Zion's January Newsletter

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Medical Supplies

Turn Your Trash Into Cash Recycling Fundraiser for Mission Jamaica Dispose of used cell phones, ink cartridges, and small electronics in an earthfriendly manner and support Mission Jamaica at the same time. The Mission Jamaica Team is collecting these items to raise money to support Mission Jamaica. Bring your items to the collection bin near the information desk throughout January.

Mission Trip Supplies

arked items m most (*) are ed need

The Mission Jamaica team will be collecting medical and construction items from January 27 through February 17. Donations of these supplies will be taken to Jamaica by the Zion team. Cash donations are also welcome and will be used to buy wholesale bulk medical and construction supplies as well as supplies that need to be purchased after they arrive in the country. Make your check payable to Zion Lutheran Church, with ‘Mission Jamaica’ in the memo, and place it in a pew envelope.

*Vitamins (children and adult) *Dandruff Shampoo *Reading Glasses & Sunglasses (any prescription glasses) *Ziploc bags (snack & quart) Watches Antibiotic Ointments (triple antibiotic, neosporin, neomycin, bacitracin) Antacid Meds (tums, prilosec, pepcid, zantac, acifex) Anti-constipation Meds (milk of magnesia, senna, dulcolax, metamucil) Antifungal Ointments (tinactin,mycolog, kenolog, lotrimin, tolfanate, etc) Cough Syrup (guiafenesin cough syrup or mucinex tablets) Steroid Ointments (hydrocortisone) Band-Aids Hand Sanitizer (Purell, etc.) CPAP machines, nebulizers Wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, commodes Sprain boots, arm slings, Ace wraps etc.

Medications can be open and must expire before 10/13

Construction Equipment

We will continue to give used glasses (reading glasses, sun glasses, prescription glasses) which were well received last year.

*Caulk (white, paintable, silicone) Nuts, *bolts, nails and screws *Plastic storage containers (all sizes from cool whip containers to storage bins) Hammers, Screw Drivers, Handsaws Tape Measures, Levels & Squares Work gloves / Leather gloves Wire cutting pliers, Pliers, utility knives, Pry bars or Crowbars 7 ¼ skill saw blades, carbide wood and metal cutting type Levels up to 24 inches long 3/8 drill with cord and Phillips bits #2 50 ft electric cord, 3 way connector L-shaped shelf brackets Double & Queen flat sheets, blankets, pillow cases, shower curtains & liners Flatware Wash towels, soap, large towels

Thank you for supporting your Medical Team!

School Supplies

Dr. Andrew Burgdorf and the Zion MJ Medical Team

12-inch Rulers, Calculators, Scissors, Glue Notebooks (taped binding type only), kids’ books, coloring books Pens and Pencils, Colored Pencils Small Backpacks, Storage Containers

Our number one request for medicine donations is for child and adult Multiple Vitamins. We can use unlimited amounts as malnutrition and pregnancy is common in Jamaica. Dressing supplies, Ace wraps (or similar), and Band Aids are very useful. Please consider cleaning out your closet or basement of old crutches, wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, leg (CAM) braces, ankle splints, AFO's (for foot drop), back braces, arm slings, neck collars, hand/arm splints such as for carpal tunnel syndrome, nebulizers, CPAP machines. We will get these "lightly used" items to people who can really use them. This year we are planning to give donated "lightly used" watches as "prizes" to patients coming to the clinic who do not need any medication so that they do not leave the clinic pharmacy empty handed.

to trust in Christ, grow in faith, and serve God’s world.


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