1 minute read

Overhead press

The overhead press is the kettlebell version of the shoulder press and consists of pressing the kettlebell from a racked position to a straight arm hold position.

Explanation of exercise

1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and clean the kettlebell to the racked position. 2. From the racked position, press the kettlebell vertically by initially moving the arm laterally (horizontal abduction), externally rotating the forearm and then pushing the kettlebell above the head. The end position should involve the palm facing forward with the kettlebell resting on the forearm. 3. Lower the kettlebell from the overhead position back to the racked position. This position can also be used as a resting position.

Technique considerations

 Ensure the core is engaged throughout the movement.  Keep the elbow tucked into the body whilst in the racked position.  The wrist should be locked in a neutral position whilst in the racked and straight arm hold position and throughout the movement.  Exhale as you drive the arms above the head.

Muscles used

 Deltoids

 Triceps  Biceps  Core

Alternative, Modification or Progression

Progression - Double arm overhead press

A progression of the overhead press involves using a kettlebell in each hand and performing a double arm overhead press.

Phase 1: Start position

Phase 2: The press Teaching and cue notes

Teaching and cue notes

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