Impact film four had on my opening sequence

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Impact film four had on my opening sequence

Pre-Production Before we began thinking of an idea for our opening sequence, we started watching several films made by Film Four in order to get an idea of what they look liked. We also spent a lesson talking about the conventions of a British Social Realism film, and also looked more specifically at the codes and conventions of an opening sequence of a British social realist film. We did this by watching several Film Four opening sequences and discussing what all of them had in common and where they varied, breaking away from the typical British social realist opening sequence. When we finally began making up ideas for our British social realist opening sequence we had to keep what we learnt In mind, making it seem gritty, unique, real and focusing on real life issues.

Production In the production stage we took all what we had learnt about opening sequences and tried to apply it when filming, by using minimal equipment for example only a camcorder and a tripod at times. We also used locations that seemed acceptable as a setting within a British social realist film in order to subdue to the conventions. The cast used in our opening sequence were selected because they seemed most like the stereotype we were aiming to represent. The costumes they wore on the day of filming were just items of clothing they deemed most chav like.

Distribution Film Four influence where the film can be shown. Because it’s a British social realist film it wouldn’t be shown on massive cinema screens. Instead it would be shown in small cinemas or independent cinemas, but also on Film Four a digital channel owned by the company. The company or companies that would distribute my Film would be independent companies that were interested in the film and believed it to be profitable for example a distribution company that could distribute my film could be Artificial Eye .

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