July issue 2022

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July issue 29




About us



Editor's Note



A time for everything 26


Be in the lookout


Watch your choice- 32 part 2 Being called to serve 33 Cover Story-Vs 34 Cufflins's Story




Sermon-You got served Heavenly Sound Book Review Farming Library Just 4 Laughs Where to go Contact Infor

About us We are an online Christian magazine that aims to share inspiring stories. We celebrate, recognize and appreciate Christian role models in their different capacities

Mission To share the Gospel truth, inspire, motivate and cultivate faith in our everyday lives

Vision To provide a platform and safe room for growth in the Christian lifestyle and exposure to local talent in the Christian community. Page 3

Editor's Note Warm greetings SAFE readers, Welcome to another issue, we have officially started the last half of the year. I encourage you to look back at the last six months reflect and keep trying to do better and most importantly growing in your journey with God.

Our current issue is just what you need to keep snuggling indoors. In this issue expect some lovely reads. We bring you something on “being served” an article on how to make lemonade when life gives you lemons. Have you ever wondered what you have been called to do for God? Well the is a little something in this issue to help you figure it out. I hope you will enjoy this issue as much as we loved putting it together for you. Happy reading



K M Ntebang

We learn from Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV) that “to everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under the Heaven”. Life is a journey and along the way, there are many ups and downs, challenges and triumphs. Lynda Randle puts it so perfectly in her song when she says, “the God in the mountain is still God in the valley”. Often when things are good and going well for us we feel as though we are in charge, like we know all the right buttons to push such that nothing could ever go wrong. However, soon after the mountain top comes the descend, sometimes the descend period may seem like things are moving too fast that you can’t even make sense of anything happening around you. As things unfold, we consider it unfair that we have to go through these tough times, forgetting that life is like a wheel, today you are on top and tomorrow you are underneath, feeling all the pain and pressures of life. So, when we are down in the valley it is important to remember that God is down there with us as well, helping us to find a way out so that we may start climbing up again. Times of trouble are the most critical in our lives, these are times where we must find God and make sure that our bond with Him becomes even stronger. These are times when the devil tries with all his might , to confuse us or convince us that we are alone. These are the times when we struggle and fail to see or understand why things had to be that tough. Our faith is put to the test and anything that passes can sway us one way or the other if we are not firmly rooted in our faith. It is during these trying times that if we seek God, we will truly see His hand in our lives, moving all the mountains blocking our way, making the croaked ways straight and covering all the valleys such that we may see the way better and steady our steps.

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Photo by Lukas Blazek

Photo by Nathan Dumlao

To put things into perspective, we can think of a woman who gets married at a very young age, with very high hopes of living a happy married life only to be jolted out of her dreamland by the hardships that life threw at her when things did not go the way she thought they would. The main question for her is, why me? The happy thought that she clung to slipped through her fingers and she was left holding nothing. Interference coming from all angles, fear, anxiety and depression kicked in and she loses it all, meanwhile, all those around her, look at her as though she is crazy, not knowing the pain she is going through. No one offers a helping hand and all are but ready to stone her as she is being judged and criticized, no one is ready to understand her point and no one is ready to see things from her perspective. Guidance and advice come in from all four corners making it difficult for her to focus on what is important. This young lady is considered to have reached the bottom of the valley and should submit all her troubles to the Lord in prayer. She must invite God into her life now more than ever and seek wisdom from above to be able to maneuver her way out and back up again.

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Second Corinthians 6:1-7 (NKJV) states thus, “we then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says: ‘In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.’ Behold, now it is the acceptable time: behold, now is the day of salvation. We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed….”. this being the promise that God makes to us in times of need. If we reach out to Him in our lowest moments, He will come to our rescue at the right and the perfect time for His time is forever perfect. Let us trust in the circle of life that no matter what happens in our lives, at the end of it all, our God shall make us victors over and above our troubles.

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January 17th 2025

Real Talk BE IN THE LOOKOUT By Lebo If there is one thing that hurts me the most is people being taken advantage of because they are in despair. They are going through a lot and are looking for something that can ease the pain, but in their desperation, people tend to trust other people. Sometimes we need to build relationships with people before we walk through the valley of death so that when we are walking through it, we can trust the decision of the people that advise us. We need to seek counsel from God and where the person we trust to speak life into our lives is from. This is not to say that we judge them based on what valleys they have crossed or what sinful things they indulged in. It is not your position to judge but to ask God to help you descend.

Read More

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I have a problem with people that out of no where are prophets (assuming that I did not do my research). My issue is that they will be no preparation stage and mentor which they serve under. They just get on a plan and when they come back home, they are prophets and they open a church. People with their despair go to church. To put the knife deeper, their wives will be called prophetesses. I don’t know if this calling is transferred by being a wife to the prophet or what. I believe that these pastors/prophets have a calling but do not take time to prepare rather they rush to own a church.

How to identify religion The miracles being performed; you

Payment to see them: the are prophets

cannot be telling me my ID number

that have a fee to consult with them. You

and that is a miracle. I believe a

can not make an appointment with

miracle should be straightforward. You

payment. I often wonder, what happens if

are going to get this in the future.

one cannot afford it , does that mean that

Sometimes they cannot tell you how

God doesn’t care about them getting

and when. Or specifically what but

spiritual help? They are not eligible for

might say you are going to be happy.




Focuses on miracles and not the wordof

prophets that want to be worshipped

God: when you attend some prophet’s

more than God. When they walk by,

churches, they will not teach the word but

we should bow down. I am not


saying we should disrespect them

prophesying that they are entering your

but we need to know that they are











human as we are. They are human and they should be treated as such.

When they call God of Malebogo: there is no such thing as God of someone else. God is one and for all of us. What the other person can do, you are also able to do. Just that you do not spend time in God’s presence to hear His instructions. I am a child (spiritually) and I can be corrected where I am wrong but I am just raising my concerns because most people are being swindled of their hard earned money, peace and joy in the name of God.

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By Harry Tawiah Ussher Several years ago, a story was told of two high school students who after graduating decided to go their separate ways. Thereafter, one decided to invest in a fast-food business, and the other decided to invest in books. When they met years later they were worlds apart, the one who invested in a fast food business was making seven thousand dollars per month and the one who invested in books was making two hundred thousand dollars an hour. The one who invested in reading books became a consultant who was in high demand by the USA navy and other multinational companies. If you look at these two friends, what separated them was their choices. Many times, we become envious of people’s blessings and where God has placed them, but we fail to understand where they are coming from. God in His infinite wisdom gave us all twenty-four hours, but what we do with our time is entirely up to us and not God. You can choose to serve God or the devil. You can choose to be humble or proud. You can choose to be a liar or truthful. You can choose to be a unifier or a divisive figure. You can give yourself to learning, training, mentorship or reject self-development.

Photo by canva

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Two friends can start going to church and one will advance in life and the other will be trailing in life because one decided to hold on to God by obeying and practicing 8 the 1word of God and the other will live a double life. African countries are bedeviled

with all manner of things because our forefathers decided to serve deities, unlike the whites where their forefathers served and sought God during the formation of their countries. In Galatians 6:7-8 the Bible says, Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. NKJV. The text above is very clear on the consequences of our choices. In Joshua 24:15 the NIV says, But, if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

In Proverbs 31:3, we see that King Lemuel kept the instruction her mother gave him in his heart and repeated it as a way of advice to the upcoming generation. Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings. NKJV. You may say that you are not a king, so the text above does not concern you, but some advice to one is some advice to all. King Lemuel’s mother particularly advised him not to give his ways to that which will destroy him. As a young person, what choices have you made which might destroy you? As a young person know that everyone will stand before God and account for our deeds. Peace to you.

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Youthful4God Magazine


The Bible tells us in Ezekiel 37 (1) “The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. (2) He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. (3) He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” (4 )Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! the valley of the dry bones! The Script more or less is on restoration. Restoring what was there! The Spirit of the Lord (represented by the wind in the scripture) was hovering over the bones. The vision sought to ensure that there was restoration post the captivity of the Jewish people. The vision sought to show that there was recovery after their long dispersion. Within the vision, the power of the Lord is shown, the power of the resurrection, the Grace of God and His love and the conversion of the hopeless sinners to God! page 12

Youthful4God Magazine

The above can also be interpreted to mean the dead and empty hearts that we have. How Son of man can come and restore them to their proper being. How with the grace of the Lord, what was once dead can find life within us. How the Spirit of the Lord can find its way into the darkest of corners of the world and create in its life that is purely for the Lord. Imagine the deep, dark life of Saul, and how his encounter with the Son of Man was like (Acts Chapter 9). The flower and gem that Paul then became after their encounter with the Lord. The Love of God to us, is one that is beyond! How the Lord works in our lives, has no measure and it’s not always the same way for everyone. You know how it says "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." (2 Timothy 3v 16). God communicates to us in mysterious ways, that only through His Holy spirit that dwells within us, can interpret and aid us in understanding the mysteries of the heavenly gates. I met with a man of God who shared his By Kimberly Nguyen experience with this Ezekiel 37. For a while he kept on seeing the script, he read it and let it be. But like Saul who was tormented by a spirit from the Lord, he could not rest, it came coming back over and over (1 Samuel 13&14). He went to church the following Sunday and alas, to his surprise the preacher of the day was teaching on Ezekiel 37! The songs that were murmuring in him were of the dryness, deserts and the kingdom to come (one day we will explore this part, of hymnals and scripture!). As the days went by, he crossed paths with representatives of the Mennonite Mission network and Alpha Botswana. Come Saturday he joined them as they headed to the Gaborone First offenders prison, where he found himself preaching, studying the bible and teaching in the first offenders center.

Photo by Tim Mossholder page 13

Youthful4God Magazine

This was his valley of dry bones. He spent his time teaching and preaching the word of God as many gazed at them as if to quench the thirst they had for a while. This now became a weekly thing for him, prison ministry. Every Saturday morning, before heading out for other errands he would be going to the prison to check on the inmates and deliver his week's sermon. This was the moment of truth for the man, where he noticed that the Lord had taken him to a valley, a valley of dry bones, a valley that required a man to prophesy life onto them and that is what he did! So Child of the Most High God, You whom Christ dwells in you, never underestimate something that comes to you, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, meditate on it, pray on it, because Christ may be calling to serve on a bigger platform. Till we meet again, The Deacon in Christ, TEDB.

The book is available at the Book Center main mall & Bala books at Rail Park mall @ P200 page 14



Vs Cufflins is a second and last-born son to a mother of two. He is a humble servant of God, a Pastor, Author, musician and Founder and President of Manupmentalkglobal (The Man Up Men Talk Global) Movement.

Through his transformational and charismatic leadership, he loves inspiring others to unearth and nurture their God given talents and abilities for the glory of God's kingdom. His Vision is to transform the masses through ministry work and his music, spreading the gospel and love of Christ to those closer to him and beyond by sharing daily inspirational videos packed with word from the scripture. The videos have gone viral and continue to impact lives within and beyond the borders of Botswana, something that Vs himself believes is part of his assignment.

Vs as he is affectionately called, has been a household name that dates back to 2008 when the nation sang along to his popular hit song titled Oicheke, which later inspired a national campaign coordinated by The Population Services International themed Oicheke; geared





partners. This gave rise to a maturely


relationship between Vs and many









their brands with a positive identity




caliber. Being






Manupmentalkglobal, one of the causes he is currently working on is The Man Up Men Talk Global campaign that seeks to address social ills affecting men and the boy child. The


rehabilitate, transform men


rebuild, and




responsible society








families. This is a calling that




almighty gave him and will enable




through collaborations with individuals and entities that are relevant.

Page 17

Having taken a 10-year break from his music career to go on a spiritual journey, VS promises a


strong comeback with his soon-tobe-released single titled 'Let it go' which follows his concept of capturing real-life events through music. He will release more singles before dropping his EP. In between doing ministry work and inspirational music, he is a doting father to two beautiful girls. Music has always been his first love from a young age. However, he started being active in 2002, and released his first hit track in 2008 (Oicheke). After that, he recorded a couple of songs that he wanted to release but could not as he had to answer to his spiritual calling. he took a 10year break from music to embark on ministry work. Currently, he is back in the studio working on new music which is due for release by the beginning of July 2022. He also has other projects that he is working on which will be revealed when the time comes. He believes that all gifts are given by God and made manifest from the spirit to the flesh, God cannot give you anything that you can't handle. Time management and having structures in place to ensure that everything works accordingly and is well managed. He keeps track also by doing reviews to ensure that he is following his vision. The word of God gives him the courage to thrive in all things that he does because the word of God is Christ himself. His faith is an anchor to his vision because he knows, faith is bound in hope and hope in the love of God. And the love of God does not put anyone to shame, that is what keeps his fire burning. My existence is a miracle on its own. The ability to be able to transform others through the love of God, He says. Vs Cufflins’s future plans are to transform one life at a time through his gifts because he believes that to change a hundred people, you only need ten and that ten will change ten each and that will be a hundred. He is focusing more on growth and serving his purpose.

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The rest is up to God because many are the plans man's heart but it is his purpose that prevails, In the meantime I will continue to carry the torch, Vs Cufflins shares

His message to the world is to be content with what you have and align yourself with his will because anything that does not keep faith with the creation is an error. Most importantly love others and learn to forgive. Remember to seek him while he may be found and do not be comfortable in your shoes thinking that you have time. Seek your purpose.

Page 19



One old preacher received a letter with no sender or return address on the envelope. When he opened it, he saw a single piece of paper with only one word: “Fool!” He took it to the pulpit the next Sunday and said: “I received an unusual letter this week. Never before have I received a

2 kings 19

letter where the writer signed his name but forgot

: 14-19

Have you ever received such kind of mail, that is

to write anything else!”

meant to bring you down, ridicule you, belittle you and threaten your existence? The next read will

and 35

give you some guidance on how to respond the next time you are served.

Page 20

Reading from the book of 2 Kings chapter 19, we hear of King Hezekiah’s unexpected mail, he got served. He received mail from the Assyrians, they were detailing their imminent attack on Juda, 185 000 Assyrian soldiers were ready to attack Jerusalem 18

overnight. The first important fact we ought to live with is that, as we continue to live we will one day get served, we will get to experience or receive unexpected news (mail). Troubles will come out of nowhere. Job loss, divorce, sickness, theft, loss of a loved one and all sorts of problems. This is exactly what happened to Job, unannounced and out of nowhere he got served, servants, one after another came in to serve him the bad news. When you get served with your mail of bad news, it is not easy to remain calm and continue with normalcy, we often seek help in different places and ways, some solace help from friends, family and whoever can be of help. King David in Psalm 121, had shared; “I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” (Psalm 121:1-2). This goes to show that he had established that there is no permanent help one can get here on earth, but rather true help comes from The Lord, The creator of the heavens and the earth. Immediately King Hezekiah received his mail, he went


up to the temple of the Lord, He knew that it is the only place he could get genuine help. Where is your first stop when trouble come



Sometimes we are faced with situations in which the Lord’s




power, are

challenged. Do we always remember to present these situations



Lord After King Hezekiah went up to the temple, it is said before anyone else? We that he spread the letter before The Lord; do not try should, because He knows hide anything away from your God, tell him all, share

how to deal with challenges your worries, shame, burdens and cries with Him. to His greatness, better “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares than we do! about you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

Your Father awaits you, He is

“That night the angel of the Lord

always ready to offload your

went out to the Assyrian camp and

burden, learn to faithfully trust Him

killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers.

in all situations. Hezekiah tells the

When the surviving Assyrians

Lord exactly what is on his mind

woke up the next morning, they

The Lord listens to us. The Bible

found corpses everywhere.”

tells us that His ear is inclined

(2 Kings 19:35).

towards our cry, (Psalm 116:2).

Hezekiah’s 185 000 problems were

Why, then, are we reluctant to tell

solved overnight. That is the power

Him what we are going through?

of the God who watches individuals, listens to their words,

Hezekiah did not mince words. He

weighs their hearts, and knows

told the Lord exactly how he was

their deeds. He misses nothing,

feeling, and the challenge that

knows everything, sees it all, and

Jerusalem was facing. Hezekiah

will play it all back for us in the

did not want to hand over the city,

not-too-distant future.

and he knew that if he called on the Lord, the Lord would show

If your enemy at any time serves

mercy to the people of Jerusalem.

you with mail, just take it, go up to the Lord, spread it before Him and

Thankfully, the story had a happy

go home to sleep. God will act on

ending. The Lord intervened on

it, against all odds, and against

behalf of Jerusalem and none of

every expectation except the

the words written in the letter

expectation of faith, the

came to pass. Jerusalem remained

unstoppable will be stopped, the

untouched, and the enemy

undefeated will be defeated.

destroyed, all because Hezekiah was quick to acknowledge who was truly in charge of the nation of Judah, and because he was also confident enough to express his needs to the Lord.

By Tumelo Lepere


The Botswana Society for jazz Education Junior band has been invited to the Langnau Jazz Nights festival once again after they premiered there for the first time in 2019. The band has been selected to play at this year’s junior jazz meeting which will be from the 25th till the 30th of July. Young bands from all over Europe and the world will be participating. The band will perform on an open-air stage for about 45 minutes. This festival offers a wonderful opportunity for young musicians from around the world to share the experience and the joy of making music together. The band will have the opportunity to perform in front of about 500 people. The band is also invited to attend the junior Jazz Workshop during the week, which includes another concert with the junior jazz workshop orchestra on Saturday July 30th.

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“Bosje Junior band has distinguished themselves while here at Langnau as a dedicated and resourceful band to reckon with. Throughout their performances, they demonstrated a great deal of seriousness, unique musical skills combined with passion” says one of the festival organizers Mr. Hans Emel. Mr. Emel found out about Bosje in 2018 through Facebook via videos posted on their page.

We wish them a great and successful journey to Europe.

By Teacher Akhu

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Title: The perfect you Author: Dr Caroline Leaf Contents: 98 pages Publication date: May 15, 2018 Page 27

There are a lot of personality and intelligence tests out there designed to label you and put you in a particular box. But Dr. Caroline Leaf says there's much more to you than a personality profile can capture. In fact, you cannot be categorized! Based on her powerful book, this study takes participants through seven steps to unlock their unique design--the brilliantly original way they think, feel, relate, and make choices--freeing them from comparison, envy, and jealousy, which destroy brain tissue. Participants learn to be aware of what's going on in their own minds and bodies, to lean into their own experiences rather than trying to forcefully change them, and to redefine what success means to them. Released from the suffocating box of expectations, they'll embrace their true identity and develop a clear sense of divine purpose in their lives. About the Author Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology specializing in Neuropsychology. Since the early 1980‘s she has studied and researched the Mind-Brain connection. During her years in clinical practice as a Communication Pathologist she developed tools and processes that help people develop and change their thinking and subsequent behavior. Her scientific Science of Thought techniques have transformed the lives of patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), learning disabilities, emotional traumas and released the potential of thousands of young students and adults. She has presented her unique Switch On Your Brain with the 5-Step Learning Process and the Metacognitive-Map learning tool to thousands of students worldwide.

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She developed the Geodesic Learning™ theory (how we think and process information) that has been conservatively shown to increase thinking, behavioral and academic performance by 35-75%. This revolutionary theory explains the Science of Thought, stating how thoughts form, how we process information and the power of the non-conscious mind and the relationship between the non-conscious and conscious. It explains that everything you do is first a physical thought in the physical brain. You think, and then you do, which cycles back to the original thought, changing it, and the thoughts connected to it, in a dynamic interrelationship. Therefore if your thinking is toxic, then your communication and behavior are toxic, and vice versa. She has published numerous articles in academic journals and consumer magazines and has been widely interviewed in newspapers, on radio shows, and on television shows about her research and theories. She has her own weekly TV show called "Switch On Your Brain" airing on TBN. DR. CAROLINE LEAF’S DEGREES University of Cape Town South Africa Degree of Bachelor of Science (Logopaedics) - December 1985 University of Pretoria South Africa Masters in Communication Pathology with distinction/cum laude - June 1990 University of Pretoria South Africa Doctor Philosophiae with specialization in Communication Pathology With distinction/cum laude and academic honors - May 1997

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Farming Library

In our last article, we familiarize ourselves with what farming was and why farming. To add to that, I would like for us to narrow today’s read to home gardening, a tool often underestimated when it comes to its usefulness and overestimated when it comes to effort and input. Today I would like us to look at it this way, home gardening is being deliberate to create a system in the comfort of your home that allows you access to fresh produce at any given time. This can start as low-maintenance crops such as peppers, leafy greens, herbs, you name it. Low maintenance means that they do not need a lot of babying or minimal care is given to them.

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It should be taken into account that seeking knowledge before venturing into anything is key, and the same principle will save you a tonne of work in gardening as well. This goes from seeding, watering patterns, plant support and daily maintenance of the plant from time to time. This will also speak to the type of tools to use in your garden, how to handle them, storage and cleaning.


Thuto Noon Gaselemogwe Page 31


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Youthful4God | Issue 26| Pg 30

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