Your Child in Banyule and Nillumbik June 2021

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Banyule & Nillumbik

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JUNE 2021

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Hello & Welcome to Our June Magazine, Can you believe it's already June! With life being busy all the time it is important to remember to take time out for yourself. This month's magazine has some great articles to look at while you sit down for a quick cuppa. You will find on page 6 Our Kids…. Innovators of the Future and on page 8 the important topic of recognising bullying and how to stop it! On a lighter note, page 10 'Great Gratitude' and some tips on how to practice it. A delicious winter warmer of 'Bare' Butter Chicken recipe can be found on page 27 and in Kids Corner this month we have a fun weather themed word search to complete, very topical apt for this time of year, four seasons in one day rings a bell! With the arrival of winter and the cooler months it's so much harder to get out with the little ones. However, Freddy, Aurora and I spent a lovely afternoon at the park the other day in the cold windy weather (we just missed the rain!) Freddy wasn't phased at all and it was a great chance to release some energy that had built up from being cooped inside. The local park is a great way for a quick play in between local showers and it can make such a difference. (If wet always remember to pack gumboots, a coat and towelto dry off play equipment.) Fun with Freddy can be found on page 25. I really hope you enjoy this issue. Be sure to check out this month's advertisers for something fun to do, see or buy for you or someone you love and a new class or activity for your child. Stay warm!

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At St Bernade e's we have an experienced and commi ed staff, who work collabora vely to meet the needs of each student. . The school operates effec vely using a collabora ve decision-making approach which aims to achieve a posi ve learning environment. There is a strong emphasis on student wellbeing. Parents work in partnership with the school and are ac vely involved.

OPEN DAY Thursday 29th April 9:30am – 1 pm Applications close: Friday 28th May 2021 Offers sent: Monday 7th June 2021 We look forward to welcoming you to our school 53 Stanley Street Ivanhoe Ph: 9499 3914 |

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Our Kids..Innovators of the Future by Dr Karen Thomas


ver wondered how some people become leaders in innovation, science, and design or in the creative arts? Giving our kids plenty of opportunity for free play may have far-reaching implications into future innovation and solving problems of the world. Through free, creative play children learn about taking risks. They learn about facing challenging situations, and they learn about ways of overcoming difficulties. The secret to solving problems of our world is driven by innovative risk-takers who typically are not afraid to face uncertainty. When young children play freely, they learn to depend on themselves. Before my twin boys could walk, they repeatedly climbed up our carpeted stairs in our home, and gleefully slid down backwards on their tummies. Not only had they discovered how to negotiate the stairs (with parental assistance of course!), but they played and read there too, enjoying their newfound ability to do a once difficult and dangerous task. As they grew, I continued to encourage their risk-taking, such as using water slides and rock-climbing. Creative free-play allows our children to learn about being selfsufficient and developing a positive self-image. There are plenty of ways to encourage children's sense of adventure. From a young age they can explore an adventure playground, a farm and rock pools. They can play dress-ups, experiment with cooking (under supervision) and participate in a quest in a home computer game. They can walk, hike, bike, skate, surf, swim, snorkel, fish; the list is endless. As parents we can assist our children to tap into their naturally creative and inventive minds. 64


have always admired my boys' inventiveness. Like many little children they designed wonderful structures with Lego and invented stories around them. Now they are in year 7, and recently I watched each of them tackle a science project in different ways. One of them filmed family members talking about what science meant to them using the family digital camera; he then edited the interviews, added interesting commentary, and burned the project to CD. The other filmed himself conducting a slime experiment, and injected a good amount of humour into an otherwise serious subject. Encouraging activities that nurture their natural inventiveness now may have significant implications in their professional life in the future. It is during creative free-play that children learn how to assess risk for their safety, and to take responsibility for themselves. They become self-sufficient, increasingly independent, and develop a positive selfimage. Nurturing their enquiring minds throughout their childhood assists them to grow into the innovative adults who are needed to face the world's future challenges. Dr Karen Thomas has four children and understands the challenges that children face going through school

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Pottery Classes SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS • Wheelwork • Hens Parties • Handbuilding • Sculpting • Pottery Birthday Parties • Beginners • Advanced • Children • Teens • Adults

T: 9439 8057 or 0417 054 035

Claydreamers Pottery Studio Eltham Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856



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At Launchpad we are very proud of our indoor and outdoor spaces. We have a state-of-the-art purpose built centre that is a balance of calming and stimulating and allows for and encourages an Indoor/Outdoor program to be implemented. Our beautiful location amongst the trees has inspired our ! colours and décor and our Curriculum and programs. 6 months to school age Fully funded 4 yo Kindergarten program Bachelor qualied Early Childhood Teachers for both our 3 & 4 yo programs Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856

150 Main Road Lower Plenty ph: 8418 3999 9


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Book Giveaway For Your Chance TO WIN A COPY OF *KOKEY KOALA and the Bush Olympics * HARDCOVER

VISIT OUR WEBSITE BELOW ENTER YOUR NAME EMAIL ADDRESS PLUS YOUR POSTCODE Kokey Koala and the Bush Olympics is available from which includes a sneak peek of some of the pages. The RRP is $24.99 (hardcover) and $19.99 (softcover). It is also available from online bookstores in softcover only (reduced size of 280mm x 216mm) and the Kindle e-book is $5.99. The is receiving per cent of book sales us on fiveyourchildinbanyuleandnillumbik 12 Aussie Ark Conservation ProgramFollow

20 years ago Trixie Whitmore published Kokey Koala and the Bush Olympics a children’s ‘adventure’ picture book just in time for the Sydney Olympics.



Now, after her passing last year, Trixie’s family has republished the book in hardcover as a tribute and legacy to the late author. And it’s just in time for the Tokyo Olympics! Kokey Koala and the Bush Olympics is the story of a cute koala who, with determination and courage, participates in a series of Bush Olympics sports with the hope of winning an Olympic Gold Medal. .

Guaranteed to appeal to a new generation of children, the book's exquisite hand-painted illustrations accurately detail fauna and flora that are special in each of Australia's states and territories. This enables an intricate 'find and discover' experience to captivate and educate readers as they follow Kokey Koala on his enduring quest to win 'Gold'. Answers are provided at the back of the book to confirm the animals, insects and plants are correctly identified.


Hundreds of Kokey's friends can be found including a dunnart, platypus, phascogale, echidna, antechinus, cicada, pademelon and scores of colourful birds. "The book is fun and engaging for children and adults alike with heart-warming rhyming poems throughout," said Trixie Whitmore's daughter, Elizabeth Hamilton. "Trixie's love of the Australian bush inspired her to create this book to show off our unique Australian fauna and flora whilst highlighting a variety of Olympic sports including diving, swimming, relay, canoeing, sailing and gymnastics. “Along with the wonderful illustrations and my mother's rhyming poems, the book contains the overall key message of, 'Keep trying Kokey, be brave and bold, and soon you'll win Olympic Gold'." Your Child Magazines recommends this delightful book for a child you love !

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Respiratory Illnesses As we come into winter every year, with the changes in weather we see an increase in children developing vial respiratory illnesses. These can vary from very mildly unwell with a bit of a runny nose to very unwell requiring immediate medical intervention. A lot of parents are unaware of what to look for, also known as the key red flags, associated with viral respiratory illnesses and often underestimate their gut instinct. Here we hope to be able to highlight the key red flags to look out for and make you more confident to be able to identify a respiratory illness in your child. When a child becomes unwell with an illness that is affecting their lungs, they will become short of breath, their breathing rate will increase as will their effort required to breathe. We call this increased work of breathing. When a child is unwell the first thing you may notice is their breathing rate will increase from normal, it is important to note that children naturally have a faster breathing rate than adults do so have a look when your child is well to see what is normal for them and use this as your guide when they are unwell. As children age their breathing rate will slow to that similar of an adult by the time they reach primary school age. If you are concerned about a respiratory illness one way to determine how unwell a child looks is to check out their work of breathing. To do this remove all clothing from the upper body and have a look at their chest, you want the child to 14

be as relaxed as possible when you do this as an upset crying child will appear worse than they may actually be. Here we are looking for abnormal movements of the chest, things like sucking in of the skin in and around the ribs, sucking in of the soft tissue at the bottom of the neck, between the clavicle bones leading out to the shoulders or underneath the rib cage. You may also notice that the child is bobbing with each breath. Work of breathing can be categorised into mild, moderate, and severe. The more defined the skin is sucking in around the bones the worse their work of breathing and the sicker they are. With an unwell child we also look for how the child is interacting. If the child is still alert, interactive, and running around happy they are usually safe to wait and be assessed by your local GP. Whereas a child who is flat and lethargic, or irritable with a weak cry is a very unwell child and needs medical attention immediately.

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in Children Two of the most common respiratory illnesses that young children get during winter are Croup and Bronchiolitis. The biggest thing to take note about croup and bronchiolitis is that they are VIRAL respiratory infections and therefore antibiotics will not help. Croup is a viral infection that causes swelling and narrowing of the airways. It is characterised by a hoarse voice and harsh barking cough, often described by parents as sounding like a seal barking.

by Prudence Fletcher starts as a cold and cough, and will develop with wheezing, a fast-breathing rate and increased work of breathing. Medications will not usually help Bronchiolitis it is just a matter of letting the illness run its course. The best thing for babies with Bronchiolitis is to offer smaller feeds more frequently. Because they are congested due to Bronchiolitis it makes breathing and feeding at the same time difficult, therefore they tend to tire easily whilst feeding so do not to drink as much and are at risk of becoming dehydrated.

In mild cases of croup, a child will just develop the cough and no other symptoms, as long as the child is comfortable there is nothing that needs to be done other than let the illness run its course which is usually 3-4 days.In severe cases of croup, a child can develop a stridor, (high pitched noisy breathing that occurs when they are at rest.) A child with croup needs to see a doctor if they develop a stridor, develop increased work of breathing, or are distressed and unable to be consoled. Otherwise, if the child is well, comfortable and managing to keep their fluid intake up they can be managed at home for the duration of the illness. Croup usually only effects children up until the age of 5 although in rare cases can be experienced at older ages. Bronchiolitis is another Viral illness that can affect a childs breathing, Bronchiolitis is most common in babies under the age of 1. Bronchiolitis usually lasts about 7-10 days with the child usually at their worst around day 3. It Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856

Babies with Bronchiolitis that have increased work of breathing and are having difficulty feeding will need to be admitted to hospital and will often require a small tube to be inserted in their nose and down to their stomach called a nasogastric tube. This tube helps to to give the child fluids to prevent the baby from becoming dehydrated, it also gives the baby a rest from the need to suck for a short while and they can focus just on breathing until they get better. If at any time you as a parent are concerned about your child, even if they are not displaying the characteristics mentioned here, please seek medical advice. Prudence Fletcher - Co-Owner Parentmedic Victoria/ Registered Emergency Nurse



Osteopathic Care in Pregnancy and Beyond


Osteopathy is a manual therapy that is ideal for use in any stage of pregnancy. An osteopath is qualified to support you throughout this me for a wide variety of problems. During pregnancy your body goes through many changes, which means that it is constantly adap ng and changing, o en leading to pains which can rou nely be treated by an osteopath. Let's take a look at the different stages of pregnancy: First trimester: Even though most women don't 'look' pregnant in this early stage, their bodies are undergoing many changes. Hormonal changes effect almost every system. Some women experience extreme redness, tender breasts, morning sickness, cravings for foods, mood swings, cons pa on, increased urina on, headaches, heartburn, weight gain, to name just a few. This is the start of an exci ng journey. Second trimester: More visible changes to the body begins; your belly begins to grow with the growth of your baby. As this occurs you may experience other symptoms, e.g. body aches, stretch marks, patches of darker skin, numb/ ngling hands (carpal tunnel syndrome), swelling of the ankles, fingers, and face and postural changes. Third trimester: This is the final stage. Some of the symptoms that you experienced previously will con nue and as your baby grows bigger you may also experience shortness of breath, heartburn, haemorrhoids, tender /leaking breasts, trouble sleeping, the baby moving lower in your abdomen and contrac ons. The body con nues to change as you prepare for labour. As osteopaths we are here to help with symptoms at all these stages of pregnancy and a er giving birth. We can even check and treat your baby as the birthing process causes a large amount of pressure on delicate structures. Give us a call if you need any advice, we are happy to help.

by Dr Caryn Edwards, Osteopath, Enhance Osteopathy 16

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Which School Should This is the question that every parent will ask at least twice in a lifetime – once for primary school and then again for secondary school. This choice parents face is made even more difficult and sometimes confusing by the plethora of options we have in Australia. Government, Catholic or Independent schools? Multi-age, composite or straight classes? Explicit teaching or less formal, open plan structures? Steiner or Montessori? Home schooling? Parents are indeed spoiled for choice. Every school will promote the fact that they provide an excellent education and this will be done through good marketing, enticing signage and great websites. How could they do otherwise? Education is a now a billion dollar sector with all schools relying on strong student numbers to remain financially stable. The question I have always asked prospective parents to consider deeply is….. “Where will my child learn best?” The primary schooling years are innately stimulating and so much fun. However, when seven years at primary school are all fun, with little learning, then this makes secondary school no fun at all. Primary schooling should provide the foundational skills for future study in an environment that encourages curiosity and celebrates each child's success. If a child has had an entirely fun filled seven years of primary education, but emerges with few Maths or English skills when leaving Year 6, then predictably the next six years of secondary 20

school will be a daily struggle and a grind that risk stunting a love of learning that is vital to our ability to navigate the modern world of work. If a child has had limited exposure to a range of subjects in the performing and visual arts, a language other than English, sporting skills, literature, science and technology at primary school, then how adequately have we prepared them for the demands of secondary and tertiary studies, and what might this do to their ultimate confidence and self-esteem as future adults? Every child is different. They are born with such different interests, tendencies, motivations, challenges and personalities. Like a jigsaw puzzle, it is then up to the parent to match their child to a prospective school. Remember that the decision you make before the beginning of Prep to partner with a particular school, is a decision the you will need to be happy with for the next seven years. That same decision may have further implications for younger siblings (who will often attend the same school) and also possibly impact which secondary school they attend (some secondary schools are zoned or often have select feeder primary schools from which they draw enrolments).

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I Choose for My Child by Philip Cachia

Some parent tips in this area: Ÿ Once you have made a decision, stick with it.

Studies have shown that children who change schools multiple times ultimately regress in their learning, struggle to form social bonds with peers, and may develop significant 'gaps' in their learning Ÿ Be the parent and the decision maker. Asking a four-year old which school they would like to attend is an abdication of

your role as a parent. They simply do not have the judgement and life experience to assess all the future implications of this important choice.

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Education should be seen as one of the greatest investments you will ever make as a parent. Do your homework, invest wisely, continue to contribute to your investment by being involved, watch over your investment, maintain a constant interest in your investment. And watch your child grow and flourish, just like any good investment would.

And finally, when choosing a primary school always think “Where will my child learn best?” Philip Cachia Principal – St. Francis Xavier School Montmorency Dip.T.,Grad.Dip.Ed.Stud., Grad.Dip.Ed.Admin., M.Ed(Admin), M.B.A (Exec)


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Treating childhood conditions such as.. Growing pains Sports & Playground Injuries Neck & Back Pain Headaches Walking, Limping & Balancing

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Fun With Freddy

Alistair Knox Park Eltham This time round Freddy and I headed down to The Alistair Knox Reserve in Eltham for some fun! It's a hub for community life where Mumma's and their little ones come for playdates, beautiful birds sing, families ride bicycles along the edges of Diamond Creek and groups gather for weekend celebrations. The play area doted amongst gumtrees hosts a range of spaces for children to explore including large wooden carvings of a huge platypus, owl and big tree stump seat and lovely metal figures of people. The main play structure has a curved slide, walkways, hanging disks, rising step bridge, steering wheel, tunnel, scrambling wall, shop front and monkey bars. There is also a spinning donut, music making equipment, disc swing and huge family sized see-saw. Freddy had heaps of fun and we finished the afternoon with a trip across the road to Eltham Library!

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CORNER Weather Words Find and circle all of the Weather words that are hidden in the puzzle The words may be hidden in any direction.


Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Banyule & Nillumbik. Contact: Kids Corner PO Box 153 Diamond Creek 3089 email: ph: 0497 788 856 26

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‘Bare’ Family Recipes! Butter Chicken

INGREDIENTS (serves 4-6) ·8 chicken thigh fillets, cut into large chunks ·1 Tbsp coconut oil ·1 onion. Diced ·1 knob of fresh ginger, grated ·4 garlic gloves, crushed ·2 tsp garam masala ·1 tsp ground cardamom ·1tsp ground coriander ·1tsp ground cumin ·¼ tsp paprika ·4 cardamon pods ·1tsp ground turmeric ·3 Tbsp tomato pasta ·Pinch salt ·2 Tbsp lemon juice ·400ml can coconut cream- ½ cup reserved ·¼ cup raw cashews ·Fresh coriander to serve METHOD 1.Heat coconut oil in a large saucepan over medium heat 2.Add the onion and pan fry un l so 3.Add ginger, garlic and spices 4.Add the tomato paste and cook for 1 minute

For more delicious whole food, family recipes visit Healthy Mummy Club

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USEFUL INFORMATION Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police Hospitals


DIAL 000

Austin Hospital.......................................................... 9496 5000 Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................... 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268 9888 4944

Your Local Police Station Diamond Creek ........................................................ 9438 8300 Eltham....................................................................... 9430 4500 Greensborough......................................................... 8432 8200 Heidelberg................................................................ 9450 8000 Hurstbridge............................................................... 9718 2111 West Heidelberg [Not 24hr Station]......................... 9457 5777

Other Banyule City Council Office....................................... 9490 4222 Nillumbik Shire Office............................................... 9433 3111 If you provide a free essential service to our community and would like your phone

number included thisFollow page please 788 856 28 29 us on call 0497 yourchildinbanyuleandnillumbik Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788on856

WORK FROM HOME Self Employment Opportunity Private Health Fund Rebates Available Student & Pension Discounts Available

Gift Vouchers

Our Business Team is Expanding Become a Nutrition & Health Coach We are seeking people with a desire to operate their own HOME-BASED business, you will need to bring to the table: Ø A desire to lead an healthy, active life seeking an additional stream of income, motivation and a willingness to learn. Ø You will be trained & assisted Ø No experience necessary. Ø Low investment


Children’s Book Drive 24th May to 18th June Lower Plenty Primary School is looking for good-condition, fiction/non-fiction books suitable for 5 to 13yo children to stock their classrooms and library! Collection boxes at LPPS Main Entry on Prosperity Drive 9435 2585 and musicaplenty, 175 Main Rd, Lower Plenty. Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856


CONTENTS Regulars 2 Editors Notice Board 25 Fun with Freddy 24 What’s On In and About B & N 26 Kids Corner 27 Recipe Bare Butter Chicken

This Month’s Advertisers

29 Useful Information

Balance Gymnastics


Baby Obsessions Banyule Massage Claydreamers Dance Plus Studio


Our Kids.....Innovators...


Bullying.....What is it?

Eltham Little Theatre

10 Great Gratitude

Enhance Osteopathy

14 Respiratory Illnesses in Children

Family Dispute Resolution

18 Fun Maths at Home

Fragrance Boudoir

20 Which School should I Choose...

I Heart Jigsaw Puzzles Inatable World/Bundoora Action Centre Launchpad ELC Little Flyers Learning Centre

Business Opportunity 31 Your Child Magazines

Maximise Results Oak and the Little Folk St Bernadettes Ivanhoe St Francis Xavier Primary Symmetree Osteopathy

Showcase Your Business with Us NOW! Call for your Copy of our 2021 Media Kit Today!

Yarra Plenty Regional Library

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