March 2011

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To new artists trying to break into the music industry... I could give the politically correct advice and say "never give up and work hard for your dreams and goals", but I won't. LOL I mean yes, that's true, but being more specific and realistic, they really need to evaluate themselves as artists first. Though it starts with a dream and a passion for the music, as an artist you must first evaluate who you are as a person / artist and determine how realistic it is for you to become successful. Don't try to be something you're not, be genuine to yourself and what you bring to the table as an artist. Though you can learn from what others have done before you, understand that there is no cookie cutter formula to making it in the music industry. Strategists a plan and put it to work. Take advantage of beneficial opportunities and make sure you network with the right people. Work harder and more importantly work smarter than you ever have in your life. Strive to be an innovator that has a long career verses an artist who just "fits in"First, I want to thank all of my fans and supporters and Team Osceola for keeping this movement going so strong and OTM for having me for this interview! In addition, please stay tuned in for the release of my new mini-mixtape "You Already Know" (due out spring 2011) many new songs and videos I'll be releasing soon, as First, I want to thank all of my fans and supporters and Team Osceola for keeping this movement going so strong and OTM for having me for this interview! In addition, please stay tuned in for the release of my new mini-mixtape "You Already Know" (due out spring 2011) many new songs and videos I'll be releasing soon, as well as exciting new updates in regards to anything else me and Team Osceola are doing, such as my feature in the upcoming film, and which record label I will be signing to.

You can find me online here:,, c, and For booking, features, drops, etc. please contact OR Michelle Clarke from JM Management at Also, please buy my album "The Brain Food Project" on iTunes here: he-brain-food-project/id372392601 THANK YOU again!! God bless!!

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