siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses

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siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses Taipei Taiwan 2014

Divooe Zein Architects

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses Taipei Taiwan 2014

Divooe Zein Architects

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses

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常常用知識理解自然, 幻想自然,幻想人在自然裡, 技術的鑚研令人安心, 身體的覺察令人更為著迷也說不定, 而建築關係重整,卻令人完完全全摸不著頭緒。

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses

樹木,實際是誘惑者, 不明不白地理解心目中的山林曠野,

2014 ADA Emerging Architects Special Prize, Taiwan. ADA 新銳建築獎 特別獎

少少 - 原始感覺研究室

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses 創立於 2013 年,少少 - 原始感覺研究室是一項持續進行(on-going)的跨領域研究計畫。 由自然洋行建築團隊成立,透過田野調查、訂定空間計畫、設計策略、營運方針,進行適合 在地風土的設計,從細小到寬廣之處,傳達獨到的觀點。 在森林裡構築一個傳遞療癒的場域,通過光澤、草、佛像、花、香氣、音、瑜珈等天然感之物, 與來自當地與世界各地的療癒師(人)們,以各自獨特觀點與專業:如 SPA、瑜珈、舞蹈、音樂、 冥想、繪畫、生態研究、等,透過不同形式的展演、工作坊、講座、實驗影像創作、交流對談, 探索野地自然、五感知覺、原生文化、天然素材、精神療癒等原始感覺的相關領域,傳遞與

As human beings (ourselves) are detached from civilization to access a lifestyle of scanty materials, our inner animality generated from primitive natural habitat is emancipated. Inexplicably, we come to our instinctive senses. The Laboratory of Primitive Senses is a workshop set to explore the environmental transition between urban space and natural forest. Materials of no practical use, such as gloss, grass, Buddha statues, flowers, fragrances, sounds, yoga, along with other existence of spirituality, are employed as a healing process to convert the digital to the analog.

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses

To create an experimental field in the wild that synchronizes the space and nature context, exploring the beauty of living in mountains.

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Design Concept 台灣舊稱「福爾摩沙」,地處亞洲東部、太平洋西北側的島嶼,面積 36,000 平方公里,為世界第 三十八大島嶼,其中七成為高山森林和丘陵,氣候介於熱帶與亞熱帶之間,四面環海。台灣的生態 類型豐富多樣:氣候、地形、土壤等種種環境因素影響了動植物的分布及孕育豐富多元及珍貴稀有 的物種。台灣有很高的物種歧異度;現有約 4,077 種原生維管束植物、脊椎動物約 800 餘種、昆 蟲近 2 萬種被記錄。全島人口約 2300 萬人,族群構成以漢民及南島語系原民為兩大民族。台灣主 要人口集中於西半部平原城市,與中央山脈距離非常密切,而少少 - 原始感覺研究室即位於城市 與山脈之間的山林。 少少 - 原始感覺研究室是來自台灣的自然洋行建築設計團隊所發起的研究計劃,以「自然中的學 習場域」為題,透過外界各領域如植物學家、傳統醫療、原住民、氣候變遷科學家、調香師、靈修者、 瑜珈老師 ... 等各方面策劃及交流,並將成果分享於大眾的研究室實驗基地。 在台灣氣候潮濕多雨,導致農作物的病蟲害防治困難,加上夏季颱風豪雨帶來農作物損害,因此作 為防範性的植物庇護網室系統形成了台灣最常見的農務建築措施。 運用此系統極輕、構造簡易、通風、透光性良好的特徵,作為天然環境控制與農作物平衡的機制。 光線透過樹林形成光影,再採用 80% 加 60% 透光性針織網形成適當的工作生活場合。 另一方面,一般網室系統有不耐風壓的問題,本案採用改良式結構系統,調整結構尺寸及密度,並 選擇在背風面向及樹群邊具備擋風地勢條件下搭建高度 8 公尺、長度 20 公民覆蓋原有木造平房 上的網室系統,因應建物橫越樹木、山坡之間行經路線、地勢障礙、和坡形,修正而成以 8 個圓心 組合成的不規則弧形斷面的構造主樑下搭建。 輕質、柔軟、速成、節省人力及耗材,所有結構不採用水泥製品,形成可迅速拆解、位移的移動式建 築體,也同時具備臨時性、耐久度、機動性等彈性功能。自 2014 年起完工至今,本案場地舉行將近 百場研究計劃及活動、原始藝術發表、植物草藥工作坊、靈修瑜珈課程、節氣食物、氣候變遷研究 交流 .. 等,並持續「自然中的學習場域」,持續進行探索自然關係的智慧和山林文化的知識。

2014 少少 - 原始感覺研究室

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses location: Taipei Taiwan site area: 8000 m2 building area: 270 m2 principal use: laboratory, studio

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siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses

The island of Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa, is an island in Asia located on the northwest side of the Pacific Ocean. It covers an area of 36,000 square kilometers and is the 38th largest island in the world. Alpine forests and hills cover 70% of the island, which is surrounded by sea. The climate is in between subtropical and tropical. Taiwan's ecological types are rich and diverse: climate, topography, soil and other environmental factors affect the distribution of animals and plants and breed diverse and rare species. Taiwan has a high degree of species disparity; there are about 4,077 species of native vascular plants and 800 species of vertebrates. Nearly 20,000 species of insects are recorded. The island has a population of about 23 million people. The ethnic group consists of Han people and South Island aborigines. The main population of Taiwan is concentrated in the cities on the plains in the west, which is very close central mountain range. siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses is located in the mountain between the city and the mountain range. 'siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses' is a research project initiated by the Divooe Zein Architects design team from Taiwan. Based on the topic of "Learning Domain in Nature", various aspects were organized with the help of a wide range of experts such as botanists, traditional medicine researchers, aborigines, climate change scientists, perfumers, spiritualists, and yoga teachers. The results are shared with the public in this experimental research base.

Taiwan's climate is humid and rainy, making it difficult to control pests and diseases of crops. In addition to heavy rainfall brought by summer typhoons causes heavy crop damage. Therefore, a system of preventive plant shelters assembled with net is the most common agricultural construction measure in Taiwan.

As a mechanism for natural environmental control and crop balance, this system is extremely light, simple in structure, ventilated, and has characteristics of good light transmittance that allows shadow to form through the woods. The use of 80% and 60% translucent mesh fabric is suitable for the working environment.

On the other hand, the conventional net shelter system faces the inability to withstand wind pressure. In this project, an improved structural system is adopted to adjust the size and density. The net is 8 meters in height and 20 meters in length. It covers the original wooden bungalow that was built leeward of the nearby tree group to provide windshield measures. In response to the traversing trees, the hillside routes, the terrain obstacles, and the sloping landscape, the construction of the building was modified to assemble a main beam that consists of 8 asymmetrical sections.

To have advantages such as light weighted, soft texture, fast assembly, manpower efficiency, and material efficiency, the entire structure excludes cement products to form a mobile building that can be quickly assembled and displaced. It is also equipped with flexible functions such as adaptability, durability and maneuverability.

Since its completion in 2014, the venue has held nearly 100 research plans and activities, primitive art, botanical herbal workshops, spiritual yoga classes, seasonal food events, climate change research exchanges, and more. We carry on the "Learning Domain in Nature" to further our exploration regarding the wisdom of nature and knowledge of mountain culture.

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Showroom Laboratory Zone Patio Main Entrance




Plan 1F

Bridge Roof

Multi-function Zone

Meditation, Yoga, Musical, Singing bowl



Plan 2F


以農業網室設施之輕質構造體包覆所有設定的內部機能,施工便捷及均質分散結構問題,得以方便穿越各式地形及閃避大型樹枝的 彈性設施。並以 80% 針織網夾 1.8mm 厚度的防水膜及 60% 底層針織網,共同形成一強韌抵抗氣候的構造,並使過濾後的光線類似 牛毛皴法的狀態滲入室內空間。外觀抽象而接近人類動物本能的山林棲息洞穴地。

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All functional areas are covered by agricultural greenhouse system. This flexible structure fits all natural circumstances and easy to let branches of trees to stretch inside out. There’re 3 layers of our agricultural system: 60% transmittance inside nets, covered with 1.8 mm water-proof membranes and 80% transmittance outside nets. 3 Layers of system built up the strong structure to defense any weather, and let the outside light penetrate poetically like the atmosphere of ancient Chinese painting. The overall appearance of the architecture in abstract and external way, which states the primitive instincts of animals. Like habitat caves of ancient human in the mountains.

material a. Agricultural net

material b1-2. Structure connecting bracket


b-1 material c. Moistureproof coating



d Materials material d. Moss in mud

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網室系統因應建物橫越樹木、山坡之間行經路線、地勢障礙、和坡形,修正而成以 8 個圓心組合成的不規則弧形斷面的構造主樑下搭建。




30 cm

Construction Process


1” of metal roundpipe cover with transmittance 80% & 60% of agricultural nets.


Structure Environment 構造環境 To solve the organizational problems, the structure constructed around wooden-building.

建築構造環繞大樹枝幹、越過坡形,並將原有木造 建築銜接起來,解決組織性問題。

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Modeling Process

Concept 3D Modeling

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Concept Sketch

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Meditation area

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Opening Party for all sleepers, performers: Tina and Komuyi, Autumn 2014

Hypnopompic Revielle by Kustaa Saksi / Curator: Double Grass / 2015

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Shadow Garden / Art residency: Hao-Jhe Liao / 2016

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Reflector / Art residency: Hao-Jhe Liao / 2016

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Scented floral potpurri workshop by Takako Mine / 2016

樹木,實際是誘惑者, 不明不白地理解心目中的山林礦野, 即使它出現在日常的山坡野外。 常常用知識理解自然, 幻想自然,幻想人在自然裡, 以及包含長生不老的東西: 胎盤素,膠原蛋白,紫盒車礦物飲食,能量水晶,遠紅外線,負離子, 葉綠素,蜘蛛絲,礦石泥土,水流濕氣… 這些有機體和看不見的東西,無論多麼微小,皆反映人的生理構造缺 陷的科學辯証,有待更釐清。 因此通過少少原始感覺研究室計劃,凝聚各專業社會人士,醫生,藝 術家,網紅,普通人,靈修者,植物創作的人 ... 等以“部分”的強度,形塑一個更趨整體自然與人的關係到底為的研 究計劃。 作為一個自然關係的研究場合,於是預設的一種蘭花育苗的庇護裝 置,作為計劃場合的主體構造,強化森林中會遇到假想敵而產生的防 蟲,抗振,隔雨 ..... 等利用活動上的種種組合構造系統的調理修正。 而利用水庫淤泥這種專利材料,以單一的防水特質,施作在"蟲洞" 這個設計案,暗沉,純粹,單一,無明,是令人憂鬱而感到平靜的氣息, 那個平靜有一種更無形的壓迫感,也說不上來為什麼會這樣。 以這樣 40 年老公寓翻新的技術來說,單一而單調的材料的特性粉刷 所有的天地壁一次,減低細部,收邊,設計控制力和焦慮,而内排双層 鋼筋及高磅數混凝土澆灌的中島,形成一個類似碉堡等級的避難山 洞,以大屯山火山系劇烈活動的程度,所對應的保護措施,或許應安 全足夠。 而聲音透過粗布料使反射變得温潤一些,殘響減少。就算大聲播放椎 名林檎的演唱會專輯,也感到聲音清澈迴盪到令人生理會起化學反 應,是一個不可多得的聲音安靜、安全係數很高的住宅。

而真正使用輕結構技術的一體植染工作室,是以 48 條鋼索所形成的 扇形形抗屋面組成的新型態高強度温室建築,新的張力方法和傳統 温室壓力桿件的結構力學是完全相反的概念,一方面增大跨距的最大 值,一方面則是減少結構自重負擔,形成採光面積的最大值,以農夫 自己的一體植染工作室成員是採用農業廢棄物作為染材的運用及古 法著色的方式進行工作,並同時收留照顧流浪貓的工作,運用貓,農, 染等三大方向所導出這個計劃案總稱為貓美術館。 理解自然裡美好的關係研究計劃的原始感覺研究室、運用單一環保 建材的蟲洞住宅、以及執行中以大自然解放身心靈的療癒森林計劃、 香格里拉森林大學、一體植染研究室的結構技術和貓生物理解、混合 生死共構的亂葬崗住宅和金光閃閃的廟宇,這些空間本身沒有太大 意義,而是通過自我意識細微的理解一個又一個局部的碎片對應每座 建築或場合理解的可能。 技術的鑚研令人安心, 身體的覺察令人更為著迷也說不定,

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Postscript by Cha Cha . 3/2018

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30 cm

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少少 - 原始感覺研究室

siusiu - Lab of Primitive Senses 設計時間:2014 竣工時間:2014 基地面積:8000 m2 建築面積:270 m2 空間性質:透過各型態展演,以研究原始感覺相關議題之空間 項目地點:台北市 外雙溪 設計單位:自然洋行建築設計團隊 Divooe Zein Architects 參與人員:曾志偉 / 陳嗣翰 / 胡如燕 / 林凡榆 平面視覺設計:林凡榆 / 林念儒 主要材料:鋼構 / 木作 / 農業網室

Photo Credits: Hao-Jhe Liao / Frank Huang / Divooe Zein Architects

自然洋行設計團隊 Divooe Zein Architects

自然洋行設計團隊 自然洋行成立於 2003 年,工作室位於台灣台北外雙溪陽明山國家公園後山,主要設計思考著重於 建築、環境、感知等複合因素規劃而成的完整場域。其中包含歷史建築物改造、新型態研究機構及 部分實驗性住宅、飯店等。並於 2014 年起持續探索輕質、異材質構造及其運用向度可能性發展。 Established in 2003, Divooe Zein Architects is located on the back hill of the Shuangxi Yangmingshan National Park just outside of Taipei, Taiwan. The designs of the team take on a holistic approach that considers the building, environment, perception, and other factors. The team has worked on the renovation of historical buildings, innovative design of research institute, experimental housing, hotels, and more. Since 2014, it has been exploring the use of lightweight materials, as well as the applications and potential of composite materials.

曾志偉 自然洋行創辦人

1973 出生於台灣,幼時成長於帛琉群島並就讀 S D A 美國國際學校。2003 年起往返旅居峇里島 進行長期建築環境田野調查、成立自然洋行建築工作室,2014 年於台北成立少少 - 原始感覺研究 室,並於 2015 年任教於台灣實踐大學建築系。 Divooe Zein, the founder & director of Divooe Zein Architects. Zein was raised up in Palau islands and studied in the international school SDA. After his practice of architecture, he established Divooe Zein Architects in Taipei and started the journey and field studies back and forth in between Bali islands in Indonesia and Taiwan from 2003 until now. At 2014, he established siu siu – Lab of Primitive Senses in Taipei, and started the teaching work in Shih Chien University Department Of Architecture in Taiwan.

2016 CAMA-China Architecture Media Award, Construction with the natural way 2015 First Prize of Special Award of Architecture Renovation, Far Eastern Architectural Design Award 2014 Special Award of ADA Emerging Architects


Divooe Zein Architects:

siu siu - Lab of Primitive Senses

2016 榮獲 自然建造 ‧ 第四屆中國建築傳媒獎 青年探索獎 2015 大溪老茶廠 榮獲 遠東建築老屋改造特別獎 首獎 2014 少少原始感覺研究室 榮獲 ADA 新銳建築獎 特別獎

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獲獎紀錄 Award Winning Record

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