johnson.

During this period I was inspired to write a devotional on prayer and fasting and I did. I am no longer fearful that no one will want to read what I write. If it helps one individual, it would have achieved its purpose. My focus then becomes, if I write it, it should minister to me first. For me, I am creating a “system to contain the catch.” I am not waiting for others to recognize me, and then to write. I write as I am inspired knowing that God will do the rest.

While I’m Waiting: Sexual Issues Affecting the Unmarried. Being a single Christian it is sometimes very difficult to deal with the different everyday issues. One such is that of sexual desires and what the Word of God says. It is an ever challenging battle as the body says one thing but the mind is reinforcing something else. You ask questions, but most of whom have gone through the process shy away from even speaking about the topic. There is a stigma attached to sex, that some even

believe that it must not be openly spoken about. While at the same time many are walking away from presence of God through falling into sexual immorality, and even then, everything seems to be swept under a carpet. It is as of a result of this, that I believe that this topic must be spoken about and looked at in a practical way. I started searching my Bible to see what was said about fornication as a

generally study to help me deal with the issues I was facing at a particular time. I knew that the Bible promotes abstinence that was not the reason for my search- it was to get a better understanding of what God was thinking and why He made it so. In this study I garnered a lot that help me and have decided to share it with others who might have similar questions to the ones that I had. This by no

Volume 1, Issue 5

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While I’m Waiting: Sexual Issues Affecting the Unmarried…...cont’d means answers all the questions to be posed about the topic, but it gave me a better understanding as why I should abstain from sexual activities until I am married. In looking at the issue, actual life situations of which I’m familiar within story like settings were used to show how sin attacks us subtly and can become strongholds in our lives. The purpose of this project is to have readers see these traps in a practical way and avoid them. As young people and as singles we have to have our eyes open to the wiles of the evil

one. He will use seemingly innocent gestures and things to draw us into immorality. But with our eyes opened we will see these things for what they really are. Although the focus of this project is based on sexual immorality the general concepts can be applied to sin in general. Please get your copy of this project at The iBookstore or at

http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ HannahBooks . Ebook and Paperback

Will be available on Amazon.com, BarnesandNobles.com and Nook SOON…... Stay tuned for updates! ISBN #: 978-1-105-73248-5 ISBN #: 978-1-105-68974-1 For more Information visit the facebook page: Kerrykay Publications


Word of Encouragement Many Christians/churches face dilemmas as to not successfully executing the plans they had initially proposed for their Ministries. The picture then painted becomes one of gloom as the question in the back of the mind is: ‘Am I in the will of God?’ We lose site of the fact that there is a process to get to where God wants us to go. When we feel discombobulated, we should seek the face of the Lord. He will be sure to give us clarity. Doing the blame game and having

disputations wont resolve any issue. But most times that is what we do. Sad enough, we never accept the fact that we might have gone about doing things the wrong way. It is always someone else. With singleness of Heart, God will be in our midst, and will most definitely pour out of His Spirit upon us.. God is simply waiting on us to get it together. Stay encouraged .

He Always Has Me on His Mind When I needed them the most --- the ones I looked to were burdened with their own problems When I needed him---he was needed elsewhere I was always there when others needed me- but no one was there in my time of need But when I gave in, Christ Came in… When the hour was darkest He was my light

He already fixed it before I missed it

He already fixed it before I missed it

That He does because He loves me

That He does because He loves me

They talk behind my back--- “There is no hope”, “Why are you holding on?” They don’t know Him like I do--- If they did they would trust Him too It’s all caving in --- I wanna run, I wanna run I wanna just run away to a place that I can be alone with Him

Overtime this hurt has built my faith Taught me how to love and not to hate Going through this process that’s set before me Lead me Lord and please don’t leave me!

For He always has me on His mind

For He always has me on His mind

He makes provision for my every need

He makes provision for my every need

For He always has me on His mind He makes provision for my every need He already fixed it before I missed it That He does because He loves me

The Focus Message:


“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Many times we get discouraged by our situations, and it becomes hard for us to see the good that God is doing for us. The Bible gives us numerous examples, but when faced with the challenges of life, it just seems like all we have learned is just a fantasy and not applicable to us. Today I want to declare to you this is not so. God loves you. Your situation is a molder to get you to your finished product.

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Phone: (876) 292-0888 E-mail: kerrykay64@hotmail.com

We only need to trust God and maintain our integrity, as He always comes through for His people. We should take on the attitude of the three Hebrew boys, who believed that God would save them and even if He didn’t, that He was still God. We all have purposes; however we are not exempt from harsh situations. Christ Himself had to endure hardship to fulfill His purpose: “…Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again…” (Acts 17:3). Some of us, will suffer more than others, but be assured your later shall be greater. Use the lessons that you learn from your negative situations, to make yourself, your environment and those around you better. We are all a work in progress. Everyday is a new day to be better. The Focus of the A Better Me Newsletter is to do just that, encourage through our bad times. Bad times will come as there is a season to everything, but we were born with the ability to overcome such. Be strong and know that God is with you.

Kerry-Ann A. Barrett Photo Credits: Shellie-Ann Anderson

About A Better Me! Is a social arena for young Christians who want to fellowship outside of the traditional church setting. The aim is to create a showground where we can testify, seek prayer and basically have fun together. We not only want to be an online community but a group that reaches each other in everyday life. Add us Facebook by searching: A Better Me and clicking the like button. The A Better Me News Letter is a Kerrykay Publication marketed and Sponsored by Judah House Marketing.

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