Your Child in Banyule and Nillumbik April 2021

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Banyule & Nillumbik

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APRIL 2021

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Hello & Welcome to Our April Magazine, With Easter and school holidays at the start of the month, April is a great time of the year to reconnect with your family and spend some quality time together. Can you believe the school holidays are again, upon us? Promise yourself, that you will take time out for a quiet cuppa and have a look at some of the articles in this month's magazine. There is an interesting read on the Power of 15 Minutes on page 8 and Creating a Sustainable Garden on page 18. On page 6 thought a provoking article tackling the subject of Mother's guilt and on a lighter note page 10 talks about the cute Easter Bilby and page 14 A Child's Best friend! Kids in the Kitchen on page 26-27 has my darling Aurora baking some delicious and healthy 'Naked Hot Cross Bun's, you'll be pleased to know Aurora and Freddy polished these clean treats off super-fast with our help! It goes to show that eating wholefoods as nature intended can still be yummy and enjoyed by the whole family, if you are interested to learn more about wholefood family friendly recipes that have been stripped back except on flavour then head over to @healthymummyclub on Instagram or Facebook. Fun with Freddy can be found on page 19, with Freddy out and about having fun visiting the recently upgraded Macleod Park Playground in Macleod. This is a great park to visit on a sunny Autumn day during the school holidays for a picnic or early evening grab some takeaway dinner over the road from the cute shopping strip. If you are looking for some activities and educational webinars to keep you busy over the School Holidays, have a look through the What's on Section page 22-23. This years Commemorative ANZAC Dy Services can be found on page 4. I really hope you enjoy this issue. Be sure to check out this month's advertisers for something to do, see or buy for you or someone you love. If you're looking for a new class or activity for your child check to see what offers, trials and bonuses Your Child advertisers have for new students.

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Wishing all our readers a safe and happy Easter break!

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ANZAC DAY 25th April 2021




DIAMOND CREEK Service at Community Centre at 10:30am ELTHAM/MONTMORENCY Dawn Service at War Memorial Main Road Eltham 6am Sharp - Please gather before 5:45am Parade assembles at Were St. before 9:15am. March steps off at 9:30am sharp March back to RSL for service at 9:50am at Cenotaph outside Petrie Park Hall Subject to Covid restrictions - masks & spacing Times & numbers may change so please check with Montmorency RSL 9434 2085

IVANHOE For information on ANZAC Day services please contact Ivanhoe RSL KANGAROO GROUND Service Starts sharp at10.30am 375 Kangaroo Ground Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground Light refreshments to follow


GREENSBOROUGH RSL Club opens at 7am 8:30am Parade assembles at Poulter Ave opposite the RSL 8:45am Parade steps off to Memorial Park 9:00 am Memorial service commences 9:45am service concludes Followed by refreshments back at the RSL (limited numbers as per Covid restrictions) HEIDELBERG Commemorative service is at the Burgundy St Cenotaph then a march down to Heidelberg Football Club rooms at Warringal Park However check with Heidelberg Football Club for further details and times

WATSONIA No Dawn Service this year 6am Last Post & Rouse at the Centoaph will be played at the entrance of RSL (& can be heard in community) The March will be strictly for Veterans only, with Covid-19 restrictions in force - no family to march but they are welcome to watch as is the local community Service commences 10:00am at front of RSL There will be limited food options - No breakfast or finger food this year Limited numbers due to restrictions - check with Watsonia RSL 9435 4233 WEST HEIDELBERG Service at RSL on Bell - 180 Bell Street 11:00am in the rear car park off Miller Street. For restrictions phone RSL on Bell 9457 2518

If you can’t join in locally due to restrictions or changes to this years commemoration, we encourage people to “Light Up The Dawn” from your driveway as was the case last year. 29 Follow call us on yourchildinbanyuleandnillumbik To 0411 459 872 4 advertise in Your Child in Banyule & Nillumbik

HURSTBRIDGE For information on ANZAC Day services please contact Hurstbridge RSL on 9718 1119

The Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub is now open! The new Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub is now open. With a focus on learning, crea vity, and community connectedness, there are lots of exci ng new spaces to explore. Thanks to the investment from Banyule City Council, new features include a dedicated children's library space and play area, Maker Space, community art gallery and ar st studios, the Yarra-me Djila Theatre e, outdoor amphitheatre and decking, and an in-house café. Baby Story me: Ages 0–18 months — a fun half-hour session of rhymes, stories, and fingerplay on Wednesdays at 10am. The school holidays are fast approaching and we have lots of exci ng programs being offered, including seed plan ng workshops, making your own mini worm farms, cra ac vi es, and a backyard diversity program with a visit from the animals at Wild Ac on. Laila the Reading Dog is back each Tuesday from 3.30pm. Prac ce your reading skills in a fun environment with Laila, who loves hearing new stories! ·

The Yarra-me Djila Theatre e is a small performance space. Its name comes from the Woiwurrung language meaning 'Open Play'. It is the perfect venue to host our Story me sessions, which are now being offered at Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub, including: · Preschool Story me: Ages 3–5 years — a fun session of stories, rhymes, and literacy ac vi es on Mondays and Fridays at 10am. · Toddler Time: Ages 1–3 years — a lively, interac ve session of stories, rhymes, and ac on songs on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am.

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Places are limited and bookings are essen al. For bookings and further informa on, please visit our website:



Mother Guilt

o feel guilty is a trademark of motherhood, I am sure. To be a mum and not to have suffered feelings of guilt would be something short of a miracle!

by Dr Melanie Strang melted away and she was able to drop her child at childcare without being plagued with the feeling she was doing something wrong.

Guilt is defined as “a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offence, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.” In the case of mums the feeling of guilt is almost always an imagined offence. That is, we mums are so hard on ourselves that we tend to blame and criticize ourselves for anything slightly less than the high and unattainable standards we set for ourselves. This sort of guilt (when we haven't actually done anything wrong) is termed unhealthy guilt. Unhealthy guilt is often anger in disguise. It is worth asking yourself “what am I angry about?” during times when you are plagued with guilt. Let me give you an example of this: A mum feels really guilty when she drops her 2 year old off at childcare one day a week. The other 6 days she stays home with her child; she is a loving and attentive mum, yet she feels incredible guilt for going to work and having a few hours to herself. She has done nothing wrong so why does she feel so guilty? After much counselling she realise she is angry that her own mother worked full time for as long as she could remember and was never there for her when she came home from schoolshe was looked after mainly by nannies. This mum is angry at her own mother's lack of presence in her past which led to her feeling guilty in the present. Once the mum in this anecdote became aware of her anger, the guilt 6

Guilt is often related to expectations from our family of origin. Rigid and unrealistic expectations such as expecting ourselves to have immaculate homes whilst looking after young babies, or pressure from extended families to be present at times when our bubs are napping can turn on the guilt tap, no end. It's really a matter of being aware of where the guilt comes from and being a bit easier on ourselves, reminding ourselves that “good enough” is a lot easier to live with than perfection. Article supplied by Dr Melanie Strang BscMBBS of Well Mum Well Baby

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WORK FROM HOME Self Employment Opportunity Our Business Team is Expanding Become a Nutrition & Health Coach We are seeking people with a desire to operate their own HOME-BASED business, you will need to bring to the table: Ø A desire to lead an healthy, active life seeking an additional stream of income, motivation and a willingness to learn. Ø You will be trained & assisted Ø No experience necessary. Ø Low investment


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The Power of W

e all have busy lives and time always seems too short to fit in every immediate demand, let alone other important but less-pressing needs. Time management principles suggest focusing only on priorities which is easier said than done sometimes. So what can we do? Have you ever thought about what you could achieve with just 15 minutes a day? When families come along many of us park a part of our lives to focus on the family, but our dreams and desires never die. The challenge in reigniting action on our dreams comes because we think only about the finished product, not the small steps that can to be taken each day to get us there. 15 minutes a day converts into just under 2 hours per week and 91 hours a year. That's a lot of time that you can use to get things done – but the benefit only comes when we create a daily habit and commit those 15 minutes to something worthwhile. How? Find or create 15 minutes somewhere in your day. Don't say to yourself you don't have it – ask yourself where you can find the 15 minutes and you will find it. Then, focus your attention and action in that 15 minutes – the key is your commitment to cultivate a habit, from which your dream will come to life. Here are a few suggestions for you to focus your 15 Minutes on;



Talk and Listen – build a deeper relationship with someone special or your kids. Share our goals, dreams, accomplishments and challenges with each other. The first step may be to read a book on how to do this.


The Family Peace Foundation state that spending 8 minutes a day of quality time with your children creates deeper family relationships. If 8 minutes can do that, imagine what can be achieved by investing 15 minutes.


Start writing a book - eventually you will have the finished product in your hand. This won't happen unless you sit down and start.


Self-improvement - Take time to learn, read books, listen to podcasts or TED talks – learn something new and stretch your mind.

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15 Minutes ­

Planning - Spend 15 minutes planning your next day or week. Empty your mind today ready for tomorrow and you'll sleep easy; you won't be thinking about everything all night and you've pre-loaded the next day, ready to go.


Organise your life - Clear the desk, do the filing, backup your computer, create a budget - you'll notice that your environment and eventually your mind will be that much more stress-free.


Start a Journal - keeping a journal of how you feel, what you learned, and what you want out of life will help you track where you've been and where you want to go.

by Marcus O'Donohue

Nothing great is achieved without effort. Small efforts each day create habits that lead to great accomplishments. Start with 15 minutes a day and imagine where it will take you.

Marcus O'Donohue is an independent Business Advisor and Director of the Box Hill Business Network, a business mastermind group that helps businesses in a collaborative, interactive and challenging environment. A Variety of Baby Hampers and Gifts


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The Easter Bilby

aster is in some ways a combination of two celebrations. For Christians, Easter is all about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. These events symbolise the rebirth eternal life of mankind. As Priests began spreading the word of God and Jesus, they used symbols to explain their stories. In the northern hemisphere, Easter is at the same time as spring begins. Spring is the season of new life and hope, and was celebrated annually in many pagan cultures. Being spring and new, the season works in well with the rebirth of Christians and they slowly became one celebration. The Easter Mascots From the association with spring and new life, furry mammals became part of many culture's Easter traditions. In America and Canada, the Easter Bunny delivers eggs to the children; in the UK, the Easter Hare delivers the eggs. The Italians, French and Belgians believe the church bells drop off the eggs as they return from Rome on Good Sunday. In Australia, Easter Bunnies have often been attributed the task of delivering Easter Eggs to children. However, rabbits are a nuisance and an introduced animal in Australia. Many people, especially farmers, are not enthusiastic about rabbits being honoured in this way. Thus, Australians often talk about the Easter Bilby instead of the Easter Bunny. What Is A Bilby? A Bilby, like a rabbit, is a mammal. It is a marsupial and belongs to the bandicoot family. They have long hairless ears and powerful front paws for digging. Bilbies don't drink much water and eat termites, honey ants, bulbs, insects, spiders, fungi and seeds. Unfortunately, there 10

are only about 600 Bilbies left in Australia and this number is decreasing. They are already extinct in Victoria and NSW, and heading that way in Queensland. Efforts are being made to save the Bilby. The recognition gained by being our Easter mascot and the funds raised through Chocolate Easter Bilbies are helping protect the remaining animals.

How can the Easter Bilby take over? It is the Easter Bunny that is most widely known, and commercialised. It will take an overall effort for the Bilby to become our Easter symbol, and it will take time to overcome the Bunny associations. As children will see the Bunny everywhere, and hear of it, some parents think it is too hard to change this. However, it really is simple; and the more people introducing the Bilby the easier it gets. Children will not find it hard to believe that the Easter Bunny is very tired and finds it too hard to deliver eggs to all the children in the world. Thus, they can accept that the Bilby helps the Bunny by delivering all the Australian eggs.Not only is the Bilby cute and native to our shores, by accepting the Easter Bilby, we may actually prevent another animal becoming extinct. SO, let's encourage the Easter Bilby across Australia! For more information about the threatened Bilby, visit the Australian Bilby Appreciation Society website.

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At Launchpad we are very proud of our indoor and outdoor spaces. We have a state-of-the-art purpose built centre that is a balance of calming and stimulating and allows for and encourages an Indoor/Outdoor program to be implemented. Our beautiful location amongst the trees has inspired our ! colours and décor and our Curriculum and programs. 6 months to school age Fully funded 4 yo Kindergarten program Bachelor qualied Early Childhood Teachers for both our 3 & 4 yo programs

150 Main Road Lower Plenty ph: 8418 3999

Work from home opportunity Run your own business No experience necessary No start up costs For details call Kate 0497 788 856 /fragranceboudoir @fragranceboudoir Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856



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A Childs’ Best Friend


ave you ever watched a child and a dog at play? Together they show us a rare insight into the synchronicity of life.

Dogs and children fit together beautifully and dogs teach children wonderful life lessons, most importantly exercise and playing outside in the fresh air. To own a dog is a priceless gift and for a child there are endless benefits. From Frisbees to balls, a dog will energetically return any number of flying objects. They radiate unconditional love and create moments that make childhoods a warm and happy time to be reflected upon with smiles in later years.

by Gaynor Andrews comes along. An ordinary trip to the park turns into an energy blast, with chasing, running and throwing balls, sparkled with laughter, when our four-legged friends go out to play. They motivate our children to run, throw and laugh and introduce us to the joys and happiness of living at a basic level.

Of course much research is required to introduce the most suitable breed of dog to live with your children and with so many different breeds now available, this could be seen to be a daunting task, however with the whole family involved, this can become a family project and a great time to bond and have open discussions. The whole family should be involved in such a life changing decision. Having a dog as a member of the family exposes our children to many virtues and lessons. They teach unconditional love on a daily basis, encouraging children to give more of themselves but it is within the power of the words “God please turn me into the person that my dog thinks that I am” that your child has the most to gain, because a dog never judges, never condemns or criticises and it is within these wonderful traits that your child has the most to gain.

There are so many valuable exercise opportunities that owning a dog presents – a daily walk is transformed to a fun filled excursion when a happy, tail wagging friend 14

When a child is born, it is full of confidence and knows it is nothing less than perfect. As the child grows, conditions, circumstances and people take this away, all too often the child is left with a low self esteem – having a dog is the best way to balance out all the negativity that your child may be exposed to because a dog will always see your child as nothing less than perfect!

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Gaynor Andrews is a Personal Trainer and has a Diploma of Journalism


PREP ENROLMENTS ARE OPEN FOR 2022 Come along and visit our school! At St Bernadette's we have an experienced and committed staff, who work collaboratively to meet the needs of each student. The school operates effectively using a collaborative decision-making approach which aims to achieve a positive learning environment. There is a strong emphasis on student wellbeing. Parents work in partnership with the school and are actively involved.

Open day: Thursday 29th April 9:30am – 1 pm Applications close: Friday 28th May 2021 Offers sent: Monday 7th June 2021 We look forward to welcoming you to our school 53 Stanley Street Ivanhoe Ph: 9499 3914 Email:

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E The perennial question from many first-time school parents, and sometimes from parents who have had two or three children already begin school is “When do I know my child is ready for school?” Legally, in Victoria, children must be 5 years of age by April 30th in the year of beginning school. Given that each Australian State and Territory has a different cutoff date for starting, this tells me that the April 30th date is simply an arbitrary government gazetted day and doesn't necessarily have any scientific basis. There are so many theories that pervade the internet and literature. “I will delay my child…they will be 6 when they start school…they will be a leader and more advanced than the others in the class” ,“My child has older siblings at school, this will make them more ready for school” or “My child is male/female…this makes them more mature and ready for school?” or “My child is gifted, of course they are ready to begin school”. Having taken school tours for prospective parents over 17 years at many schools, it is often simpler to nod and smile at some of these theories. There are no rule books, instruction manuals or handbooks when it comes to children. No two children are the same. Even identical twins, who have grown up in the same familial environment, eaten at the same dinner table, played with the same toys and shared the same experiences, are individuals and present differently. Some key pointers in deciding 'school readiness' are:

Ÿ Parents should look at their own child without comparing them to other children. Ÿ Speak to your pre-school teacher and ask them the question. Is my child ready for school? Ÿ Attend your primary school's transition program. Do not be worried by your child's fear of detachment and tears. This is all a very normal part of the growth and development process as they move into primary school. They will be OK! Ÿ Can my child sit with me, listen to a story and show engagement? Even just a short story. Ÿ Can my child write their name? Can my child recognize their name on paper? Ÿ Does my child seem ready for more challenges than pre-school offers toward the later part of the year? Ÿ Does my child interact with others? Use their imagination in play and play with others? Be assured, statistics show the vast majority of children are indeed ready for primary school when five birthday candles appear on their cake. However, parents need to consider the different impacts starting or not starting a child at primary school can have, and I believe that parents are best placed to make this decision as they know their child best.. Philip Cachia Principal – St. Francis Xavier School Montmorency Dip.T.,Grad.Dip.Ed.Stud., Grad.Dip.Ed.Admin., M.Ed(Admin), M.B.A (Exec)


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Our educational offering is unsurpassed: Seven Specialist teaching areas each week for Prep to Year 6 Visual Arts S.T.E.M Physical Education Performing Arts Discovery Centre (Library) Digital Technology (Computers) L.O.T.E – Mandarin Intervention Support (Prep) Intervention Maths (Year 1-3) Intervention English (Year 1- 3) Intervention English (Year 4-6) Intervention Maths (Year 4-6) Intervention Extension & Enrichment (Year 1- 6) Interschool Sport School Chaplaincy/Counselling Program And the list goes on…..

2022 PREP ENROLMENTS ARE NOW OPEN 90 Mayona Rd Montmorency. 3094. Ph. 03 9435 8474 Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788 856



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Fun With Freddy

Macleod Village Playground Arberdeen Road MACLEOD This month Freddy and I headed to Macleod Village playground to check out this fun and recently updated playground right across from the quaint Macleod Village shopping strip. Some of the existing apparatus, like the train, have been reconditioned to compliment the location of the playground right in front of the (fenced) train line. Freddy was so excited to see the trains pass by as he played and shouted out 'train' a few times! The Village Book Exchange mini library has also been moved into the play space so that children can select and swap their books before they find a spot to chill out and read. We visited early evening, there was heaps of families having a picnic on the greenery with social distancing circles painted on the grass.

littler ones, flower spinner, several swings and lots of nature play elements including a dry creek bed and mini bridge, steppingstones and balance logs. The musical components are also a great feature the kids love with bongo drums and metal flowers that can be played with a stick.

However, the showstopper is the 'Yalp Memo'! I'd never seen anything like this before, the internet connected, interactive play station is designed to encourage educational and physical play. Consisting of eight bollards on a soft fall base, children (best suited to ages 4+) can select from 56 different games involving maths, memory, fitness, creativity and teamwork. Follow the audio prompts from the main station to play, it's great The playground caters for all age groups, Freddy (15 seeing kids work together and make friends. Freddy months old) was in to everything his favourite being the gave it a go but couldn't quite reach it and was more climbing frames, each with slides - one smaller for the excited by the flashing colours.

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What’s On...

Sand Art Workshop hands-on sensory experience for children to release their inner artist and creativity. Suitable for ages 5 +



Composting Workshop Learn about all the tips and tricks to make great compost, and find out more about different containers, worm farming and Boshaski buckets.



Saturday 10 April - 10AM - 2PM Saturday 17 April - 10 AM - 2PM Saturday 24 April - 10 AM - 2PM Saturday 1 May - 10AM - 2PM Location: Greensborough Walk, 1 Main Street, Greensborough Banyule Council 9490 4222

Managing Change For Teenagers

Wednesday 28th April 7PM - 8PM Wednesday 26th May 7PM - 8PM

The workshop will be held on Zoom. You will be sent information on how to join after Banyule Council 9490 4222

Healthier Gaming and Screen Time

We all know that teens, and adults, have had to deal with a lot of change in 2020. This interactive session is an opportunity to hear from other parents. We will explore some of the fears and worries our teens have around change and how we can respond to these. We will discuss a range of resilience skills and strategies that may be helpful

There will also be some practical tips on how to manage healthy screen time in your home.

Webinar online EE Monday FR 19th April 6pm - 7:30pm

Webinar online EE Monday FR 3rd May 6pm - 7:30pm

Register for this webinar at:

Register for this webinar at:

Joanne Templeton - ParentZone - 8641 8910


An interactive session for parents in partnership with Gamblers Help, focussing on the role of gaming for young people and how to recognise and manage harmful gaming.

Joanne Templeton - ParentZone - 8641 8910

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Creating a Sustainable A sustainable garden is one that will give you back your time - time that allows you and your kids to enjoy your outdoor space. Your weekends won't be taken up with mowing, pruning, raking or managing pests and spraying weeds. It will also save you money. You won't need to spend money on replacing plants that fail, or buy harmful chemicals to treat pests and weeds and maintenance costs will be minimal.

Plants A common request I get from prospective clients is for a low maintenance garden. One of the simplest ways of achieving this goal is to select the right plants. If you have a garden that's full of deciduous trees, roses, box hedge and annuals then you will spend many hours in the garden maintaining, watering and feeding

it. If you don't want to spend every weekend pruning then choose plants that will grow naturally to the size and shape you want and are well suited to your area and soil. Similarly if you loath raking up the leaves in autumn then go with evergreen trees. The most sustainable option for plant choice is to use native plants that are indigenous to your area. Most local municipalities have an indigenous plant nursery that can provide advice and supply plants. Next time it comes to replacing an annual in the garden, consider a native option.

Pest, disease and weed control Not every pest, disease or weed requires chemical intervention. Pests can be kept at bay by attracting birds to the garden. Natives such as flowering gums, callistemons and grevilleas are great for this. Diseases can be minimised by planting the right plant in the right place. Weeds can be managed with a good layer of mulch or planting a ground cover that restricts weed growth. In the event that pests, disease or weeds do appear in the garden, then the first option should be to remove them manually. Pests can also be managed using non-chemical means such as barriers, insect traps or companion planting with plants that deter the pest. Diseases can be minimised by planting in the best position for the plant and using optimal planting techniques. A couple of excellent ways to kill weeds (without running for the spray bottle of weedicide) are with boiling water or a mix of salt and vinegar.


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Garden Watering

by Noni Young



Banyule & Nillumbik

All plants will require some augmented watering from time to time, especially when first planted to get them established. Selecting drought tolerant plants for your garden will help to minimise water usage over the longer term. Native plants are a great option as well as plants of Mediterranean origin are also well suited to our climate and soils and have great drought tolerance.

Mulching A good layer (50mm) of organic mulch is critical to a sustainable garden. It will reduce water use, manage weeds and improve the quality of the soil.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Some simple tips to adopt this strategy in the garden: Reduce rubbish by composting kitchen and garden waste and other compostable items such as paper. Reuse the compost on the garden beds and vege patch. Collect rain water and/or grey water to use on the garden. Go for reclaimed or recycled landscaping materials, such as reclaimed bricks, recycled plastic sleepers and reconstituted plastic/timber composite for decking. Noni Young, Horticulturalist and Garden Designer.

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APRIL 2021

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Easter Colouring

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Whittlesea contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 153 Diamond Creek 3089 email: ph: 0427 788 856 advertise in in Your Your Child Child in in Whittlesea Whittlesea Call 26TTo Follow us732 on and yourchildinbanyuleandnillumbik Call 0455 312 166us 32 3327 Follow on yourchildinwhittlesea o advertise 0439 977 Shop Local mention Your Child In Whittlesea 10



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Easter Colouring


Naked Hot Cross Buns

a r o r u A h t i w Ingredients · · · · · · · · · · · ·

3 cups almond meal Pinch pink salt ½ tsp bicarb soda ½ cup melted coconut or macadamia nut oil ¼ cup raw honey or maple syrup Zest from 1 orange 1 tsp vanilla bean paste 3 small eggs 1tsp cinnamon ½ tsp allspice ¼ tsp nutmeg ¾ cup sultanas

Cross paste · ·

3 tbsp gluten free flour Water as needed

Method 1. 2.

Preheat oven to 160 c Combine at all the dry ingredients with a fork in a small bowl, then add to the dry ingredients and fold together 3. Beat the wet ingredients with a fork in a small bowl, then add to the dry ingredients and fold together. 4. Roll 12 even sized bun shapes and place onto a baking tray lined with non-s ck paper (if your mix is too wet to roll, add a li le more almond meal). 5. Make the cross paste-add flour and a li le water at a me in a small bowl un l you have a smooth paste. Place in a piping bag (or use a zip lock sandwich bag and snip the top off) and pipe thin crossed over the buns. 6. Bake for 20-30 minutes or un l lightly golden 7. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a rack. Serve toasted with real bu er or ghee. 28 clean treats and delicious whole food, family Follow usvisit on Healthyyourchildinbanyuleandnillumbik 30 For more recipes Mummy Club healthymummyclub

USEFUL INFORMATION Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police Hospitals


DIAL 000

Austin Hospital.......................................................... 9496 5000 Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................... 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268 9888 4944

Your Local Police Station Diamond Creek ........................................................ 9438 8300 Eltham....................................................................... 9430 4500 Greensborough......................................................... 8432 8200 Heidelberg................................................................ 9450 8000 Hurstbridge............................................................... 9718 2111 West Heidelberg [Not 24hr Station]......................... 9457 5777

Other Banyule City Council Office....................................... 9490 4222 Nillumbik Shire Office............................................... 9433 3111 If you provide a free essential service to our community and would like your phone

number included this page please call 0497 788 856 Advertise NOW..... Call Kate 0497 788on856


CONTENTS there’s no place like

Regulars 2 Editors Notice Board 19 Fun with Freddy 22 - 23 What’s On In and About B & N



26 - 27 Kids Corner 28 In The Kitchen

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28 Useful Information

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