November Issue 2021

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YOUTHFUL4GOD November 2021

TRISH WABORARO A woman who wears a coat of colors gracefully


"Lupus disease did not bring down"

THANKSGIVING Turkey in the oven pg 28



We are an online Christian magazine that aims at sharing, inspiring stories. We celebrate, recognize and appreciate Christian role models in their different capacities

MISSION To share the Gospel truth, inspire, motivate and cultivate faith in our everyday lives


To give a platform and safe room for growth in the Christianity lifestyle and exposure to local talent in the Christian community.

Table of contents EDITOR'S NOTE


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EDITOR'S NOTE Hello my SAFE readers, Firstly, I hope we are keeping safe by maintaining social distance, mask wearing and taking the vaccines. This magazine has taught me a lot and with every issue published I learn more. Lately, I have really concerned because once the State of emergency ended, it is as though COVID-19 transmission also ended.If you look on Facebook, people are out at night without masks and social distancing. I am well aware that people have been confined in one place and they missed being out at night socializing with other people. However, I don’t know if we have forgotten how June-July was like in our country. So many tears were shed because we lost many relatives, friends and partners to COVID-19. Suddenly, we think because we have vaccinated we cannot contract the virus. As the church we must intensify our prayers because most people are travelling too close the sun. The pandemic is still ongoing therefore it is important to stand in solidary as a church community. On a positive note the Christmas holidays are fast approaching. We can look forward to spending time with family and recharging. The amazing thing about me is that rest heals me. If I have a headache, I will try drinking water and if water doesn’t help I sleep it off. I am looking forward to the rest.

I love you but God adores you more.

Malebogo Lepere

Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 4


The English dictionary defines humility as, “the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance” meaning that it is an act of lowering or humbling oneself so that the person is able to serve others without having to look at their status. The person forgets their position, power, status etc and focuses on the task at hand. In Philippians 2:3-9 (NKJV) it is stated thus, “let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore, God also has highly exalted and given Him the name which is above every name”. We learn how our Lord Jesus Christ humbled Himself even to suffer the humiliation of death on the cross. This scripture teaches us what it means to be always humble no matter the circumstances. It teaches us to serve those in need without looking at our status. The Lord is showing us a good example that, when we humble ourselves before the Lord, God will lift us up and give us the recognition. It means that we must let go of any pride or arrogance, let go of any desires of recognition by those that we serve because our reward shall come from our Father, who sees our true intentions. It is important to note that humility is possible when we can obey and follow the laid rules, when we are ready to be guided and learn from God through His word. In Matthew 11:29-30 our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to learn from Him as He is gentle and humble in spirit. Sometimes as children of God we learn and understand humility, practice it even, but as time goes on, we forget who deserves all the praise and honor. We forget to maintain the lowliness and start showing pride or we start fighting to be recognized or we stop serving the people because we assume they lack appreciation and do not give us the worth we deserve after our service.

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At times when God blesses us with His gifts of the Holy Spirit, to use as directed by Him. We forget that we are only mortal and deem it as our own strength, power or intelligence, making us to lose sight of the real truth and misguiding ourselves as well as those we are supposed to serve. This behavior can lead us to fall short of the glory of God.

As we learn to understand who God is in our lives, may we also learn to serve Him and His people selflessly, expecting nothing earthly in return. May we grow in patience and love as these can help us persevere in our journey to be humble people of God.

In Deuteronomy 8:2-3, God showed the children of Israel who He is, He tested them and humbled them through many trials and tribulations while in the desert, “remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty

Jesus Christ what the whole meaning and purpose of service is, even as He Himself explain to His disciples, “I came to serve and not to be served”. May serving others bring joy and happiness into our lives so that we may do it

years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands…”.

without looking back even for one minute and may we see it as an honor and not a burden. “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people” (Ephesians 6:7).

May we also learn to serve Him and His people selflessly

May we also understand God when He talks to us in His various ways, may we learn from our Lord

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Believing is part of it When the year started, we had goals that we prayed for now the year is coming to an end and some of them are not achieved. We are still trusting God to answer our prayers. This read is addressing what the problem could be for not receiving answers to our prayers. We may be missing one thing that I want to discuss today. It is possible to be prayerful and yet not have faith. At times we trick ourselves into believing that since we have asked God for help there is no need to see what you asked for in prayer in your mind? Many times we do not know that praying and believing go hand in hand. Personal Testimony: When I was in university doing my undergraduate, I did not fail any of my modules but when I started my honour degree things changed. I was getting low marks for my monthly tests, so I decided to go on a fast. The fast was to pray for my end of term exams. I would pray and sleep afterwards waiting for the time to break the fast. Then I sat for my exams and a month later the results were out. I thought when you fast, it’s a guarantee that whatever you fasted for will come to pass. I did not know that I must see it coming to pass. I check my results and I had only passed one module out of 8 modules. I was convinced that God doesn’t love me.

I believe this because, at this point, what you asked for must come to pass. I was paying my own school fees in a foreign country so the sooner I finish my honours the sooner I can stop paying for rent, and school fees. After such an experience I learnt that it is a weakness of many of us to pray and not have faith for the things we prayed for. I assumed that once you pray and even fasted, everything that you asked for must come to pass. Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 7

We need to have faith when we pray. God is a loving father and he wants us to know that we believe that He can do exceedingly, above all that we can see nor imagine. Our only task in the relationship with our father (God) is to ask and have faith. Most people’s prayers are not answered because they fail to have faith in what

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

they prayed for. What is praying without faith? It is when you take time in prayer and put forth a

those who earnestly seek him.

request to God and not taking it a step up and seeing what you have prayed for coming to pass before it does.

In your own corner, know that God finds a person with faith as one of the obedient servants because in 1 Corinthians 13:13 (Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love) it is stated that the 3 above will last forever, they will take you far in other words. Faith will take you far because you can expect to receive what seems impossible to the naked eye.

The order of things in (Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”) is to believe, ask and receive. Most people ask and do not fathom or even prepare to receive what they asked for. A lot of people are afraid of the shame that if they believe and prepare the baskets for harvest and the harvest doesn’t come as planned. I believe that if what you prayed and believed for does not come, it means 2 things. God is simply saying “not yet” or “not for you (I have something better)”. You do not have to be ashamed of anything when it comes to God.

Hebrews 11:6 and without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards

As a child of God, you must expect God to answer your prayers. Do you ask God to do something for you and you don't prepare to receive what you asked for? If you want to find a spouse, what are you reading in preparation for receiving your partner? Also, the person you are, would you marry yourself? Your attitude and habits? As a way of believing to receive your spouse, you should work on getting your attitude in check.

The book of life guides us in this issue by below reads; James 1:6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.

If you are struggling with believing and trusting in your God, ask God to increase your faith, God may choose to respond to your requests. Despite your lack of faith but you will be missing the experience and pleasure of praying in faith.

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Trish Waboraro started off in the industry in 2016 by initiating “Sound of Worship”, an initiative that trains praise and worship teams across churches. This initiative has seen her release her first book in 2016 titled Worship Leader Manual Vol I, which covers the spiritual and practical aspects of worship, including

Through her affiliation with Scripture Union, she has also reached out to young people in schools, both secondary and senior schools.

music dynamics. ‘I saw a gap in the industry that I wanted to

Leader Manual Vol II (2020) and Her Articles (2021).

breach. I noticed that we actually have talent in the church choirs, but something seems to be missing. That is why I decided to focus on the spiritual and practical aspects of worship’, she says. ‘I started off hosting workshops in different places from my pocket, it was costly and it took a lot of sacrifices, noting that I do not get paid by churches to train their teams. So it was quite a stretch to be funding everything until God came through and opened a door for me with MVA Fund to partly sponsor me in most of the workshops’, she laments.

As an author, Trish Waboraro has four (4) published books thus far being Worship Leader Manual Vol I (2016),Broken (2018), Worship

‘It has been such a thrill and blessing for my work to be recognized across Africa and beyond. It has given me exposure and platform beyond our country’, she says.

She recently launched her website, where she also sells her books on digital format and a platform that also markets her and makes her accessible to the international market.

Her collaboration was not only with Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, she also partnered with Botswana Police Services and Scripture Union, thus forming a formidable team that has made a huge impact across Botswana. Trish Waboraro has a heart for young people and through her Motivational speaking, she has engaged with institutes such as Stepping Stone International, YWCA, Baylor Children's Clinic and SOS Village as some of the institutes she has reached out to, inspired and motivated the youth through. She speaks on different topics such as relationships, worship, purpose and destiny, career and personal development, Gender Based Violence, singleness and parenthood amongst many. She has sat on platforms such as “Save A Woman” by Babedi Samakabadi and Single With A Purpose by Yvonne Mooka.

She also forms part of Scripture Union Southern Africa team as one of the writers that write a yearly SU devotional. She has recently joined Scripture Union South Africa Magazine as one of their column writers. As a worship leader, she is currently serving in Assembly of God Gaborone under the leadership of Bishop Raphael T. Habibo, having been groomed and raised in Alleluia Ministries International in Namibia, under the leadership of Bishop Mike Songiso. She has since grown as a worship leader and coach. She, now through her Sound of Worship platform, is in affiliation and partnership with NAWE AFRICA, in Nairobi Kenya: an initiative by Pastor Victor Ochieng which also trains praise and worship teams across the globe, where she also serves as a worship trainer.

Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 10 ‘

‘it has been such a thrill and blessing for my work to be recognized across Africa and beyond. It has given me exposure and platform beyond our country’, she says. Her first single titled I'm Still Here in 2020, quite a melodious one. This young Motswana is quite a force to reckon with. She is one of the young talents that the world should watch out for. Unafraid, gogetter and quite a pusher; her profile is one that is never ending. One would say ‘jack of all trades and master of none, she defies the odds. Trish Waboraro is jack of all trades and master of all that this dynamite has wrapped around her little finger. Talking about ‘little finger’, she exclaims ‘I am heavily single; that is loaded with destiny and a proud mother of a 12 year old boy. So the market is still open’, she bursts out laughing. When asked for what she looks for in her ideal man she explains ‘a man that I’m not going to lose myself to be with him. i don’t want to pack my dreams and assignment aside just to be with a man.’ She continues ‘of course there shall be compromise, but I’m waiting for a man that my assignment shall compliment his assignment, its vision compatibility for me’. Trish Waboraro as an event anchor, she has hosted events such as Rera Online Radio Launch, Botswana Gospel Music Awards, Benjamin Dube’s Rorisa Workshop and GIA Concert which hosted a mega concert featuring Benjamin Dube. Currently, Trish Waboraro sits on the national board of directors at Steppingstone International as a Chairperson. She is a lawyer by profession, practicing with the Directorate of Public Prosecutions, Attorney Generals Chambers as a Prosecutor.

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She looks further to impacting the youth through her initiatives and skills, growing her portfolio and making waves even on international platforms.

'I am self-inspired; I am pushed by what God has placed in me. My desire is to pour out to my generation everything that God had placed in me',she says.

WRITING THE BOOKS Her passion and talents are speaking, writing, singing. Her writing journey started with the University of Namibia (2012) when she was part of the team that compiled and edited the 'Indigenous Laws Of Botswana and Bakgalagadi Ba Namibia', under HRDC (Human Rights. And Documentation Center) in Windhoek Namibia. Her first love was writing in the Legal Fraternity but the love for God took over and her first book to be published was a Christian book that covers the spiritual and practical aspects of worship, titled Worship Leader Manual Vol I, though a few manuscripts were written before it. This first book came as a result of my involvement with training praise and worship teams and it birthed an initiative called Sound of Worship that trains praise and worship teams across the world, she says At present she has four published books being: 1. Worship Leader Manual Vol I (2016), a book which lays a foundation to worship by covering the basic fundamental principles of worship. 2. Worship Leader Manual Vol II (2021) which covers the spiritual and practical aspects of worship in depth. 3. Broken (2019) is a motivational/inspirational literature which deals with our brokenness through life issues. And finally; 4. Her Articles (2018-printed 2021) which is also a motivational/Inspirational book which covers a group of articles of different topics that affect us in our daily lives such as A voice me, A parents covering, conflict of paying tithes and The church as the foundation of the country, just to mention a few.

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What does the future hold for her; ‘my prayer is that I will have an impact and influence over the borders of Africa. Currently, I'm involved with an organization called NAWE AFRICA in Nairobi, Kenya which also trains praise on worship teams across the world. I'm also involved with Scripture Union Southern Africa as part of the team that writes their yearly devotion, Scripture Union South Africa Magazine as one of their column writers... My involvement also with Steppingstone International, as the Chairperson of their National Board of Directors inspires me to be involved more with the youth beyond the church walls and it’s something that I pray opens more doors of that caliber. I will soar higher and higher. MESSAGE UPCOMING AUTHORS Talk your talk- find your voice and define your audience through your writing. Africans are readers and we are waiting to hear from you through your books. Makeup Artist: Lenyoloi Lenah Tlholego Photography by "Son of Mau"

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HOW TO ENGAGE IN SELF-DISCIPLINE FOR ENTHRONEMENT-PART 2 BY HARRY TAWIAH USSHER Not having self-discipline can cause you to sell your birthright. What you have to understand is that no condition is permanent, in other words whatever you are going through is temporal, trials fade away with time and God always come through at the end of the waiting period. You must learn to endure in every sphere of life and do not look for a quick solution to fix it. If there is anything that makes one better then is challenges. In Genesis 25:31-34 we see how Jacob asked his brother Esau to sell to him his birthright and indeed he sold it to him in exchange for a plate of pottage. What a shame! It is painful and sad how many young people have sold their birthright in exchange for foolishness, temporally pleasure and fame. Recognize that God is jealous of anything He has given to you so you must protect it through discipline. Esau did not have self-discipline and self-control to overcome the hunger so are many young people today, who can easily give in to something that has no value compared to the glorious future God has for them. How can Esau despise his birthright and sell it because of food? Something God gave him. This is why God said, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Romans 9:13. Never sell your birthright just to make people happy or make yourself happy in exchange for the beautiful destiny God has for you, else you will be hated by God. Every now and then the friends you have in the journey of life will determine how far you go in life. In my own case it was God who protected me else I would have been a history or nothing to write home about. Because some of my best friends are literally mad and roaming in the streets of Ghana and some are hooked into alcohol and are in drugs, this is why you must choose your friends wisely. Know what you want to achieve in life and anyone who is not going your direction should not be your friend. Choose friends with the same passion and interest as you. Recognize that we have agents of the devil going nowhere in life roaming about looking for potentials to destroy.

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WHAT IS SELF-DISCIPLINE? Oxford English dictionary defines self-discipline as, the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weakness. Collins English dictionary defines self-discipline as, the ability to control yourself and make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do. I define self-discipline as: 1. Your deliberate choice for the profitable above the acceptable. That is choosing what will profit you in your life’s journey against what is acceptable now. 1 Corinthians 6:12. All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. 2. Operating as demand is not as convenient. Anywhere you find yourself there is what is demanded of you and not what you want. Nehemiah 4:23. So neither I, nor my brethren, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard which followed me, none of us put off our clothes, saving that every one put them off for washing. 3. Be a law to yourself in order to accomplish a goal. 4. Living under self-set rules. Establishing boundaries around you. Psalm 119:11. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Genesis 39:9 No one is greater in this house than I am. My Every now and then the friends you have in master has withheld nothing from me except you because you are his wife. How then could I do now then the friends you theEvery journey of and life will determine how farhave you in such ajourney wickedofthing and sin against God?” life case will determine how far you go the in life. In my own it was God who go in life. my Iown case it was God protected meInelse would have been a who 5. Operating without requiring supervision protected me else I would have been a towards the delivery of a given task. history or nothing to write home about. historysome or nothing write homeare about. Because of mytobest friends From the understanding we have gathered Because of my best friends areof so far on the subject matter, there is no doubt in our minds that literally mad some and roaming in the streets it requires our personal effort inthe order to achieve our desired goals. literally and roaming streets of Ghana andmad some are hookedininto alcohol some hooked andGhana are in and drugs, thisare is why you into mustalcohol and are infriends drugs, wisely. this is why youwhat must choose your Know you choose your friends wisely. Know what want to achieve in life and anyone who is you achieve in lifeshould and anyone notwant goingtoyour direction not bewho youris not going your direction not be your friend. Choose friends with should the same friend.and Choose friends withRecognize the same that passion interest as you. and interest as you. Recognize wepassion have agents of the devil going nowherethat we roaming have agents the devil nowhere in life aboutoflooking forgoing potentials to in life roaming about looking for potentials to destroy. destroy.

I OVERCAME They call it the disease with a thousand faces. This so that perhaps you look normal and no one would ever know there is anything wrong with you, yet in reality you are living with a chronic illness that is hard to detect. It has no cause or cure. Some days it makes you feel like you cannot do anything. It all started in October 2014, a month that was supposed to be the happiest month of my life because I was graduating, little did I know it was just the beginning of my misery. I started getting sick my hands turning purple, few days after my graduation. I was hospitalized only to find out that I had brain tumor. Doctors did lumbar puncture which left me paralyzed and I had memory loss. I went back and forth to physiotherapy, which helped although I am not physically fit. In February 2015, I was discharged from the hospital. I was not fit but taking baby steps towards recovery. In March, I felt better and decided to take a public transport thinking I was strong enough to be on my own. I had a car accident cracking my skull which left me with three stitches to my head and a blood clot to my brain. This resulted in me being half-blind and a constant seizure attacks. I was back to zero at the hospital again. Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 17

I OVERCAME CONTINUES I was discharged from the hospital in April and right when I thought I was healing, the worst happened. I was diagnosed with a chronic disease call Lupus and Mixied connective tissue disorder. SLE (Systematic Lupus Erythematous) is a disease which is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect any organ or system in the body including the skin, joints, blood, kidneys and central nervous system. It is an auto immune disease which means the body's immune system (which normally protects and defends the body against illness) becomes overactive, often attacking the healthy tissues of the body. Lupus is an incurable auto immune disorder characterized by flare-ups of disease activity of unpredictable durations generally followed by symptom free from disease range from mild to life threatening and often mimic other diseases, so it is referred to as the Great Impostor, the cruel mystery.

I live a life of limitations because of this bully, I live with intense exhaustion, I suffer a lot in the environment of extreme heat and cold weather, my nerve often gives me phantom itches that make me scratch myself raw. It's an itch that does not even exist. Inside my bones feels like a jack hummer it’s been used, especially during the change in weather. During the cold season, my fingers change color to purple or blue (RAYNOUNDS PHENOMENAL). It's highly risky to fall pregnant. In January 2018 during the heatwave, I had an attack, was hospitalized for a week which resulted in my liver being damaged, my eyes color changed to yellow, lost my sense of taste. I had to be given strong medication which comes with side effects such as muscle knots, flares and more flares. In 2018 had A rip fracture from a hug, had to go through X-rays and strong medication, my organs are as fragile as of a toddler.

I live with intense exhaustion

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I decided to research more about this condition online and I had no luck in finding anyone talking about it in my country but I found several support groups aboard, which I joined. I thought to myself if I can have so much welcoming and heartwarming support from people online, surely here at home I can, that’s when I started

The most interesting thing is that I have a chance to share my journey with the world and show people that indeed He is a God of possibilities. He cannot bring you into a situation and leave you there, He always makes a way. He is a way maker. One thing that motives me to carry on though I have been through all this and having a life of limitations, is that

being vocal about my journey with this autoimmune, had my story published in the

I believe God gave me a second chance in life, I am a living testimony. To show other warriors out there

local newspaper called the Midweek sun twice, Kutlwano magazine, even went to our local radio station such as RB2 and Duma just to

that with God, He can carry you through it all despite all the challenges and difficulties we face in our everyday life.

name a few and amazingly people started coming up saying they too have the condition or know someone who has it, From all this overwhelming response, I formed an organization called the Unbroken Smile Organisation in late 2018 so I can bring all

I think more awareness is needed as more and more people are being diagnosed with lupus disease and there is little knowledge about the rare chronic conditions. The covid-19 pandemic made it worse as we cannot move around to teaching people.

people living with rare autoimmune and sensitize Batswana about these rare conditions. I did radio interviews, Amanda Duncan in Ghana covered my story for their women’s month magazine online. I manage to address different local schools to raise awareness.

My future plans are to have Batswana have full knowledge about this condition, to open a hospice or shelter where people diagnosed with LUPUS &MCTD can come together and share their experiences about the condition. To start the

We had a walk-in 2019 to sensitize Batswana about these rare chronic conditions in our village Molepolole. People came in large numbers to come and learn. Another way that I do to sensitize the public, is that I would go around in different organizations and teach them about this, even at the clinics I would go

dialogue and open discussion on evidence-based issues on rare chronic conditions in Botswana. Life skill development how to live and cope well living with a rare chronic condition. To offer psychological and moral support to those affected and infected with rare chronic conditions or autoimmune. To bring awareness public (Batswana) about the rare chronic conditions (LUPU &MCTD) (by doing campaigns and

and sensitize people. Scottish Livingstone Hospital in Molepolole also welcomed me to come sensitive people during our month which is May, I have also partnered with the Molepolole DHMT (district Health Management Team) to be able to reach more Batswana. I have reached a village called Sojwe to teach them about this autoimmune diseases. But due to the covid pandemic we are currently not able to go to different villages. I created a WhatsApp

outreach in different areas in Botswana). To go about different clinics and hospitals in remote areas, mobilizing resources for people with rare chronic conditions, so to bring evidence-based dialogue on rare chronic conditions in Botswana. Getting the Ministry of health to part take in raising awareness, recognizing this autoimmune disease, celebrating during its month.

group, where we can talk daily about our challenges and struggles as we help each other cope. Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg


Through all this, I have realized that I define who I am. Lupus is just a bully that I beat every morning I wake up. I am a warrior! This is me now; I am not going to let lupus break my shine. I am going to keep my smile through the pain because God got me. To the people out there I would say never judge someone by looking at them and concluding they are lazy or pretending, people out there are battling with a lot of things. Think before you say something negative to someone as they may be battling with a rare chronic condition. My name is Azania Pauline Kadisa, I am a young faithful Motswana born and raised as a Christian. I am the fourth of my parents out of 5 children. I am a teacher by profession. I love going out with friends and having good times. I also love baking as I have a mini business, I bake all kinds of cakes, I have a Facebook page called Let’s Bake with Azania. I also love sensitizing people about rare chronic conditions, whether I am on a bus or if there is a gathering and I have the opportunity to speak I use that chance.

Look for my page on Facebook called THE Unbroken Smile Organisation and donate alike, you can also ask any question you want to know about these conditions.

Aza after being diagnosed lupus

Aza before being diagnosed with Lupus

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HOW TO MOBILITY TRAIN BY ONNEILE KEALOTSWE Fitness Instructor In our last article, we discussed what mobility training was and the importance of incorporating it into your workout routine. Daily chores and exercise may cause undue stress to muscles and joints if one’s mobility is compromised. It is, therefore, important for one to continue working on maintaining or improving their mobility. The following are some of the ways to improve your mobility:

2.Dynamic Warm-Up 1. Mobility Drills These are exercises that are specifically geared towards training your range of motion around joints to achieve a free motion within the optimal range. They involve actively moving, contracting and relaxing muscles through the joints range of motion. Some of these may isolate, while others involve multi-joint movement patterns. Mobility drills should be done before the workout as a warm-up, especially to those joints that will be loaded or trained on that particular day. Remember there are different and specific drills for different parts of the body e.g Hip, shoulder, knee, and ankle mobility drills etc

These are movement-based warmups, it is basically “moving while you stretch”. This type of warm-up does more than increasing muscle temperature and blood. Controlled dynamic stretching will increase joint range of motion and enhance muscle power better than static stretching and hence it is more beneficial when incorporated into a pre-workout regime.

3. Stretching Tight muscles have a negative effect on posture and alignment leading to imbalance and reduction in optimal performance. It is also a perfect recipe for injury. Contraction during resistance training shortens muscles and therefore, it is important to stretch at the end of the workout to release tension, increase range of motion by elongating the shortened muscles.


4. Self Myo-Fascial techniques These techniques are used to reduce muscle soreness and help assist tissue recovery and circulation. Examples of these are; foam rolling, and any tools that can be used for self-massage.

Mobility requires time and should be afforded the same attention as the workout itself. If you are to realise any benefits from it.











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This is the largest section of the orchestra and usually makes more than half of the orchestra. The section comprises of violins, violas, cellos, double basses, and harps. The section usually carries the main melody while the other sections play the harmonies. The string section usually sit in a semicircle right Infront of the conductor. If there is a harp, it is placed right at the back of the section. 2


This section generally consists of flutes, clarinets, oboes, and bassoon. In the Morden orchestra the saxophone has been included. In a typical orchestra set up they placed right in the centre behind the strings. Placing them in the centre aids in balancing the sound.



This section consists of trumpets, French horns, trombones, and tubas. These instruments are very loud and so they are usually placed near the back behind the wood winds section.



This section consists of kettle drums, bells and all other instruments that are stuck, beaten or shaken. The piano is occasionally added to this section. The section is placed at the back of the orchestra.

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By Tsaone Makula God is not confused about your destiny (purpose). That which He put in you, He will announce at the perfect time, for He is always on time. God is not put under pressure by your mates when they shine. It’s their time to shine. Trust in His timing, and He will announce you. Allow Him time to prepare you, for everything has a time and a season. God does not change like shifting shadows; He is orderly. The Bible says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end” Ecclesiastes 3:11. God is a master architect of human life. You are here and alive because He had a plan for you and that plan is still intact. Do not be troubled in your heart; do not let Satan distract you with worry or jealousy over others because of their rising and shining. Your time will surely come. Enjoy the journey; it’s your preparation time. Trust God through the process; celebrate all the small achievements, for achievement must be celebrated, no matter how small. Celebrating every small step of progress, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you and others, will remind us that indeed God is with us. Life is lived in phases. Some phases can be more strenuous and emotionally and mentally taxing than others, but hey, take heart for it’s only a phase; it will pass. One healthy exercise we can all teach our hearts is to celebrate others when they are shining, not just so that they can celebrate us when our time comes, but because it’s the right and mature thing to do. This positive attitude towards others will effectively help lock out jealousy, wicked thoughts, and covetousness out of our hearts. In God, we live, we move, and we have our being. We find our sense of purpose in Him. He is a God who has no favorites, for He loves us the same and wants all of us to shine because that gives Him glory and honor. It is the seasons we go through and the individual paths that we take that make our experiences different, but at the end of the day were are all meant to shine for God. Endure, stay on course and enjoy the adventurous journey. Do not lose hope, and do not let your faith stagger. No matter what phase of your life you are in right now, you are still very relevant to God. Thank God He does not look at us through the lenses of other human beings. God is a master builder, yield to Him, and that which He has been working inside of you will manifest in due course. You will shine! Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 27


BARBECUE GLAZED TURKEY AND BOW TUNA PASTA Ingredients Bow pasta Turkey Tuna & Mason Cooking oil worscetshire sauce Spices Barbecue Steak& chops Onion powder Garlic powder Smoked paprika Black paper and oregano

Directions Boil the pasta in water with oil & salt, When its al-dante remove and rinse with cold water to remove starch and so it doesn't stick together Take it back to the pot for steaming for about 5-7mins... When it's done mix it with tuna & Mason. Preparing turkey gently by marinade it with the all the spices Generously pour some cooking oil in the frying pan and add the piece of turkey with medium-low heat Add red wine vinegar about 2 tablespoons and 1 tablespoon of worscetshire sauce Keep frying till well done then glaze with barbecue sauce. Garnish on pasta is dried parsley

Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 29


AUTHOR: Sibusiso K. Kgosikhumo

Contents: Prologue, 10 chapters, 200 pages with “The 100-day transformation program,”

This book is not your average “purposedefining statement” but a masterpiece that causes an eruption of your inner faith. It is written by a Motswana entrepreneur who has an understanding of challenging spheres that anyone on earth wrestles with. Breaking down the title itself tells any reader that this is not just a one-time thing you do and get over with but a continuous process. It says “transforming,” not “transform on purpose.” It sounds contrary to “change” but not diabolical to it because with this transformation you aim at serving a purpose that may not be recorded in any book of history or may never be known by anyone but you alone. Yet you must serve this purpose lest you rest with your forefathers a total failure. I share with readers that after reading this book, I realized that we cannot afford to change for no apparent reason and neither can we afford to have a purpose but not pursue it.

The author went the extra mile in gathering familiar stories to liken our situations with those that conquered already, the likes of the late Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa. He used metaphors that can be memorized along with quotes that can be used to rewrite history books.

Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 30

We live in microwave mentality eras where everything must be done before the blink of an eye which causes most of us depressions and quitting. He writes in the first chapter, “Mandela’s purpose in life was never changed by his circumstances,” and we have to think for a moment that what Mandela faced might have made him quit his purpose but he would have never been president and be honored so much by the world until the day he rested and beyond. I bet Mandela‟s family members and congressmen are well known because of the name this man left for them and mostly because of the struggles and perseverance that gave him conquest.

The author in his words throughout the chapters shows us his essence as a normal human being who lives among fellow beings yet the differences between us all have caused him pain here and there, he has been challenged and hurt, he has been questioned, he has been tried and tested and as it stands he is still standing.

I recommend this book to everyone across all disciplines; it is needed by students, teachers, nurses, aspiring entrepreneurs, professionals, athletes and book lovers in general. This book gave me a totally different approach to pursuing purpose and I am not ready to rest until the world breathes my sweat. So, my fellow readers, we cannot explain our own failures with anything. Matter of fact we have no right at all to quit and blame anyone, no one holds the keys to your success but you and God.

As a habitual reader, I always want to have one or two chapters I mark as favorite even from the books I authored myself but “Transforming on purpose” did not give me a moment to choose a single chapter but all chapters carry profound messages for us all; the failing and the successful. CHAPTERS  Prologue: Only but a tiny speck of dust  Chapter 1: From behind the Mazawattee-tea glasses  Chapter 2: But, what is on the other side?  Chapter 3: When you know, you know  Chapter 4: Intelligence vs Mentality  Chapter 5: The power of „D‟  Chapter 6 Clean up yourself  Chapter 7: The curse of the Alpha  Chapter 8: Surviving life in the desert  Chapter 9: Your purpose! Why do we matter?  Chapter 10: After all is said and done.  The 100-Day Transformation Programme Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 31

Sibusiso K. Kgosikhumo is a Qualified Optometrist with BSc (Hons) Degree from the University of Aston in Birmingham England. He is the Managing Director of Botsvision Opticians in Molepolole. He is the author of “Succeeding on purpose,” a book that has done fairly well in Botswana and has a footprint internationally. Sibusiso has also established himself as a personal development speaker on the subjects of Destiny and Purpose focusing on the foundational subject of Psychology. As found from his “About the author.” Published: 2019 by Khumo Horizons (PTY) Ltd ISBN:978-99968-0-835-1 Email: Dial: +267 76549917 youthfuls (Y4G) Christian Magazine youthful4god


Youthful4God | November Issue 21| Pg 32

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