Wonderland Creative Studios (English)

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wonderland creative studios


At Youth With a Mission Herrnhut, our ambition is to send out regions of the world where they are needed most.

thousands of missionaries

to the

The majority of all unreached tribes and people in our world live in an area called the 10/40 window, so-named because of its geographical location: it stretches from western Africa to East Asia, from the 10th to the 40th northern latitude. Here, we find not only the greatest concentration of people with little or no exposure to the gospel, but

90% of the world’s extreme poverty.

If we are serious about giving every single person an opportunity to experience the truth and transforming power of Jesus Christ, we believe that the oppressive circumstances in this region

cannot be ignored.

In our journey to make this vision a reality, art has increasingly become the focus of our community – the language by which we communicate and the platform we communicate from. Since our beginning 10 years ago, we’ve seen thousands of students come through our small water castle, the majority being passionate young artists. We’re always seeking new and innovative ways to give these artists a place on the field, whether in developing countries or locally in our communities, churches and culture.

the language of art and creativity This focus has yielded some incredible opportunities! We’ve watched as the arts have become a means to communicate across language and culture. We’ve seen perceptions challenged, thought provoked, and eyes opened. God has enabled us to go to places that we never thought possible under the pretext of art, and been influential in ways we never could have imagined. Through Him, we’ve seen art facilitate hope and healing, foster self-worth, and convey vital stories. When we submit the work of our hands to the will of God, He creates a uniquely dynamic environment.

Art is the language that brings young generation together.

young people

But we’ve also reached our capacity with space. 200 of our students are having lecture out in a tent during the winter. Staff work in the stairwells on their laptops and a private creative space is a dream. Recently, we feel God has released us to expand our base to new locations-- we planted our first “satellite bases” in Florida and Asia this past year. Now, we’re overjoyed to announce plans to expand here at home in Germany!


To promote, support, and develop our vision to engage artists in the mission field, we are establishing This project will include professional studios for photography, fine art, dance, graphic design, music, and more! With events like art exhibitions, concerts, workshops, open studios and conferences, we hope God will enable us to impact Nürnberg and beyond, with a particular focus on engaging with young people. We recognize a deep desire for community and for the opportunity of creative expression among our generation, and at Wonderland Creative Studios we want to make that possible.

Creative Studios in Nürnberg.

We see other practical opportunities to work in Nürnberg too, with the city’s asylum seekers, existing church ministries, the homeless, and in the red light district. Together with the studios, we will also be moving our ‘Marriage of the Arts’ Discipleship Training School from Herrnhut to Nürnberg. MOTA is a six month program for students from around the world to come together, be inspired, get equipped, and go out into the world. These six months are divided into two parts: three months of lecture and three months abroad. During lecture, things such as the character and nature of God and our relationship to Him are exam-

writing, music, photography, dance, film, handcrafts, theatre or fine art. ined. Concurrently, students participate in tracks:

Together with like-minded students, they practice their art form and improve their skills. The second three months of the school sees teams of students taking their skills and serving abroad, with a particular focus on countries in the 10-40 window. At the end of the day, DTS is not about a program, an experience, or any individual – It’s about serving. We hold our plans and agendas loosely and yield our will to follow God. The task of moving this school, and of establishing Wonderland Creative Studios itself, is going to be a challenge – but we’re ready to dive in! At the core of Wonderland will be the YWAM staff community that carries it, living out the foundational values of Youth With a Mission. A small first wave of staff have already moved, and we hope to have a small, dedicated community in Nürnberg soon.

It is our desire that Wonderland becomes a catalyst for new ideas – concepts that begin in our hearts, refine physically, and in turn develop into tools for change within our cities and nations. We have been given an amazing property to rent as our creative studio space in Grundig Industrial park. The building has high ceilings, great lighting and sizable rooms. We are already dreaming and imagining what it will look like once we transform it into various art studios. In order to turn the structure into Wonderland Creative we need 20,000 euros! This budget will cover the cost of

renovations, furniture, equipment, art supplies and more. In addition, we would like to invite you to become long term partners with us for the cost of rent: 1000 Euro per month. We believe that God is not calling us alone, but rather He wants to develop a team alongside of us who will build the kingdom hand in hand. As Youth With A Mission, we believe that God provides through diligent communities of those who send. Therefore, to make these studios happen we are asking you to join us. By being financially invested, whether that is monthly or through a one time donation, you are physically a part of the work God is doing here. So would you unite with us in creating these studios!? Together we can change lives and build God’s kingdom. Existing ministries of Youth With a Mission Herrnhut that will be a part of Wonderland:

Pick a Pocket An arts focused ministry with a vision to combat extreme poverty. Marriage of the Arts DTS Currently the biggest Discipleship Training School of YWAM world- wide. Mission-Live A team that plans conferences, tours and outreaches for people interested in getting involved in missions. FocalPoint A Photography school. A space with a café, gallery and shop.

Here are a few of our Prayer Needs: - Housing for our first Marriage of the Arts DTS in Nürnberg. We expect 150 students from across the world to join us this fall for the DTS! Finding places for them to live is a huge challenge, we need a miracle. - Apartments & Housing for our staff team. We are in need of a breakthrough soon! - Favor with the Visa office here in Nürnberg. We want to see our staff and students able to stay in the coutnry - Continued unity & joy within our team. This is always a challenge to keep when starting a new initiative. - For our Mission-Live conference this October. We hope to see many from around Germany & Europe join us for this amazing missions conference! - More staff to join us in Nürnberg!

We are incredibly thankful that we have the privelege to be a part of everything that God is doing here in Nürnberg. We are so greatful for the help, openess, and support from all the various churches here in the city!

We hope, together we can launch the next generation of missionaries. Thank You for your encouragement and support, The Nürnberg Team, Youth with a Mission Herrnhut

Partner Financially with us:

Youth with a Mission Herrnhut e.V. Volksbank Löbau-Zittau IBAN: DE82 855901004507180600 SWIFT: GENODEF1NGS Memo: YWAM WONDERLAND STUDIOS NÜRNBERG

Online Donations:https://login.mission-live.com/payment/donation/

Grundig Address




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