The Ultimate Islamic Birth Preparation CD

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For A Blessed Pregnancy And Copyright & Publishing Birth Experience, Bidnillah This booklet and included CD acknowledges birth as a natural process and worship of Allah (SWT). We have included special information for the husband, empowering advice for the potential VBAC mother, and stress the importance of relaxation and power of Du’a (prayer). To download your free PDF booklet in Arabic and free mp3s, email

Copyright And Publishing Please respect the efforts of the producers of this package and the copyright of this work and do not photocopy and/or distribute the written work or copy and/or distribute the CD materials. We trust you as a sister in Islam and leave Allah (SWT) as our witness to all things.

©2015 Nature’s Way & AMANI Birth, All Rights Reserved. Published Nature’s Way & AMANI Birth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. First Edition Published September, 2015 First Printing September, 2015

-dedicationIt is with all praises to Allah (SWT) that this work is dedicated for His sake to all Mothers, Fathers, and their children, whether born or unborn. This is a sister-to-sister, mother-to-mother resource and we pray that Allah provides the best of it and protects from any harm in it. May your births be easy and your children healthy and pleasing to Him and their parents,…Ameen!


10 Tips To Get The Maximum Benefit From This Package



Set your intentions for the sake of Allah (SWT).

Read this guide thoroughly.

3 Listen to the CD during pregnancy and with relaxation practice to get familiar with the tracks. You may want to memorize some of the ayats (Qur’an verses) and duas (prayers) and you will insha’Allah (God willing) get hasanat (rewards) as well.

4 You may wish to listen to the CD during your labor and birth as a reminder to make dua (prayer) and dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and as a means to focus your mental energy, concentrate on being thankful to Allah (SWT), and physically relax. We pray that this material will help you to focus on keeping close to Allah and gain hassant (rewards), bidnillah (God willing).

5 Ask your husband or other birth partner and/or doula to read and become familiar with the guide too.


6 Explain to your husband / birth partners / doulas / midwives / doctors / nurses / etc. that you will be listening to this CD during labor and birth.

7 Knowledge is power and understanding how to work with your body and preparing for your birth makes a huge difference. Combine this material with childbirth education, such as the AMANI Birth program, to ensure maximum preparation for your upcoming labor and birth, bidnillah (God willing). [Visit for a listing of teachers near you.]

8 Take time to research and write your birth plan. Tie your camel by planning and preparing, and then trust Allah (SWT) as the ultimate Planner and Most Merciful.

9 Remain flexible and remember that nothing happens without Allah’s leave. Trust that He knows what’s best for us.

q Turn to Allah (SWT) for support and trust in His design of your body to conceive, carry, birth, and feed your baby as you enjoy your pregnancy and birth.


cd tracks 1. Intro (2:08) 2. Surat Al-Fatiha (0:42) (Recitation by Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi) 3. Surat Maryam (19:29) (Recitation by Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi) English introduction followed by the recitation of Surat Maryam 4. Ayat Al-Kursi (0:56) (Recitation by Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi) 5. Surat Al-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas (3:42) (Recitation by Sheikh Saad Al-Ghamdi) Repeated 3 times each as per the Sunnah (examples from the life of the Prophet SAWS) 6. Positive Affirmations & Dua (6:03) 7. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) (4:15) SubhanAllah, Alhamduelah, Allahu Akbar repeated 33 times each in Arabic as per the sunnah (examples from the life of the Prophet SAWS) and La ilaha illallah repeated 1 time in Arabic 8. AstagfirAllah (I seek Allah’s forgiveness) (0:53) English introduction and then repeated 10 times in Arabic 9. The Shahada (Testimony) (1:29) English introduction and then repeated 10 times in Arabic 10. Supplication 1 (1:02) English introduction and then repeated 10 times in Arabic 11. Supplications (1:16) English introduction and then repeated 10 times in Arabic 12. Supplications (0:46) English introduction and then repeated 10 times in Arabic 13. Supplications (0:41) English introduction and then repeated 1 time in Arabic 14. Supplications (2:08) English introduction and then repeated 10 times in Arabic 15. Adthan (Call to Prayer) (4:06) (Recitation by Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Arkani)


table of contents 06


Congratulations On Introductions Your Pregnancy 08


Du’a Of Ease Pregnancy Is Important In Islam 10


Pray For Your Children Birth Is Natural 12


Note To Fathers For Mothers With Prior Cesarean Births 17


Attitude Is Everything! Relax 20


Prepare A Positive, Gentle And Calm Birth 26


Get Your Hasanat Immediately After Birth & Breastfeeding 5

1- congratulations!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! May Allah grant you ease during this special time and may He bless all your children with good health, longevity of years, and may they be counted amongst those who are pleasing to Allah and their parents. Ameen.


2- introductions

Assalam Alaikum Wa RahmatuAllahi Wa Barakatuh, Beautiful Sister Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim. In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. Welcome to The Ultimate Islamic Birth Preparation CD, which has been brought to you by Nature’s Way & AMANI Birth for a blessed pregnancy and birth experience, bidnillah (God willing). By using this CD and booklet, insha’Allah (God willing), your birth experience will be more positive, relaxed, and full of rewards! You may listen to the tracks during your pregnancy, labor and birth. Memorize or repeat the affirmations and supplications, either out loud or in your head. The CD comes with a guide of useful and beneficial information to supplement the CD.


3- du’a of ease


he Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) was known to make dua (prayer) during times of difficulty. Many of these are recorded for Muslims to replicate and memorize. Some amongst them seem particularly appropriate during labor and childbirth and are included here for your consideration.

Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altu sahla, wa ‘anta taj-alul hazna idha shi’ta sahla O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it be Your will. Ameen. [Ibn Hibban]

Rabbi Yassir wa la tu’assir. Rabbi tamim bil khair. O Allah, make it easy, and do not make it difficult. O Allah, make it end well. Ameen.

Allahumma infa’nii bimaa‘ allamtanii wa’allimnii maa yanfa’ unii O Allah! Make useful for me what You taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me. Ameen.


4- pregnancy is important in islam

There is no doubt that a woman’s pregnancy and giving birth is fulfilling an aim of sharee‘ah (Islamic law) that is dear to Allah (SWT), which is increasing the progeny of the Muslims who proclaim the Oneness of Allah, the followers of the Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). This is the most important thing on which the woman should focus her intention during her pregnancy. The Prophet (SAWS) said, “Marry the one who is loving and prolific (could bear many children), for I will be proud of your large numbers before the nations.” [Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2050; al-Nasaa’i, 3227; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani.]



5- pray for your children (born / unborn)


emember the prayer the Mother of Maryam was doing everyday after salat (ritual prayer) and when she was praying for Allah (SWT) to protect her unborn child:

Bissimilahi Rahmani Rahim Rabbi Inni Nazartou laka Mafi Batni Muharranan, fata khabal Miniya, Innaka Anta Samikhoul Halimoul [Mention, O Muhammad], when the wife of ‘Imran said, “My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”


6- birth is natural THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY TO BIRTH We believe that birth is a natural life event and that Allah (SWT) has created the female body to conceive, carry, birth, and feed her baby. Birth is most often best if left natural and undisturbed. We also recognize, however, that some women and babies do present with complications that require medical intervention. Sometimes complications arise when least expected and in the most low-risk and healthy mothers. For this reason, we feel that all births should always have proper supervision from trained professionals and we are very grateful for lifesaving interventions when the need arises. We feel that the keys to the best birth experience are a well-prepared mother, positive attitude about birthing, supportive care provider and environment, and an open mind that is flexible to changing circumstances, especially if an unforeseen emergency should arise. There truly is no right or wrong way to birth. Being prepared and keeping control of decisions with an open mind to your unfolding circumstances is truly the goal. Not all births are textbook perfect, we advocate for trying your best to prepare and trusting Allah (SWT) for the results.


7- note to fathers


Congratulations to you on your wife’s pregnancy and your coming fatherhood. May Allah (SWT) bless you with ease and guide you to be the support your wife and baby needs. May your children be a source of coolness to your eyes and may they grow to bless you in this life and the next...Ameen. On behalf of your wife and child, we would like to reach out to you and express just how much they need you during this special time of life. You are already making parenting decisions that will affect the health and well being of your child lifelong. Be involved with your wife as she goes through her pregnancy and let her know how much you love and support her during this time. Help her make healthy eating choices, exercise with her, show her your love and care. We acknowledge that in many cultures and places in the world, birth may be considered a “woman’s thing” and it may even feel “3aib” (shameful) for a man to be there or witness. We don’t believe men should be forced to attend the birth of their wife, but we do feel that men are the protectors of women and if your wife requests your presence that you should consider being there to support her through this vulnerable time.


MEN ARE THE PROTECTORS AND MAINTAINERS OF WOMEN… [QUR’AN 4:34] Being a father is more than planting the seed and you should be prepared to stand by her through it, to whatever extent she needs. At the very least, lovingly supporting her as she prepares for her birth, and perhaps holding her hand through her delivery and advocating for her choices in the birth environment, if that is what she needs. What we want you to recognize is that although birth may have been “a woman’s thing” in years past, in most places today it has become an institutionalized and patriarchal (male dominated) event that takes place in a very medical environment. [Please note that we advocate for medical observation, but we also feel that finding a care provider who is able to display patience and support for a mother’s birth plan is vital, although in some regions hard to come by.] Unfortunately, birth is often treated as a medical procedure, rather than the natural life event that it is. For a woman who desires and works for as natural a birth as possible, she may very well need someone to speak on her behalf and encourage her through the roughest parts of her journey. She may or may not turn to you for this support. But if she does, we feel you owe it to her to prepare and learn along with her and be there for her to whatever extent she needs. You are the husband and father of the baby and no one besides you has a greater stake in the outcome.


8- for mothers who have had prior cesarean births

We feel that there is no such thing as an “unnecessary cesarean” from a mother’s perspective.


In fact, we know that every mother who has made that choice has done so with the best of intentions for her baby and that she made the best decision she could with the information that she had at the time. Perhaps not all cesareans are truly “medically necessary,” but we don’t expect a mother to second-guess her care provider in the heat of her most vulnerable moment. This is why choosing a care provider you trust, who supports your birth plans, is so vitally important. If you are that mother who has had a prior C-section, please know that our hearts and prayers are with you and we have the utmost respect for your prior and future birthing decisions. Never second guess your birth experience(s) and remember that nothing happens without Allah’s leave. If your goal is a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) for this birth, take heart in knowing that most VBAC attempts are successful. Even VBAMC (the “M” meaning multiple) are being achieved on a daily basis all around the world. The odds get lower as the number of scars increases, but the odds of complications in a repeat surgery also increase along with the number of cesarean surgeries. Your special circumstances requires a lot of research, preparation, effort to find a supportive care provider you trust, and flexibility to trust the will of Allah (SWT) for the outcome. We strongly feel that VBAC mothers must be dedicated to a drug free birth for the best chances at a successful VBAC. But take heart in knowing that even if your specific situations leads you to another surgical delivery, we know a good birth experience is still possible and you will feel empowered by having prepared for your birth, trying your best, and trusting Allah (SWT) in istakhara (making a special prayer when making decisions) while making the final decision that you felt was best for your baby in the end.




lhamdulelah (thanks to Allah) is the most beloved word to a Muslim. In fact, we are taught that in all circumstances we are to remain thankful to Allah (SWT). We know that nothing happens without His leave and trust that He is the best of Planners. It is with a thankful heart and trust in Him that we approach labor and birth. Trusting Allah (SWT) as we traverse the unknown brings a sense of peace, calm, and confidence. By focusing and turning to Him for support we can let go of our fears, relax, and give birth as He has intended. Whether our birth turns out exactly as we dream or takes some deviation with need for minor or major medical interventions, we can take heart in being thankful to Allah (SWT) and reaping His rewards through it.


10- relax


llah (SWT) tells us in the Qur’an that birth is a strain. “And [God says:] ‘We have enjoined upon man goodness towards his parents: his mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his utter dependence on her lasted two years: [hence, O man,] be grateful towards Me and towards thy parents, [and remember that] with Me is all journeys’ end. [Qur’an 31:14] We also know that he will not put more on us that we are well able to bear and after hardship comes ease.

“God does not burden any soul with

more than [s]he is well able to bear” [Qur’an 2:286]

“We do not burden any soul with more than [s]he is well able to bear” [Qur’an 6:152]

“God does not burden any human being with more than He has given him[her] - [and it may well be that] God will grant, after hardship, ease.” [Qur’an 65:7] 18

It is interesting to look at this verse in particular and note that Allah (SWT) emphasizes that with every hardship comes two eases. “And, behold, with every hardship comes ease: Verily, with every hardship comes ease!” [Qur’an 94:5-6] Take heart in knowing that birth is a strain, but it is not unbearable, and with every hardship come eases. Relax with your labor pains; let all your muscles go from head to toe; even your jaw and the tongue in your mouth. If you learn nothing else about preparing for birth, this is it...relaxation is the key to the hardest part of labor! The more you tense up the more it will hurt, the more panicked you become, and the harder the birth will be. Practice relaxing during your pregnancy; tune out distractions, get comfortable, and let your body be limp and your mind focus on dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and dua (prayer). During labor, the more it hurts, the more you let go and relax. Trust Allah (SWT), let your body do the work He designed it to do, for He truly is the best of Creators, the Most Merciful.


11- prepare

We feel that the best way to prepare for your birth is through education. Allah (SWT) has given you several months’ notice of your coming labor; use this time to read, research, and attend childbirth classes if you can. 20


Of course we recommend the AMANI Birth book (available on Amazon, Kindle, from AMANI Birth Teachers, and in some bookstores across the world), which has a natural approach to labor with an underlying focus on Islam, as well as live AMANI Birth classes if available in your area. The AMANI Birth book and live classes are designed to guide you through your pregnancy and help you prepare for the best birth experience possible, bidnillah (God Willing). To-date AMANI Birth has teachers or teachers-in-training in over 16 countries around the world. Visit us at for more information and to find out if we have teachers in your area. Nature’s Way offers AMANI childbirth education classes in the UAE, doula services and baby massage classes along with founding and organising the 1st GCC Natural Birth & Breastfeeding Conference, Sharjah, UAE, 2015. To stay up to date please visit: and or email us at:


12- a positive, gentle and calm birth 1 Attend childbirth education classes to gain knowledge and prepare for your coming labor and birth in order to know what to expect and plan for the most gentle birth possible, bidinllah (God wiling). [Visit to find an AMANI Birth Teacher in your area.]

2 Eat right and exercise to keep healthy and fit throughout your pregnancy.

3 Find a birth partner you are comfortable with and prepare together.

4 Find a doula to support you during your labour and birth (a doula is a professional labor companion trained in providing pregnancy, labor and birth preparation and support for the best birth experience, bidnillah (God willing). In fact, studies have shown that the continuous support during labor has clinically meaningful benefits for women and infants and no known harm. All women should have support throughout labour and birth. (Study data from: /10.1002/14651858.CD003766.pub5/abstract)




Find a health provider that will Read through this booklet and listen to the CD during pregnancy. support your birth plan.

7 Listen to the CD during labor and birth to help you keep calm, relax, focused, get closer to Allah (SWT) and gain hasanat (rewards).

8 Try to keep the room fairly quiet and dark with dimmed lights for the most relaxing labor environment (if birthing in a hospital you may ask about taking electric candles).

9 Try to keep the room calm, safe and private, without people rushing in and out.

q Keep hydrated during pregnancy and labor. Be sure to drink plenty of water in labor, just as Allah (SWT) guided Maryam/Mary (AS) as she birthed Issa/Jesus (AS). “Thereupon [a voice] called out to her from beneath that [palm-tree]: “Grieve not! Thy Sustainer has provided a rivulet [running] beneath thee…” [Qur’an 19:24] “... drink, and let thine eye be gladdened!...” [Qur’an 19:26]


w Dates were afforded to Maryam/Mary (AS) during her birth of Issa/ Jesus (AS). “...and shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards thee: it will drop fresh, ripe dates upon thee.” [Qur’an 19:25] “ Eat, then…” [Qur’an 19:26] We also know that dates are an excellent food for the final weeks of pregnancy and in labor. They are a great source of nutrition and quick energy and have been found to have an oxytocin-like substance (the hormone conducive to birth). In fact, studies have shown that women who consumed dates daily for four weeks prior to their due dates had higher cervical dilatation at admission, were more likely to have intact membranes, were more likely to experience spontaneous labor-the use of induction/ augmentation drugs were significantly lower, and statistically significant shorter labors. [Study reference: Kuran, O., Al-Mehais en, L., Bawadi, H., Beitawi, S., & Amarin, Z., (2011), The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, January 2011; 31(1): 29– 31.] Make sure to pack them in your birth bag for your labor. When you get to the point in your labor that you don’t feel like eating, try just half a date an hour to keep your energy up. They are great for tired husbands, birth partners, and doulas to recoup energy too!

e Avoid unnecessary interventions and try to keep interference with the natural process to a minimum (such as: induction/ augmentation, electronic fetal monitoring in low-risk cases, epidural and other pain drugs, episiotomy, vacuum/forceps, cesarean, etc.) You can achieve this by being educated and prepared in advance, keeping healthy and fit, maintaining freedom of movement during labor and birth, utilizing upright birthing positions, and following your birth plan. [See to prepare with an AMANI Birth teacher near you.]


Of course, you should be working with a care provider you trust and always discuss all risks and benefits of interventions suggested or avoided, as in some cases medical intervention is necessary and we must be flexible and remain thankful to Allah (SWT) for His plan for our birth.


13 - get your hasanat

Birth is the most amazing time in a woman’s life. She will venture through her most vulnerable time and should come out empowered and renewed on the other side, bidnillah (God willing). It’s a journey that transforms her into a mother. Labor is full of ups and downs and can be considered a physical and emotional trial. It is tough, that is why it’s called “labor,” but it is not unbearable, for we know that Allah (SWT) will not burden us with more than we can bear and we can trust that traversing our hardship with a thankful heart brings rewards from our Lord.

The Prophet (SAWS) said, “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.” [Sahih Bukhari] 26

Birth is not a disease but it does cause fatigue and comes with pains. Remain steadfast in thankfulness to Allah (SWT) and reap His rewards during this trying time. As Muslim women we should approach birth with thankfulness for the opportunity to make istighfar (asking Allah for forgiveness) and to expiate our sins. Birth is a blessing to be welcomed and look forward to. Remember to make dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and ad’iyah (prayers) as you labor. Keep words of remembrance of Allah (SWT) on your lips. Enjoy this CD and its ad’iyah (prayers) and recitations. Keep in mind that that this package is not meant to be a source of sunnah (examples from the life of the Prophet (SAWS) or fiqh (Islamic rules) about what to say or how to pray during birth, as there are no known rituals or adhkaar (remembrances) specifically for the woman during pregnancy, labor, or birth that have been taught in Islam; it is simply a loving reminder of Allah (SWT) from Muslimah sisters who have been there. Also note that this package is not meant to replace any antenatal or intrapartum care and/or promise a pain free natural birth, as sometimes medical intervention is necessary and beyond our control. It is simply meant to enhance your experience, make it positive and keep you focused with Allah (SWT).


14- immediately after birth & breastfeeding The birth of your baby will likely come as a total relief and joy. It may be an overwhelming moment and perhaps one of much hustle and bustle of the medical team around you. There may be a lot of routines and protocols that are often rushed on the new born, most, if not all, of which can be done later or on mother’s chest. The best place for your baby immediately after birth is on the breast. Nursing or even nuzzling your baby will cause mild after birth con tractions, which help to expel your placenta naturally and reduces the risks of maternal postpartum hemorrhage. Your baby’s first instinct is to nurse. He/she picks up immediate antibodies from your chest and breast milk and your closeness also regulates your baby’s heart rate and body temperature. The first hour is precious and the most intense bonding moment be tween a mother and child. Be aware of the newborn routines at your birthplace and do your own research about them (do you agree with all the newborn routines and if not you need to prepared and alert to advocate your decisions for your baby). As for breastfeeding, it is the God-given rizq (provision) promised and designed for every newborn. The first “milk” is called colostrum and is a sticky yellow liquid, referred to as “liquid gold.” The quantity is small but it’s full of everything your baby needs and remember babies’ stomachs are also very small. Breastfeeding right from the start is the natural and normal way to feed your child. Nothing can compare and it is our baby’s right to nurse.


“Mothers shall breastfeed their children for two whole years, for those who wish to complete the term.” [Qur’an 2:233]”

The best way to establish breastfeeding is to start right away, avoid bottles or pacifiers/dummies of any kind, and ask for support from a lactation consultant if needed. Remember this: - The key to breastfeeding is a relaxed mother, as the letdown of milk occurs only when she’s relaxed - The baby knows how to nurse, it’s survival your child to latch on and drink - Mammals, including humans, are abdominal feeders; holding your baby so that he/she is lying on his/her back is not conducive to instinctual feeding behavior - Babies nurse for many reasons besides food; it’s okay to love, comfort, cuddle and feed your newborn as often as he/she needs - Crying is a late sign of hunger; watch your baby for early feeding cues, such as turning the head from side to side, smacking the lips, trying to suck on his/her fist - Enjoy this precious time with your infant; it doesn’t last long!


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