Abm newsletter volume1 issue7

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He is an On-Time God! KERRYKAY PUBLICATIONS Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Kerrykay-Publications/ Email us at: kerrkay64@hotmail.com Write to us at: P.O. Box 4846 Savanna-la-Mar P.O. Westmoreland, Jamaica, W.I. Call us at: 876-292-0888 For more KerryKay Publications material, visit us at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ HannahBooks

In an effort to expedite time, I ordered some books to be shipped to Florida in the hope of having someone collect them and bring them to Jamaica. I made sure there was enough time for the books to reach on or before a certain date. If I didn't, I would have to travel from Jamaica to Florida to get them or wait until some else could deliver them to me. Either way it would have cost me extra time and or money.

I just started shouting down my house. Who else but God? “He may not come when you want Him, but He will be there right on time.”

After I finished praying, I laid on my bed. I then heard my phone make a notification alarm— when I checked it I was being informed that the books just arrived and ready for departure.

In God’s time we will come into what He has for us. We must therefore learn to patiently wait on HIM! K. Barrett

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I The books were to be delivered on the Wednessay, on the LORD.” (Ps. 27:14). What is it that has day. The package was delayed because of the been making you anxious? Have you prayed thunder storms. I checked the delivery status and about it? If you haven’t prayed about it do so and they said it would be delivered the next day. when the Lord gives you peace that you will reWhen I checked again, it was referred to the Friceive that which you ask for, wait for it. day. Now this would be the day of departure of “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but the individual who was going collect the books on at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it my behalf. The natural tendency of panic started tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it to set in, but I decided to pray about it. will not tarry.” (Ha. 2:3)

Pg3: God Will Take

Inside this Issue: Care of Your Part 2 Pg4: Be Encouraged

Pg5: Got questions?

Pg 7 Sin’s Effect on

Ask Us!


Pg 6: Events

The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

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JULY 2012


The Focus Message “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who Photo Credits: Shellie-Ann Anderson are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Many times we get discouraged by our situations, and it becomes hard for us to see the good that God is doing for us. The Bible gives us numerous examples, but when faced with the challenges of life, it just seems like all we have learned is just a fantasy and not applicable to us. Today I want to declare to you this is not so. God loves you. Your situation is a molder to get you to your finished product. We only need to trust God and maintain our integrity, as He always comes through for His people. We should take on the attitude of the three Hebrew boys, who believed that God would save them and even if He didn’t, that He was still God. We all have purposes; however we are not exempt from harsh situations. Christ Himself had to endure hardship to fulfill His purpose: “…Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again…” (Acts 17:3). Some of us, will suffer more than others, but be assured your latter shall be greater. Use the lessons that you learn from your negative situations, to make yourself, your environment and those around you better. We are all a work in progress. Everyday is a new day to be better. The Focus of the A Better Me Newsletter is to do just that, encourage through our bad times. Bad times will come as there is a season to everything, but we were born with the ability to overcome such. Be strong and know that God is with you. Kerry-Ann A. Barrett

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Contributors this Issue: Writers: Khadine Dennis Loi Perry Kerry-Ann Barrett Design and Layout: Khadine Dennis Editor: Kerry-Ann Barrett

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HannahBooks . Ebook and Paperback available now. COMING SOON to Amazon.com,

This Book focuses on the issue of premarital sex. In looking at the issue, actual life situations of which I’m familiar with, in story like settings were used to show how sin attacks us subtly and can become strongholds in our lives. The purpose of this project is to have readers see these traps in a practical way and avoid them. As young people and as singles we have to have our eyes open to the wiles of the evil one. He will use seemingly innocent gestures and things to draw us into immorality. But with our eyes opened we will see these things for what they really are. Although the focus of this project is based on sexual immorality BarnesandNobles.com and Nook. . the concepts can be applied to sin in .Stay tuned for updates! general. ISBN #: 978-1-105-73248-5 ISBN #: 978-1-105-68974-1 Please get your copy of this project at: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/

The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

JULY 2012


God Will Take Care of You! (Part 2) (Recap: faced with losing her job– a sense of security in her life, KD puts her faith in God. She was given different offers but sought the Lord to make the right Choice. See part 1 in Issue 6) The prospect of relocating sounded inviting and I was excited because I felt like this was the change that I was craving. I started thinking about the gorgeous weather at the new location and what my new life with the new company would be like. I had a second meeting, this time with my boss and prospective new boss. They outlined the relocation offer and the details sounded even more enticing. Everything I ever dreamed of, I could have if I only said yes to the offer. My own house, new car, my tuition covered, a significant salary increase, a new office; oh it all sounded so delightful. The new company was even willing to fly me out to the new location and put me up in a nice hotel by the beach. What more could a girl ask for? I was all set to take the initial visit and started shopping for beach wear as well as new outfits so that when I met my new coworkers, I would look my best.

Over the weekend I was still wrestling with which decision to make. Even though I initially wanted to go, I could find no peace with my desires. I spent that weekend praying and talking to the Lord about this new proposition. I told Him how I felt about the offer in my honest and matter-of-fact way. As I prayed and talked to God, He answered in a most profound way. The Sunday night of said weekend, I was in church singing and clapping along with everyone else, when I heard a question posed to me, and it was not from anyone in the congregation. “Weren’t the Hebrew boys in captivity even though they were in Babylon?” I was unsure what this meant so I glanced at the story of Daniel and the three Hebrew boys who were taken as captives. God made me understand that though these boys were in Babylon, where there were many luxuries, they were not free men. What God was trying to show me is that if I took this offer, I would basically be indebted to my new bosses and sooner or later everything would crumble. What more did I need? God’s choice for me was clear. I had to say no.

When I returned to work the next week, I politely declined the offer to relocate. At this time I was still unsure of what would happen. It seemed like everything around me was changing and the familiar was no more. After 3 months, my division finally closed. However, about 2 days before what was supposed to be my last day, I was cleaning out my desk and packing the things that I wanted to take home with me. The president of the new company came by my desk and asked me to stay put. A look of confusion came across my face

as I thought he was asking me to stay past closing time. Then he explained that he did not want me to leave but to stay on as a training consultant for the person that would perform my current duties at the new company. My only job would be to sit by the phone or computer and wait for a question to come in. How easy was this job? In the meantime I was allowed to work on school assignments. This was definitely God’s doing. I held this position for 1 month but I was also facing another unknown, what would my new position be since I had opted to stay on with the remaining divisions of the company?

There were days when I felt a little out of place. I literally came to the office for approximately 4 months and my heaviest task was to check my email and work on my school assignments, while my boss assured me that everything would work out and not to worry. There were other days that I became anxious and wanted to speed up the process but God’s timing always prevails.

In May of this year I started in my new position. This perfectly coincided with the end of my last and toughest semester. I am so grateful that God is the Alpha & Omega. He already knows my end so I can rest safely in His arms, secure in the knowledge that He never forsakes His own!

The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

K.Dennis, NY

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JULY 2012


Be Encouraged! So you been feeling overwhelmed lately. Every day comes with a new problem, giving no care about yesterday’s issues… sighs... Seem like trouble knows your name more than any other person. You try not to think about them all but your mind makes you aware all too well. You search trying to find out how to find some peace of mind, but your days just seem so sad and unbearable. Have you been there? And even though you pray, you tell your friends and family, yet no one seem to have the answer to soothe you effectively. You hear the same thing “God will see you through” and this you know and believe deep within but somehow the questions keep surfacing, when? How? Why? Where? Why me? God why does life keep hurting me?... Can you identify with this? But, why not you? Weren’t you the one who prayed “Lord thy will be done”…. Weren’t you the one who said “God I wanna be more than an ordinary servant”…. Weren’t you the one who sang “Lord I’m available to you”… Guess what, to whom much is given much is required (Luke 12:48) and if you don’t have these trial, how will God prove himself to you, how will you be able to encourage someone, how will you know God for yourself. Yes you are forced to complain, cry and murmur, but don’t. Yes it’s human nature

but hey confuse the devil by the way you react. Put on the garment of praise, hold your head up and know that God has to come through. No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). It is said that our trials come to make us strong (James 1:1-4), keep that in thought and be encouraged that the hotter the battle the sweeter the victory. Hey yes, the victory has been written from the foundation of the world, it’s only left to be claimed. Lift up your head, open your mouth with praises and face your problems with a grateful heart, because God has a plan in everything. Don’t wait till the battle is over, shout now, because you know in the end you’re gonna win! Shake off the pity, dry your eyes, lift up yourself and encourage yourself repeating “God I thank you for all this that’s happening, I know you will come through just like you did before, all my trust and confidence I place in your hands. Even though I don’t see your plan, even though I don’t understand, even though I can’t trace your hands… I will trust your heart. Thy will be done, thy Kingdom come!”

About A Better Me A social arena for young Christians who want to fellowship outside of the traditional church setting. The aim is to create a showground where we can testify, seek prayer and basically have fun together. We not only want to be an online community but a group that reaches each other in everyday life. Add us Facebook by searching: A Better Me and clicking the LIKE button.

L. Perry Sav-la-Mar, Jamaica

The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

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JULY 2012


Got Questions? Ask Us! Question: I try to be nice to others but they always seem to use and mistreat me. Sometimes I just want to get even. Is anything wrong with that?

causing others to know he serves the true and living God.

David was hated by one (Saul) he loved and respected, who tried to kill him every chance he got. But when Saul was delivered in David’s hand he reAnswer: fused to take his life as Saul was God’s Sometimes when others hurt us, we anointed. In the end David was seen to want to hurt them back, and in an even be a man of God’s own heart and both worst way than they did us. However, he and his seed after him were blessed I’ve learned over time that God is the of the Most High God. best vindicator. “For revenge is Mine said the Lord.” Once you stay in the will Joseph was placed in a pit, sold into and presence of God you will be covslavery, falsely accused, imprisoned- all ered, and whatever the fiery darts of of which was caused because his own the enemy, you will be sustained. brothers hated him. But he also had an excellent spirit and was elevated in a Daniel is the perfect example- taken foreign land. When he finally saw his captive, castrated, placed in the lions brothers he could have had them den. He could have been bitter and killed, but instead, he embraced them prayed hell fire on his adversaries but with love. He was the bigger man. he didn’t. Instead he served with an excellent spirit and we see how his So say NO to evil for evil! story ended. Promotion, Respect and

About A Better Me A social arena for young Christians who want to fellowship outside of the traditional church setting. The aim is to create a showground where we can testify, seek prayer and basically have fun together. We not only want to be an online community but a group that reaches each other in everyday life. Add us Facebook by searching: A Better Me and clicking the LIKE button.

We will be taking questions from our readers regarding any aspect of Christianity that they would like to exploit or seek clarification on. Please make sure that you send your questions before the 5th of each month. In doing so, we will be able to get feedback for your questions from Ministers and other Christians that have suited answers. Email questions to: kerrykay64@hotmail.com

The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

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JULY 2012


Upcoming Events: Event Review: Youth Conference July 30, 2012 Holiness Born Again Church’s First Nation Youth Conference was Amazing. The theme: Rekindle the Flame , was relevant and penetrating. This was indeed a one-day Holy Ghost powered experience. Though it was only one day, I believe the lessons taught will resonate with the participants for a long time.

We were taught how to reignite and keep our flames burning through: 

Giving ourselves to fasting and prayer

Constantly staying in God’s word

Giving up the things that hinder our walk

And empowered to walk above the situations that may come at us.

We have the fire of Christ in us. We are not normal people. This fire-power enables our walk with Christ and rescues others to come into the fold. Two thumps up to the National Youth Department!

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The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

JULY 2012


Sin’s Effect on Love Christians are to take inventory of their love. We must love for if we love not we know not God. “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (1jn 4:8) When we sin we are separating ourselves from His love. For “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (Jn 14:15). Whenever sin comes in, it distorts and deceives the believer. After awhile, they become so confused and off track. Eventually they lose their ability to love others. Since to love God you must do His commands , which you cannot do if you don’t know them; when one continually sins it declares that he doesn’t know LOVE.

BOOK REVIEW: While I’m Waiting: Sexual Issues Affecting the Unmarried by Kerry-Ann Barrett “ I love the book because the concepts were very clear

and practical. I love the testimonials. May the lord continue to use you in this respect and may he bless this ministry. .” - A. Baker “It was easy to read, I got the point as it was very practical”.

The reviews so far have been really great. Please keep the them coming. God bless you all! For more Information visit our Facebook page: Kerrykay Publications.

It doesn’t matter what gifts we operate in, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 declares: If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such [a] as is inspired by God’s love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers ([b]the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love (God’s love in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody). Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or [c]in order that I may glory, but have not love (God’s love in me), I gain nothing. Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbe-

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insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy ([d]the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its

value and be superseded by truth]. (Amplified) A lack of love in a Christian is evidence of sin in ones life. Let us take on an approach of repenting when we sin and walking away from the evil that wants to take us from the presence and love of God. Love will never fail and will always exist- because God is love. Invest in the eternal today. Check your love account and make a deposit. If we only withdraw there won’t be anything in our account to draw on the mercies of God. As such when we repent and receive God’s mercy, it is for us to now follow His commands and build a firm future in God. Kerry-Ann Barrett

The A Better Me Newsletter is a KerryKay Publications production, sponsored and marketed by the same.

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