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Protect Your Health Now, Prevent Cancer Later


Nearly two million new cancer cases were diagnosed in 2021, according to the American Cancer Society, and health experts say nearly 40 percent of those are preventable. This February is National Cancer Prevention Month, a good time to assess your cancer risk and learn what you can do to protect yourself. Although your risk may vary based on things like family and personal health history, there are lifestyle changes you can make to help lower your risk of developing cancer.

Don’t Light Up

Smoking and using other tobacco products are the leading cause of lung cancer, and can also cause cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and pancreas. Secondhand smoke raises cancer risk in those we love.

Limit Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in excess stresses organ function and cell repair, which can cause lifethreatening illnesses and increase the risk of liver, colon and throat cancers. Heavy drinking is defined as 15 drinks per week for men and 8 drinks for women.

Eat the Rainbow

A diet rich in color in your fruits and vegetables helps deliver a variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals essential to boosting your immune system and helping you fight off illness.

Get Moving

Regular exercise can support your immune system, regulate hormones and help you maintain a healthy weight, lowering your risk of conditions like obesity, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Any amount of exercise helps, so talk to your doctor about what’s right for you.

Know Where You Stand

Stress Less

Our mental health affects us physically, so practicing self-care is key in preventing illness. Aim for a healthy work-life balance, make sure you get enough sleep, and try stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga. Regular check-ups are the best way to get a clear picture of your health and catch any conditions early. Speak with your doctor about recommended screenings, especially if you have a family history of cancer.

Visit our website at www.1199SEIUBenefits.org to access videos, articles and webinars on healthy eating, mindful meditation, yoga and more.