99 Volume 0, Issue 1: The Discover Issue

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the discover issue

Contributors & Contents

Danielle Ahearn


Madison Hanna

Discover... 4 10 6 12 8 14

Chitra Satyanarayan

Student Artists

JD Student Poetry


Hidden JD Places

Musical Talents

Yourself (a Quiz)

Letter from the Editors You hold in your hands the first issue of a new student-interest magazine here at JD: 99. The goal for this magazine is to profile, in this issue and in issues for years to come, the people, places, ideas, feelings, talents, and topics that interest students and the community of Juan Diego. The name “99” is a nod to the year of the school’s founding, but ultimately just sounded cool, and fitting for what we were trying to do. Each issue will have a theme, with a series of articles and spreads dedicated to covering that theme. This issue’s theme is “Discover,” but more on that later. We hope that you enjoy this magazine, of course, but more than enjoyment or entertainment, we hope that you see what fantastic and unique people, places, and things exist around you, both here at JD and then even out in the greater world. If we do that, then this magazine will be a success. The theme for this issue is “Discover,” which seemed like a fitting place to start a magazine. Through these pages, we hope that you discover not just which person in your English class is actually an accomplished musician, or that person in your mentor group who writes some impressive poetry on the side, but discover that Juan Diego is full of talents, and secrets, and people who are passing you in the halls, every moment of every day; take time to Discover in this issue. Thanks a ton for reading our first issue; we’re looking forward to many more in the future.

- Danielle, Madi, and Chitra


Artists Among Us

By Danielle Ahearn

Trent Zaffino

Flower Boy

Heart Made for Beauty


A Sailor’s Mind

The Lost Man

Trent Zaffino - “I started making art ever since elementary school, but back then it didn’t mean anything to me.

Grace McGowan-Jackson - “I’ve been drawing pretty much my whole life because my dad is into it

It wasn’t till middle school when I viewed art in a more respectable way. I started out with drawing then went into

and he’s really talented. I just think it’s fun and I like to see what I can create. It’s like a break from reality,

Art II with Ms. Lemmings. I’m glad I took her art class because she helped me start off my artistic journey.

just to relax and create. I’ve never taken an art class until this year and I think it’s really helped me grow.

When I started out my freshman year, I thought I would take a year off and try a different type of art. I chose ceramics and I hated it. I wasn’t very good at it. So I decided to take Art Foundations I with Mr. McGee and I’m glad

The class has helped me figure out the type of art I like to create.”

I did. I owe my artistic ability I have now to that man. He has completely changed my view on art and has taught me almost everything I know.”

First Sketch Detailed Sketch

Self Portrait

Grace McGowan-Jackson

Shading Sketch

Final Project on Scratchboard


S t u d e nt Some students discover the world through photography: whether it’s a beautiful mountain, or a stunning flower, or a sunset snapped in a perfect moment, students around you are exploring the world through the art of photography.

Photography by Adriana Rizzuto “It lets you see the beauty in everything, and then to share that beauty with the world”

Photography By Alyssa Eggerts “I like that I can capture any moment in time and have it forever.”



Photography by Breanna Quigley “Taking photos helps me remember to look around at the world and look for the smallest things that can make an impact.”

Photography by Tina Huynh “I always looked back at my old photos and appreciated all the great memories that I had with people that I love.”



“Get into music... See for yourself.”

Senior Karl Schriewer has been playing the piano for almost 12 years. With ongoing support from his family, Karl has performed at numerous events at the school such as Masses and the annual talent show, never ceasing to amaze JD with his beautiful skill. “It’s just fun to perform for people and hear the applause after, knowing that I’ve worked hard for something and got a great response.” He encourages all students to try out a music class, as it has affected his life so positively. “Get into music because even if you don’t think you’ll enjoy it, just take a class and try it out to see what you get out of it. See for yourself.”


Concert Pianist

By: Madison Hanna



Dancer and Violinist

Shia Bergstrom is a beautiful dancer, but many people may not know that she is also a beautiful violinist. Shia has been playing the violin since she was in the sixth grade, but her love for playing it goes further back than you would expect. Shia’s great grandfather played the violin, and after receiving his violin and bow as a family heirloom, Shia was inspired to play the violin as well. Shia enjoys playing Celtic music best, especially in groups such as Juan Diego’s orchestra or even a fiddle group. Shia says that her mentor is her instructor, Elizabeth Anderson, who taught her to love the violin and enjoy music even more. “She is the one who showed me that there is so much more to the violin than classical music, and now I love it.”


Poetry on Paper

By: Madison Hanna

“Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.” Carl Sandburg “City lights and mountain nights” By: Max Butkovich The city lights shine bright Making the night turn to day With the fluorescent glow lighting up the night In the mountains the stars shine Once the day turns into night The world turns dark Except for the stars and moon Creating an eerie gleam that is drowned out in the city nights The mountains rise high into the sky Their peaks scraping the sky Much like the sky scrapers All along the city line


“I Remember” By: Karen Canul I remember the rain. I remember the wide, bright grins of the people As it fell upon their faces. I remember smiling And my family, And feeling so close to them. I remember swimming and fishing, And hiking. I remember the fire pit, the marshmallows, And the hot chocolate. I remember the music; My dad’s guitar, And singing quietly so as not to wake anyone. I remember laughing until tears rolled down from our cheeks. I remember dancing And talking and listening. I remember how dark the Night seemed to be. I remember feeling afraid but also comforted and safe. I remember the stars, And how they shined brighter than I had ever seen before.

“Wishing Well” By: Tynli Moore You throw a coin in, but do you get something back? You make a wish, but does it ever come true? What do we really get from making a wish upon a wishing well? Brick by brick, stone by stone, coin by coin, nothing changes. The water ripples and the coin sinks beyond the light, but nothing changes. Even though I know this, I still throw in the coin and watch it disappear. I still make my wish. I don’t do this because I think my wish will come true, but because I hope it does, and it’s that hope that keeps me wishing.

Photo By: Alyssa Eggerts

By: Hunter McKenzie Spring I saw her through the window today Head buried in some Faulkner And I wish I knew more than an author Summer The light shines on your eyes In the August sun, And I realize that I have won. Autumn Every time you have to go, There’s things I wish I knew Dear don’t you know; there is nothing I’d keep from you Winter Your words were icy, inhospitable. Picking apart my every insecurity, Let it snow

By: Kathleen Ward Dead animals take over the land Underneath the surface of the earth Lie fossils Upon fossils. Ready to be dug out In order to reveal a new species That we had never seen before.

By: Jose Galang The wailing, whirling winds whine across water, A storm stirs in the distance, And in an instant, Wind whips in from the wayside wrecking woodside willows Drowning, drenching all in a downpour. A hurricane hails horrendously heaving homes from foundations No man can bail out in his boat All of his work, dreams, and livelihood are washed downstream Damned by mother nature, If only he built his house on stilts

By: Cynthia Gardner I am a city girl with the imagination as universal as the stars Meaning driving around and shopping for fun Meaning looking to the city lights from the balcony on my house But what about the stars? I am the city girl Acting like wanting more materialistic items But truly just wants To climb up the canyon I am the city girl who wants to walk miles Just to see the stars at 2 am Those little specks in the sky Can bring anyone the hope and peace They have always wanted And I am a city girl Belonging to the sky With the stars

Photo By: Breanna Quigley


Hidden Places

by Chitra Satyanarayan

You’ve seen the great hallways, the auditorium, and the chapel at Juan Diego; unravel the secret behind some of the spots or places rarely seen or visited at JD.

Auditorium Tech Loft

Located upstairs above the auditorium is the auditorium tech loft, where the theater department makes sure everything sounds great in their productions, and new SETV videos are screened weekly for students. There are sound sys-


tems, projectors, and operational machinery for controlling lights, speakers, and screening to upcoming shows and plays performed in the auditorium. Not only that but it’s a unique view on the auditorium.

At Juan Diego... Costume Closet

AD & Kairos Offices Located near the chapel are the AD’s office and Kairos office, along with a cool hang-out space. The space reflects its dual use: it’s

filled with drawings, work rooms, trophies won from state championships, and a photo of Virgin Mary.


By Danielle Ahearn


Personality Quiz

How do you learn best?

a. Group projects b. Listening to lectures c. Charts, diagrams, videos

2. Do you work well with others? a. Yes I love people b. If I have to c. Not so much

3. 4. 5. 6. 14

Which describes you? a. Extrovert b. Ambivert c. Introvert

What do you tend to do?

a. Tap your feet b. Hum under your breath c. Doodle on your paper

Are you very active?

a. Yes I love to move around b. If I have to be c. I’d rather be sitting

Are you into music?

a. I appreciate it b. Yes I love it c. It’s ok


What’s your favorite part about movies?

a. The acting b. The musical score c. The filmography

What Type of Art Suits You? Mostly A’s

Performing Arts

You’re best suited for the stage. You like putting yourself out there, you feel comfortable in front of people, and you work well with others.

Mostly B’s


You like to make noise, you feel comfortable in front of people and work well with others, but could also go solo.

Mostly C’s

Visual Arts

You like creating something for people to look at and you prefer to work behind the scenes and alone on your projects.



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