INTRODUCTION Zero Waste Leeds (ZWL) was commissioned by Leeds City Council (LCC) to run a Covid-19/waste management communications campaign Campaign ran for 10 weeks ZWL developed, produced and shared content across multiple on and off line channels
Engagement and followers increased significantly over this period
Lots of positive feedback from public Secured 3 slots on local broadcast media High interest and engagement in key 'waste' areas, such as composting that could continue
Share and “amplify� key LCC messages about bin collections and waste management to people in the city
Develop and share our own engaging and interactive content across all channels. Be proactive and engage community groups
Develop a strong visual identity for key messages based on existing branding
APPROACH AND APPROACH AND THEMES THEMES Cross-channel on/offline content strategy using social media, broadcast media, website, community groups and emails Varied content including videos, graphic cards, GIFs, blogs, Facebook Live chats/Q&As, watch parties and regular posts Created 4 key themes to encourage behaviour change: Recycling, Food Waste, Garden Waste & Stuff Developed content under 5 categories: Factual, Practical, Interactive, Responsive, Congratulatory Messaging was positive, inspirational, clear, timely, practical, consistent, simple, open and honest.
CAMPAIGN EVALUATION These metrics are a comparison between the 10 weeks prior to the start of lockdown. ZWL had already experienced significant growth and uptake in Q1 20. The 10 weeks of intensive activity greatly accelerated that growth.
26% (1700) increase in followers across all channels
Engagement increases 203% on Facebook 208% on Instagram 400% on Twitter
Increase in output 61% on Facebook 79% on Instagram 87% on Twitter
15 April - BBC Look North (viewing figures - 679,000) - Thanks to bin crews/Garden and food waste tips 27 May - BBC Look North (viewing figures - 590,000) - Successful reopening of tips/charity shop donations
31 March - BBC Radio Leeds - Cutting down on food waste tips
108 videos shared, approx 1.5 per day 2 videos accounted for 50% of all views, these both covered aspects of dealing with garden waste
8675 page views (276% increase) Compost tips and zero waste fashion = 10% of all views
WHO WE ENGAGED WITH St Gemma's Hospice Leeds Zest Jamie's Ministry of Food Leeds Repair Cafe URM Group Plate2Plate compost Leeds Cookery School Get Composting The Sewing Kind Clutter Therapy UK Re-Work Office Furniture Leeds Mumblers
BBC Look North BBC Radio Leeds News 47 UK online North Leeds Life Let's Dance Chapter 81 Leeds City Councillors Leeds University School of Sustainability Everday Plastic Leeds Wood Recycling Leeds Rotters Relics Recycling & Sculpture Workshop
'Great source of inspiration, ideas and community for those who want to live more sustainably' Will (FB 25/4)
'Have just watched a very helpful video about recycling' Jane (FB 29/4)
'Brilliant, thank you. Glad to hear I can recycle all the tetra packs ...' Sharon (FB 28/5)
I didn't know you could recycle these!' Maria (FB 8/5)
'I keep up-to-date with what can go in my green bin through this Facebook page. Thank you for all your updates and recent videos ...' Michelle (FB 14/5) 'Some great tips from @ZeroWasteLeeds on how to put your garden waste to good use, support wildlife and #LeedsbyExample' LCC Climate Emergency & Air Quality (Twitter 14/5)
'We've also been inspired to start a simple compost heap with garden and food waste. @ZeroWasteLeeds has info about this here' Dom (Twitter 10/4)
'This looks like a great chance to air all those questions!' Pat (FB 27/4) 'Your doing amazing work' Simon (FB 28/5)
'How to start your own #compost with tips from @ZeroWasteLeeds' FoodWise (Leeds) (Twitter 10/4)
'This is by far the best advert I've seen! Well done @ZeroWasteLeeds' Plastic free NW Leeds (Twitter 9/4)
'Thank you @ZeroWasteLeeds for this important message! We're so grateful for the amazing support our #charityshops get ...' St Gemma's Hospice (Twitter 8/4)
'A great video from @ZeroWasteLeeds (and also pretty shocking the amount of clothes that are thrown in the bin ...' Lucy (Twitter 24/4)
'Be great if you could RTÂ @ZeroWasteLeeds - lots of great info about how people can reduce all kinds of waste, not least garden waste by home composting' Dave (Twitter 5/5)
'Check out @ZeroWasteLeeds and @LeedsRecycles for lots of great info and resources we particularly enjoy #ZeroWasteCrafts to do with little ones' Leeds Baby Bank (Twitter 22/4)
Facebook 36% increase in followers
Our primary channel (4k+ followers) - much of our effort utilised here which is reflected in 60% increase in reach
496 posts
Facebook 203% increase in engagement
engagement. This represents fantastic organic growth and there is a clear appetite for information on
361,000 people reached 7 posts per day average
the increases and levels of
composting, recycling and general waste reduction in the local population.
RECYCLING What can & can't be recycled in Leeds Plastics Household waste Glass
Most wasted foods
Wildlife habitats biodiversity
Storing/preserving Use by/best before dates
Reuse /repurpose Reduce plastic
STUFF Fashion clothing/textiles Donate - charity shops Repair Reuse
Top 3 posts Glass recycling update Plastic recycling stretch test What can & can't be recycled? 112 Facebook posts - 1.6 per day 3 Facebook Live chats/Q&A 9 videos 154,614 reach
Top 3 posts Grow your own Use your loaf Storage - freezing 89 Facebook posts - 1.3 per day 1 Facebook Live Q&A (Masterchef) 17 videos 90,849 reach
Top 3 posts Win a compost bin competition Composting top tips Rob's compost bin - LCC subsidised bins 117 Facebook posts - 1.7 per day 2 Facebook Live Q&As 18 videos 195,966 reach
Top 3 posts Charity shop donations Having a wardrobe clear out? 4000 tonnes of clothes in black bins 116 Facebook posts - 1.7 per day 4 Facebook Live Q&As 22 videos 121,141 reach
Top 3 posts Thank you to the bin crews Street litter bins COVID-19 update on #LeedsBins 101 Facebook posts - 1.4 per day 30 videos 186,532 reach