December issue

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DEC 2020 | ISSUE 11

YOUTHFUL 4 GOD CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE 04 CHARITY Give & it shall be given to you.


1 Corinthians 13:1-2 Mathew 25: 35-36 Romans 12:10


Pain During Exercise





03 EDITOR'S NOTE Lebo shares with you her excitement for the year end festivities and wishes you a happy holiday season.

04 MAIN ARTICLE | CHARITY Redefining charity. Identifying needs in our communities and meeting them.

05 KINGDOM SHAKER Elmah Nthebogang







FASHION FEATURE | MAQ PRESS BRANDZ Taking over the T-Shirt Printing field in Botswana is our vision.


FAITHFUL LIVING | A MONTHLY DEVOTIONAL Its a holiday season. A time of giving. Give to those that need it the most and see what God will do for that effort.




It is courage that will make you do something that has never been done before.

No pain No gain.


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EDITOR'S NOTE Malebogo Lepere Nothing gets me more excited than the festive season or Christmas or the birth of Jesus. We are left with a month until December, this is the time to get the little ones Christmas clothes and to buy each other gifts. Please do not forget to teach your children the biblical significance of Christmas. This is the time when malls are usually busy, because of the Christmas shopping with long lines. The lines are even made worse this year, as we have to observe Covid-19 protocols, by practicing social distancing. I wonder how this year festive mood will be considering the restrictions that came about covid 19 pandemic? I wonder if the boarders will be open? Everything is uncertain but one thing i am sure and certain about is that God is still on the throne and nothing is new or uncertain with him. In the midst of all uncertainty, it is very evident that some companies will not be having Christmas parties, while some are still considering doing them virtually. Covid has really stole our normal, I was really looking forward to reviewing different party themes just for fun in the coming issue but its all good something will come up, God never disappoints. We would be turning a year old in February as a magazine so keep us in your prayers.

God loves you

03 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 05

My hope and prayer is that we have fun and not forget that Covid-19 is still out there so lets be alert and take precautions. It would be nice to have all the readers for the next issue.

By K.M. Ntebang


Charity can be defined in many different ways but for this issue we will focus on the two definitions below; the first being, it simply means the provision of help or relief to the poor or almsgiving. Secondly, in the Christian religious studies, charity is defined as “the friendship of man for God which unites us to God”. According to Thomas Aquinas, charity is one of the most important virtue out of the seven virtues discussed on the bible. Adding that, it extends beyond the love of God only, as it also includes neighborly love, just as the Bible calls us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. In Mathew 25: 35-36, we learn a very valuable lesson where Jesus presented a parable before His disciples saying, “for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” Jesus continues in verse 40 that, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did it for me”. As we celebrate the safety and protection that we have received during the year 2020, we should consider closely the teachings of Mathew 25:35-36 during this period and reach out to people in our communities to feed those who are hungry, clothe those in need of clothes, provide shelter to the homeless, the list is endless, all we need do is to just pick one item from the list and run with it. When we do this, we will be moving closer to fulfilling the scripture in Romans 12:10 which states thus, “be devoted to one another in love, honor one another above yourselves”. The greatest call to us during this period is to look out for one another, to offer a helping hand in times of need and to give love that can only be seen through actions.

As we approach the Christmas holidays which are well known as the period for giving and celebrating life, it is important to reflect on how the year has been. Obviously, it has been an exceedingly challenging year filled with anxiety, uncertainty, grief, e.t.c. and God has been merciful enough to us and pulled us through it all. We are at the end of the year and we are still covered by His grace and for this we must offer our gratitude for it was not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of the living God that we are alive to tell of His great deeds. There is so much that we can do especially during this period where the whole world is in the middle of a pandemic which has in the past months threatened human existence as multitudes of people contracted the virus and many others succumbed to the disease. In 1 Corinthians 13:1-2 the Bible tells us that we may speak in the tongues of men and angels, but if we do not have charity/love, then we are just but a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal, we may have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries, and have all knowledge, and have all faith that can move mountains but if we have no love or charity then we are nothing. From this verse, we should be able to practice brotherly/sisterly love which should be strengthened by our actions which do not expect any pay back or reward. Let us be encouraged to practice this kind of love that embraces all people expecting nothing in return. We may work individually or work in groups to achieve this task, our payment when we do this shall come from God Himself, righteously blessing us for the good that we would have done for His people.

04 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 05






God is my "Be All and End All’ simply because He is Life, without Him there is no life hence my choice scripture - 1 Cor 15:10

My full names are Elmah Nthebolan née Ndubano. I was born second in a family of 5 children. I’m married to Gerald, Nteme Nthebolan and we are blessed with three daughters; Eden (28) and her twin sisters Mosa (16) and Lereko (16). In terms of belief system, I’m a Christian and on the corporate front as an Executive Director at Geoflux (Pty) Ltd. I’m an environmentalist by profession. I was raised by pastor parents, who were also businesspeople. My childhood was pretty much mechanical and predictable in that our lives revolved around school, church activities, and assisting at the family business. I’d say church dominated our lives and came second to school. We were always surrounded by people, relatives and church family such that it felt like we were raised more in an extended family set up!




I really did not know that I will be influential as all that I am today in whatever sphere is purely by Divine providence and God’s unparalleled grace! I would not claim to be a Kingdom Shaker I can attest to passion and love for God as the impetus to all I do in the King’s Vineyard! When I graduated from being a religious person to a bonafide child of God in accordance to 2 Cor 5:17; I came across scriptures that talked to God having no pleasure with Luke warmness or taking His name in vain! This instilled reverential fear in me and resolve to do all for the Kingdom in accordance with grace extended to me at any given time. Taking cue from the fact that a miracle is an extraordinary event attributable to Divine agency I would say; when I heard God’s audible voice! This is not an everyday occurrence and I still shudder to this day whenever I relieve the moment! In my view this was the best assurance ever an individual can ever have of God’s existence and His unconditional love! That’s why I can write/ talk about it because it is not reported speech, I was graced enough to experience and I praise God for it! Childlike faith is the way to go! We live in a fallen world where there is so much unbelief propagated on the one hand by fake miracles and a lot of hyped faith acts; the key is to be given to the Word / the Scriptures; they will not only build faith in you that pleases God; but will draw you closer to God and make Him real to you!



Organisation Feature WoSI conference

WOSI environment for child rearing to in godliness and all to the glory of God the Father- the sole

WoSI is a trans denominational and intergenerational fellowship of Christian women! It’s main mandate is to stand in the gap in prayer for

Instigator. WoSI was started because God wanted to correct something in marriages in particular attitudes and behaviors that were

the marriage institution and family unit so Christian family values are restored. Our foundational scripture is Prov 14:34 ‘righteousness exalts a nation ... ‘ ! We desire to see men /

not pleasing to Him , it was founded at the time killings that had come to be wrongly termed ‘passion killings ‘ had reached epidemic levels!

husbands rising up to take their God - ordained leadership role in marriages and family units , women on the other hand embracing their Divinely

Our Logo is two women holding the globe / whole world in the hands speaking to the effectual power of intercessory prayer to effect

- ordained powerful position of ‘helpers and home - makers ‘ this will provide a conducive

changes even through women as few as two!




08 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

We are Women of Substance International (WoSI as we affectionately call her)






Reaching Forward Outreach in June 2020 have deposited seeds in us that are still germinating and bearing fruits to date! At the heart of WoSI is a platform to minister love to the less privileged! We hold annual outreaches and have thus far been to schools to donate toiletries and truck suits , school shoes , to prisons to donate toiletries and Bibles , we’ve hosted Christmas parties , donated blankets to orphans and the elderly targeting age 70 and above. We’ve been to Gantsi, Moshupa , Kgaphamadi which prophetically call ‘ Salem ‘ place of peace instead of a name that literally means ‘blood shed ‘ ! We’ve

single sisters and much more ; to take up the intercessory role God has entrusted with tenacity and commitment it deserves!

been to Baylor’s Adolescent Centre to donate track suits to the teenagers and sanitary protections - all to the glory of God the Father!! We’ve made donations to the Presidential Housing Appeal for a


dwelling unit commonly known as ‘ two and a half ‘ To know more about us you can visit





international speakers from far afield as Uganda, Zambia, South- Africa who

our Facebook page or contact our secretary @+267 71700106. All are welcome

10 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

The Head Quaters are in Gaborone and we have a branch in Francistown. Our meeting place in Gaborone has been Academy of Toddlers until COVID- 19 restrictions and we resorted to virtual meetings via ZOOM platform! Our meeting times are 3pm - 5pm every second Saturday of the month! We hold annual conferences third week of October, where we have guest speakers to equip women on how they can be better helpers to their spouses, raise children in the wisdom and knowledge of God; learn to wait to be ‘found ‘ in faith and with dignity for



Contemporary Church Issues




Christian journey. The road is long, muddy, lonely sometimes and mostly frustrating because you will not be going with your own feelings or guidance, but God is leading. Most people recite the salvation prayer and think that is it. They cannot even walk a mile in this Christian walk because they have allowed their feelings to control them

Add a the littlebenefit bit ofofbody text Christ. or they do not see following Let us be honest, people need evidence, which is something tangible to believe that God exists, so they find it very difficult to live a Christian life and praise someone they have not seen nor experienced before. It is tough unless you have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and realized that if it were not for God on your side, you would not have made it. Until you believe that the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you, then you will find it hard in this Christian journey since you have not seen His hand upon you. There are times when you do not have any other choice but to trust God. You would have tried all that you could, nothing worked. The only thing that is left then




11 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

There is nowhere in the bible where its mentioned that being a Christian is easy and you just need to recite the salvation prayer and you go about your ways. The salvation prayer is the gateway of Christianity. You are basically opening the gate to start the

is to lean on God, but after what you wanted help on passes you would then go back to your old ways. Matthews 6:32 informs us that God already knows that you need a new job, promotion, husband, children or to be healed,

A business has never been an easy thing to start and maintain, the same thing applies to our Christian ways. You need to invest in yourself to avoid falling off the wagon.

He knows more than you. He will want you to be part of the journey to a new job, promotion, husband, children or healing. God wants you to


take part in this journey and not be spoon-fed. He wants you to seek His kingdom as written in verse 33 and not only seek the kingdom but together with its righteousness.

justifiable. Christians are supposed to show the world how to live. We are supposed to live morally and right. Love one another no matter what sin they have committed as love covers all sin. Living right is trying to abide by the principles of God in your daily life. When you see something not done morally right, do not support it but rather take a stand based on your belief. Please understand that taking a stand is not judging other people that are struggling with being moral. It is knowing or understanding what your lifestyle says and try to support the immoral to be righteous.

Have you lost something or misplaced it, then you look or seek for it? You turn the house or car upside down looking for the things that you have lost. The same thing applies to seeking the kingdom. You need to fight the devil’s distractions. To wake up and pray, read the bible or books. To seek means an attempt, to pursue, to go after, go for or desire to obtain or achieve something.







There are going to be some sweat and sleepless nights to honestly find the kingdom of God. Most people fail because they do not want to labor, they want everything handed to

The following verse (34) says that while you put me first as God and seek the way of the kingdom and its righteousness, do not worry about anything. I already know what you need. you are pursuing the ways of the kingdom so do not get stressed about what tomorrow holds rather be present in today a nd its

them. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, you must work hard at it, be it a relationship, with God, make time for him no matter how angry or happy you are. Put God first in all that you do.

goodness. I, the Lord will worry about tomorrow for you. As the year-end can we try to seek God’s way of life and live right in His presence. Let us be joyous and celebrate the

Sometimes I believe that the reason we do not have a businesses or to sustain a business is that we are not used to seeking or going after

birth of Jesus Christ with family and friends. Show some love everywhere you go and be someone’s miracle.

what we want but when it gets hard, we give up.

12 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11



SERMON By: Pst. Fortune Museke



SERMON By: Pst. Fortune Museke


1.COURAGE HELPS YOU OVERCOME FEAR Fear is an emotion induced by perceived danger or threat. It is a natural, powerful, and primitive human emotion. All of us have experienced it in our lives. Sometimes fear stems from two things: real threats imagined dangers Fear manifests itself in two ways: Biochemical Reaction – When you perceive a threat, your bodies respond in specific physical ways. Physical reactions to fear include sweating, increased heart rate, and high adrenaline levels that make us extremely alert. Physical response – also called “Fight or Flight Response” - your body prepares itself to either enter combat or run away. It's an automatic response that is crucial to our survival. Have you ever wanted to do something in your life and wondered if it was going to turn out like you hoped? Fear creeped in and started causing you to doubt. It is only natural but we should allow this fear to control us. Courage is the one thing that will allow you to go ahead nevertheless. Think of a time when you had to change jobs Think of a time when you had to move to a new city Think of a time when you had to move to a new school Think of a time when you were made a new branch manager.

All these can throw a little chill down your spine because they were something you were not familiar. Nevertheless you did not allow fear to hold you down but surmounted some courage and did it anyway and it turned out well. Courage simply means taking a step regardless of the fear that tries to creep in. You are like Peter, who took a step of faith and stepped onto the water. It is courage that will make you do something that has never been done before. Have you notice that every person we call great around us is basically someone who courageously did something regardless of the fear they had. Do the same thing today, be courageous and don’t allow fear to cripple you. 2. COURAGE FACES THREATS A threat is a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger. There are many threats that one can face in a life time. One that is common to all of us COVID-19 which is affecting your health, business, the economy, families, schools etc. Amidst all the threats you are able to wake up every morning and go to work, school or do go market your products and services. It is courage that is enabling you to do all that. Think of Israel when they were in the battle field against the Palestinians. For forty days Goliath stood up taunting them and mocking their God but no one was willing to rise up n face him. When David arrived at the scene, he got angry and got the courage to fight on behalf of Israel. Needless to say he conquered the giant. Think of how hard it must be for a business man to wake up every morning to go run a business that is not making profit yet. It takes courage. Think of a single parent who works very hard every day to make ends meet for his or her kids. They do their best to get the best education for their kids. It is not easy but courage keeps them going.

14 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

We are going to discuss COURAGE. We will be defining and analyzing some of the traits of courage and how you can apply them as you live out your life on daily basis. I know you are curious right now and you want to know what courage is. Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain etc. It entails a state of being brave and without fear. Let us take our reading from Psalm 27:14 “Wait on the LORD: be of good COURAGE, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” Time and again in Scripture God tells us to be courageous that is why we are going to take time and learn what courage is and how important it is to us. The first thing we are going to look at is this:

SERMON continues

Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.

4. COURAGE BRINGS SATISFACTION Satisfaction means the fulfilment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this. Some people enjoy the comfort zone that they would never do anything

Confidence and courage can be a little confusing because at times they are taken as synonyms depending on the context in which each word is

or try something new. But have you noticed the satisfaction that comes after you courageously try something out of the ordinary?

used. Let me clarify this, confidence is one of the fruits of courage. Confidence helps us with three things It gives you the power to act on your convictions. To have faith in yourself To subsequently take action Everything is good until you overdo it. Confidence is a good thing, over-confidence however can be detrimental to your cause. OverConfidence simply means that you may be too hasty or too ready to take action. You may be quick to take unnecessary risks. Think of an investor wanting to invest in some business idea. He can at least ask a few questions first; How does the investment work? What are my goals? What are the risks of this investment? How much do I expect to earn on this investment? How long do you plan to invest? What are the costs to buy, hold and sell the investment? When you have honestly answered these questions you will get enough confidence whether to invest or not. Although with any investment you stand a chance to win but it is courage that will give you the boldness to invest.

Think of someone who is scared of heights, when they finally surmount a bit of courage and do Bungee Jumping they can’t help but feel so proud and satisfied that they managed to do something they have always feared. It brings satisfaction. Think of the satisfaction you would get if you got courageous enough to quit the job that makes you miserable and land a job where you are happy. It would be so fulfilling. Think of the satisfaction you will get if you are courageous enough to approach a beautiful woman you have always dreamt of marrying and get a yes! Think of the satisfaction that would come if you got the courage to quit your job and started that business you have always wanted and get to see it thrive. Sometimes all you need to do is to courageously go for that dream you have always had and watch it get fulfilled. Nothing else can bring that much satisfaction.

15 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11


SERMON 5. COURAGE EXPLORES NEW TERRITORY Courage introduces you to a new world of possibilities. A lot of things can change when you

CONCLUSION We have discussed Courage and I hope you are inspired and challenged right now. Look at your

decide to be bold and courageously take a bold step in your life. Have you noticed from scripture

life right now, maybe you are struggling with certain fears and they are holding you back from

that whenever God gave some a mandate that seemed impossible one of the first thing he would tell them is to be courageous? Let’s take

receiving what God has in store for you. I believe God is calling you to trust Him more and take a step of faith. Be bold and courageous enough to

Joshua as an example. God said to him;

do what He has whispered in your heart. It will not be easy and fear will also try to creep in, but you cannot allow that to hold you back. Search your heart and pray about it and allow God to lead you through. May God bless you.

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good COURAGE; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” – Joshua 1:9. This was just before Joshua entered the Promised Land and conquered giants who stayed in fortified cities and dividing their land for the children of Israel. Needless to say it took a lot of courage for him to do all that. Maybe you are not aware of moments when you were courageous in your life too. Think of that interview that got you your job. You were very nervous but still went into that boardroom or office and faced those mean interviewers and made it! Think of those big projects that you pulled out in your life. I’m sure it was not easy especially with your budget but you were courageous and hanged in there.



FITNESS By: Onneile Kealotswe Fitness Instructor (New Skills Academy) Often we get a sense of satisfaction when we feel sore a day after a workout. We have been told that pain is a good sign that the workout was intense. This is the case most of the times. However, sometimes pain is an indication that something may have gone wrong. In this article we are going to focus on the pain that should be a cause for concern. In the previous articles, we learnt that when you exercise, muscles are put under stress and they tear and this would cause pain. Furthermore, during intense exercise, you may also experience pain due to muscle fatigue, which is the ultimate goal for each working set. With the above being said, there is a pain that you may experience due to the buildup of lactic acid. If you are not breathing properly, or your tempo is too high you force the muscle to produce energy anaerobically (without oxygen) resulting in the buildup of lactic acid. In order to guard against this, ensure that you employ proper breathing technic and the correct tempo during exercise.



FITNESS continues

Another type of pain that you should not be experiencing during exercise is a sharp pain in the muscle which maybe an indication that you have gone above the prescribed intensity level causing a major tear in the muscle being exercised. To guard against this you need to understand muscle groups (major and minor) e.g a major muscle like a quadriceps is able to withstand more resistance than a minor muscle like a bicep.

joints. You have to ensure that you are properly aligned during movements where resistance is employed. #Good pain, healthy gains

18 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

Lastly, there is sharp pain that you may experience in the joint which is largely due to improper form where instead of the muscle carrying the load, it is transferred directly to the



1.What is the name of the Business and any significance to the name? Ans: Maq Press Brands 2.When was it established? Ans: officially registered this year July 3. What can you say about the quality, size cut of your label?

19 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

Ans: Creating, Editing, Saving, & Printing. Keep It Simple With Convenient Ways To Print On The Go. Get Prints Delivered. Cost-Effective Options. One-stop print shop for custom apparel, sportswear, logo corporate wear & accessories. Design your custom tees , Dress t-shirts and many more


4.Where can we find the clothing? Ans : Gaborone Station,Choppies flats opposite Broadhurst Route 2 Combies, Unit 5,Office No 8 5.What have you sponsored so far? Ans: 2 families and one of my friends to start up his own business 6.What are the future plans? Ans : our vision is to take over the t-shirt printing Field and become a uniquely be recognized entity in Botswana at large



Faithful Living | A monthly Devotional BY: TONY KELESITSE Flowers are usually associated with a romantic gesture. People's faces light up whenever they receive flowers. In


weddings, brides throw up bouquets as a tradition that has stood the test of time.

stands out from the list are roses. There are even metaphors around the flowers and their famous signature is love. Red roses in particular are a go to gift for most romantic occasions. It sure seems like we are now deep into botanical studies. However, my point today is centered around an ancient proverb, "A bit of scent remains with the hand of that gives roses." First of all, the sentiment in this figure of speech immediately talks about giving. It could mean anything from giving a helping hand, money, food, transport and even support. Further than that it shows just how the giver remains with the scent which could mean the fulfilment of making someone else happy with their gift. Giving comes in so many different ways and is an active way of showing love and care. The book of Proverbs Chapter 22 verse 9 is clear about the message of giving"". You are at a better position to receive blessings from God if you give to others. The most common representation of giving has been overtaken by charitable trusts and organizations who focus on providing for socioeconomic needs.

This especially occurs in poverty stricken countries. As has been suggested in the previous sentence, giving is meant to fill a gap and fulfill needs. Whenever you are compelled to give anything in kind, examine first the needs so that you may be part of the solution. The only problem with charitable giving is when it becomes a sponsor for spoon-feeding and lazy tendencies. Although this is not the direction of our discussion, it is imperative to note that issue so that it may be dealt with. It's Christmas season. Our loved ones are hopeful and expecting gifts from us. But how about we think of those who aren't sure where their next meal is going to come? The have nots and the underprivileged. How do we help them realize that they are also loved and God wants them to also be happy during this season? Go ahead and make a plan to give to someone who needs it the most and see what God can do for that effort. It's the hand of the giver that remains with the scent of roses. Remember that each time you extend a hand to give out something. Happy holidays, and remember to spread the love.

21 DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

Tulips, protea, daisy, gardenia, orchid, lilies and roses are all examples of flowers. Probably the one flower that

Y 4 G DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 11

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