EDO Workshop: Behavior Activation Therapy for Mood Disorders

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Hellenic Bipolar Organisation (EDO): NGO for Bipolar disorder and Depression Asimaki Fotila 3, 11473, Pedion Areos, Athens Greece tel: +30-210-8815970 : http://www.bipolar.gr : edo@bipolar.gr

10/01/2012 Subject: Workshop: Behavior Activation Therapy for Mood Disorders Dear Colleagues, It is with great pleasure that we announce our forthcoming workshop with Professor Carl Lejuez that will take place on the 17th of March 2012. Professor Carl Lejuez is one of the leading clinical psychologists in the field of Behavior therapy for Mood disorders and has agreed to visit Greece to deliver an intensive workshop on the application of Behavior Activation Therapy for the treatment of Mood disorders. I will also present my work on the application of this therapeutic model for the treatment of Bipolar depression. Behavior Activation Therapy is the most effective treatment for unipolar depression and holds great promise for the treatment of bipolar depression. It is now more than ever that we need evidence based and effective psychotherapeutic treatments for the treatment of mood disorders. Please note that thanks to Professor Lejuez we have a very low attendance fee that we hope will enable the participation of all interested colleagues and students. Please read below for further information about the workshop. I am looking forward to seeing you all there. With best wishes,

Dr Yanni Malliaris, BSc. PhD. Clinical Psychologist (Institute of Psychiatry, King’ s College London) Founder and CEO Hellenic Bipolar Organisation (EDO)

EDO The Hellenic Bipolar Organisation EDO is the first NGO for Bipolar disorder and depression in Greece. It was founded in 2008, in the memory of George Malliaris, father, professor and bipolar patient. Its mission is to empower bipolar patients and to promote emotional health through educational, support and advocacy programmes. It is estimated that there are 100.000 patients suffering from a Bipolar disorder and 600.000 patients suffering from a depressive disorder. The presence of an untreated mood disorder leads to great suffering and chronic disability. It also increases by 20 times the risk of suicide in comparison to the general population. Following 2 years of a pilot operation, EDO in collaboration with BipolarLab and other private partners offers the most comprehensive clinical package for Bipolar disorder and depression, and it continues to seek funding partners to promote its work and causes.


The Hellenic Bipolar Organisation (EDO) Presents

Behavior Activation Treatment for Mood Disorders An Intensive Workshop for Greek Mental Health Professionals By Professor Carl Lejuez1 and Dr Yanni Malliaris2 1. University of Maryland, USA, 2. EDO The Hellenic Bipolar Organisation (http://www.bipolar.gr)

Workshop Description There is a clear clinical need for parsimonious behavioral interventions targeting depression that can be integrated into real world clinical settings, such as primary care, community-based programs, educational settings with youth, or residential treatment. Behavioral Activation (BA) is one particular behavioral approach that has gained widespread acceptance as a treatment for depression, and it has a wealth of empirical data to support its use across a range of settings. BA is based on the idea that mental health difficulties often involve a disconnection of the individual from their values and the absence of daily activities consistent with these values. BA is an individualized approach that uses structure and support to help individuals live a more valued life on a daily basis to help overcome negative thoughts and feelings and provide rewarding healthy alternatives to unhealthy behaviors. Importantly, BA is easy to learn, and use and unlike some other empirically supported treatments, it can be integrated easily in your therapeutic orientation and within the treatment strategies you currently use. In addition to it’s use with depression, BA is a more universal approach that also can be applied to bipolar disorder as well as conditions that may occur co-morbidly with mood disorders such as substance use, anxiety, trauma, and mental health difficulties associated with chronic physical health conditions including cancer. At a practical level, this workshop will provide a clinical training on how to implement a brief behavioral activation treatment for depression (BATD; Lejuez et al., 2001; BATD-R, 2011). We will discuss the implementation of the treatment with clinical examples that include straight -forward depression as well as complex cases of depression and bi-polar disorder complicated by an array of comorbid physical (e.g., obesity, cancer, HIV infection, diabetes) and psychological (anxiety, substance use, personality disorders) conditions. The approach will be presented both as a stand-alone treatment and as an adjunctive strategy to be used in conjunction with other interventions for adults as well as youth. In the morning session, we will begin with an opportunity for participants to share their clinical emphasis including the types of patients and settings in which they work, as well as their motivation for attending the workshop. With this information in mind, we will then move on to a brief introduction of BATD, it’s historical context, and relevant empirical support. At this point we will move into the specifics of the treatment starting with an overview of the theoretical foundations of the approach and then moving into a detailed review of the content addressed in each treatment session, including a focus on potential barriers to implementation. The morning session will focus on depression and bi-polar disorder. In the afternoon session, we will address potential modifications when using the treatment with special populations, as well as individuals with co-occurring conditions. We will present our modified version of Behavior Activation Therapy for MANic-Depressive Illness (BATMAN) for the first time. Next, we will provide targeted demonstrations followed by supervised role-play scenarios for participants to practice implementation. Finally, we will hold a detailed question and answer period for participants to identify any concerns that would limit their utilization of the approach in general, as well as in their particular treatment setting, with a focus on barriers such as treatment resistance and poor adherence to the protocol. At the conclusion of this training, all participants will have a basic knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of BATD and how to implement it comfortably in their own clinical setting, both alone and in combination with other approaches they already use.


About the Instructors Professor Carl Lejuez received his Ph.D. in 2000 from West Virginia University. After completing a Clinical Internship at the Brown University Brown Clinical Psychology Training Consortium he joined the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Maryland in 2001. He has published over 160 articles and book chapters, served as PI for over $13 million in NIH grant funding, and received Early Career Awards from the American Psychological Association (APA) Division 3 (Experimental Psychology; Applied Category), the APA Division 50 (Addictions), and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT, formerly AABT). Dr. Lejuez was promoted to Professor in 2008 and he is the founder and current Director of the Center for Addictions, Personality, and Emotion Research (CAPER). He is the Founding Editor of the APA Journal Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, and serves on the editorial board of two other APA Journals (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors and Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology). He currently holds adjunct faculty positions at the Charleston VA (South Carolina) and the Yale Child Study Center. Dr Yanni Malliaris received his Ph.D in 2010 from the Institute of Psychiatry King’ s College London where he also worked as a psychologist since 2002. His research and clinical work is focused on Bipolar disorder (manicdepressive illness) and has been funded by many esteemed research councils in UK. He has studied and worked with leading clinical psychologists in the field of CBT therapy of mood disorders. Two of the most important were Professor Dominic Lam at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’ s College London (the father of CBT therapy for Bipolar disorder) and Professor Ivar Lovaas at UCLA (the father of Behavior therapy for autism). He is the Founder and CEO of EDO The Hellenic Bipolar Organisation and BipolarLab.com. He has been developing a modified version of Behavioral Activation Therapy for Manic Depressive illness (BATMAN) that is based on Professor Lejuez’ s treatment model.

Recommended Literature Carvalho, J. P., & Hopko, D. R. (2011). Behavioral theory of depression: Reinforcement as a mediating variable between avoidance and depression. Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42, 154-16 Cuijpers, P., van Straten, A., & Warmerdam, L. (2007). Behavioral activation treatments of depression: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 318-326 Ekers, D., Richards, D., & Gilbody, S. (2008). A meta-analysis of randomized behavioural treatment of depression. Psychological Medicine, 38, 611-623.

trials of

Lejuez, C. W., Hopko, D. R., Acierno, R., Daughters, S. B., & Pagoto, S. L. (2011). Ten Year Revision of the Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression (BATD): Revised Treatment Manual (BATD-R). Behavior Modification. Lejuez, C.W., Hopko, D. R., Levine, S., Gholkar, R., & Collins, L. M. (2006). The therapeutic alliance in behavior therapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 42, 456-468. Lejuez, C.W., Hall-Brown, T., & Hopko, D. R. (2009). A behavioral formulation of a case of depression. In P. Sturmey (Ed.), Clinical Case Formulation: Varieties of Approaches (pp. 57-68). UK: Wiley.


Admin Info

Mental Health Professionals EDO Members* Students/Patients

Early Bird Dates 30/01/12 30/02/12 € 70 € 100

€ 50 € 30

On-site 17th March (Saturday) € 150

€ 80 € 50

€ 100 € 70

+ €20 for attending a private dinner with the instructors following the workshop *(the private dinner will be free for all EDO members participating in the workshop) Bank: Piraeus Bank, ΙΒΑΝ: GR38 0172 0260 0050 2604 3575 594 Date: 17


March 2012 (Saturday) 10am – 5pm

Location: Athens, Greece. Exact location to be arranged depending on demand. Language: The workshop will be delivered in English. Certification: A certificate of attendance signed by Professor. Lejuez and Dr Malliaris will be provided to all participants. Registrations:

Contact EDO on 210-8815970 and register your interest here: http://register.bipolar.gr


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