2 minute read

The Overhead Lunge

Similarly to the squat, the overhead lunge is the kettlebell version of the lunge, where resistance is added to the exercise by holding a kettlebell. This also engages muscles in the upper torso.

The lunge movement consists of moving the hips forward and then closer to the ground (as opposed to the squat which only moves the hips vertically).

Explanation of exercise

1. Hold the kettlebell in the straight arm hold position whilst standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width.

2. Take one step forwards and lower the body towards the ground just before the back knee touches the floor, whilst keeping the kettlebell held in the straight arm position. 3. Raise the body back up and push the front foot back to the start position.

Technique considerations

 Keep torso upright and maintain neutral pelvis throughout movement.  Maintain alignment when stepping forward.

Muscles used

 Quadriceps  Glutes

 Hamstrings  Transverse abdominals  Deltoids

 Tricpes  Biceps

Phase 1: The start position

Phase 2: The Lunge

Teaching and cue notes

Teaching and cue notes

Section Seven –

Advancing exercises

This course covers the fundamental exercises, however, there is not enough scope to cover all possible kettlebell exercises. This section aims to provide students with the skills and understanding to develop more advanced exercises from those covered earlier in this course.

Advanced exercises can be created by adapting or developing existing exercises to make them more complex and challenging. This usually involves the addition of different movements – for example by adding an overhead press to the squat turns the exercise into a more advanced exercise.

The additional movement can be in the same plane of motion as the original exercise or, to further increase the difficulty, the additional movement can involve a different plane of motion. For example, adding a torso rotation to the kettlebell lunge requires greater muscle recruitment in order to stabilise and perform the additional movement. This then increases its difficulty and make it a more advanced exercise.

The following table indicates some exercises and possible advancement to the basic kettlebell exercises:

Original exercise Possible movement to create advanced exercise Description

Kettlebell Swing Walking/Step-up kettlebell swing As the kettlebell is swinging vertically towards the top point of the movement step with both feet onto a low platform. During the next swing, take a step back from the platform onto the ground.

Kettlebell Lunge Torso rotation

Kettlebell Squat Overhead press Perform a goblet lunge and as the front foot has lunged forward and in contact with the ground rotate the torso towards the lunging leg.

Hold the kettlebell in a racked position, perform the squat and then perform an overhead press when in the standing position.

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