2 minute read


Phase 5:

Teaching and cue notes

The snatch is a complex full body movement, where the kettlebell moves from the one arm hold in front of the body to the overhead one arm holding position.

Explanation of exercise

1. Follow point 1 – 4 of the kettlebell single arm swing and then perform the following steps to conduct the full snatch movement:

2. As the kettlebell is swinging just above the hips, pull the shoulder and elbow back so the kettlebell is pulled towards the space above the shoulder and ensure the kettlebell remains close to the body. This makes up the high pull movement and this can be practiced without the final movement. 3. Whilst the kettlebell moves to shoulder height push the hand through the kettlebell handle and then upwards, so bell moves round to the forearm and the palm faces forward like the overhead press. This movement is a continuous movement that aims to extend the swing momentum to above the head.

Technique considerations

 The movement is not one big swing, instead it consists of a three stage movement (the swing, the high pull and the press)  Hold the grip loosely so the handle can rotate to allow the kettlebell move round the wrist

 Maintain a neutral spine throughout

 As the kettlebell rotates round the hand, ‘punch’ vertically to allow the kettlebell to land on the forearm gently – the kettlebell should not collapse on the back of the arm near the top point of the movement.

Muscles used

 Gluteals

 Hamstrings  Quadriceps  Erector spinae  Quadratus lumborum  Multifidus  Transverse abdominis

 Internal/external obliques  Rhomboids

 Biceps  Medial deltoid

 Posterior deltoid

Phase 1: Teaching and cue notes

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Teaching and cue notes

Teaching and cue notes

Phase 4: Teaching and cue notes

Alternative, Modification or Progression

Modification – Kettlebell High Pull

A modification to snatch involves regressing the exercise so it perform the first two phases of the snatch, which also helps develop the snatch movement.

Progression – Alternating Snatch

This progression of the snatch involves holding two kettlebells whilst performing the snatch movement alternating arms.

Progression – Double arm snatch

Another progression to the snatch involves performing a two kettlebell snatch simultaneously.

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