Abm newsletter volume1 issue1

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A Better Me Volume 1, Issue 1

“Stand Still ...this Battle is not Yours” 2 Corinthians 20:14-18

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Inside this issue:

Defining Holiness


See God in the Seemingly Bad


Seasons of the Christian Walk


2 Timothy 2:1-10


Opportunity Cost

Newsletter Date: 18, January 2012


Great reviews for Camp 2011. The theme was resounding and captured the participants as they could relate to it in some aspect of their lives. There was no delay with the Word. From the outset on Monday night, Evangelist N. Grant brought forth the word with power. We were then empowered on Tuesday night Shake it Off You’re Not Alone (Acts 28:3-6). Wednesday night we were encouraged that “The Lord shall Fight for You. Stand still and Shut Your Mouth (Ex.14:9-14).” Thursday night Pastor Odane James brought us through the concept of the Silence of the Lamb (Ps. 71; Luke 10:3). Not to be forgotten were the day sessions that focused on Love and the Power of God– The Lord really moved in this Youth Camp. No camper will forget any of Friday’s sessions, The Spirit of God lingered until we exploded with power. To God be the glory! Camp was ended on Friday

night with Elder Grant putting the icing on a cake that was so power packed. At the end of camp, individuals received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, deliverance, confirmation, empowerment and there were

committee and the Executive of the HBAC Youth Department, the kitchen staff, the different workers and the Holy Spirit for this great convocation. For videos please contact Min. S Myrie at 892-3222.

others that accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and were baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ upon returning from camp. God bless the planning

Photo Credit: Valtech Media

In this photo: The members of Savanna-la-Mar Senior Quiz team holding the championship trophy.

Defining Holiness– Part 1 Holiness Series Based on the scriptures, it is fair to conclude that holiness is to be set apart or to be consecrated for the one true God. It means hollowed or sacred. Devoted to God- the highest being. Holiness is also essential to a Christian’s walk with God: Hebrews 12:14 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which

no man shall see the Lord” Holiness allows us to be drawn loser to God where he can intimately communicate with us. It takes on the posture of sanctifying one’s self, seeking God and following His commandments. Holiness is not a physical characteristic---“whitewashed sepulcher” and it is not physically contagious

(Mt.23:27). Holiness is a state were one is solely dedicated unto God. The Bible speaks about God‘s Holiness—that is because in sanctification there is none higher, in consecration there is none higher, in sacredness there is none higher. We often hear people give a definition of how holy should look, but when the scripture

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A Better Me

Holiness defined..cont’d refers to God in His holiness it does not refer to physical appearances. “God seeks people to worship Him in spirit and in truth.”(Jn. 4:24) In the Old Testament God gave numerous commandments and ordinances—

many of which were physical in nature. For example the practice of circumcision was used to identify Jewish men likewise “baptism doth now save us” (1 Pe. 3:21). We were also given the Ten Commandments—which we were all condemned under- but now God has created a greater law – Grace which takes us from under the “schoolmaster.”(Gal. 3:24). In the New testaments we are given two commandments from Jesus “upon which hang all the laws and prophets.”(Mt.22:40) These were fulfilled in love. You cannot be holy and have not love. “For God is Love” who said “be ye holy for I am Holy” (1 Pe. 1:16). Jews had customs for days of worship, foods they can eat, and what they could wear among

other things--- but we see that in the New Testament we were told to let no man judge you in meat or drink or day of worship (Col. 2:16). Is this saying that the Old Testament has no value today-- No it is not--- all it is saying is that we are under different dispensations and God identifies with His people differently.

See the good in the seemingly bad—Mt. 27:1-10 When Judas betrayed Jesus, he afterwards went and hanged himself. He felt so condemned that he was going to cause an innocent man to die. Unknown to Judas was that what he had done only led to a greater purpose. To him this would be the end of Jesus but to God be the glory this was not, is not and will not be so. God is not dead, He is alive. Similarly, we are sometimes short sighted and we don’t see the total picture. We most times only conceptualize present happenings and forget about the awesome power of God. We forget that in our weakness, then is he strong. If God had to do things our way then He wouldn’t be God. It is the

other way around; God makes the rules and instructions not us. In an attempt to reprove himself, Judas tried returning the thirty pieces of silver to the high priests. They refused it as the money was tainted. However, they had no choice but to find some way to dispose of it since Judas threw it on the floor and left. It was blood money and they could not keep it. The irony of this text is now this scripture brings out who Jesus really was. “The first fruits of them that slept.” The thirty pieces of silver was used to purchase the Potter’s Field or the field of Blood which was used to bury

strangers. “The stone that the builders refused has become the chief corner stone.” The high priests that were to be the middle-man between the people and God, paid the death price for the very God that they claim to serve, because they knew not God. Strangers and sinners on the other hand gladly accepted Jesus- and even today are still accepting Him and being baptized into the Blood Jesus through His Name. The Potter’s field. Burial Practices.

Seasons of the Christian Walk…... “To everything there is a season, and time to every purpose under

Just as this physical world operates in seasons, so does our spiritual lives. Nature reacts and changes throughout the year and every activity has an impact. Countries that experience winter, generally experience four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

the heaven” Ecclesiastes. 3:1

Springtime sees new leaves, budding, pollination and newness. Similar to our born again

experience as a Christian, where many times individuals can identify that there is an immediate change in us. This is because we become a new creation with a new lease on life. Summertime is the period following- a time for enjoying the outdoors and the weather is better. More individuals venture outside to capitalize on

the weather. Similarly, in our walk, this is the time when all seems to go well- we enjoy, for the most part, good weather but might face the occasional hurricane. This is the time when the Christian should strengthen himself for the seasons to come. Fall or Autumn sees nature adapting for the upcoming winter season. Animals store up

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Seasons of the Christian Walk…...cont’d food, plant life shed leaves. These mechanisms allow these life-forms to be maintained in the harsh season to come. Winter is characterized by rigid temperatures, vegetation that seems lifeless and a sort of grim scene. However, it is at this time that when these plant life do a lot of work. It is not showing but they are. Only a few, trees for example the Evergreen that can withstand these times without changing their appearance. Likewise,

there are some Christians who seem as if turbulent weather seem not to affect. However, there are those who adapt to the conditions so that they can survive. But there are still those who die due to a lack of preparation.

II Timothy 2:1-10 This scripture encourages us to endure rough situations as we are soldiers of Christ. It went further to say that as soldiers of Christ we don’t get entangled in our own affairs so that we may please Him. Many times in our walk we get so entangled in our everyday lives that we miss what God is doing in our midst. We are so caught up in everything else and only have a few brief moments for God. When hard situations come they seem to be magnified because our focus is on

the wrong place. If our minds are stayed on Christ it is easier for us to complete our walk and be victorious. Let’s take the Horse for an example. They are given blinders so that they will have vision just for the finish line. Sometimes we have to think about the end of a thing. Our overall goal. The Jockey even have further controls—a bit is placed in the mouth of the horse which will allow the Jockey to direct the

Horse in the direction he wants it to go. Similarly God places situations, people and things in our lives to keep us focused. The Jockey will also use his whip to have the Horse moving faster. Sometimes what hurts us pushes us forward and thereby propelling us into our destiny. Like a catapult, the further it is pulled back – the further it will go forward. So let us be the focused soldiers God wants us to be.

Opportunity Cost In July 2010 our telephone wires were brought down for more than a month. As such we had no internet access. So we wondered why is it that the telephone company sent a bill for the period and to top it off the customer service representative on the telephone didn't want to make the necessary adjustments. I thought about it and decided I wouldn't get mad. If they wanted to charge for what we didn’t use maybe it was the best time to look for a

new internet service provider. In order to gain a few dollars the company stands to lose much more--- a valid customer that will now have a bitter taste in their mouth. Likewise, sometimes in our Christian walk, we make decisions for things that satisfy us for a particular moment in time not weighing the cost that that decision might separate us from Christ for eternity. Hosea 10:12.

In Ecclesiastes chapter 4, the writer depicts situations similar to the one above in a more general sense. Verse 6 states: “Better is a handful with quietness than both hands full with travail.” Let us be thankful for what we have for “little is much when God is in it.” Let us not in a pursuit for worldly gains lose sight of our heavenly aim.

“Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” 2 Tim. 2:3

The Focus Message:


Write to us at: PO Box 4846 Savanna-la-Mar P.O. Westmoreland Jamaica. WI

Phone: (876) 292-0888 E-mail: kerrykay64@hotmail.com

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Many times we get discouraged by our situations, and it becomes hard for us to see the good that God is doing for us. The Bible gives us numerous examples, but when faced with the challenges of life, it just seems like all we have learned is just a fantasy and not applicable to us. Today I want to declare to you this is not so. God loves you. Your situation is a molder to get you to your finished product. We only need to trust God and maintain our integrity, as He always comes through for His people. We should take on the attitude of the three Hebrew boys, who believed that God would save them and even if He didn’t, that He was still God. We all have purposes; however we are not exempt from harsh situations. Christ Himself had to endure hardship to fulfill His purpose: “…Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again…” (Acts 17:3). Some of us, will suffer more than others, but be assured your later shall be greater. Use the lessons that you learn from your negative situations, to make yourself, your environment and those around you better. We are all a work in progress. Everyday is a new day to be better. The Focus of the A Better Me Newsletter is to do just that, encourage through our bad times. Bad times will come as there is a season to everything, but we were born with the ability to overcome such. Be strong and know that God is with you.

Kerry-Ann A. Barrett Photo Credit: Shellie-Ann Anderson

About A Better Me! Is a social arena for young Christians who want to fellowship outside of the traditional church setting. The aim is to create a showground where we can testify, seek prayer and basically have fun together. We not only want to be an online community but a group that reaches each other in everyday life. Add us Facebook by searching: A Better Me and clicking the like button. The A Better Me News Letter is a Kerrykay Publication marketed and Sponsored by Judah House Marketing.

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