May Issue 2022

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GALE the songbird May 2022 l issue 27





About us


Sermon Book Review


Editor's Note

Fitness Corner



His cross to unshackle

Just for laughs

Laying the bridge for tomorrow

Where to Go

09 13

My prayer Journey

17 Cover Story

22 Real Talk



We are an online Christian magazine that aims to share inspiring stories. We celebrate, recognize and appreciate Christian role models in their different capacities MISSION To share the Gospel truth, inspire, motivate and cultivate faith in our everyday lives


To provide a platform and safe room for growth in the Christian lifestyle and exposure to local talent in the Christian community.

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 3

Editor's note

Greetings SAFE readers Welcome to another issue. I hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday in April. Our May issue is just what you need to start snuggling indoors as the cold Winter descends upon us. Expect some exciting articles in this issue. Some thought provoking literature that may require introspection and maybe a need to change a few things in your life after. You will also get some words of wisdom on preparation and what it looks like in our lives. I hope you will enjoy this issue as much as we loved putting it together for you.


Photo by Neal E. Johnson

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 5

His cross to unshackle

ARTICLE BY K M NTEBANG “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid in Him the iniquities of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth” (Isaiah 53: 5-7 NKJV).

This scripture reveals to us how our Lord Jesus Christ suffered in order to save us from all our sins. He was found blameless, yet He is the one who got the punishment. Even as he was being beaten and accused by the Jews, He never defended Himself because He knew that the debt was enormous that had to be paid. Our lives before Him are so precious that He had to give up His own life so that we may have eternal life. As he hung on the cross and said those last words, “it is finished”, His followers may have thought He meant He had been defeated, that all His teachings and His work were in vain, little did they know that what He meant was greater than what human mind could comprehend. What He meant was that His people had been finally released from the grips of sin, the devil and all his advocates. The blood Contact that was shedMe on the cross was to wipe out all the sins of the world, to pay for all our sins once and for all.

Photo by Wesley Tingey

Similarly, His accusers and oppressors thought they had accomplished their mission only to realize that the work that was done on the cross was the greatest sacrifice for His beloveds. It was the absolute payment for His own and no compromise could be reached but only through Him on the cross. The scripture continues that He humbled Himself even to death on the cross. It is His humility and greatest love that redeemed us from eternal condemnation. The humiliation he was subjected to did not discourage Him or render Him incapable because His determination was to see His own being freed from sin and getting back the title to be called “Children of God”. Contact Me One may think that all this happened over 2,000 years ago and that it may not apply in the world we live in today, however, one fact that remains is that the debt has been fully paid once and for all, and also that He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Therefore, what happened many years ago continues to be renewed in our lives everyday, because with each day new blessings are deposited into our life account and with each day the grace is sufficient to carry us through. The big lesson to get from the cross is that His blood was shed to cleanse and purify us until the time we meet again when He comes on judgement day. Now the question that remains is, what does His death on the cross mean for me? Do I repent for my sins daily or I also like the Jews of the old days, continue to crucify Him with my actions? Do I recognize His death on the cross as a sacrifice that was done specifically for me as a child of God or do I see it being for certain people? John 3:16 tells us thus, “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”. It is this kind of love that put Him on the cross and we, who call ourselves His followers, should boldly count ourselves worthy of such kind of love. We should not partake in bringing His Holy name down by doing things He did not call us to do. We should strive to do good and fulfill His expectation of us. We should look to the cross every time we feel defeated by the troubles of this world. We should call His precious blood to cleanse and purify us every time we feel unworthy to stand before Him and we should be strong enough to always carry our cross and follow Him. The journey has been won through the cross however, it does not mean that the journey will be easy to travel, there will be falling along the way but we should always get up and carry on with the journey in order to reach our final destination. Photo by Jametlene Reskp

Youthful4God | Issue 26| Pg 6


LAYING THE BRIDGE FOR TOMORROW In Matthew 25:1-13 there is an interesting story of ten virgins, five of them were foolish and the other five were wise according to the Bible. In that story, you can preach or teach about so many things there, but, I want to talk about what made the other five virgins wise. The five virgins were wise because they prepared themselves ahead of time to meet the bridegroom. The story teaches us to prepare ourselves as we wait for opportunities to present themselves to manifest or to show what we are made off. The story also teaches us that only wise people prepare themselves well ahead of time. We go to school to acquire knowledge in order to function properly when we get employed since we have been prepared for the job.

It is a process that someone undertakes to achieve proper results. Sadly, we live in a generation where most people do not want to go through the due process but wants the glory. We have women who want to marry but have zero preparation. They cannot take care of a home, cannot cook, and do not have the ability to manage themselves and the like. Most men after graduating from University or learning a trade wish to marry, but there is nothing they have done to prepare them to become good husbands. I have wondered why most women do not know how to cook at least five home-cooked meals and still talk about marriage. What were they doing when they were growing up? How would they feed their husbands and children?

We call Jesus Christ the most anointed man that ever lived, but His main secret was preparation. In Luke 3:23 we see that He started His earthly ministry when He was 30 years of age. He appeared in the synagogue at the age of 12 years and we didn’t hear from Him again. So what was He doing between the ages of 12 years and 30 years? The answer is preparing. He took 18 years preparing for three years and six months of ministry. In ministry, 3 things are very important. which are:

1. The call. The time God will call a person. 2. The mentorship stage. Where a person has to be mentored and go to school. 3. The use. Where God is going to use you.

All of these stages are important for one’s manifestation and advancement. These principles do not refer to ministry only but life in general. In fact, preparation set you apart and makes you unique in all you do. You should know what you want to do, train for it and the time will come for you to show what you have been trained for. Reading 2 or 3 books a month is not a waste of time, it adds to the knowledge you already have and prepare you well in advance for the future. Praying for 3 to 4 hours a day can never be a waste of time, prayer shapes your life, gives you direction, prevents misfortunes, and prepares one glorious future.

Photo by Brett Jordan

Proverbs 6:6-11 once again emphasizes the need for one to be wise. It tells us to learn from the ant who doesn’t have a ruler or overseer but is able to prepare for any eventualities ahead. Don’t forget also that preparation needs patience.

Photo by Jexo

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. 9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest— and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.

WHAT WILL PREPARATION DO FOR YOU? Preparation is important for success as preparation beforehand can save time and make someone ready for anything that comes their way. So if you want to be ready and achieve success be sure to check out these awesome preparation quotes! QUOTE 1. “The result you get at the end of life’s journey determines how well you are prepared for life.” – Harry Tawiah-Ussher. 2. “You do not become anything you have not prepared for.” - Harry Tawiah-Ussher. 3. “Over-preparation is the foe of inspiration.” – Napoleon Bonaparte. 4. “Prepare while others are daydreaming.” – William Arthur Ward. 5. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin. 6. “Preparation is the key to leadership success. The more prepared you are the less your struggle…” – Israelmore Ayivor. 7. “The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.” – Tony Robbins. 8. “The rich and even the middle-class plan for the future generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days.” – Gloria Steinem. 9. “Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions.” – Peter F. Drucker. 10. “Life requires thorough preparation-veneer isn’t worth anything.” – George Washington Carver.

GUEST My ARTICLE Journey in Prayer

Ever been drawn to pray for someone? A family member, A stranger, a colleague, a face you would have met on the line at the ATM or while doing your grocery shopping?! Extending a good deed is a deep part of our spiritual lives. The story of the good Samaritan is one that many know (Luke Chp10v25-37), some from as far as Sunday school. How a man was attacked and left at the roadside for death. Two men, A priest and a Levite passed him not wanting to be associated with him. But what does that teach us, what do we learn from it? What did you learn from it? In the life of a Christian, we aspire to be like Christ, to have His values, His heart, His love. To live in a Godly way in all aspects of this life. In essence being drawn into his being. During this Christian journey we encounter a whole lot of situations, either understanding God, how to fellowship or the spirit of communion,but today I want to focus a bit on prayer and my experience with prayer.

See, the early church devoted their time to prayer. Acts 3v1 says “Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. (3pm)”. From there we notice that there was an hour(s) of prayer dedicated for everyone to go into prayer . However, as a young Christian, you ask yourself. How do you pray? Do you find it easy to make time? Do you have specific times set aside? Do you pray as you go about your day? What prompts you to pray? Have you ever prayed and experienced a very specific response! One thing is, we have to be careful what we say to the Lord in prayer, Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 says Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.

Photo by William Farlow

Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore, let your words be few. A dream comes with much business and a fool’s voice with many words. Prayer isn’t about the number of words you say, it's not about how dressed you are, it's about your heart ultimately, what is in your heart. Scripture further says “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”.(James Chp 5v16). This effective prayer shows us that there is an opportunity to take advantage, choose to do good things in order to bring about good benefits! Prayer has the ability to accomplish much when put into action and in turn made effective by God. You see, The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer (1 Peter 3:12). When we choose to do good and godly things, we are in the perfect place for God to hear our prayers. When we repent and confess our sins, God will turn his ears toward our cries (Psalm 34:15). He longs to help us when we humbly admit our weaknesses. The James chapter continues in verse 16 with a description of Elijah. Elijah was merely a human, just like us, but he let his faith in God prevail by praying fervently. He prayed that it wouldn’t rain, and it didn’t rain for three years and six months. Then he prayed again for it to rain and heaven poured forth rain. When we put our faith in God, our prayers can do more than we think or imagine. Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 14

Adding on to the above, when we think of the righteous man, 2 Chronicles 16v9, comes to a point were we say “For the eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…” A firm, steady, active faith in this brings us near to God, and unites us to him! Those who are sincere; who truly desire and strive to know and do the Lord’s will in all things, those may he sure of his protection and aid, and have cause to depend thereon on Him. In all this, not forgetting that one should Humble themselves in the sight of the Lord, and for He shall lift you up (James 4:10). As a closure, I would like to share something. One day, while alone in my bedroom, I receive a vision. My good friend kneeling at his bedside, crying endlessly in prayer. I didn’t even think twice, I immediately knelt down and started saying prayers, words or supplication and requests rolling out of my tongue , for my friend, asking and pleading to God that let him not feel any hurt, let he be protected, whatever is coming his way, may God protect him and hear his inner most thoughts and his heart. You know, friends in this journey of walking with Christ are important, as I pen this down I remember the friends of Job in chapter 2,”verse 11 it says 'Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place —Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him, and to comfort him. ' You see how when the friends of Job heard about his predicament, they came together to go see him, to mourn with him and comfort him. That’s what friends do for each other. When you also read Proverbs 27 verse 17, 'As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend’. So after seeing what I was given I continued to pray for my friend. Days went by and the vision now still came as a dream, and I continued praying and praying, covering his family, his parents, his work, his day-to-day travels. In all of this, I never said anything to him. My friend and I used to like to link up biweekly at least for a prayer, break bread together and just have a casual chat about anything and everything. So on this particular day, I come out and said, Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 15

Me: Mate, I have to tell you something that has been troubling me the past few weeks, Him: what is it? Me: I have been praying for you ever since I saw a vision of you crying uncontrollably, asking God to ensure you do not get hurt or any harm come to you. Wassup mate, are you ok? Him: (with tears filling in his eyes, he looks at me) dude, I have been praying for YOU since a saw a vision of you being involved in a fatal accident. Dead silence for about 90seconds. <end> The lesson here for me was, sometimes when we pray for others, we indirectly pray for ourselves. Brethren, as Paul said, ' Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. ' & 'do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. '(Colossians 4v2 & Philippians 4:6).

Till we meet again, I Remain, The Deacon in Christ, TEDB.

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 16


My name is Galemodimo Moshongo,I am affectionately known as “Gale” in the music industry. I’m the number 6 of 7 children. I was born in Kasane,my home village is Kachikau. I went to Kazungula primary, Chobe junior secondary and nata senior and lastly furthered my studies at Boitekanelo college and obtained my degree in occupational health and safety. As a teenager, I really loved music because it was the only thing I could literally connect to and I felt it kind of helped me express how I feel, especially gospel music because I was raised in a Christian family. I also love dancing, reading about different spheres of life that I want to acquire knowledge in and writing. Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 17

How its going

When it started

I am currently working as a SHE officer. My talents are I sing, dance and offer some vocal training. Music is a whole vibe, especially gospel music, my love for music is driven by the passion I have towards it, helping young people and improving and sharpening their singing skills through vocal training, I love to see others growing in their singing and much pleased when I see others putting the necessary effort to become better than they were yesterday

Yho 😂 to be honest I never really wanted to be a recording artist, this only happened because of someone who is now my producer Simba Mukonyo, after he realized that I have the potential. I started singing when I was still in primary school, I joined the school choir and went for competitions, it was so exciting for me. I released my first album entitled Boka Modimo in April 2018, in that same year it scooped an award for best gospel jazz in the Botswana Gospel Music Awards (BOGMA) awards that were held on the 4th of August. Since then, I stopped for sometime and decided to focus on my studies and make sure I graduate and it came to pass by God’s grace. I now have a single I released entitled Bakang Jehofa in 2021 around

September-October , it’s an amapiano song. I go to Lighthouse Jesus ministry, since 2013. And this is the church which had a very huge impact on my music career, God used a lot of people to help me in so many ways, financially and spiritually. Not forgetting my father in the Lord Bishop Doctor Noah Muzeya, who guided me throughout the journey and never ceased to pray for me. God is the ultimate source and drive of everything I do, he captured my heart when I was still a teen. I get the inspiration to write songs from the holy spirit especially when I’m alone, sometimes in dreams I do receive songs. By God’s grace and mercy, I want to record as many albums as possible, help worshippers under my group called excess love

music become what God wants them to become by the help of the holy spirit, utilize their God given talents to win more souls in the Kingdom.

Bishop Doctor Noah Muzeya, who guided me throughout the journey and never ceased to pray for me.

The message i have for everyone is it all starts from within, if you want to see growth and a better version of yourself, invest in yourself, encourage yourself and whilst doing all this depend on the one who knows you better than you do. There’s enough space for everyone of us to make it. You can get in touch with Gale on her Facebook page Excess Love Music Production, YouTube channel is Gale and lastly on 75023114 if you want the hard copy


REAL TALK BY LEBO How are you doing,hope you are well and taking it one day at a time. So today we are going to talk about something so simple yet very important. This topic has so much impact on who we become and the things we stand for. We are going to talk about identity. What is identity you may ask; identity is simply who you genuinely are. This is a state in which you are comfortable and you are true to yourself. You know what you want and what you do not want in your journey of life. There is cultural identity which is you are a morolong and motlokwa etc and there is identity as seen who is Malebogo.

Photo by Tamara Gak

It took me to go through a divorce to identify myself

Sometimes we classify you as go rata dilo because you understand yourself and what you want. We classify you like that because our thinking is so slow that someone with high expectation of themselves is being pompous. You can never see yourself the same way so start appreciating the difference in each other. This would make life easier in workplaces.

Being comfortable is made of the character. We have introverts and extroverts. Some people are introverts but they live a life of extroverts and they wonder why they don't fit in or belong. It’s simply because you do not understand yourself and those people do understand you. Do you ever sit and ask yourself what kind of a person you are? And give genuine answers. This is a happy place to be in because you know yourself worth which may come across as being prideful. Being happy in knowing your identity as time goes on it is not fulfilling. You feel like there is something missing that will lead to your purpose. When you know yourself, it becomes much easier to step out of your comfort zone because you know it and you know where it ends e.g. after my divorce I knew what I did not want and I wasn't willing to compromise.

Photo by davisuko

The sooner you know yourself the better you can have good relationships. Most relationships don’t work because we don’t know each other as individuals before becoming one. That is why when you ask someone what they want in a partner they will say financial stable and he should be handsome, they will never say someone who understands themselves (kana le tla ja understanding oneself) they forget that the relationship will not be sustained by money nor beauty kana when you have conflict his handsomeness will make you understand each other better? Maybe, maybe not If you understand yourself, you are in a better position to explain yourself. And not cause drama in every argument that you have in your relationships.

Most people fail in their walk-in purpose because they have never understood who they are and what they stand for and walk-in purpose, as time goes on your character is challenged because you're never took time to yourself to find out what you want and not compromise so much that you end up doing what feels right at the moment and not what is right. When you know yourself well enough when storms come they move you but they don’t change you. They don’t bury you but they might break you. When you are broken you can get the pieces together. You deal with issues better when you understand who you are because you can be honest with yourself. When I was going through my divorce I remember saying to myself I am hurt and from that point, I took the healing steps because I had found my identity and I was being honest to myself considering whom I know myself to be. It took my divorce to identify myself. I was lost in the sense that I wanted to belong to a set of friends because I saw people with their girlfriends having picnics and hanging out and I wanted that but I realise that I am enjoying time at home and I want real friendships and not seasonal relationships.

SERMON ON WHY SIT HERE WAITING TO DIE? There is a story told in the book of 2 Kings Chapter 3, of the four men with leprosy, who were cast out of the city gates, they were thrown out because of their leprosy. They were supposed to wait there until their situation changed, leprosy was not a curable disease, so it was more like they were waiting there for their death. This was a very undesirable situation, where their fate was already decided. The men decided that since they are going to die, it is best they go surrender to the Aramean army so that they be the ones to decide their fate if they let them to live it will be better and if they killed them, they would have died anyway. This is where the title of this sermon was derived. We are living in a world that is full of rejection, despise and discrimination. Just like the four lepers, we often find ourselves thrown out of life opportunities, living without any happiness and hope. This often leaves us in a very unbearable state, with all hope lost. A lot of people have thrown in the towel, some ending their lives, whereas some are left walking corpses. This write-up brings the Photo by Brett Jordan

good news of renewed hope. It’s aimed at bringing healing to many who are sick physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The help we so much need is not far and will never evade us, our Creator has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. As you sit there and think about calling it quits, and falling

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 25

by the wayside, be reminded that there is still hope, there is tomorrow, this game is not over yet, do not rely on the spectators’ whistle, the referee (God) has not yet blown his whistle, there is still extra time.

I encourage you to start acting on that dream you have always had; sent in that application you have always wanted. Just like Joseph, shave your head, put on your best clothes, and go meet the king; prepare yourself to meet people of authority. The opportunity is already availed, it awaits you to pitch up. In a fully loaded bus, the driver’s seat would never be occupied by anyone except the bus driver, so your seat awaits you, until you come no one will take it. Just like the four lepers, stand up and head to the enemy’s camp, your footsteps will sound like a clatter of speeding chariots and the galloping of horses and the sounds of a great army approaching. Do not sit there waiting to die, the world awaits you out there, there is still a lot you can offer to this world, there is greatness in you. The reason God is keeping you is that He is not done with you yet, He still sees that you are in seed form, and you need to germinate and produce more. God hasn't brought you this far to leave you, just because you don't see a way doesn't mean God doesn't have a way right, He's working behind the scenes in your life. Youthful4God | Issue 26| Pg 26

Every day you should make a choice to stay in faith, to have a good attitude when it's not fair to believe, when nothing is improving, you can't see it, but God is working behind the scenes, He is making things happen that you couldn't make happen. If you keep moving forward God will give you beauty for those ashes, He didn't bring you this far to leave you He has you in the palm of His hand. There are great days up ahead, believe that God is in control and that your latter days will be better than your former days. As we conclude, make a bold and deliberate decision to arise where you are and go out there to start living, you can’t afford to sit there waiting to die when Jesus Christ on the other hand came to give you life and life in abundance. I want you to know that you're blessed and highly favored and that as you go towards the future begin to know that you have greatness within you to reach your goals. May God bless you, as you arise and not wait to die there.

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 27

Title A Woman After God’s Own Heart Author: Elizabeth George Contents: 4 parts, 309 pages


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The book is P120 at Botswana book center (main mall) This book is about getting your priorities right so that you have time to spend with God, making Him your priority. This book speaks to areas of your time, children, marriage and friends. If you have the listed things in check then you will have time for God. When your life is organized then most things fall into place. Become the woman of excellence God designed you to be. Experience real peace and joy as you follow God in every area of your life and become a woman after His heart. With excitement and from personal experience, Elizabeth George shares practical, biblical insights on how you can pursue God’s priorities when it comes to; Your husband- deepen your commitment to serving and honoring him Your children- pray faithfully for them and teach them the bible Your home- create a nurturing atmosphere for family and all who visit Your walk with the Lord- grow in knowledge of God through His Word Your ministry- learn to reach out and be a blessing to others Let God fulfill His greatest desire for you. Allow Him to transform you by embracing His plans for you. And find real purpose in a life of prayer, a life of priorities, a life as A woman After God’s own heart. If you are going to run after God, you must have your priorities right. This is to know that your time is valuable, so you spend it wisely.

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 29

About the Author Elizabeth George, whose books have sold more than 9 million copies, is the author of life management for busy women and the remarkable women in the bible. Elizabeth and her husband are parents and grandparents and have been active in the ministry for more than 30 years.

Youthful4God | Issue 27| Pg 30



PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD Strength training is an important component of a fitness plan and when performed properly, it can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in the overall health and well-being of a person. To ensure that strength training is done properly, and desired results are achieved, a principle of progressive overload must form a staple part of your program. Further, we have in the previous article learned that our bodies are resilient and adapt to exercises we perform every day and that, one of the ways to avoid reaching a plateau is by adopting a progressive overload principle.

Progressive overload is a training principle that involves gradually increasing the stress placed on your body during your workouts forcing your body to generate more lean muscle mass in order to cope with the stress levels presented. The resultant muscle gain will improve your overall strength. Simply put, to get bigger and stronger and improve performance, you must continually make your muscles work harder than they are used to. There are several ways you can make sure you overload and not hit a plateau. These strategies involve increasing some factors of your workout. You can increase one, two, or more in a way that is safe for you to avoid injuries. Some of these strategies are: Photo by Heather Ford

1. Increase the weight; the simplest way of achieving progressive overload is to lift heavier weights while maintaining proper lifting form. Make sure you can lift the new weight for as many repetitions as you possibly can with proper form; only when you can do that should you move onto a higher weight. 2. Increase the number of repetitions; you can increase volume by doing more repetitions, sets or exercises for a certain muscle group in your next training

Remember, overloading should always be progressive and gradual. Increasing intensity, reps, frequency, and other elements of training too quickly may lead to overtraining and injuries.

3. Decrease your rest period. Rest for a lesser time between sets. For example, instead of taking a 3-minute rest between sets, try resting Photo by Greg Rosenke for only a minute.

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Memes by thebestchristianmemes

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