Crunch through those fall leaves with the November issue of 614! In honor of the time of year devoted to giving thanks, this issue highlights the side of the city that is working day-in and day-out to create some social change in their own unique ways.
From century-old establishments with locations across the country, to grassroots with humble beginnings in a garage, and tech start-ups hoping to bridge the gap between volunteers and organizations—these people aren’t doing what has to be done, they are doing what should be done.
Maybe one of these stories grabs your attention and energy to get involved. Perhaps these efforts inspire you to help out elsewhere—that’s great, too. While this month we wanted to cover as many charities and nonprofits as we could, there are numerous other incredible causes in the city that we just couldn’t get to. We're sure they would love your help in any way, shape, or form.
Whatever form it takes, remember to give thanks, Columbus!