英语听力教程 1:英语初级听 力(教师用书)

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英语听力教程3:英语高级听力(教师用书) pdf epub mobi txt 下载

查看京东最低价 查看淘宝最低价 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社 ISBN:9787560006482 版次:1 商品编码:11048323 品牌:外研社 包装:平装 开本:32开 出版时间:1992-06-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:609 正文语种:中文,英文

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英语听力教程3:英语高级听力(教师用书) pdf epub mobi txt 下载

《英语听力教程》分为初、中、高三个级别,由北京外国语大学何其莘教授主持编写, 是目前我国英语教学界具有相当影响力的一套教材,至今已经累计销售数百万册。每册 均含《学生用书》和《教师用书》,功用不同,相辅相成。《学生用书》以录音材料中 的生词表、文化背景注释和配套的练习为主。《教师用书》则包含录音的书面材料、练 习答案和相关文化背景知识的补充读物。 海报:

内容简介 《英语听力教程3:英语高级听力(教师用书)》包括录音书面材料,练习及答案,和 补充阅读材料三个部分。为了便于教师上课时使用,配有答案的练习排印在每部分的书 面材料之后。阅读材料均根据该课中所涉及的重大事件,直接摘引于美国主要报刊杂志 或工具书,不仅提供了较多的背景知识,往往也是对录音材料的进一步阐述。因此,教 师可在学生因背景知识不足而出现理解困难时,挑选其中重要内容向学生作一些介绍。

作者简介 何其莘,英语教授,博士生导师1994年起任北京外国语大学副校长。现任教育部高校外 语专业教学指导委员会副主任兼英语组组长,中国英国文学学会会长,中国作家协会会 员。

内页插图 目录 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 pdf 下载 Lesson 20 https://windowsfront.com/item/jd/11048323

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Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32 Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36

精彩书摘 Hostage Release The convoy of three vehicles pulled to a stop in front of the old US embassy building on Ein Mreisseh Boulevard in Muslim West Beirut at 7 Sunday morning. As planned, a Westerner wearing dark glasses slid into the seat of one of the cars. Then, escorted by two truckloads of Lebanese police as a precaution against sniper fire, the convoy barreled toward the Green Line that divides the city‘s Muslim and Christian sectors. Minutes later, the cars crossed safely into Christian East Beirut, and David Jacobsen, director of Beirut’s American University Hospital, was a free man for the first time in 17 months. Jacobsen thus became the first of seven Americans who had been still missing in Lebanon to win freedom, and there were hopes Thomas Sutherland might soon be next. Jacobsen‘s release followed a period of intense and secretive negotiations between officials of Islamic Jihad (Holy War), a shadowy terrorist organization known to be holding at least two other Americans, and Anglican Envoy Terry Waite, the Englishman who had helped win the freedom of two American churchmen who had been held captive in Lebanon, one 13 months ago, one as recently as four months ago. On May 28, 1985, Jacobsen was walking from his apartment to his office in the wartorn city when six men picked him up. According to Jacobsen’s son, his father tried to keep his spirits up during his captivity by telling himself every week that he was going to be released the next Sunday. As each Sunday passed for 17 months, he told hostages held at the same location that it was going to be the next Sunday. Thus it seemed only fitting that his release actually came on a Sunday. Despite his attempts to remain optimistic, Jacobsen became more discouraged as the months pdf dragged Last 下载 November he下载 was one the signers of a letter to Reagan that 下载 on.epub mobi txtof下载 查看京东最低价 查看淘宝最低价 https://windowsfront.com/item/jd/11048323



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appealed to the President to negotiate their release. When one of the other hostages, Father Lawrence Jenco, a Roman Catholic relief-agency official, was freed by his captors in July, he carried with him a videotape recording of Jacobsen. On it, Jacobsen said he “felt like one of Custer‘s men, adding, “You know the end of their stories. Pray that ours will have a happier ending.” In another videotape released last month, Jacobsen was highly critical of the Reagan Administration for having negotiated the release of Journalist Nicholas Daniloffin Moscow while refusing to make any deals for his freedom. Said he on tape: “Don’t we deserve the same attention and protection that you gave Daniloff?” But after the months of few developments, events moved quickly last week. Waite showed up unexpectedly in Beirut on Friday for his first visit in several months. He clearly hoped to improve on his record of one release at a time. Islamic Jihad seemed to indicate that diplomatic activity was afoot that could achieve such a goal. Although State Department officials insisted that no deal was in the works, the terrorist group said in a statement following Jacobsen‘s release that the US had embarked on “approaches that could lead, if continued, to a solution of the hostages issue。 ……

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