August Issue

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Youthful4God Christian Magazine

August 2020/Issue 7

Contents Covid Talks

02 Contents & Contact Infor


03 Editor's Note

10-11 Fitness

4-5 He is Gentle

12-13 Health Corner 14-15 Kingdom Shaker:Gorgeous Masego



Mase Michaels Kollection

16 Sermon:Gentleness id Strength 17 Just For Fun


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Editor's note I am honestly not doing well in season 3 of the lock down. I was happy and excited with the first and second season but now i feel i am not productive at all. i am tired of being home and not going to shops when i feel like. with all that said please lets be careful as this pandemic is very serious and be cautious. Youthful magazine has come for such a time like this. we are home bound and all we can do is equip ourselves with information and perfect our crafts of baking,cooking, catch up on reading and writing. we have introduced the health corner which will deal with all our day to day sickness that we deal with in silent. We need to adjust to our new normal of masks and social distance. Events are not as fun as we knew them to be but limited to 50 people and even the time is limited to 2 hours. Hope you enjoy this read and see you next month.  Love you always and God loves you forever.

Malebogo Lepere

HE IS GENTLE God tells us in Matthew 5:5 that those who are meek are blessed for they will inherit the earth. On several occasions, the bible calls on humankind and encourages them to be kind, practice it and to live it. Kindness is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When we are born again we receive the Spirit of God and it comes with gifts which we must use to make a difference while here on earth. God works with us and on

living God to find a dwelling place in us, believe me, you will be able to attain even the most difficult tasks. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to behave in a proper manner, how to be obedient, how to be in control, how to be reasonable, how to win wickedness with kindness. Proverbs 15:1 tells us that, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”. Having reference to God all

us through the power of the Holy Spirit. However, we must be willing to let the Holy Spirit do its work on us.

the time helps us keep our cool and attend to issues with a calm and gentle attitude.

The Holy Spirit is a gently Spirit and therefore for Him to live in us and work through us, we must be gentle like Him. The word of God encourages us to live by the spirit and reject the deeds of the flesh. This can be a simple but yet a very challenging task for us because the world is filled

I remember my very first job, I had a supervisor who was harsh, inconsiderate and

with so many things which tempt us on a daily basis, just as a reminder and reflection, Jesus Christ Himself was tempted by the devil but because He knew what was important to attain the fullness of joy and eternal life, He rebuked satan and conquered the world. As children of

would start trembling, this went on for some time and I even considered quitting the job that I loved very much. The only thing that stopped me from taking that drastic decision was the thought of being home while my friends were busy at work. I succumbed to the

God we also come across challenges, the more we become closer to God the more our faith gets tested and we must know how to protect ourselves and survive to come out as victors in the end. In our everyday lives we come across different people some of whom are hash, dangerous, crooks, deceitful and many more. These people do not leave in isolation, they live amongst us, some are our friends and relatives, colleagues and associates and whether we like it or not they impact our lives in many ways. These people may in one way or the other influence our way

pressures of live, I was not thinking of how this toxic environment was affecting my life but was thinking of how people will think of me. I kept this suffering to myself with the hope that it will go away on its own, but it did not. Being a quiet and reserved person that I was then, I considered it uncultured to speak up for myself or to an elderly person, I did not want to be seen as a rebellious child but my life was getting worse by the day. I prayed but the more I prayed the more the tensions grew because I did not allow the Holy Spirit to take charge of the situation. I thought I could

of life or compromise our spirituality and believes, especially when life starts putting pressure on us. They may change us into angry, bitter, inconsiderate, sad people. Going back to our verse, “the meek shall inherit the earth”, how can we remain in charge under the circumstances? The Power of the Holy Spirit is our answer. When we invoke the Spirit of the

control it, but I was wrong. I could not achieve it while I was still harboring those feeling of anger and frustration.

always ready to fight with me, being inexperienced and afraid of losing my job, I lived in fear, not knowing what tomorrow will bring for me. Every time he raised his voice, I

I had to calm down first so that I could make sense of the situation at hand. One day I said to God, “You promised me in Deuteronomy 28:13, that You will make me the head and not

the tail. That I should humble myself by Your side and You shall lift me up. I need our wisdom to address this issue.” I made this my daily prayer point and gradually I gained the courage to speak up and lay the ground rules on how we are going to communicate in the office like professionals that we are. Instead of being scared, I would listen then after the boss’ usual screaming I would gently state my views. At first, he did not notice but after some time he started paying attention and slowly changed his attitude. I would never have managed if I did not surrender everything to God, I would never have found my peace. If I had never sought His guidance and intervention, I never would have known the freedom of expression that I later gained. Child of God, your kindness especially during challenges can be the freedom that someone has been looking for, it can be your chance to save someone’s life. Allowing yourself to be a good example of what God calls us to do as humankind, may be the only Bible that another person may ever read in their lives and be enough to change their lives for good could be your kindness towards them. Let us be that Chapter that Jesus came to this world to close. Let us knowingly or unknowing change people’s perceptions about the God that we serve with our gentleness that just warms the heart.

#kindness is a virtue.


K.M. Ntebang

Mase Michaels Kollection Mase Michaela Kollection is a brand that specializes in interior &lifestyle design. Mase has combined her love for beautiful space and love for people to add a different dimension to the business. We believe that the physical environment is connected to a person's mental & spiritual environment. What you think is what you see. We believe in transforming individuals holistically from the inside out Soul-spiritually, body- health & fitness and finally your environment- interior design Mase Michaels Kollection name was first started while I inner world or spirit you are what you see was in Monash University I think 2009/10 but the and think and that a clean space allows Business was established and registered as Mase Michaels Kollection - Interior Design in 2019. Funny story Mase comes from Masego, Michaelsđ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;˜‚I always believed I would marry a white man, and collections ,K from the Kadashians but Kollection is a collections of products and services that will come under MMK which are, MMK Interior & Lifestyle Design, Motivational HubMe being a Transformational Speaker, Mentor and Lifestyle Coach, an Author, MMK HR Consultancy and A Clothing line. This is where the work Kollection comes

creativity and clutter free thinking.


lifestyle, we also help you transform your state of mind. Our job is to ensure that we all live the life of our dreams and we reflect that life through our spaces. We believe that everyone can have their dream homes despite the size of the home they live it. We

The challenges I faced when I started was believing in myself because this is my passion and not profession. Having doubt to execute the work for my clients, sourcing the material, furniture and decorating pieces

What advice can you give to people that believe they do not need your services be it churches or any business owner? I honestly believe that your environment is a reflection of your mind, so we do not only give the spaces that reflects your taste and

locally, having to deal with the 3rd party such as believe that it is important to have a space painters, plumbers, electricians etc. that is clutter free, open and cozy to allow Achievements is that I managed to do 9 successful life people to live their best lives. changing project in my first year of establishment. Seeing people lives transform and change because of changing and decluttering their spaces. cleanliness is next to Godliness, to me it means your mental, spiritual and environment cleanliness. I believe that when your spirit is clean, it means it is in a state

FASHION "Babina Tholo Social Fest" (BTSF) The clothing line is in line with the community where the event takes place in the land of Barolong at Barolong Farms/Goodhope in the Southern District of Botswana every 24th December since 2015 with its previous 4th installment in 2018 and a gap year in 2019. "Keep looking out for 5th installment known as 5.0" The brand was established in 2015, yet to be launched as a stand-alone brand from the event in the next 5th event installment "5.0" as for now it is an eventbased brand. It was for the love of the brand by not only the community of Southern District/Greater Gaborone rather nationally and globally that birthed the idea of separating the two brands, being the event brand and clothing/collection brand. We have thus far provided the best

we have Round T-shirts, Golfers, Baseball caps, Baseball torn caps, Flat Caps since 2015, then introduced sweaters and hoodies in 2018 which performed really well. All our brands provide and cater for kids (3-14) and adults most especially (S-XXL) usually we serve unisex cut. We are hoping to experiment a trial of ladies cut as time goes on but depending on our strategies as our market for now demands unisex more.

quality that our clients and us still proudly wear since 2015.

To find the clothing, kindly check out their online pages on Facebook/Instagram and WhatsApp number 72607326/72712877 for more info, request for catalogue of our various BTSF merchandise and place your order.

All I can share for now is, we are planning our last 5.0 installment. What people could look out for is, its going to be a bang, date might change from the usual 24th December "Christmas Eve Social Festival of a national talk" it is to any other exciting date for sure. we have BTSF masks for sale at P50 during the unforeseen pandemic Covid-19 to contribute as a brand to the community to have local branded masks. We love our BTSF clients, prospects, followers, event attendees from all over Botswana, (Barolong Farms, Lobatse, Kanye, Jwaneng, Ramotswa, Molepolole, Moshupa, Gaborone, Mochudi, Mahalapye, Maun, Kgalagadi and our neighbours Mafikeng/South Africa). Much appreciation to the Babina Tholo Social Festival event organizing team and all partners/ stakeholders.

Covid Talks We are in lock down season 3 for Greater Gaborone Season 1 This was a country lock down which happened in April until last week of May which we could move around without permits. it lasted 48 days

Season 2 This one was very short, it only affected greater Gaborone and it was a weekend lock down. it lasted about 2 days Season 3 This is the one that we are currently in, it also affected greater Gaborone only. it will be for 14 days if there is no extension as they have stated that this is a minimum of 14 days Conclusion We have been confined to our homes for about 64 days this year and the year is not even over yet. We are left with 146 days (as of 08.08.2020) to the end of the year.

Most failures can be attributed to a copy and paste approach to training. Trying advanced movements before you learn base

If you skip this stage, over time you create an imbalance that would lead to lower back pains and discomfort. These stabiliser muscles are what

movements that will allow you to then perform these movements as you may have seen on YouTube or any other platforms may be detrimental to your progress. This is the

is commonly known as core muscles. Defined abs are not an indication of a strong core as many would think because the core consists of more than just abdominal muscles. The focus is to be

same as a baby trying to run before learning how to crawl and walk. Exercising then becomes painful and overwhelming, before you know it, you are burnt out and you quit before reaching your desired goal. Starting small helps you to build a strong foundation before you can embark on variations and

stable and to know how to engage those muscles during training to avoid imbalances that leads to unwanted injuries. Examples of those stability exercises is a plank. As already mentioned, always start small, focus on engaging the muscles for a few seconds and gradually increase from there.

explosive movement. The problem with trying to imitate advanced movements (skip to explosive movement) before you have built the required stability and enough muscle strength to support you is that, you create an imbalance and put pressure on your bones and joints to support those movement and this can lead to chronic injuries. However, if you have built a strong foundation, your muscles supports your bones, reduce joint pains and you will enjoy your workouts injury free. As a beginner, your focus must be on working on your stabiliser muscles before you can

As you progress, you get stronger and start holding for a longer time. That is an indication that your core muscles are getting stronger. This is the part of training that unfortunately most people skip and in no time, they start complaining about back pains because there are no stabilisers to support the rest of the body through movements. If you have already made this mistake, it is not too late to incorporate core stability exercises as part of your warm-up. I cannot stress this enough, start slow and allow yourself to gradually gain strength. As previously mentioned in my past articles, this is a journey, a lifestyle, so be patient and enjoy.

start adding movements.


Onneile Kealotswe Fitness Instructor (New Skills Academy) Â Strong Nation Instructor (formerly Strong by Zumba)

Please take time to invest in your spiritual life. Get yourself and friends tickets to the conference and your prayer and life will never be the same.


Winter is season well and truly upon us. This is a season when most people tend to over-eat in order to keep warm. This, coupled with lack of exercise leads to weight gain. Do you know that the older you grow, the more difficult it is to shed the extra weight? This is particularly so for ladies after pregnancy. It is a fact that increased weight and lack of exercise contributes to the increase in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, kidney disease and strokes. There are active steps one can take to avoid this annual weight during winter season. Some of them include; a) Healthy eating Ensure to eat a balanced diet throughout. Did you know that most of the weight gain is caused by eating too much carbohydrates or foods with high calorie content? Some of such foods include pastas, mealie meal, rice, bread, potatoes etc. such foods are good to boost your energy and helps one to stay active, but when consumed in large amounts, they get converted to fats if the body cannot utilize them for energy. So the more carbohydrates one eats and the less energetic they are (i.e. little exercise), the more the carbohydrates are converted to fat in their body, leading to unwanted weight gain. So, the moral of the story is, eat carbohydrates in moderation and balance this with plenty of fruits and vegetables that provide the necessary minerals and essential vitamins the body needs to stay healthy. Don’t forget to eat your proteins because they build your muscles and body tissues. Examples of protein rich foods include beef, fish, chicken and other meaty stuff. Ensure to drink plenty of water, I know many people struggle to drink water during winter because they don’t easily get thirsty. Be in the habit of drinking clean water even when you don’t feel thirsty, it helps the body to digest the food and to get rid of waste products. It also keeps the kidneys healthy. Interestingly, water can also help you to lose weight as the more you drink, the less likely you are to feel hungry and start nibbling on snacks. b) Exercise The bible is clear that “Physical exercise is of some value…..”. It is very important to exercise to stay healthy. This is because most of us live sedentary lifestyles, we spend most of the time at work sitting down, then after work we sit in our cars for hours on traffic and then we get home and sit in front of the television and eat, we also spend a considerable amount of time on social media. This general inactivity leads to being unhealthy. Exercise helps to improve blood circulation, stretch and strengthen muscles, improve body metabolism, correct postural abnormalities, and increase relaxation and a sense of well-being. Kindly note that you don’t necessarily have to have gym membership in order to enjoy exercise. It is best you do exercise that you enjoy the most. For some people walking is what they like, others enjoy running, cycling, swimming and some like dancing! There are a few things you need to understand about a wholesome exercise regime. It needs to cover three ingredients for it to be effective:

i) Stretching – exercise must always start with adequate stretching to ensure the muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons are ready for any physical exertion. This is why all athletes always start with “warm up”. Exercising without adequate stretching can lead to cramps and tissue injuries ii) Strengthening – a good exercise program must have an element of muscle ad tissue strengthening. The older we grow, the more our muscles get weak. Lifting light weights, press-up etc are some of the things we can do to strengthen muscles. iii) Aerobic training – a good exercise program must make you sweat! This helps to strengthen your heart and lung muscles, breaks down the excess fats stored in your body and improve blood circulation. Things like jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, Zumba are good programs in this regard. The secret with exercise is to be consistent, ensure to do an exercise at least 2 to 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes at a time. Don’t forget to engage in relaxation techniques that allow you to clear your mind and get rid of the stress of the day.

Next time we will focus on one particular exercise regime/program I consider the most effective for professional people in this day and age.

KINGDOM SHAKERS My name is Masego Mercy Mbaiwa, I am an amazing human being, I am a radiant being of light and my calling is to transform people's lives through connections, helping them to discover their full potential and live their God given purpose, love life and enjoy it. And I am a mother of two beautiful amazing gorgeous babies. Whom I love and adore so much. I am a first daughter with 3 sisters from my mom's side and 3brothers from my dad's side. My childhood was amazing, it was not the best nor the worst but it has shaped who I am, I do not regret anything that happen to me for I believe it has shaped the person I am. I grew up in Lobatse my entire life, on the streets of Peleng and Multi (102/9) that was my plot number in Multi. I remember it because we used to reconnect our electricity on after bpc comes to cut it đ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;˜‚and the bpc employees knew us very well and called us by our plot numberđ&#x;˜‚ đ&#x;˜‚. I think when I was young, I didn’t know what it was but I used to clean up my room and switch up furniture around the house. It also shows cases at university when I had my own room, i had everything a house would have and my room will stand out from others. Masego is Kind, bubbly, fun loving person who loves and enjoys being in the company of others especially women. I love empowering young girls and women. Masego is also passionate about Self development and empowering young girls and women.

Word to others

live your best lives, dream it, believe it, live it. Its possible!! To assist Children with Autism, you can donate (any amount) to the below details

Name: Ambrose Academy Bank: FNB Branch: First Place Account: 62768063796


Some people associate the word gentleness with being soft and timid, being weak and passive. But what do you think? Could this be accurate? In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we are taught that gentleness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit; a nature He reflects and also imparts to us. What does the word gentleness, as used in Galatians 5:23 mean? Studies show that the Greek word used there, Prautes, means to submit one’s strength in a posture of meekness. Meekness is the opposite of self-will, self-interest, and self-assertiveness. The other words we could use for describing gentleness are consideration and humility. Gentleness therefore, has more to do with the way we handle ourselves towards others. Someone rightly said, “Gentleness is a tender, compassionate approach toward others’ weaknesses and limitations”; putting others first. Have you ever witnessed the gentleness with which a nursing mother tends to her little baby? The sacrifices she makes to make sure the child is well and healthy, and the care with which she bathes him or her? Yes, even the Apostle Paul sought to influence us to treat others with same kind of gentleness when he said, “But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children” (1 Thessalonians 2:7). Gentleness has a direct tie-in to Jesus, as He rightly said, “I am gentle and humble in heart” (Matthew 11:29). Jesus Christ is called both the Lion and the Lamb; He exudes the characters of both animals. The lion in its strength and boldness and the lamb in its meekness and gentleness. See how we find both strength and meekness in our gentle savior? So I put it to you that gentleness is not about compromise and throwing out the window your convictions and heart to stand for what’s right. It’s about being bold and yet not self-willed, being strong and yet considerate, being firm and yet humble. What an amazing balance! Where gentleness abides, pride, arrogance and being easily angered have no place. Gentleness is indeed strength. I encourage you to desire this kind of strength. For you to be seen as strong, you don’t necessarily have to be rude and self- centered, there is a more desirable way to display strength; be gentle! I implore you desire this fruit of the Spirit. Pray and yield to God so you can yield all the fruits of the Spirit, especially gentleness.

JUST FOR FUN When Daniel was taken to Babylon, the Babylonians changed his name to Belteshazzar. Match his friends' original Jewish names on the left with their Babylonian names on the right.







ANSWERS Mishael/Meshack Azariah/Abednego Hananian/ Shadrach

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls MATTHEW 11:29

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