Yealmpton Press April 2023

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Letter from Dan Thomas, South Hams & Devon County Councillor

Dear Friends,

Next month, on May 4th, local government elections are back for the District Council and Parish. By the way, this isn’t a party political broadcast – it isn’t about who you vote for, but more that you are able to vote. In the past, the ability to vote at all was very much the provenance of the privileged few, anyone could vote as long as they were wealthy, male and landed. More recently, we have become used to universal suffrage but more importantly, it’s been a very easy process in terms of exercising that right. Basically, you received a ballot paper, took it along to a polling station on the day, showed it to the tellers and got to vote. Things have changed. Now you will still receive a ballot paper through the post but it won’t be enough to take it along to the Polling Station. Instead, you will have to show a form of photo ID from an accepted list, the most common of which are a Passport, a Photocard Driver’s Licence or an Older Person’s Bus Pass. If you don’t possess any of these, you need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. To do this, you can apply online (just type ‘voter authority certificate’ into google and it’ll take you to the Electoral Commission website) and provide your name, address, date of birth and national insurance number. If you can’t get online, you can also phone 0800 328 0280 and they will be able to assist. You have to do it by April 25th, to vote on May 4th. To reiterate, this isn’t about who you vote for, it’s about being able to vote at all!

I’m really pleased to be able to say that I’ve had some good responses to join the Coronation Party Committee. At the time of writing, I’m waiting to hear about the road closure and am in the process of setting up the first of a couple of planning meetings. It isn’t too late to get involved, and please save the date: Sunday 7th May in the afternoon.

Best, Dan

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What’s on over Easter?

Easter Adventures at National Trust

Saltram April 1st—16th 10am—5pm

Wembury Marine Centre Easter Egg

Case Hunt: April 2nd 10.30 – 12.30pm

Pick up an Easter trail from Visitor Welcome and head around the gardens to complete some fun, active games and challenges inspired by nature. Normal admission plus £3 per trail, includes a chocolate or, free from Rainforest Alliance Easter egg.

More info:

tel: 01752 333500

Easter Family Fun at the South Devon

Railway 7th—12th April

The Marine Centre team will guide you on a strandline walk along Langdon beach, looking out for mermaid’s purses (shark and ray egg cases) and other interesting finds along the way, ending with a small chocolate prize! They'll also be joined by experts from the Shark Trust, who are celebrating 20 years of their Great Eggcase Hunt!

£3 /child (+ Eventbrite booking fee): Book info:

tel:01752 862538

7th – 10th April: Easter Egg Hunt, children's activities, entertainers etc. Steam Trains running all day.

11th – 12th April: Mad Hatter’s Travelling Tea Party: Join Alice and all of your favourite inhabitants of Wonderland on board an immersive journey through the world of Wonderland. More info: us/ whats on


Putting Devon Air Ambulance at the heart of the village, by establishing a night landing site at the Playing Fields

Many thanks to Graham Coates, the Landing Site Manager of Devon Air Ambulance (DAA), who was available at the playing field clubhouse, on February 20th and met residents to explain the proposals for a night landing site.

DAA operates until 2am every day, although landing in villages during the ‘hours of darkness’ is different to how they operate during daylight. To support night operations, DAA are working to create a network of Community Landing Sites in open spaces. Installing floodlighting which DAA can operate remotely when it’s dark, means that they can land in the heart of a community and reach patients much quicker and safer than if they had to land in ‘dark field’.

A landing site needs to be a flat area of at least 55m x 55m in order to provide maximum operational benefit and safety and must also have pedestrian and vehicle access nearby.

Floodlighting is an essential component of a community landing site as it illuminates the site during landing and take off as well as enabling the safe carrying and loading of a patient into the helicopter. Where there are no existing lights in place or infrastructure to support new lighting, as is the case with the playing field, the parish council would seek planning permission on behalf of DAA to install new lighting in the form of single column and two 150 watt LED lights. The lights will be operated remotely and will hence only be activated when a landing is being undertaken. The playing field was the only site in the area which is large enough and free from livestock/ farming activities. The site also benefits from good access onto the A379, with a large parking and vehicle turning area. The safest area for DAA night operations is the football pitch in the southern part of the site.

Graham is happy to answer any enquires anyone may have 07943207673


EV survey Yealmpton

There are no public charge points for electric vehicles in Yealmpton at present. We would like your view on whether to campaign for these to be installed. You can answer this online using this barcode or by sending the answer to the survey questions (see below) and additional comments by email to: environment@yealmpton

1. Do you own an electric vehicle? Yes/no

2. If no, do you plan to own an electric vehicle? Yes/no

3. If yes, how and where do you charge this:

Power of charge point used 7.4kW 11kW 2kW 50kW

At home:

At work:

4. When you charge elsewhere, which charging networks do you find most useable?

5. If you charge your EV at home, would you be prepared to allow another vehicle to share this charger regularly for a reasonable charge? Yes/no

6. Do you have overnight visitors who need a charge point Yes/no

7. Are you a Yealmpton resident? Yes/no

The deadline for the EV survey is 30th April 2023

Opening Times

Monday to Friday

Brixton 9am to 12 noon; Yealmpton 1 to 5pm


Yealmpton 9am to 1pm

Original art by Anthony O’Keefe, Art in the Garden Post Office services, Greeting cards, Stationery, Art Classes

from 2.00 3.30pm a friendly welcome awaits for everyone including carers. Carer Support by zoom is on Friday 28th April from 2.30 3.30 please call Maxine for the link.

Tesco blue disc support in April If you are shopping in local Tesco branches in April, please support us by using the blue disc given at the checkout. If we get the maximum number of blue discs, then we receive £1,500 from Tesco Community Grants.

For more information, advice/support please contact Maxine on 07450206312. Follow and support us on Facebook and using the ‘Just Giving’ button and SeaMoor Lotto friendly parishes around the yealm

“We can’t change the person living with dementia, but we can change the experience they have in their community”


Welcome to our new Co Ordinator!

Project Update

We are pleased to announce that a new Project Co ordinator has been appointed. We would like to welcome Shirley Newnham to her new role. Shirley is local to Yealmpton and has recently retired from a 36 year career with Devon and Cornwall police. You may have seen Shirley out and about around the village walking her two English springer spaniels! Look out for more details in next months article. The project email address and phone number will remain the same.

Can you help at our coffee morning? – We are currently looking for an additional volunteer to join our fantastic coffee morning volunteer team.

Our weekly coffee morning takes place in the Community Room at Yealmpton Community Centre every Friday from 10.30 12. The role will involve helping to set up the Community Room before the coffee morning, as well as tidy away afterwards, to help making teas and coffees and to ensure that everyone feels welcome.

Goodbye – Finally, I would like to say goodbye and thank you to everyone who has given their support during my time as project co ordinator. It has been an amazing 12 months – I have learnt so much and met so many wonderful people, both clients and volunteers.

If you would like to get in touch please contact me at or by phone on 07841066921.

Best Wishes ,

in the parishes of Brixton, Holbeton, Newton & Noss, Wembury, Yealmpton

A Talk with Naturalist John Walters How to Make Your Garden a Wildlife Haven

Friday April 28th 7.30—9pm

Yealmtpon Community Centre, Stray Park, PL8 2HF

From bees to bats and birds to hedgehogs, Britain’s wildlife numbers have roughly halved in just 50 years. One in five mammal species are officially ‘at risk of extinction.’ And yet, with an estimated 10 million acres of garden in the UK, it’s clear that we gardeners can play an important role as wildlife guardians, whatever the size of our patch. Come and join us for an inspirational evening in the company of award –winning naturalist, writer and illustrator John Walters, to find out more about the fascinating creatures that live in your garden and what you can do to help them. Please book your place by emailing This illustrated talk is FREE (though donations to Bee wild are welcome to help us fund future community nature events .)

Yealmpton & Brixton WI

The President welcomed members and visitors to our meeting where the speaker was Delia Lancaster who has been Wardrobe Manager at the Theatre Royal Plymouth since 2017. Delia provided lots of examples of her work as costume supervisor as she explained the intricacies to ensure that every costume looked authentic, some of which were convincingly gruesome! It was hoped that there would be a lot of support for our Soup Social on March 13th, while final details were announced for our overnight trip to Oxford and Blenheim Palace on April 2nd. A number of members will be attending the Devon Spring Council meeting in Torquay on April 26th when the Main Speaker will be Dame Floella Benjamin. Because of demand, there will now be two private tours of Hemerdon House on May 24th. Other future events were also publicised. At last month’s meeting, members had voted on their preferred proposed Resolution for 2024, and a significant majority had opted for the proposal for “Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife”. Our votes would now be collated with the other Devon WIs and forwarded to Headquarters. The Craft group continues to meet weekly in Brixton Community Centre and has recently welcomed several new members. The monthly coffee social is thriving and the monthly walks provide a very sociable form of exercise!

The next meeting will be on Wednesday April 5th at 7.30pm in Yealmpton Methodist Church when the Speaker will be Rupert Baker, who will take us “Behind the Scenes at Chelsea Flower Show”. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Enquiries:



Amanda... This Changes Everything!

It was Spring Harvest of 2017, when I remember walking into a packed arena for the evening celebration and first hearing the rhythmic passionate worship leading of Lou Fellingham. Her latest release ‘This changes everything’ belted out from the stage and I remember truly having my idea of what took place on Resurrection Sunday 2000 years ago rocked. I asked myself, because Jesus died and rose again, had everything really changed? Because He is alive, had this really changed everything for me?

Yes, the answer was, and still is, yes! The moment Jesus rose from the dead, everything changed. The disciples, early on Easter morning, had given up. They had gone back to their homes. But Mary stood at the tomb crying. Then she met the risen Jesus and everything changed for her. Out of the darkness and pain came light and wonder. From weeping with despair, to tears of joy. Jesus is alive, and it changed everything. You see the limits are off. If Jesus was raised to life then what used to be impossible is now possible. If Jesus really is who He says He is, and

Church Services for April

His resurrection proves He is, then He can do all things. Hope was restored when Jesus rose from the dead. Miracles are still possible because Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus is alive and this changes everything. We don’t have to live in fear anymore, there is nothing left to be fearful of! He has defeated death, overcome sin and sickness and vanquished Satan. Jesus is alive and that means every one of His promises is true.

Jesus is alive, and we know that it is true, because we ourselves have met Him, just like Mary on that first Easter morning. Those that doubt the resurrection, have simply never met Jesus. How sad. If that is you, don’t let another Easter go by without meeting Jesus let His light and wonder and joy fill you this year.

At YCMC, we will stand together on Easter morning and say ‘Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!’. Why not join us – come to worship on Easter morning and may everything change for you as you discover that He is alive, and I know that will change everything for you. It has for us!

Christ’s blessings, Rev

Sunday 2nd: April Holy Week Café Church with Rev Amanda Roper

Sunday 9th: April Easter Sunday Morning Worship with Terry Milam

Sunday 16th: April Morning Worship & Communion with Rev John Mills

Sunday 23rd: April Morning Worship with Judith Walker

Sunday 30th: April Morning Worship & Communion with Rev Amanda Roper (Joint Service with St. Barts)

Sunday 7th: May Morning Worship with Jonny Libby


At Café Church the aim is to explore life’s issues from a Christian faith perspective in a relaxed café atmosphere. It is centred on the belief that everyone’s experience of coming to church should be enjoyable and welcoming.

Café Church was a church movement in the 1990’s which pioneered a new way to gather and build community. It became very popular and attracted people who would not think about coming to a traditional church service. Now many churches throughout the UK regularly use this model as a‘fresh expression’ of what it is to be church. It is simply taking what you enjoy about going to a café –sitting together, eating and drinking, talking and sharing – and shaping worship around this.

At Yealmpton Community Methodist Church, we are excited to be holding‘Café Church’ style services once a month – the next being Sunday 2nd April at 10.15am for 10.30.

On arrival you’ll see the church laid out to look more like a café space, with tables and chairs and refreshments being served. There will be prayers and sung worship, with words projected on a screen. We look at the Bible together, and then have a go at answering questions on our tables. It is not about who knows the most – but rather sharing our thoughts and ideas, as we believe everyone has something to offer. Sometimes we will play a game or have a quiz– we want to have fun together, as well as offer a space where all can learn together and grow closer to understanding the love of Jesus.

We hope that those not part of our fellowship may feel this service could be one that is worth a try! You will be most welcome and we look forward to making your friendship.

Chapel Road, Yealmpton, PL8 2LZ

*Our next Café Church is on Sunday 2nd April – do drop in for coffee at 10.15am for 10.30.

Thursday Coffee Mornings: You are very welcome to join us at our church hall every Thursday from 10.30 am until 12.00.

It’s fun to have a get together and a general chat about what we are doing and anything else of interest. Do come and join us!

Hall Hire: Our warm and inviting hall is ideal for birthday parties, meetings, exercise classes, and similar events, and is available for all the community. We also have a smaller, modern meeting room, and well equipped kitchen. Please use our online enquiry form, and availability calendar, may be found on our website:, or contact Shirley on 07973 289355.



Tues 4th Apr Free Holiday Club & Lunch

Tues 11th Apr Free Holiday Club & Lunch 10.30am 12.30pm

Children must have a parent or carer with them


* at Methodist Church ** Churches Together *** Contemplative Parish 2nd Palm Sunday 6th Maundy Thurs 7th Good Friday 9th Easter Sunday 16th Sunday 23rd Sunday 30th Sunday Yealmpton n 9 15 HC 2pm 11am HC 11am HC 10 30 HC * Wembury 8 00 HC/BCP 7pm HC 11am 11am HC 10am HC ** 11am HC Brixton 11 am HC 2pm 11am HC 11am HC Newton Ferrers 10am MW Zoom 10am HC Zoom 10am Zoom 10amH C ** Noss Mayo 9 15 MW 6pm HC 10am On Hard 9 15 HC 11 30 Baptism 8am HC/BCP 6 pm *** Holbeton 11am HC 2pm 11am HC 11am HC 10am

of commercial vehicles accessing the Stray Park sewerage works has increased. Cllr Thomas reminded the meeting of the right in law for licensed commercial vehicles to use the public highway.

ENVIRONMENT: Cllr Durman reported on the following topics see full minutes for details:


COMMUNICATION: the clerk had communicated with DALC in respect of DropBox. The meeting accepted DALC’s view that DropBox does meet GDPR requirements.

SPEED ISSUES: Cllr McKay informed the meeting there were various options in respect of the maximising the use and operation of speed signs and reducing the periods when the system is not operative. The meeting considered agreeing a budget for the acquisition of a preferred battery system pending Cllr Mc Kay cost analysis and a cost budget of £900 was agreed. Cllr Mc Kay confirmed he has downloaded 15 files from MessageMaker which he will forward to the parishioner representing “20s Plenty”. CllrMcKayhasrespondedtoenquiriesfromparishionerslivingat YealmbridgeinrespectofbothvehiclesspeedingandaccessalongthepavementsatYealmbridge.


County, District and Parish responsibilities.

The meeting recognised that increasingly PCCs are taking on responsibilities which in the past we exercised by County and District Councils. The challenge for Parishes this presents is both of cost and also the availability of suitable contractors. Cllr Thomas reminded the meeting that where the Parish does take on responsibility over and beyond that which is provided by DCC or SHDC, it does so to improve the ambience of the village and the community and is an integral part of the Parish’s role, provided always that funds are available to do so. A pragmatic view is required in conjunction with acting proactively.

Combination drains

The clerk referred to his correspondence with the clerk of Averton Gifford PC in respect of the circumstances of AGPC having derived funding to effect separation of combination drains; this followed their having encountered serious sewerage pollution and the funding then available very much reflecting their particular adverse circumstances. Realistically as much as separating the drainage systems would be preferable, in practical terms funding is very unlikely to be available unless overtly adverse criteria arises.

The date of the next meeting was set for 10th April at 7.30pm.



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This nutrient rich, peat-free product is produced in our own facility in Brixton and contains no artificial additives. All nutrients in the compost are of a natural and slow-release form, which means it will benefit plant growth for long periods of time, without the need for frequent liquid feeds.

Our compost helps your garden by:

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Releasing nutrients which benefit plant growth, yielding tastier vegetables and healthier plants.

Increasing aeration within soils.

Improving plant performance by providing vigorous root growth. We are able to deliver compost to your door, or you are able to collect in person from our site (PL8 2DB)

For more information, or to arrange a delivery, please call the office on 01752 402051, or email us:


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Yealmpton Health Centre Reception 880567 Yealmpton Dental Practice (Not NHS) 881348 (or 07719 015290) Newsome Opticians Appointments, 881350 Yealmpton Parish Council Chair, Geoff Craddock 07774243770 Parish Council Volunteer Support Dan 07917 877706 & Linda 881070 St Bartholomew’s Parish Church Revd. Alan Ryan 880257 Yealmpton Community Methodist Church Rev Amanda Roper 651910 Yealmpton Community Association Office (now open) 880388 Yealmpton Post Office Anthony, 880494 Yealmpton Stores Fiona, 881332 Londis @ the Garage Jim & Leanne, 880336 Ben’s Farm Shop Mark, 880925 Regular Activities and Classes Contact Art Workshop: Painting in oils & Art Club Anthony O’Keefe 881617 Bridge Club Terry Leadbetter 880613 Cricket Club Danny Fay 07709495369 Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm Maxine, 07450 206312 Men’s Shed Terry Millam 07727266979 Plym Piecemakers Angela Timbrell 07918 813752 Monthly Parish Walk Sheila Barton, 880596 Rifle Club John 880233 YAGA (Allotments & Gardeners Association) Liz Prout, 881295 Yealmpton Bowling Club Bob Smith, 405996 Yealmpton Motorcycle Group Yealm Art Society Margaret Nicholls 881481. Yealm Wine Circle Carolyn, 880892 Yealmpton & Brixton W I Yealmpton and Brixton Community: Coffee morning 07841 066921 Yealmpton Twinning Association Jan Harrison Jones, 881284 Adult Dance class & Dance Fit Sarah Danning, 07588 640241 Adult Dance class, St Bart’s Andrea, 881664 Move to Music Methodist Church Hall Maxine, 07450 206312 Yoga for beginners with Cait Cait, 07702 417303 Songs and Stories (under 5s and their carers) Methodist Hall Penny 07789 869649 Rainbows and 1st Yealm Brownies Lesley, 880507 Yealmpton and Brixton Beavers, Cubs & Scouts Jack, 07860 277181
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