The lock-down edition

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Youthful4God Christian Magazine

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

I will provide a husband for you that is wholly from me says God) He will love you unconditionally. Focus on building yourself into a strong person. PAGE 8

May 2020/Issue 4


Contents 2 Contents Page 3 Editor's Note 4-5 Theme Article: Goodness Of God 6-7

Bread Of Life Christian Church International 8-9 Real Talk:Testimony


28 day of Lock-down experiences

12-13 Bishop Aloise Montsho as a Kingdom Shaker 14-15 Oh taste & See 16 COVID-19 Updates 17 Contact Information 18

Just For Fun: to check your knowledge of the Bible 19 Meditation Scripture

Editor's note I am losing my mind with so much information about the pandemic that we are currently going through. Information on the number of deaths,infected and recovering. I am bothered by people that are not practicing Extreme social distancing even in this juncture. This issue is more informative during this time of the pandemic. Its also a time to get back to our first love,who is God. Â Most countries are or were on lock down or extreme social distancing, so i hope this issue informs you of where you can worship and fellowship while keeping the distance. The beauty in all this is the word is still being preached. The pandemic thought it stopped everything but not the powerful word of God. God can still minister to you at home. Distance has never been a problem with God. God's goodness does not look at where you are from but looks at your willing heart to receive the grace of God for you to see His goodness. Lets not lose hope and look at the recoveries across the world to see we have not lost the fight yet. I ask that we pray for our medical staff all over the globe that God protect them and their family and that God sees their sacrifices and they will be rewarded accordingly. Please check our contact information page so you can follow us in any of the social medium to get more information about us all the time.

love you like crazy Lebo

THE THEME OF THE MONTH The goodness of God is not something G O O D N E S S O F G O D that you can see or touch. Though it is intangible, yet it is sensible. Most people do not get to see that they just experienced





because of its nature of being intangible. It is rich when you finally realize it throughout your life, thinking of how you could have lost your life but God saved you. Think about the time you had problems in life but you walked through them, would you have made it with your own strength? For the goodness of God to be felt, there may be pain in the process. When everything is going right in all areas of your life, usually you don't even have time with God, God is not your priority. Usually when hell break loose, oftentimes you try to make it work before turning to God. Charles Spurgeon wrote that God is good — not because he causes things that seem or feel “good” to happen in our lives, but because in the midst of the storm, God comes closer to us than the storm could ever be. And this is why we can say with absolute confidence that God is good. God's goodness can be the strength He gave you to face the world for another day, the goodness of God can come in one waking up late to catch a bus and missing out on it, only to hear that it had a tragic accident and no one survived. It could also come when one visits a doctor for a pneumonia x-ray and the doctor accidentally picks that they have a tumor in their lungs, successfully gets operated, and they are completely healed of the cancer as it was able to be picked at its early stages. These two examples show of how good God is. Goodness could be as simple as keeping quite or holding your temper when you wanted to tell it as it is. Speaking the truth in love could turn out to be the goodness.

One might ask about the people that die, wasn't God good to them? I learned something interesting, that death can be a form of healing, the difference is that we are not physically with the person that passed on. When they die, they cease to suffer from the sufferings and sicknesses, the only thing is that their death will leave us hurting whereas for them they are resting. I remember I got so mad when I lost my grandmother, I wondered why didn't she wait to see me graduate, get married and have children! I was being selfish by looking at what I wanted when I am not the one holding time in my hands. I started to think my grandmother has seen her great grand children, she has taught them some recipes and the good old ways of doing things. Instead of dwelling on the negative that she passed on before seeing me in a white dress, rather I focused on that God kept her to teach and raise us and at God’s perfect timing she departed.

In conclusion, we can say, no matter how bad the storm is, no matter how much pain we experience, no matter how different the outcome is from what we had prayed for, that God is good. In the hardest moments of life, God comes close to us and he does not change, he doesn’t falter, he doesn’t quit, he doesn’t leave, and he doesn’t let go. Whatever you are currently going through just know that there is hope and God sees you. He is right beside you, even if you cannot see or feel he is just besides you ready to make sure you do not get hurt beyond recognition. Psalm 139 tells that God made us, knows everything about us, and will always be with us. He knows what you can handle and what you cannot, if there is still a breath in your lungs, God is not yet done with you. Keep the faith, the skies will soon clear up and the sun will shine again, weeping may endure for the night but joy is coming in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Hang in there because the grave is empty. He is alive!

Bread Of Life Church International

This month's feature is Bread of Life Christian Church International. The name was founded on one of the names of JESUS found in (John 6:35)"And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life : he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." The church was officially and legally registered in 2008 here in Botswana.In other words it originates is Botswana.Founded by a great man of GOD called Apostle Bekezela Innocent Nkomo initially called 'The Living Christ Outreach Ministries'. Vision of the Church We are building congregations that will grow spiritually, numerically, financially stable,reproducing themselves and are impacting their communities. Mission of the Church We exist to; Bring people to Christ, Equip them to serve God and Support them to be the best they can be."

The Main branch is in Gaborone-Block 9 near council flats. The following are our branches all over the country Thamaga Assembly in Rungwana Ward, behind Rungwana Clinic Kanye in Lobeko ward behind Agrivet Mochudi Phapane ward Francistown city-Ngilichi tower (near the bolt shop) first floor Topisi assembly Near Uccsa Mahalapye branch- Bokaa ward Palapye branch-Serorome ward Serowe branch Masololo ward Molepolole branch-Bobididi Ward opposite Molepolole Post Office Tsabong assembly-Bontleng ward-between Kgomotso counseling centre and Anglican church. Malolwane Assembly Community hall. Chadibe (near Francistown) Assemblyopposite Chadibe Primary school

Services Times There are prayer meetings every Tuesday from 5pm to 6pm. Thursday 5pm-6pm teaching services all branches except for Gaborone.  Gaborone Assembly services times are as follows: Tuesdays from 6-7pm prayer meetings Thursdays from 6-7pm teaching services Sundays services 900am-1230pm.

Bread of Life Ministries Annual conferences. -Leadership Stretch Conference (January). -Easter Convocation -Youth conference (July) -Men & Women conference (August) -Cross Over (December)

Real talk:God's Goodness

I will provide a husband for you that is wholly from me (God). He will love you unconditionally. Focus on building yourself into a strong person.

I am grateful for what I went through in my past marriage because I believe that if It were not for the failed marriage, I could not have realized the purpose that God had for me. During the time I

I would be told that there is peace and fresh air around the house when I am on work trips. What broke the camel’s back was when we would have fights (which were all the time literally), the next

was in the marriage, I was not grateful because of the pain I felt. Nobody gets married with the aim and purpose to divorce. I never wanted a perfect partner, but I did not want any form of abuse. I will share some of the pain I felt during that

day he will take all the car keys and I would have to use public transport. When I got to work, I would lie when people ask why I got off a taxi, I said that I could not find the car keys and they would ask of all the cars, leaving me with an egg

period and how God was good to me. There was mostly verbal abuse, with belittling and being told of how short of a woman I was only for asking to be accompanied to go get laundry off the line at night. I would get silent treatment for

to my face. I would suggest that we seek help but he believed that no human being cannot help him into what is happening in his house because the same person has problems of their own. If I told

days, and it will be like two housemates who are at odds with each other. I would get sick and heal under the same house without him knowing I was even sick. He will see me coming home after

my family what was going on, I would get in trouble for that. I wished to be informed of what I did that was wrong to be treated this way. Maybe I did

lunch and being home for two days, but it would not bother to inquire as what could have been the problem for being home for two days.

something to him that he did not approve of that caused all the ill treatment.

When all this was happening, I went down on my knees, I asked God what this could be since I never expected it easy but not abuse and ill treatment. I asked God if He will love me less if I left and I believe He answered by saying He can never love me less, then I decided to leave the abusive marriage. In all of this abuse, the goodness of God was with me because I did not die in this marriage but God gave me strength each and every morning when I needed to go face the world. His mercies were renewed each morning (Lamentations 3:22-23)

The goodness of God does not look at where you are from or what happened to your life. it is always there with you even when it is hard, and you have no hope because you cannot understand how someone can treat you so bad when they vowed that only death will do you part. I was mad and angry but God was not. I kept the faith that one day God will re-write my story and with time and support from my family, like a budding tree; I regained my greenness. Like a toddler learning how to walk, I rose and took some steps forward. God being faithful and loving, made everything work together for the good. After a much-needed lengthy break I started living my life again, and I met my Boaz.

Now I am married to an amazing man who is my best friend before anything else. We have differences but I am never exposed to any danger of verbal abuse even when we have disagreements. He never questioned my past but cried for what I went through and believe that I am the strongest person he has ever known. One good lesson I have learnt throughout this ordeal is to never give up on God no matter what you are going through and believe in His goodness and love towards you. The presence of problems is not the absence of the good plans from God (goodness). Just hold on God’s goodness its always available.

28 days of Lockdown! How was yours?


The first few days were filled with worry and concern, "What is this pandemic? Where is the voice of the church? In the old testament the children of God had insight into what was happening during their times, we seem just as clueless as everyone!", initially I was reading and listening to a whole lot of conspiracy theories and opinions and I was afraid.Through a lot of encouragement from online sermons the fear factor was addressed, the next question was" What do we do in the mean time? "The dominant idea was to spend time catching up on personal growth goals including a lot of reading that has been on hold due to busyness.Anyway 2 weeks later I admit I have been reading this and that but upon reflection I realized I haven't been very efficient with this lockdown time.

A WhatsApp status I came accross hit a nerve, it pointed to the fact that if by the end of lockdown I still haven't achieved some of my goals, then my problem is not lack of time rather lack of discipline. So at this point I have taken a decision to be intentional and to be systematic about this personal development goal, I am going to develop a priority list, create a weekly timetable and set reflection stops along the way. My prayer is "Renew a right spirit within me" trusting God to help me in my weak discipline. And ohh I have enrolled in a 4 week course, at least a course has its own structure to it. When this lockdown is over, I will be having better reading and prayer habits and I definetely would have new insights about leading myself.

Sir Jeff Lockdown has unearthed positives and negatives. For starters while social/physical distancing has been implemented, Batswana are failing to comply. Being essential at the start of the lockdown i got to queue up at the DCs office and a lot of Batswana were gathered there for less critical reasons cause I did a dip stick. Since I get to move around the city and greater Gaborone, the community moves around a lot while they should be confined to their homes. I am fearful of this negligence that many people expose themselves to the deadly COVID-19. Spiritually there has been a dent since we can not gather together as brethren and conduct our normal activities as we did before . Whilst efforts are in place to try and normalize things online and through social media platforms you find that some Church members struggle to join through due to different reasons.

Cathy Honestly, the lock-down gave me anxiety, my peace was threatened a little bit. Being confined in one place, not having to see my mother as much as I want, and church you know... but there are better days were I feel in control and enjoying being still, not being any kind of busy


This Lock-down as for me was a door way to KNOWING God more in my space. I was not shaken about what is happening. I was calm felt that I have been prepared for this. Its going to be the test of my Faith and me. I believe the reason why this is happening is that God has already done something that is greater than this and I must not lose focus. I have to pray and ask God gore what is He saying about the conviction I got? It is that every decade their is a renewal of life, a reset ,and an upgrade from God so the enemy would not be able to match with that but he is trying by sacrifices to feed onto his strength by blood to try to match up with the standard of God by inflicting fear unto us.

Positive impact -intensified a new discovery of myself Eliminated the bias negative thinking/thoughts of how I have been perceiving things -Developed a sense of reading and pay attention to current affairs -Increased training/exercising workout -learnt new skills like cooking, baking Negative impact -Restlessness mind which led to frequent headache -Drastically deteriorated my business peak for the entire year as speculated -Lost clientele



There was not much of a difference for me because i have been on maternity leave since January. I just felt like i was on an extended maternity leave. I am grateful that i got a chance to spend more time with my baby. I was supposed to go back to work on the 14th April. Having extra time I decided to learn how to make pastry, cook steamed bread, bake. and grilled some meat for dinner. Had time to play with my Rea (daughter) because there is so much more time. I was taking serious precaution if I had to go out and get baby supplies, the cleaning up after was exhausting.

Doskie This has been an eye opening in regards to hygiene and self care be it at home or in public places. The time has also been horrible as it brought isolation between loved ones (family & friends) , you can't be with nor hold them as you used to. I guess it's important to stay strong and believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that humanity will survive this pandemic by following the prescribed health precautions of cleanliness. On another note this has strengthened my connection with my partner as we learnt to communicate correctly, listened and refreshed what we both enjoy doing for leisure. As for work, this lock-down has introduced a cencept of work From Home (WFH) which is great as it shows how well technology and lifestyles are changing to accommodate the 4th Industrial Revolution that is undeniably happening. In America this concept has long been implemented and proven that productivity levels of this set up are very high and surpasses that of the old system of sitting in the office folds. Keep safe and wash your hands even beyond this pandemic of Corona Virus.


My name is Bishop Aloise Montsho. My wife's name is Kgomotso Montsho. we are blessed with 3 children. One girl and two boys. Patience is 13 years old, Andile is 8 years old and Abalewho is 2 years old. I did not know i will be a Bishop. I grew up just like any other African boy,going to school in towns and during school holiday breaks going to the

villages/lands to look after livestock. My father had lots of sheep and goats. It was our

lifestyle with my Elder

brothers. God means more than Life, He is the reason to live. What i have seen God do that blew your mind away was parting ways with my Professional nursing career to




and Saving my soul and continuously other souls.



Bishop Aloise Montsho

Word to others

My message to fellow brethren is to preach the Word in season and out of season.

With what we going through with the pandemic, the church doors are closed but the word of God continues. Follow Bread Of Life Church for Online services

OH TASTE &SEE by T.L Makula Take a moment to remember a time you experienced outrageous, unexpected and undeserved kindness. What do you make out of that? Coincidence? Well, I don’t think so. I am convinced that that was God at work. If you were to carry your journal every single day to record every good, unexpected, undeserved experience you would most probably realize that these serendipities outweigh the disappoints you have experienced in life. This is the goodness of God being lavishly poured out on you. The unchanging reality that I want to make you aware of today is that God is good! The writer of Psalms in Psalms 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good”.This is the goodness of God being lavishly poured out on you. The unchanging reality that I want to make you aware of today is that God is good! The writer of Psalms in Psalms 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good”. But what is this goodness we are talking about? Thayer & Strong have defined goodness as “an uprightness of heart and life”, and this comes from the Greek word “agathosune”. God is the original definition of good. He is good in Himself and of Himself. God is goodness itself. We see this goodness in His character and actions. God’s good deed towards us is a manifestation of His character, who He is, His very nature. God often pours out on us that which makes us happy and despite the baggage and junk we carry and even sometimes refuse to lay down. The Bible tells us that His thoughts and intentions towards us are good. Imagine, this means His goodness does not reach us by mistake, it’s premeditated. He is intentional about being good to us, and not necessarily because we deserve it, but because there is something about Him that loves to overflow upon us. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Matthew 5:45 also tells us that He, God, causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Wow! That sounds like my God. Sadly, some people have been raised to think that God is like some brutal dictator king who is out to get us. But according to the above scriptural references, it doesn’t look like it, to me it seems like He is plotting to do us good. The death of Christ on the cross for humanity’s salvation and freedom is clear evidence that we are the object of His affection. Most people

hopes in His unending goodness. The journey of life is not always a bed of roses, but the Lord promises to be with us during times of adversity. Refer to 1 Peter 5:10 (NLT "In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have

experience the goodness of God in a passive manner, but what do you do to experience His goodness directly and continuously? Step out in faith and believe that God is good all the time. Remember His intentions about you and me are revealed in the scriptures, one of which being Jeremiah 29:11. God’s goodness is meant to lead us back to Him, therefore forsake all unbelief and

suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation). The challenges of life do not negate the goodness of God, but they are only a setup for a promotion to the next level. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing

ungratefulness, turn to Him and embrace His loving kindness and tender mercies towards you. In the not so good times rest your heart and

of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”

(James 1:2-4). Finally, my brethren, “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the lord will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). God is on your side, accept His love, mercy and kindness and live in the overflow of His goodness. Remember Psalm 23:6 “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”. Be Blessed T.L Makula

If the above sermon has touched you and you want to give your life, pray : Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. Please forgive me. Come into my life. I I receive you as my Lord and Savior. Now,help me to live for you for the rest of this life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen To seal the above please start reading the bible (according to what you are currently struggling with) and books that would build your spiritual growth. Fast and pray when you get a change it will not come without you putting in the work.

WHO’s response in countries

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting communities all over the world.With 149 offices in countries worldwide, World Health Organisation (WHO) is leading the global effort to support countries in preventing, detecting, and responding to the pandemic. WHO is also monitoring the response: 143 countries have now their own COVID-19 response plans, and almost all (194) countries have adopted public health and other response measures based on WHO’s guidance. The response also covers the procurement of supplies. As of 2 March, WHO has bought and shipped 1.5 million coronavirus test kits and close to 800 000 face masks across the planet, delivering personal protective gear to more than 70 countries. At the same time, more than half of WHO’s personnel are responding on the ground by providing real-time updates, expertise, and coordination as governments, humanitarian agencies, and the public race to respond WHO launched a dedicated messaging services in Arabic, English, French and Spanish with partners WhatsApp and Facebook to keep people safe from coronavirus. This easy-to-use messaging service has the potential to reach 2 billion people and enables WHO to get information directly into the hands of the people that need it. In addition, a new WHO interactive chatbot on Rakuten Viber aims to get accurate information about COVID-19 to people in multiple languages. The partnership with Rakuten Viber gives WHO the potential to reach over 1 billion people in their local language directly through their mobile phones.

By the time of publishing Botswana's COVID-19 statistic were as follows:

Confirmed Recovered Deaths

23 cases 8 cases 1 case

Lock down basically extended until the 20 May 2020. After this day people can travel without permits but can not cross over to another zones that have been created.

Worldwide Cases Confirmed 3.68 Million Recovered 1.21 Million Deaths 258 thousand

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Youthful4god (coming soon)


The writer of Ecclesiastes talks about time, especially in Chapter 3. Match the right time in the right place. (HINT: the missing word in the sentence is (usually) the opposite of the other word in the sentence.) Throw away Uproot Scatter Peace

Silent Build Love Heal

Dance Laugh Search Born

A Time for Everything There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be .................. and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to ...................., a time to kill and a time to ....................., a time to tear down and a time to ......., a time to weep and a time to ................, a time to mourn and a time to ................., a time to ............ and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to ..............and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to .................., a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be ............and a time to speak, a time to ...................and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for ................... ANSWERS In Chapter 3:1- 8

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. PSALM 23:6

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