The TREEhouse Project - Exhibition Design

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The TREEhouse Project Zacharoula Agoraki




Changing of the Day

movement-changing plan

Inner Peace Sun

William Blake

Altitude London Skyline


stands out


open space-minimal-modern






glass buildings-cranes


pir it u al s


Hill� W. Blake imrose


Colours of the Day

the s

r on P

n s p i r a t i o n


a n d m a r k

“I was converted with

aw Is




o c a t i o n



R e s e a r c h

S k e t c h e s

S k e t c h

M o d e l

M a t e r i a l s

B o a r d

F i n a l

M o d e l

C o n c e p t

From my visit to Primrose Hill I was charmed from the view of London skyline. The next thing that triggered my attention was a message of William Blake written on the top of the hill, “I was converted with the spiritual sun, I saw him on Primrose Hill”. I was inspired by this to use solar panels on my structure since sustainability is a subject widely requested nowadays regarding ecological issues. The fact that my site is in a high level and there are no buildings around to create shadowing, it is quite logical to use the sun as form of energy for the maintenance of the structure. That made me trace back to Blakes paintings and chose the “Ancient of the days”, where god sun send energy to the earth, according to my explanation. Moreover, I kept the triangular shape of the compass as an axis of my design in order to evaluate the project. The next painting I have chosen, “Jacob’s ladder”, showing the angels approaching the sun, finding salvation I could mention, comparable to the salvation from the floodings that striked London this year. The spiral staircase consists the main axis, the core that supports the structure and it end up with the shape of a stair. Finally, starting from the first floor, which is a small exhibition of William Blake, we get to the second floor, the poetry room, since poetry suggests a catharsis for the mind. Ending to the third floor, which consists a top floor terrace, the visitor can marvel the spectacular view around London and be lead to the catharsis of his soul.

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