February 2021

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Contact information



Living a life of purpose



Many are walking not talking



A whole year recap


Mind your own business


Roadmap of 2020




Uunderstanding Basal Metabolic Rate



China testing


Caesarean: What you need to know



PO Spa nail bar



Get your finances in order



Purpose Drives Life


12 13-15 16



4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11




E D I T O R ' S

CONTACT US youthful4god@gmail.com

+267 76244266

youthful4god Christian magazine



CONTRIBUTORS Maemo Nthebolang Onneile Kealotswe Tumelo Lepere

I cannot believe that the magazine has been publishing every month for a year now. It has not been a walk on the park meeting the deadlines every month together with doing life This month last year, we had people to help write articles when the magazine started and along the way, God called them on a different path of their own. With this, I started to doubt the purpose of the magazine until God reminded me that this is the purpose He gave me, not other people. Some people will not understand but I understand what He wants from me. One day we will share how the magazine came about. God has favored us from the day we started publishing out the issue this time last year when we knocked on people's ears and churches doors to feature. We had to fight the fear of rejection and criticism which is not contractive. This journey has been an interesting one in that it took us out of our comfort zones and into the deep sea. I had to learn how to talk to people, sacrifice time to do me but focus on the magazine development. I am grateful for the SAFE readers that always give feedback (good or bad). We grow in each issue because of the feedback you give us. My all-time lesson is to never wait for everything to be right to start or to have enough money, resources to do what God has laid in your heart or your purpose. Start right where you are and grow with time, critics and praises. Put in your best and God or the universe will reciprocate. Take time and look at the previous issues we’ve had on the celebrations page. Please continue to put us in your prayers that we survive all the life pressures and the devil's tricks. Until next month happy 1 year anniversary to YOUTHFUL 4 GOD Christian Magazine

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this one.



God created the universe and all that is in it for a specific purpose, known only to him. He has created humankind with a unique purpose to be fulfilled at the right time. Often times the hustles of life make us lose the route that God has paved for us. Life’s challenges make us lose track of what God has planned for us. The struggles we go through on a daily basis leave us so overwhelmed that we are not able to focus on what God has called us to do, but if we give ourselves time to truly listen to His voice and follow His guidance, we will be able to execute that which He created us to be. The big question is, are we living the life for which we were created to live, how much have we achieved God’s purpose in our lives thus far? In Ephesians 4:1-6, the word of God tells us that; “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (NIV).




God has one purpose for us as described in the scripture above, He wants us to be one, He wants us to unite for a greater good. Because a united people is much stronger than a divided one. Our purpose in life is to love one another by reaching out to those who are in need of support, shelter, food, clothing e.t.c. We are called to a life of service to those in need. We should copy an example from our Lord Jesus Christ who in His last supper, served and washed His disciples’ feet. He did not consider Himself superior to His disciples even though He was. “He humbled Himself by being obedient to death – even death on a cross” (Phil 2: v8 NIV). We, who call ourselves by His name should know better that fulfilling God’s purpose is a difficult task and to achieve it we must surrender our whole being to the creator and allow Him to use us in however way He deems fit. Each one of us has been blessed with gifts which we should use to fulfill our lives’ purpose just as we are told in 1st Peter 4: v10, the Bibles tells us; each of you should use whatever gift you receive to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”. I urge us today, to strive towards finding our purpose in life and to reach out with each day in our quest to live the life that we have been called for. It is true that for as long as we have not discovered that special purpose that we have been called to do, our spirits will not be at peace, our innermost personas will continue in search until such time that we have discovered the correct calling. Once we reach that point, may we joyfully embrace and exercise the right given to us to show those around us that indeed God lives in us and works with us to reach out to his people. May we be blessed with the ability to rediscover our lives’ purpose in 2021 so that we may better serve our Lord and His people for a better tomorrow because the good that we do today will definitely bear fruits tomorrow.



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MANY ARE WALKING NOT TALKING We all have been through the valley of the shadow of death. In our journey of doing life, we went through a dark path, sometimes unintentionally. You went thru this because God doesn't hate you or have his back against you but because that's life. God mentioned that in this world we will go thru trials and tribulation, so it’s part of our journey. There are so many testimonies that are walking around and sharing to help the next person. Everybody is minding their own businesses and not showing love to one another by sharing their journey to give hope to one another.

Why do we go through the valley? God mentioned that there is nothing that comes our way that would kill us, He will raise the standard so the valley would not swallow you. You go through something so that you help the next person not to repeat the same mistakes you did by giving advice on the red flags that you fail to see This is also to give hope to those that have or already walking in the valley, that there is something to look out for tomorrow is promised and they will make it through.

Why are we walking around and not talking?


Shame The difference between strong and weak people is shame. People that we would say






thanking people that helped

are strong considering what they have been

you to see the light from

through is that they did not stay in shame


rather they picked up the pieces even when


people were talking behind their back. They

seen the light, you tend to

did not get stuck in shame which is holding


so much of your potential back. They preserved and used what they have been through for their good.

through that people will question if you promiscuous


When who



you was

have there



sharing what He did for you is a sign of ungratefulness.

We feel ashamed of what we have been were






pregnant out of wedlock or you were not a good wife or husband that why your partner left the marriage. We like to imagine or think what people would say and not considering how God sees us. God sees us as His children which is without blemish, but we choose to leave with what people might think. Whether you do good or bad people still have and entailed to their opinions. What you can do is focus on what is seems right to you and God.


Sometimes is hard to talk about what you have been


through but let’s be obedient

If there is one thing that holds back dreams

before us as we share our scars

and progress in one’s process is fear. We give

with people. He will give us

fear so much credit than it deserves. When

strength and wisdom. You can

we are supposed to share our testimonies,

start by sharing small parts of

fear will tell you it’s nothing and there are

your journey. You do not have

people that have been through more serious

to say everything at once.

things and yours is not that serious. If you

When you feel you can share

saw the hand of God in your hurt as small as

everything them you can. Let

you might think it is that's more serious and

us not give the devil the upper

someone would be saved by what you

hand to destroy more lives as


we seat a watch.

and trust that God will go


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$3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00

SERMON MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 "Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before." We live in a world where people are more concerned about others’ affairs than their own. They have made peddling in other people’s affairs their way of life. As we start the year 2021 it is important to understand why God requires us to mind our own business. God wants us to make it our goal to live a quiet life, this means when we set our New Year resolutions, it should be among them there. Much respect is given to those who are able to be quiet even when they are prompted to speak, and this has avoided a lot of quarreling and disputes. Ecclesiastes 9:17 “The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.” Quietness is also associated with wisdom, keeps us from speaking evil and allows us time to listen to necessary advice. God also puts it to us to prioritize minding our own business. A lot of families, work and church disputes are a result of people failing to mind their own business. Some countries are going through long decades civil wars just because one failed to mind her own business. Someone believed to have learned how to mind their own business the hard way had this story to share: “I was walking past the mental hospital the other day, and all the patients were shouting "13..., 13..., 13..." The wall was too high to see, but I saw a little opening in the wall, I looked to see what was going on. Some idiot poked me in the eye with a stick and they all started shouting "14..., 14...., 14..." This should be a good lesson to everyone that sometimes we call bad on ourselves by getting involved in things that are of no use to us, lest we be poked and counted 14. The last thing from this verse that God instructs us to do is working with our own hands. Proverbs 14:13 “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Hard work brings desired results, be it at school, at the workplace and even in church. Everyone should aim to work very hard in anything they are assigned, bearing in mind that they are ultimately doing it for the Lord not human masters(Colossians 3:23).

When you don’t you become very idle and as they say an idle mind is the devil’s Add awork little hard bit of body text playground. King David once fell to this trap of being idle, (2 Samuel Chapter 2), this was a time when Kings went to war but David sent his army led by Joab and remained behind. This led to him being so idle that he ended up seeing that which he could have not seen had he gone to war; a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath. This eventually led to one of the well-orchestrated sins in the bible; David sleeping with another man’s wife and trying to hide it. Like David, if we do not work when required it may lead us to being idle and being susceptible to the devil’s attack. As we conclude, we implore you to consider living a quiet life, minding your business and working with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters. With this, God will be honored and known to many who do not know Him.

Maybe you have been reading this and you were inspired but have not yet received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, we would like to close by praying with you this simple prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess You as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen. With this simple prayer, you are now part of God’s family, start living for Him and find a bible-preaching Church to fellowship with.


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My 2020 was a good year as much as many people believe it was a bad year. My testimony of the year goes; January We decided that this year we are to start a family February The magazine published its first issue and there was a lot of planning and sleepless nights. disappointments from people not being able to assist with the magazine. March We started working from home. We were starting to wonder if we are able to grow the family because we have been trying and nothing was materializing. My husband and I sat down to read and declare Genesis 18:14 and literally replaced Mary's name to mine. April The lockdown was imposed and it was good to spend time with family. During this time I realized the importance, relevance and timing of the Online Christian magazine. The pregnancy signs were there but the test came negative. This was really hard May We discovered that we are pregnant. THE BEST NEWS EVER June I wasn't well most of the time because of the pregnancy. I could not keep anything down and I love my food. I had to overcome pregnancy laziness and still do the work. July My husband was transferred to a place 1000kms away to work there and I was not even 3 months pregnant. I started to question if this job was a blessing or not. (it was a blessing) August-November Our cars breaking down and all the traveling from husband's place to me. December We received our bundle of joy before its estimated time. This was the cherry on top pf 2020.


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ONNEILE KEALOT SWE Fitness Instructor (New Skills Academy)

Strong Nation Instructor (formerly Strong by Zumba)


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The body requires energy to perform basic functions such as breathing, circulation, digestion,and cell production among others. For the body to perform these functions, it burns calories to produce the energy required. This is known as basal metabolism. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the numerical value of the calories your body needs to perform its most basic life-sustaining functions. This means that your body does not only burn calories during physical activity, but it also continues to burn calories even at rest. It is therefore important to know your basal metabolic rate and ways to improve it so that you turn your body into a calorie-burning machine.

There are many factors that can affect your basal metabolic rate. However, we shall only consider the following for this discussion: 1. Muscle tissue: the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn as muscles require a lot of energy to maintain. 2. Poor eating habits such as crash dieting, starving or fasting: eating few kilojoules over a prolonged period encourages the body to slow the metabolism to conserve energy. This also can result in the body breaking down muscles for energy which will result in loss on muscle tissue and consequently further reduction of the BMR. 3. Age: metabolism slows with age due to loss of muscle tissue and also due to hormonal and neurological changes.


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4. Hormonal and nervous controls BMR is controlled by the nervous and hormonal systems. Hormonal imbalances can influence the rate at which the body burns kilojoules. 5. Amount of physical activity muscles need plenty of energy to function. Regular exercise increases muscle mass and teaches the body to burn kilojoules at a faster rate, even when at rest. 6. Gender generally, men have faster metabolisms than women because of the difference in muscle mass (men having the higher value).

Everything else being equal, we can safely say most of these factors which influence our BMR are within our control, regular exercise and proper diet is habits that can be fostered with relatively easy.


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Covid News China Using Anal Swabs for COVID Testing China is not giving up on nasal or throat testing, but the country has adopted a new method for detecting the coronavirus: anal swabs. Anal testing is being used so far only on select groups, mainly high-risk cases and people in quarantine. Some people who have been subjected to anal testing include passengers arriving in Beijing and a group of more than 1,000 schoolchildren and teachers who were thought to have been exposed to the virus, Forbes reported. The use of anal swabs is limited because it’s invasive and inconvenient. If a stool sample cannot be obtained, a saline-soaked cotton swab about 1-2 inches long is inserted into the anus, with the sample tested for active traces of the virus. Li Tongzeng, deputy director of the respiratory and infectious diseases department at Beijing Youan Hospital, said in an interview with state media that anal swabs appear to be more accurate at detecting the coronavirus than nasal or throat testing.The virus lives longer in excrement or the anus than in the respiratory tract, he said, meaning anal testing might have fewer false negatives. YOUTHFUL4GOD MAGAZINE

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By Ralph Ellis

CAESARS-what you should know

Which is safer-vaginal birth or caesarean birth? Ask this question and you are sure to

be inundated with everyone’s experience or strong opinion on the subject. But what does the research say and if you are planning on having a caesarean for a non-medical reason, have you really looked at the facts and made an informed decision? Without doubt caesarean birth is safe net when the health of a mother or her child is in question. It is an invaluable and even life-saving procedure for mothers and babies. Most of us would agree that in life-threatening situations the overwhelming benefits if caesarean birth would far outweigh the risk. Most women do know or believe ahead of time that they may have a caesarean birth. Is it possible to predict what labour will be like and situations may arise during the pregnancy or during your labour that may result in an unplanned caesarean. Any health concerns you or the baby have will influence the chances of how you give birth. Your choice of caregiver and birth environment as well as the type of supportive care you are likely to get during labour and the medical interventions you may experience during labour may influence your birth outcome.

WHAT EXACTLY IS CAESAR? Caesar is a major surgical operation by which the baby is delivered through an incision in the abdominal wall and the uterus.


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WHAT SITUATIONS CAN LEAD TO CSECTION? The research for having a caesarean birth fall into three general categories. · EMERGENCY- urgent ·UNPLANNED-non-urgent ·ELECTIVE – planned by choice (not necessarily for a medical indication)

EMERGENCY CAESAREAN The small percentages of pregnancies situations may occur that present an urgent threat to the well-being of a mother or her child. This would include excessive bleeding, foetus distress or diminished oxygen supply due to bleeding or high blood pressure in the mother. Conditions such as labour starting with a diagnosed placenta praevia, placenta abruption, foetal distress or cord prolapse would fit into this category. Such urgent situations may arise before or during labour.

NON-URGENT C-SECTION There are a number of reasons why your caregiver may recommend a caesarean in a nonurgent situation. They usually involve a concern about the health of a mother or her baby that may present itself before or during labour. In a non-urgent situation you have the time on your side and you usually have time to research and ask questions and then make a decision with your caregiver. These are ‘’absolute’’ reasons for caesarean which means any conditions that make birth via birth canal impossible and there are ‘’relative” reasons, which means that virginal delivery is possible but circumstances exist that may make caesarean birth safer for the mom and baby. These are a list of the most common non-urgent situations that may lead to caesarean birth:

Previous caesarean There are plenty of controversy and disagreements on the issue of VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean). Caregivers vary in their approach when faced with a mother who wishes to pursue this kind of birth opportunity. The main area of concern is the fact that a woman has a scar on her uterus which can tear or rupture if she is allowed to labour normally in a second or subsequent birth. The reason for the first caesarean will influence the decision for a second. Prolonged labour or ‘’failure to progress’’ The amount of time a woman labours varies from woman to woman. If you have started labour, but the contractions are weak and ineffective, or your baby is not descending and your cervix is opening very slowly, you may be having a prolonged labour. There are many things that can be done to encourage a slow labour to gain momentum and a caesarean should not be the first option considered. Caregivers differ in their approach to what they think is a long or stalled labour. Maternal illness Pregnancy induced hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, herpes simplex-these are some of the problems the mother may experience that will influence the way she births her baby. Placenta dysfunction In some instances a mother’s placenta does not function properly and the decision may be taken to bring the baby into the world rather sooner than later. Depending on the stage of the pregnancy a baby may be delivered by caesarean. Prolonged rupture of the membranes If the ‘’water breaks’’ with little or no labour for 24 hours a caesarean will be considered, but an induced or augmented labour may be an option as well. Multiple pregnancy Although twins are still delivered vaginally in many parts of the world (many caregivers consider a caesarean birth safer for mother and babies) in the case of more than two babies, caesarean birth is certainly the best way to deliver. Foetal distress Many researchers believe that this is over-diagnosed. Should your baby start showing signs of distress (erratic heart rate, meconium in the amniotic fluids or loss of heart rate altogether would be considered as a warning sign) the decision to have a caesarean may be taken very quickly and can become a reason for an emergency caesarean.


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Malpresentation Babies in breech position (where baby is lying feet, bum or knees down in the lower part of the uterus instead of the head) are considered to have a safer birth if done by caesarean. Any other malpositions such as shoulder or transverse presentation and face or brow presentation would also be a good indication for caesarean delivery. ELECTIVE CAESAREAN You may request or your caregiver may suggest a caesarean delivery for reasons that have little to do with your health or the health of your unborn baby. These are some common reasons that women may decide to have a surgical delivery where the benefits for them outweigh the risk associated with a nonemergency caesarean delivery. Fear of vaginal birth Most mothers have a certain amount of fear associated with the unknown. Nothing about labour and delivery is predictable and for some they approach birth as a disaster waiting to happen. In cases where the mother has a profound fear of childbirth she may opt to have a caesarean, but every effort should be made to educate her and counsel her before she makes such a big decision. Doulas in labour are invaluable in instances like these and the support and understanding of all caregivers is paramount to this mother having a satisfying experience. Once a woman has all her options and understands how her body works and how she can help it work better and she still opts for a surgical delivery, every effort should be made to accommodate her wishes for skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding should she request it. Concerns about pelvic floor dysfunction More and more are told of an elective caesarean will prevent later life problems with leaking urine or faeces (incontinence). The research does not support this claim. Although the way we give birth may have some effects, studies suggest that these fall off over time and disappear by age 50. Certain birth practices have an impact in the weeks and months after giving birth and continues to beyond 50. Current research suggests that it is wise to avoid as much as possible obstetric practices that injure or damage the pelvic floor. These include routine episiotomy or assisted delivery with the use of forceps. Problems in later life seem to be related to health and lifestyle factors such as exercise, smoking and excess weight. Convenience Attitude towards caesareans are becoming more casual and acceptable for non-medical reasons. May career orientated women who like to structure their lives may request a caesarean for convenience. Some women are under the impression that it is totally pain-free way to give birth. Before making a final decision it is imperative that you investigate whether you know enough to make an informed decision and whether this choice is truly offering you what you think it will. There are always trade-offs involved and you need to understand the risks associated with non-emergency, non-medical caesarean.


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INFORMED CONSENT? This is a process that helps you decide what will and will not be done to you and your body. In maternity care this extends to your baby. The purpose of informed consent is to empower you with the authority to decide what is best for your body and your baby. The goal of informed consent is to enhance and encourage a responsible patient-doctor partnership in the treatment decision. This means that your caregiver, midwife or nurse is responsible for explaining; What type of care is being offered What it would involve The risks and benefits that are associated with this type of care Alternatives to this care and their respective risks and benefits Set aside time to discuss any concerns regarding your birth choice or procedures with the care provider. Labour is not the time to make important decision about procedures and options that you do not fully understand. Your caregiver has rights too. She or he has the right to agree or disagree to provide the type of care that you may request. The use of informed consent in medical practice if recognised as an important means to resolving and clarifying the issue of unrealistic patient expectations and the need for physician acknowledgment of uncertainties in medical diagnosis and treatment. This article was from the magazine Your Pregnancy 63, November 2008


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BUSINESS FEATURE WHAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR BUSINESS AND ANY SIGNIFICANCE TO THE NAME? PO, Spa Nails & Boutique. @pospanails on social media. No significance to the name however, PO stand for perfect occasions which symbolise that we are all about exellence in all our services.

WHEN WAS IT ESTABLISHED? It was established in 2015 in Lobatse

WHAT SERVICES DO U OFFER? We offer Manicure, Pedicure, Waxing, Facials and Makeup

WHERE ARE YOUR OPERATIONS? 2548, Woodhall 1, Lobatse

WHAT ELSE CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? pospanails we are all about professionalism, giving excellent service and offering the best products

WHAT ARE THE FUTURE PLANS? Grow and have property ownership where is will be a space for all things beauty

HOW COVID HAS AFFECTED US? pospanails Covid has been a period for us to maximize our marketing skills to reach our potential clients. It has been a push for us more than set back.

Please check our WhatsApp catalogue ps://wa.me/c/26771256074, Instagram @pospa, Facebook : PO Spa, Nails & Makeup Studio and get your fav photos, number @71256075 YOUTHFUL4GOD MAGAZINE

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BOOK REVIEW This book is aimed at the millennial who is trying to figure out how money works. Simple, relatable and sometimes amusing stories about how we manage money on a day-to-day basis will advise the millennial on how to: change their mindset about money; get out of debt and stay debt free; invest their money; and, ultimately, live their best life. You're Not Broke, You're Pre-Rich will help young professionals think differently about money, while covering pertinent topics like Black Tax, budgeting, emergency funds, savings and financial scams, as well as estate planning and retirement (and why they should care right now!). It is the best class they never attended ... in a book!

In What’s Your Move? Nicolette Mashile, founder of Financial Bunnies and a champion of personal-finance education across the African content, shares stories from her own life and journey with money in order to redefine personal-finance management. An intimate and deeply personal book, in What’s Your Move? Nicolette talks openly about her experiences with money and the way she was brought up. She shares her beliefs about how our everyday behaviour influences how we manage our finances, and how, in spite of knowing better, we sometimes make the wrong financial decisions. What’s Your Move? is a challenge: a challenge to you to make a move that will be financially rewarding. A promise to yourself that you are more than capable of managing your money.

Faithful Living Purpose Drives Life

When manufacturers design and conceptualize products they also have a manual for how it works. In most instances, we tend to use products without even taking a look at the manual. This may lead to misuse of the product in question or maybe even underutilize it. By going through the manual, you are sure of how to use it and why you are using it. Sure enough, there are certain products that are simple devices

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...

that don't have a manual, because their use seems obvious. For the more complex household tools and gadgets, it's important to consult a manual. Where I am going with this is to a place of understanding that our lives are crafted by our creator in a manner that requires consultation with the Bible to know what purposes we should serve. Our lives are more complex and intricate than any other product in the market. Our manual is the Bible and it tells us that we are called to be disciples of Christ and do everything we do for his Glory. As purpose driven beings, we like associating what we do with a bigger cause. Sometimes we attach our purpose to people, places and things. In the end we wind up hitting a ceiling because none of these things are eternal like the God who created us and them. By now you should have established that your true purpose is God-given and should be aligned to what God says. Not what a motivational book says, or self help 'manual' says. After all God knows you more than you could ever know yourself. He knows you to a point where he planned out your life bit by bit to the last detail. Why don't you start 2021 with the desire to allow God to guide you to purpose and will for your life? There is a book written by Rick Warren, it is titled: "A Purpose Driven Life", please listen or read it and you will find Bible based teachings on how to align your life to God's purpose for you.

We thank you for your support throughout the past year as we clear the 1 year anniversary mark. May God keep you and bring you closer to your purpose in 2021

k n k a n h a T h T ! u ! o u y yo


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