Zooper Kids - Spring 2022

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SPRING ISSUE 2022 8 1815 How to be a vet pops gardeningZooper• Make a CATERPILLAR yourCraftown MASKLION page 6

2 TAKE THIS ACTIVITY WITH YOU WHEN YOU VISIT HEALESVILLE SANCTUARY AND SEE IF YOU CAN COMPLETE ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. Sanctuary search A.2. HOW MANY PLATYPUS LIVE IN THE WORLD OF THEDIDPLATYPUS?YOUKNOW?Goannas are not found in the state of Tasmania. DID YOU KNOW? Red Kangaroos are the largest species of kangaroo. DID YOU KNOW? The Quoll is a carnivorous marsupial. ARE YOU KIDDING? The Laughing Kookaburra has a loud call that sounds like someone laughing their head off. Zooper Kids is published for Zoos Victoria by Hardie Grant Media MANAGING DIRECTOR Nick Hardie-Grant ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Scott Elmslie EDITOR Georgia Lejeune DESIGN Dallas Budde, Kate Slattery, Kieran Medici Zoos Victoria PO Box 74, Parkville Vic 3052 P 03 9340 2780 / F 03 9285 9390 E members@zoo.org.au W zoo.org.au 2 Goannas Quoll KangaroosRed World of the Platypus HeadquartersExtinctionFightingKookaburras A. DID YOU KNOW? Faunal means animal. Hint: you’ll find it in the Fighting Extinction Aviary. 1. WHAT IS VICTORIA’S FAUNAL EMBLEM? for a digital guide to Healesville Sanctuary animals and their habitats Click here I’m a Spotted Tree Frog. Learn all about the animals at Healesville Sanctuary with me! HOP TO IT!

Flight Arena Land of Parrots 6. STARTING WITH ‘W’ WHAT’S THE NAME OF THE TRADITIONAL OWNERS OF THE LAND THAT HEALESVILLE SANCTUARY IS ON? A. A. 5. HOW MANY BLACK SWANS CAN YOU SPOT IN THE WETLANDS? A.3. WHAT DO ALL PARROT SPECIES HAVE IN COMMON? DID YOU KNOW? The Superb Lyrebird features on the Australian 10c coin. DID YOU KNOW? A group of wombats is called a wisdom. DID YOU KNOW? Since 1991, Zoos Victoria has Bred more than 690 Eastern Barred Bandicoots. Lyrebird Swan Wombats Printed on FSC® certified paper with vegetable-based inks. Zoos Victoria is a carbon-neutral organisation and powered by 100% renewable energy. Feat ur e sh ow Spirits of the Sky 12pm & 3pm (daily). Please arrive early. Koalas Wetlands CAN YOU NAME THE OTHER CREATURES THAT APPEAR ON THE 5¢, 20¢, 50¢ AND $1 COINS? 20 5 50 1DOLLAR Eastern BandicootBarred 12 4 5 A. A. A. A.A. 7. CAN YOU GUESS WHOSE FOOTPRINTS THESE ARE? 3 onAnswers3page17


Photography AlamyHowell;Jo FOR MORE INFORMATION Click here 5

WHAT YOU’LL NEED ScissorsStaplerElasticPaper plate Paint BlackorangeYellowbrushandpaintmarker pen Lions live together in a group called a pride. Get your friends to make masks and create your own pride of lions. DID YOU KNOW? Mask

Make your own lion Don’tmask.forget to practice your ROAR!


Turn over the paper plate and attach the elastic to either side using the stapler. You will need to measure the elastic to fit your head. Place the mask over your face and do your most ferocious lion roar! 8

Using the scissors, prick two holes in the paper plate just above the nose. Then cut the holes into wider circles for eyes. 5

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Using the black marker pen, draw a mouth and whiskers on the lion. 6


Using the orange paint, draw a medium-sized triangle in the middle of the yellow circle. This is the nose. 4 Wait for the paint to dry before moving onto the next step.

Did you know your domestic cat at home shares some similarities with big cats like Lions, Cheetahs and Tigers? They all need time for rest, opportunities to use their chasing instincts and places to mark their scent. BIG cats little cats for more information about the African Lions at Werribee Open Range Zoo. Click here


Using the yellow paint, cover the middle circle of the paper plate. Paint stripes for the lion’s mane on the outside of the paper plate using orange paint.


MAKESPRACTISEPERFECT your household pets.

HEALTHY APPETITE HEALTHY PET Is your animal (or teddy bear) eating well? Megan says that if an animal has a good appetite and likes eating food (even imaginary food for your toys) that means it’s a healthy animal. The veterinarians at the zoo keep an eye on whether the animals are eating their food. If they miss a few meals, then this might be a sign that they could be sick.

You can practise your vet skills on

stuffed toys or

VET How to be a

Healesville Sanctuary veterinarianMegan has given us some tipsto help you look after yourhousehold pets and toy animals. 8



Some things you can look for in your stuffed toy animal or real animal are whether they’re missing bits of fur, if they’re really itchy or if one of their eyes is a bit closed. That might be a sign to have a chat to your family members and tell them about your worries.


Help remind your family members to regularly take your pets to the vet – for things like vaccinations and checkups – to make sure they’re nice and healthy. Give them lots of love and make sure they feel secure and happy!


Visit Future Vets at Healesville Sanctuary to practise your vet skills and watch the veterinarians at the Australia Wildlife Health Centre helping animals every day.


Try to always be curious about things and find out as much information as you can. If you’ve got a question, ask someone or look it up and try to learn as much as you can about your interest and maintain that passion. Be passionate, be curious, be interested and work really hard and then maybe one day you’ll be able to be a veterinarian as well.




A sign of a healthy and happy pet (or toy) is their shiny coat – and wide, open eyes. A healthy diet, water for drinking and regular brushing – for dogs – will help to give your pet’s coat an extra shine. Cats will do their own grooming so you don’t need to worry about brushing their coat.

friend! 9

DID Vets help range animals, like this little


This year is Melbourne Zoo’s 160 th birthday. Help us celebrate by spotting the differences between the two pictures of iconic Melbourne Zoo landmarks and animals below. Can you spot 10 differences between the two pictures? 11 onAnswersPage17

EGG CATERPILLAR Also known as the larva, this little wiggly (dependingeggemergescreaturefromitsafter3–7daysonthe species). Its first meal is the egg it just emerged from, before moving on to delicious green leaves.


1 2 Starting with the blue strip, loop it around to form a circle, staple or glue the ends together. Take a strip of green and loop it through the blue. Staple or glue the ends together. 3 WHAT YOU’LL NEED Green, black and blue craft paper GlueScissorsRuler Googly eyes Black marker pen THESE CREATURES GO ON AN AMAZING JOURNEY BEFORE BEAUTIFULBECOMINGBUTTERFLIES!LIFECYCLEOFABUTTERFLY

Butterflies lay hundreds of eggs in one go – usually on the leaves of plants. The eggs can sit for 3–7 days (depending on the species of butterfly) before the caterpillar hatches out. Once a butterfly has laid its eggs it doesn’t come back to care for its babies.

CHRYSALIS BUTTERFLY After 2–5 weeks, the caterpillar spins silk around its body and attaches itself to a leaf or tree branch using silk strings. Not all chrysalises are the same, some hang down from the bottom of a leaf and some turn the colour of whatever they’re attached to.

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Using the black paper, cut out antennas for your caterpillar and glue to the blue head. Glue on your googly eyesKeep looping and stapling strips through the end until you have a chain. The length of your caterpillar is up to you.

A butterfly emerges with crumpled wings that it needs to flap up and down to straighten out. butterfly lives for 2–3 weeks and will plantspollinateand flowers. can visit the Melbourne Zoo Butterfly House to see butterflies in the different stages of their life cyle. KNOW?

Over 1–2 weeks, a thehastransformationhappenedinchrysalis.


Granola Bake this easy granola for a tasty breakfast! METHOD 1 Pre-heat your oven to 180°C and line a large tray with baking paper. 2 Combine the oats, coconut flakes, nuts and seeds, and cinnamon in a big mixing bowl. 3 Add the coconut oil, honey (or maple syrup) and vanilla essence. Mix the ingredients together until they are combined. 4 Pour the mixture onto the baking tray and spread it evenly using a spoon. 5 Bake until your granola is golden brown (about 20–25 minutes). Add the dried fruit (if you’re using it). 6 Let the granola cool for 45 minutes and then use your hands to break it up. Store in an airtight container to use for many days in a row. WHAT YOU’LL NEED TIP Add your favouritefruit, yoghurt and adash of milk at theend to top it off.Yummo! DELICIOUS HOMEMADE ZOOPERCOOK!LET’SKITCHEN 4 cups rolled oats ½ cup coconut flakes ½ cup raw almonds ½ cup raw walnuts ½ cup pumpkin seeds ½ tsp cinnamon powder ½ cup melted coconut oil ½ cup honey or maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla essence *optional dried fruit such as cranberries or sultanas. 14 Make sure you askan adult for help whentaking things in and out of the oven.


WHAT YOU’LL NEED These delicious frozen banana pops will look like your favourite animals.

Roll your banana lengthways in the caramel. Be sure to leave a 3cm gap. Then dip the top in the caramel. Add two Smarties to the top for ears and use your milk chocolate to dot on eyes and a nose.




Peel your bananas and chop off the bottom to make a flat surface. Insert your popsicle stick into the banana (about halfway up the stick). Put your bananas on a plate and freeze them for at least 2 hours. Melt the milk chocolate, white chocolate and caramel separately in the microwave. Cut two triangles from the Lindt chocolate for the flippers. Take your banana out of the freezer. Roll your banana lengthways in the melted milk chocolate – be sure to leave a 3cm gap. Then dip the top of the banana in the chocolate. Using extra chocolate, stick the flippers to the sides and a Smartie at the top for the beak.

16CONGRATULATIONS to our winners! YOURWOW!THANKSFORENTRIES To zooperkids@zoo.org.aucompetition,ourenternextsendyourpictureto: OR Zooper Kids Magazine PO Box 74, Parkville VIC 3052 AGEDELLA6 MICAHAGED 10 Look, it’s a sculpture! CHALWEAGED 8

17 We love gettingyour pictures and letters. SPOTTHEDIFFERENCE pg( Puzzle10) ANSWERSTREASUREHUNT pgs(2-3) 1HelmetedHoneyeater 2Nine 3Acurvedbeak 45c KangarooPlatypusEchidna20c50c&Emu $1Kangaroos 6Wurundjeri 71=Koala;2=Wombat 3=Lyrebird;4=Kangaroo 5=Emu SAMANTHAAGED4 ISABELLAAGED 5 JASONAGED 10 AGEDTOM11 THOMASAGED4

ZOOPER GARDENINGKIDSCLUB Save the eggshells from your kitchen to get your herb garden started. EGG HEAD HERB PLANTERS HERBS TO PLANT IN SPRING Once your herbs are too big for their egg heads it’s time to plant them in the garden. Here are some tips to make sure they thrive on their own. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Toilet paper rolls Empty differentmarkerPermanenteggshellspensincolours Potting mix Water spray bottle Herb seeds (see below for ideas CHIVES Chives will do well in full sunlight or partial shade. Make sure to plant them somewhere with good drainage and water them daily. Then, pick some and sprinkle it on your omelette in the morning. 18


Fill your egg heads with potting mix almost to the top. 5 Dig a tiny hole using your finger and place one seed in each egg head. Cover 6 Give the soil a spray of water and leave in a sunny spot. They should take a few weeks to grow big enough to transfer to the garden.

Soak your seeds overnight for the bestresults. You’ll also want to water them regularly,so fill up a spray bottle for a light daily misting.Place them in a sunny patch on a windowsill.



Try to find eggshells that don’t have cracks or ask an adult to cut a hard-boiled egg using a knife and you can eat out the centre.


Using your pens, decorate your egg head planters. You could draw faces, animals or patterns on the outside of the shell. MINT


Cut your toilet paper roll into three equal sized lengths. These will be the stands for your egg head planters. You can decorate the base using pens or paint if you choose.

THYME TIP Thyme is not a fussy plant so you can put it anywhere in your garden and it should do well. Make sure you give it lots of room to grow as thyme can spread itself out. Once it’s grown, pick the leaves and rub them between your fingers to smell or add them to meals. Mint likes protection from the wind so make sure you choose a protected spot to plant. Be sure to water the plant regularly as it doesn’t like drying out. It’s a delicious herb to munch on while you’re out in the garden.

This competition is open to Zoos Victoria Members under the age of 18 with consent of a parent/guardian. Entries will be judged on individual merit and winners notified by phone or email. All entries become the property of Zoos Victoria and will not be returned to the entrants. Prizes are subject to change and cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash. Winners will be announced in the next edition of Zooper Kids LUCK! GoodENtriesclose Sunday11 December 2022 If you’d like a chance to win, send a letter or drawing to enter. Send yours zooperkids@zoo.org.auto: OR Zooper Kids Magazine PO Box 74, Parkville VIC 3052 MEERKAT PRIZE PACK PLATYPUS PRIZE PACK $67 VALUE $76 VALUE PRIMATE PRIZE$62PACKVALUE BUTTERFLY PRIZE PACK $53 VALUE WE HAVE FOUR FANTASTIC PRIZE PACKS TO GIVE AWAY THIS COMPETITIONGIVEAWAY!ISSUE… TIME!

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