January issue

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For all your car needs pg 12




Table of Contents 02 contents

& Contact Info

12-13 Business Colum: Transi Assist

03Â Editor's note

14 Book Review

04-05 Peace article

15-16 Family Health: Cervix

06-07 Real talk

17 Covid news

08-09 What peace means to Tummie

18 Monthly Devotion: Faithful Living

10-11 Fitness

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Welcome to the year 2021! The purpose of Y4G (Youthful4God) online magazine is to share the good news at the comfort of our home, office or phones. I love that we start the year talking about peace. Peace is free and available to everybody. As the year goes by, there are going to be many things that will try to take away or steal the peace that is inside of you. When that happens, let our foundation be strong in the Lord. We should not give in to fear It’s an honor and a privilege to be sharing the different articles in this read. We believe that my peace and a teenager peace's not the same. We had the opportunity to speak with a teenager what peace means to her. As the year begins, a lot of us are making resolutions and goals for the year. I decide to recite the serenity prayer below because all I want is peace of mind for the good and bad things that are happening around me. I cannot move forward if I cannot accept the things I don’t have control over.

The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world As it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make things right If I surrender to His Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life And supremely happy with Him Forever and ever in the next. Amen.



Peace BY:




In John 14:27 (NKJV) Jesus tells His disciples, “Peace I give you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid”. Our Lord Jesus Christ lives amongst us as a sign of peace, the peace that He offers is one that this world is not able to give us. The peace that He gives is the one that makes His children complete no matter the challenges or circumstances they find themselves in. When we look at the world today, there are so many problems, difficulties, challenges, worries, troubles, illnesses, e.t.c. which rob us of this peace that is given freely. Often times, people spend a lot of their time thinking about their problems and how they are not able to appropriately address them, instead of appreciating and accepting the peace of mind that comes with surrendering everything to the Lord in prayer. Easier said than done, right? Yes, trusting completely in the Lord can bring you that peace of mind that you have been looking for, it can take off that heavy load that has been weighing you down for a while now and it can guarantee you a much healthier life. Just as He says in the scripture, His yoke is light and much easier to carry because it has been stripped of all the troubles we can think of. The Bible in Ephesians 2:14 (NKJV) tells us thus, “for He himself is our peace, who has made both one and, has broken down the middle wall of separation”. Once again as Christians we learn that He alone is our peace. By giving us His peace He gave Himself to us so that we could cherish Him in our hearts and pass Him on to others who lack this peace in their lives. Our lives should overflow with this peace so much that those who do not believe in Him can see and bear testimony through our lives.

Philippians 2:6-7 (NKJV), “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. This shows that God’s love for us is enormous, His guidance through this scripture shows that it is only when we have truly accepted and received Him as the Lord of our lives that we will hold as treasurer in our hearts peace that exceeds our comprehension. Only then will we be able to look at the next person with empathy and pure love that expects nothing in return, because our God is love and where there is love there is peace and understanding of what others may be going through. As a way of reflection in our lives as we start a new year, it is important to look back and see how we spent the year 2020. To ask ourselves how peaceful our lives have been over the challenges and pressures brought about by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Check how many lives we have impacted positively even as we struggled with the Covid-19 Pandemic and find out what more needs to be done to reach out to more people who are in dire need of basic necessities of life.




1. Never buy a guest preacher a more expensive gift than what you have bought your spiritual Authority (the person who invited the guest). 2. It's unethical to visit a guest preacher at their hotel without your spiritual authority's knowledge. 3. Never rush for a selfie with a guest preacher. 4. Remember there's no relationship between you and the guest preacher. It's your spiritual father who invited them not you. Associate Pastors: 1. It is very bad to collect tithes in your offices from members without your Spiritual Authority's knowledge. 2. It’s unethical to visit members in their homes without your spiritual authority's knowledge. 3. You can’t build your vision at the expense of your spiritual authority. Anything with more than one head is a monster. 4. Never ask a guest preacher for their telephone or mobile numbers. 5. If you want to bless the Guest preacher; go through your spiritual Authority (the person who invited them). 6. You should not be meeting members on the corridors and prophesying to them without your spiritual authority's knowledge

7. As long as you are under someone's vision, you are not at par. Never mistake access and think you are mates. 8. Always remember no one is indispensable. 9. As long as you are under someone's vision you and other associate pastors are equal; do not use your office to mistreat others. 10. Whenever your Spiritual Authority asks you, “what do you think about so and so"? Be very careful how you answer this question because what you say about someone in their absence says more about your character than the other person. 11..The fact that the man/woman of God has brought you closer than the rest; doesn't mean you are too special( sometimes its because you are the immature one, so they must bring you closer to deal with the childish behavior. 12. If your spiritual authority gives you an opportunity to preach, never try to outshine them and don't use that opportunity to attract people you think you don't like because you have the microphone


PASTORS 1. When a fellow pastor invites a guest preacher. That’s not the time to try force your way so he/she can also come to your church. 2. Respect the host and go through him/her if you want their guest. 3. If you wanted that pastor you would have paid the flight ticket and hosted them...don't be opportunistic. 4. Don't ask another pastor how they were blessed by the host (you know what I mean). 5. Let's treat our guest preachers with respect.it takes a lot for someone to leave what they're doing come to you then you treat them casually...if your too big don't invite them

GUEST PREACHERS 1. Stop asking members for their phone numbers. 2. Stop inviting people to your hotel room so you can prophesy your them. 3. Stop inviting other pastors members to your church. 4. Its very sad when you've been invited, ticket paid, hotel paid then you come not prepared. Under deliver. 5. The host has paid for your ticket and everything STOP looking for other places to speak. Let your host initiate that conversation. 6. Don't talk evil about your host. Remember you once asked for that door. 7. If that other pastor mistreats people why do you want to preach for them?





My name is Tumiso Amantle Tanya Molefi. A young motswana girl of 21 years. I am a university student at Shenyang Institute of Technology studying Business Administration.

I gave my life to God after I started worshipping at Hillview Church and this was end of 2018. I have since then opened all doors of every aspect of my life to him and I’ve seen great things happen in my life Three things come to my mind when we talk about peace. These are happiness, love and tranquility because peace is the desire of every beating heart. It is the hope of every nation. Peace is the bold, courageous and ultimate repost to the notion that violence provides any viable solution for the conflicts of our world

Peace is freedom and harmony. True peace includes personal wholeness, political justice, righteousness and prosperity for all creation. That’s the way God intended things to be when he created his garden, his paradise

Peace is very important amongst us as the youth , it’s one thing that we should value so much because all of life is interconnected, our fear, ha tred and anger decreases the peace in the world, whereas our love, joy and gratitude increases the peace.



Unhealthy weight loss programs: Before your New Year’s Resolution


A night of binge eating cannot affect instant weight gain. Weight gain is a gradual process that is fuelled by bad habits fostered over a period of time. Similarly, weight loss takes time and the weight that a person gains over a long period of time cannot be lost overnight. It is just not practical. Therefore, when you set weight loss goals, you have to be realistic. As a trainer, I have had people come to me and say they want to lose 5 kg in a month. This not only leads to disappointments but also leads to unhealthy crush course weight loss programs. To better understand weight loss, we need to consider the constituents of total body mass, which is oftentimes the focal point. When we talk about weight loss, we tend to concentrate on the body mass, as in the number you see when you climb on the scale. However, the body is made up of different components that add up to our total mass. These are; water, fat, bone density (skeletal weight), and muscles. You, therefore, have to be careful not to employ unhealthy crush course weight loss programs that may alter optimum body composition. For example; a. An exercise program that lacks certain core strength movements coupled with a diet lacking in calcium may adversely affect your bone density leading to arthritis; b. A carbohydrates deficient diet; the primary source of energy for the body is derived from stored carbohydrates and therefore when the body runs out of stored carbohydrate, it breaks down muscle issue to stay alive;

a. Reduced fluids intake: some people go through processes that cause the body to lose water such as taking diuretics which results in dehydration and loss of electrolytes. Considering the above, we can accurately determine the true value of weight loss. A reduction in weight where one has lost bone density, lean body mass or water is of no value because the primary goal is to lose fat, increase lean mass and bone density which are all essential.



TRANSIT ASSIST 24 hour emergency roadside assistance

Transi Assist is a mobile service provider which started in 2017 and it offers 24 hours Transport and roadside assistance e.g puncture problem, battery faulty and even fuel delivery. We help you arrive at your destination. We also have car rental and chauffeur services in case you have a car but don't want or don't feel like driving we got you. We also provide a Tow truck in terms of accident or car faulty at a very affordable price. Covid-19 pandemic affected our business both positive and negative. We learned to start doing our services digital on social media like advertising and sharing with clients Tips on how to protect your car and transport services and negatively it affected our yearly plans and budgets but it didn't kill the business .. hopefully, we will be back to our standard state and provide our services

Our future plans are to see our business meeting its clients halfway and making sure services are provided at a high standard. For more information on the different packages (P120 or P250) contact 76852200

FAMILY HEALTH: The all-important Cervix When you’re pregnant, you’ll get to know more about your body. Some changes such as those to the breast, skin and appetite are obvious, but others, like changes to the cervix (mouth of the womb) are a mystery. Yet the cervix plays a vital role.First, it prepares your body for fertilisation. During pregnancy, it acts as a gatekeeper and protects your baby from infections and also keeps your baby safe by tightly shut for nine months.Finally, during labour, the cervix gradually dilates a full 10 cm, gently opening the door of the womb into the vagina so that the baby’s head can be eased though this birthing canal and into the big wide world beyond. The cervix is described as “the narrow neck-like passage forming the lower end of the womb”. The cervix has an inner and outer Os (ring or “valve”) and it’s at these junctions that the cervix is likely to be injured. This can be caused by trauma (for example, medical procedures), chemical changes because of the drugs and invading bacteria, viruses and other spores responsible for infections and even cancer (for example HPV of the Human Papilloma Virus).Although you can’t physically “pamper” your cervix, you can, by taking care of your health and understanding the functions of the cervix, do a lot to protect it-before, during and after the birth of your baby. The cervix shows the first tell-tale signs of pregnancy. Called Chadwick’s sign, the cervix looks slightly bluish in colour when examined-which of course you’ll never see.

At the first prenatal visit, your doctor or midwife will take a look at your cervix with an instrument called a speculum. If you’ve had any obstetrical procedures such as biopsy. D&C (Dilation and Curettage), second trimmer abortion or a difficult birth with your first baby, these can weaken your cervix. Your doctor will be able to see the extend of the damage and take necessary precautions to prevent problems during pregnancy. Structural abnormalities of the cervix (such as a double cervix which is very rare) is usually only diagnosed with a first pregnancy or may only be diagnosed once you have had one or more pregnancies that ended in a late miscarriage or premature birth. WHAT CAUSES A WEAK CERVIX? The cervix is comprised of connective issue. Although this type of tissue-which holds different structures together- is found just about everywhere in the body, the cervix is made up of specialised connective tissue fibres that contain elastic tissue. This tissue can be damaged by trauma from surgical instruments (this can include termination of a pregnancy or high forceps for a difficult delivery), tearing that may have been caused by a very quick labour, pushing the baby through the cervix before it is fully dilated, breech birth or giving birth to a very big baby. For all of the above, healing of the cervix may cause scarred tissue making this valve rigid and inelastic. Depending on the degree damage, this weakened cervix can threaten the safety of the baby during pregnancy or it may not be able to dilate efficiently during the birth.Very often the cause of a weakened cervix may be unknown, and studies are still being done on the effectiveness of transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) so that women who have a short cervix can be identified early. The usual length of the cervix is about 4 cm, and according to a UK MCR/RCOG study, a cervix shorter than 2.5cm may pose a 50 percent increase risk of premature birth.

HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF IS WEAK? To date, researchers are in the dark as to how they can identify women who have a weaker cervix before there are problems. Currently, it’s only women who repeat miscarry or those who have a long history of obstetrical problems that are classified “at-risk”. These include;· Previous cone or LLETZ biopsy for an abnormal pa smear More than one sex partner Problems with your first delivery Previous obstetrical procedures including a D&C and induced abortions Cervical incompetence for your first pregnancy WHAT ARE THE DANGERS? A weakened cervix will not be able to support the weight of a growing baby-especially after the first trimmer. When the baby gets heavier, pressure on the weakened cervix increases, forcing it to open (dilate) which results in a premature baby. When this happens, it may be painless without contractions. Should you have any signs of premature labour (contractions and low back pain) you should tell your doctor. A vaginal examination to check whether the cervix is soft and shorter will confirm the diagnosis. WHAT WILL THE DOCTOR DO TO HELP? Women who are considered to be “at risk” are earmarked for a cerclage or “stitch” into the cervix early in the pregnancy,”says Dr Judith Carter from Wits Medical School. “Referred to as a Macdonald’s or Shirodkar ‘purse-string stitch’ it holds the cervix closed during pregnancy and helps to minimise the risks of an early birth or miscarriage. The stitch is usually inserted vaginally into the cervix. It’s a simple 15minutes procedure that’s done with a spinal anaesthetic and the stitch is taken out of 38 weeks so that the woman can give birth natural. “When a cerclage is inserted by an abdominal operation, it’s usually a permanent stitch at the higher end of the cervix. Because this stitch is not removed, the baby will have to be born by caesarean section. The advantage of this type of this stitch is that, left in place, the woman can have a second baby without the need for another cerclage procedure,” she says. Although this is currently the only way to try and prevent a premature labour for a severely compromised cervix, research in the UK done in 1993 showed out of 25 women who had a stitch placed, only one had an improved outcome-which means that the procedure doesn’t work for everyone. Many doctors will also recommend bedrest and “taking it easy”. This means no sex and avoiding pressure on the cervix. Women should not do any strenuous work or exercises and avoid (where possible) any straining which includes constipation, diarrhoea and chronic or “smokers cough”. WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? It is imperative that you give an honest and thorough obstetrical history at your first antenatal visit if your doctor is to anticipate any problems with your cervix. Signs of early labour should never be ignored and doctor’s instruments must always be followed. You need to be aware of what to watch for and look out for yourself and your baby at all times. Know the warming signs and don’t ever wait to see a doctor if you think that something might be wrong. Trust your instincts.

This article was from the magazine Your Pregnancy 63, November 2008

You CAN take control of your money. Build up your money muscles with America's favorite finance coach. Okay, folks, do you want to turn those fat and flabby expenses into a well-toned budget? Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? Then get with the program, people. There's one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and that's with The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition. By now, you've heard all the nutty get-richquick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. if you're tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this-it's the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it's based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover, you'll be able to: Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt-meaning cars, houses, everything Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you) Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement! Includes new, expanded "Dave Rants" sidebars tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and more. Allnew forms and back-of-the-book resources to make Total Money Makeover a reality.

There is a role unique to women that we abandon easily. We live near each other, but not with each other--and not for each other. We don't want to intrude or judge and, maybe, we don't want to see each other truly succeed. And the world is happy with this unhappy state for women--one that pushes us to conform to a pattern of distrust, disengagement, and competition. It's no wonder we've lost ourselves, and our way. In her most personal, powerful book yet, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere offers a catalytic, transformative vision for women of a different way to live--one that embraces the presence of a godmother--the older, wiser women you can go to and learn from, the strong women who partner with us through life. And everyone needs one! Drawing from her own life, biblical women, and the world of fairy tales, Lisa will show you how to transform what you have into what God wants you to have, push you forward during seasons of doubt, and love you enough to speak the truth about God's larger, expansive view of your life. Lisa's candid, compassionate words are your best first step to living as a daughter of God, surrounded by strong relationships and confidence in your calling.

COVID NEWS The government of Botswana announced a curfew (8 pm -4 am) until 31 January 2021. This came about the new strain of the disease that is more deadly. The sale of alcohol was also suspended even in places that sell it.

IMPACT OF THE CURFEW The buses that travel long distances will suffer the loss of not being able to transport people to places like kasane, shakawe etc. Government could have declared that they can move in the early hours and do not need to change their permits or apply for a new one

FAITHFUL LIVING | A Monthly Devotional Isaiah 26, 3-4 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock Back in 1918, the world dropped into the very first global military war. Many countries were implicated in the first world war and the worst devastation ever imaginable was unleashed. For whatever reasons the world got into the first world war, one thing was certain. All the turmoil that lasted for more than a year disrupted the stability of the world. There was so much confusion and the order of things was temporarily dismantled. The physical destruction of property and mass loss of life was a few of the end products of the fierce global altercation. Just like the world in 1918 and 1945, as individuals we all have our own versions of war, unrest and instability. Which is why the definition of peace according to the dictionary refers to the absence of war. What if i told you that definition is not applicable to you? I am here to tell you that waiting for a storm to subside before you could enjoy your peace is a fantasy. Life will never stop throwing curve balls at you. However, we have the option of choosing to be peaceful no matter what. Peace can be attained inwardly and is a product of your inward conviction. Do not for a second think that peace is a substitute for your problems or that for it to exist then you must be living a perfect lifestyle. The way to attain inner peace regardless of the storm is by acknowledging the way of the Bible. Jesus Christ himself calmed the raging seas and brought about tranquility. He can do the same for you.

Covid 19 is a raging storm that needs you to be convicted in your relationship with Jesus. Do not pause your hapiness and postpone feeling good about yourself for the sake of what COVID is currently doing. Make the conscious decision to enjoy perfect peace which has been freely offered by your maker. Our peace is not a package we receive from Amazon or Ebay. If you cannot attain peace from the inside, then forget about getting it from other people or external activities. Our key scripture gives us a formula which has worked for ages. Trust God first . Meaning that you need to believe in the promises for a better day and things to work out in your favor. That trust alone is enough to grant you inner peace. Remain on God and the peace which he can give you individually will spread to your workplace, family and even love life. Happy new year and trust in the Lord because your peace is guaranteed.

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