January / February 1990 issue
NO LET DOWN IN YS MISSION FOR THE PEOPLE people in the respective kampongs have been most encouraging. More of such centres are expected this year. The People Development Catalysts, who were personally trained by Datuk Dr. Jeffrey, will carry out their mission in 21 centres throughout Sabah to provide training and imparting knowledge to local unemployed youths to make them more self-reliant.
There will be no let down in the commitment of YS in its mission to improve the quality of life of the people of Sabah. uatuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan said that the staff of YS and ICSB will remain totally dedicated and committed in carrying out the concept and visions of People Development, which is geared towards the building of a dynamic and self-reliant society to spearhead the socio-economic advancement and progress of Sabah.
ICSB, as the investment arm of YS, will aim at becoming the leader in the wood processing industry, commercial forest plantation industry and the hotel and tourism industry in Sabah as envisaged by Datuk Dr. Jeffrey last year. It will continue to maintain its competitiveness in terms of cost production, product price and quality while maintaining its competitive and lead position in the timber industry.
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey has implemented People Development Centres in six rural areas, where positive participation by the
Special scholarship to secondary students who top SPM and STPM Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan said Yayasan Sabah will grant a special scholarship to secondary students who top the SPM and STPM results in each district in Sabah beginning this year. Speaking at SRJK St. James, Apin Apin, Keningau, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said the special scholarship will allow the selected top students to further their studies up to university level.
.Inside. Page 6.... Highlights of Executive Chairman's speech on ICSS for
Penggerak Pembangunanlnsan 27 Ogo5 hlngga 19 015.1989 Oleh: Bahaglan Pembangunan
menginap di Tambunan Village Resources Center (TVRC). Salah satu objektif kursus ini dijalankan di Tambunan adalah untuk membiasakan diri dengan keadaan kehidupan kampung, yakni termasuklah bergaul dengan masyarakat kampung serta bentuk penginapan ala kampung. Pada peringkat permulaan, memang kedengaran juga rungutan serta sungutan dari segelintir Penggerak Pembangunan Insan. Kursus ini menekankan tentang penerapan konsep Pembangunan Insan di sam ping aspek-aspek lain seperti motivasi dan perubahan sikap, penyelesaian masalah, pembuatan keputusan serta bagaimana mengenalpasti, menganalisa dan menentukan projek ekonomi. Selain dari itu, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan juga telah diberi kuliah/ceramah tambahan berbentuk hal ehwal semasa merangkumi aspek-aspek sosio-ekonomi Sabah (kemiskinan), soal kependudukan, potensi dan cabaran pembangunan serta lain-lain topik yang berkaitan dengan bidang tugas mereka nanti. Sepanjang berada di Tambunan, banyak aktiviti telah dijalankan. Para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah menganjurkan ac;>ra sukan persahabatan dengan kakitangan dari Hospital DaE Jabatan Pendidikan serta guru-guru setempat. Sukan ini dijalankan untuk tujuan interaksi di antara para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan dengan masyarakat setempat. Beberapa siri lawatan telah juga dijalankan termasuklah lawatan ke ladang Desa Cattle Kg. Sook, Pusat Ternakan Rusa di Jabatan Haiwan Keningau dan beberapa tempat lain yang menarik. Satu ekspedisi menarik iaitu lawatan ke Kg. Tiong Widu telah juga diadakan untuk menguji ketahanan fizikal dan mental para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan. Perjalanan ke Kg. Tiong Widu telah memakan masa selama enam jam berjalan kaki, merempuh hutan belantara serta bukit bukau.
Bapa PPI, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan dan Tim. Ketua Menteri, YB Datuk Joseph Kurup serta pegawai-pegawai YS. Bersama PPI Satu langkah Yayasan Sabah untuk melicinkan perlaksanaan Program Pembangunan Insan ialah dengan menawarkan kepada para graduan menganggur untuk menjadi katalis atau penggerak kepada program ini. Seramai 101 orang graduan Diploma, Ijazah Sarjana Muda tinggi dalam dan luar negeri sebagai Penggerak.Penolong
dari seluruh negeri Sabah, kelulusan dan Sarjana dari pusat-pusat pengajian telah mendaftar pada 27 Ogos 1989 Penggerak Pembangunan Insan (PPI).
Sebelum mereka memulakan tugas, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan adalah diwajibkan mengikuti kursus selama empat bulan yang bermula dari akhir bulan Ogos sehingga Disember 1990. Pada peringkat awal, kursus telah dijalankan bertempat di Mini Teater Yayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. Semasa berada di Kota Kinabalu para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah menginap di Kompleks Sukan Likas. beberapa aktiviti telah dijalankan termasuklah kuliah yang dikendalikan sendiri oleh Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, dengan beberapa penceramah jemputan dari IDS. Selain dari itu, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan juga telah mengadakan lawatan ke Ko-Nelayan, kilang membuat pasu, Tamu Tuaran dan Pantai Dalit, Tuaran untuk tujuan pendedahan, interaksi dan rekreasi. Setalah berada di Kota Kinabalu selama tiga minggu, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan kemudiannya berpindah ke Tambunan pada 18 September 1989. Di Tambunan, mereka menjalani kuliah, sukan dan
Ekspedisi ini telah disertai sama oleh Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Pengarah Institut Pembangunan Insan, Pegawai Kanan Bahagian Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi serta semua pemudahcara. Semasa berada di Kg. Tiong Widu, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah melaksanakan beberapa aktiviti amal seperti gotong-royong membersihkan kawasan kampung dan membuat kolam, di sam ping ar"r;:> penyerahan bantuan kebajikan berupa bahan makanan dan pak kepada penduduk kampung berkenaan oleh Pengarah Yayasan Sabah sendiri. Satu lagi aktiviti menarik yang tidak kurang pentingnya telah dilaksanakan oleh para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan ketika berada di Tambunan ialah menjalankan Banci Rakyat Termiskin. Banci Rakyat Termiskin ini telah dijalankan di semua kampung di seluruh daerah Tambunan untuk membantu pihak Pegawai Daerah. Pada bulan November 1989, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah mula dihantar ke daerah di mana mereka akan ditempatkan kelak untuk tujuan membuat tinjauan awal. Semasa mengadakan tinjauan berkenaan, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah mengadakan taklimat mengenai Pembangunan Insan kepada ketuaketua jabatan di daerah masing-masing, menjalankan taklimat serta tem uduga kepada belia-belia menganggur dan mengenalpasti tapak cadangan pusat latihan kelak. Setelah menyelesaikan tinjauan awal selama 10 hari, para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah kembali semula ke TVRC. Persediaan sebelum memulakan tugas di daerah masing-masing dibuat bagi mempastikan kelancaran program. Upacara majlis penutupan Kursus Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah diadakan di Yayasan Sabah, Kota Kinabalu pada 19 Disember
Continued Page 3
1989, dengan dihadiri oleh YB Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sabah. Sementara majlis perpisahan yang dianjurkan sendiri oleh para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan telah diadakan pada 22 Disember 1989 bertempat di TVRC. Januari 1990 membuka tirai para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan untuk memulakan misi mereka. Setakat menakah pencapaian para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan akan terserlah dengan terlahirnya kumpulan didikan terawal para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan di Pusat Latihan masing-masing. Bukan setakat itu, adalah matlamat murni yang terletak di puncak konsep itu sendiri yakni MENINGKATKAN TARAF HIDUP PENDUDUK LUARBANDAR akan dapat dipenuhi. Segalanya masih abstrak tetapi bagi organisasi Yayasan Sabah, komitmen para Penggerak Pembangunan Insan terhadap 'i ini akan merealitikan abstraksi itu ke a,am nyata.
101 Siswazah Tamat Latihan Sakal Ejen Pembangunan Luar Bandar Tamatnya latihan 101 orang graduan, selama empat bulan anjuran Yayasan Sabah, bererti bermulalah era baru bagi mereka sebagai "Penggerak Pembangunan" di luar bandar. Berganding bahu secara berpasukan menyemai bakti kepada masyarakat di 21 buah pusat di pelbagai tempat di negeri ini. Langkah ini adalah suatu usaha menokoktambah peranan pihak kerajaan negeri dalam kontek pembangunan luar. bandar, sejajar dengan motif utama Yayasan Sabah ke arah menyerapkan nilainilai pembangunan. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Joseph Kurup, Wakil Ketua Menteri, Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan merasmikan majlis tamat latihan itu pada 19 Disember 1989 di Mini
Teater, Yayasan Sabah berkata, beliau berharap dengan latihan tersebut dapatlah dimenafaatkan kepada golongan masyarakat luar bandar, di mana mereka di tempatkan demi mempertingkatkan taraf hidup mereka di samping melahirkan suatu golongan belia yang aktif, berdisplin dan berdikafi. Program yang diilhamkan oleh Pengarah Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan, sebahagian daripada sessi latihan ini dikendalikan oleh beliau sendiri. Melalui latihan Penggerak di bawah Program Pembangunan Insan ini mendedahkan kepada peserta aspek-aspek kehidupan luar bandar, membina semangat berpasukan, kepimpinan, motivasi, perubahan sikap, penyelesaian masalah, mengenalpasti serta menganalisa potensi ekonomi yang meliputi konsep perniagaan di samping kegiatan luar seperti sukan dan rekreasi. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan yang hadir dalam majlis tamat latihan itu berkara, program ini perlunya sokongan dan kerjasama masyarakat di samping pembabitan semua belia tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan pegangan politik mereka. "Pendekatan program ini amat berkesan sekali dengan pendedahan kehidupan rakyat luar bandar yang masih bergelumang dengan kemiskinan, sebagaimana tinjauan yang kami buat", katanya.
Timbalan Ketua Menteri sempena penutupan rasmi program latjhan PPI Yayasan Sabah.
Seorang pelatih, Encik Mohd Haris Mohd Tahir, dari Bongawan, graduan dengan ijazah dalam kewangan dan pernah bekerja sebagai guru sandaran dan pegawai bank.
Katanya, hasrat beliau kini adalah berkhidmat kepada masyarakat luar bandar bersama dengan rakan-rakannya mengembling tenaga para belia ke arah mempertingkatkan taraf hidup mereka. Menurutnya, melalui program ini kelak, beliau berharap dapat membantu para belia luar bandar berkecimpung dalam bidang perniagaan. Mohd Haris kesal kerana masih ada lagi segelintir masyarakat terutamanya di luar bandar yang miskin tidak dapat mengecapi segal a kemudahan yang ada.
Antara peserta yang turut menyampaikan sepatah dua kata sempena majlis tersebut, Encik Terence Amandus dari Papar, memegang Ijazah dalam bidang Botani.
"Pendedahan kehidupan di luar bandar memainkan peranan kami dalam mempertingkatkan mutu kehidupan masyarakat yang memerlukan bantuan memperbaiki keadaannya tetapi kurangnya kemahiran pengurusan yang sempurna", katanya. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey sementara itu berkata, masanya sudah tiba para graduan kembali kepada masyarakat menghulurkan khidmat mereka, tambahan masyarakat telah ban yak memberi sumbangan dan dorongan kepada belia di negeri ini melanjutkan pengajian mereka.
Cik Florence Chiuh dari Penampang, lulusan dalam bidang pengurusan dan pernah menjadi guru semen tara dan pegawai kredit.
Daluk Dr. Jeffrey at Kota Marudu In a dialogue session with about 200 Ketua Kampongs, PKRs. JKKKs. WKANs and other community leaders and villagers from Kg. Sampir and nearby kampongs.at the balai raya. Kg. Sampir. Kota Marudu on January 1 O. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey provided a briefing on the activities and role of YS and Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd (ICSB). He dispelled the misinformation that YS was ·'penniless". Rather, he said. with the positive role played by ICSB in carrying out.YSC9rnrnercial activlties,YS iSQow strong and steady as compared to the yearsbefore1985 (before he joined YSas Deputy Managing Director of the YS Group of Companies). Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said that YS is always looking after the welfare of the people. Its People Development Movement. undertaken by the People Development Catalysts in 21 districts beginning this year. will spearhead the socio-economic development of the state. They will train unemployed youths in business and other projects to make them self-reliant. "It is through our development of the people and working with them without affecting their way of life that we can help to change their attitude and make them more self-reliant", he emphasised. In education. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said that YS will meet with the request of the people to establisha school hostel at a secondary school at Kota MallJdu. However, he said that such requests must bebased on merit and will be judged on a case by case basis. He also highlighted that as an incentive for students from the rural areas to perform well in their studies, YS will give a scholarship to the number one student in each school in the rural areas throughout Sabah. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey advised the people that they should channel all requests through the proper channels as this would help expedite their requirements.
The 21 districts of the PDCats beginning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Beaufort Beluran Kota Marudu Kenlngau Kota Belud Kuala Penyu Kundasang Lahad Datu Membakut Menggatal Nabawan
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Papar Penampang 1 Penampang 2 Pitas Ranau Sipitang Tambunan Tamparull Tenom Tuaran
DATUK DR. JEFFREY BRIEF 1,230 YS ACTIVITIES A total of 123 People Development Leaders (PKR), Community Development Officers (CDO) and Development Supervisors throughout Sabah were given a comprehensive briefing on Yayasan Sabah activities by the Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan at the Community Development Centre on February 9, 1990. The 123 people were attending a three-day Revision Course, jointly organised by the People Development Leaders Unit and Community Development Centre of the Chief Minister's Department. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey in his briefing, dealt at length on Yayasan Sabah objectives. educational development, social services and People Development Programme and its concept. Video shows with the aid of Barco and TV facilities on People Development Programme and People Development Catalyst training were also shown to the participants. In reply to a question by one of the People Development Leaders (PKR), Datuk Dr. Jeffrey said the People Development Concept has to be well understood by all quarters in order to discard negative idea. He added the main objective of implementing such programme was to remove dependency. "One must find a way to look for survival and not just lean on somebody for survival". he said. To another question from a Community Development Officer. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey replied that the Yayasan Sabah Paramedic Services which are currently confined to Kota Kinabalu area, would gradually be extended to other districts of Sabah.
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey being greeted on arrival at Kg. Sampir. Behind him are Organising Chairman, Encik Mokinso Nawaland Assistant Minister of Communic tion and Works, Encik Mathius Majihi (in batik shirt).
Among those present at the briefing were Deputy Director of Yayasan Sabah. Tengku D. Z. Adlin, Group General Manager of Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd (ICSB) Encik Stan L. Golokin and other senior officers of YS/ICSB.
LAWATAN MESRA Y. BHG. DATUK PENGARAH YAYASAN SABAH KE DAERAH TAMBUNAN PADA 21 DISEMBER, 1989 Y. Bhg. Datuk Pengarah Yayasan Sabah telah membuat lawatan mesra ke Asrama Yayasan Sabah Tambunan pada 21 Disember 1989. Tujuan lawatan ini adalah untuk mengeratkan lagi pertalian muhibbah antara ibubapa, guru-guru, murid-murid yang tinggal di Asrama Yayasan Sabah. Pad a sebelah paginya, Y. Bhg. Datuk Pengarah Yayasan Sabah telah mengiiri taklimat Pejabat Kawasan t dyasan Sabah Tambunan, dimana Pegawai Kawasan Daerah berkenaan, Encik Nestor Joannes telah memberi taklimat kegiatan Pembangunan Insan dan perkembangan pembelajaran penuntut yang tinggal di Asrama Yayasan Sabah, sempena lawatan tersebut, melalui Pengurus Pembangunan Pelajaran, Y. Bhg. Datuk telah menyampaikan cek bernilai $5,000.00 kepada Pegawai Kawasan bagi pembeo
lian buku-buku bacaan tambahan dan rak untuk keperluan Asrama Yayasan Sabah Tambunan. Kesempatan lawatan tersebut Y. Bhg. Datuk pengarah dan rombongan telah membuat lawatan ke projek baru pembinaan Asrama Yayasan Sabah T ambunan di SMK. S1, Martin, yang mana asrama ini dapat menampung 120 orang penuntut dan dijangka siap pada bulan Mac 1990. Pada sebelah petang nya Y. Bhg. Datuk Pengarah menghadiri perjumpaan mesra dengan para ibubapa, guru dan penuntut-penuntut Asrama Yayasan Sabah di Dewan T.V.R.C. Tambunan. Sambutan yang diberikan adalah menggalakkan. Perjumpaan tersebut diakhiri dengan perlawanan bola tampar antara rombongan Y. Bhg. Datuk dengan ibubapa penuntut Yayasan Sabah.
Pegawai Kawasan, Encik Nestor Joannes memberi taklimat kepada rombongan dari ibu pejabat.
Lawatan ke projek baru Pembinaan Asrama YS Tambunan.
Pada malamnya, majlis mesra diadakan di Dewan T.V.R.C. Tambunan yang mana Y. Bhg. Datuk Pengarah telah menyampaikan ucapan penting kepada lebih 300 orang para jemputan dan penuntut Yayasan Sabah yang menghadiri malam mesra ini. Y. Bhg. Datuk Pengarah telah menyampaikan cenderamata/surat penghargaan kepada guru-guru yang telah berkhidmat lama di daerah Tambunan, guru-guru yang terlibat dengan kegiatan Asrama Yayasan Sabah, Ahli Jawatankuasa Asrama Yayasan Sabah Tambunan dan penuntut terbaik di Asrama Yayasan Sabah. Penuntut-penuntut Asrama Yayasan Sabah telah mempersembahkan koir dan ibubapa serta kakitangan tetah menyampaikan sumbangan lagu-Iagu mereka serta tarian tradisional.
Perjumpaan mesra dengan murid-murid yang berkediaman di Asrama YS.
Perjumpaan mesra dengan para ibubapa di Dewan TVRC Tambunan
Pegawai Kawasan, Encik Nestor Joannes menyampai cendermata kepada Datuk Pengarah di majlis makan malam.
ICSB recorded an unprecedented level of performance in 1989 - in terms of turnover an estimated MR921 million compared to MR800 million in 1988. In terms of profits an estimated $170 million compared to MR125 million in 1988. And in terms of cashflow surplus an estimated MR 99 million compared to MR 33 million in 1988.
The average pre-tax profit of the group between 1980 to 1985 is approximately MR 10 million per annum whilst the average pre-tax profit overthe period 1986 to 1989 is MR 110 million per annum. This represents 1100% improvement in performance. Today, among the top 20 corporations in Malaysia, ICSB is Ranked No 13 in terms of sales turnover and No 8 in terms of pre-tax profits. Within a very short period of time from 1986 to 1989, ICSB has joined the leaque of the most successful corporations in Malaysia.
The 100% takeover of SINORA, PACIFIC HARDWOODS and SABAH MELALI WOOD INDUSTRIES have generated tremendous financial benefits to ICSB. In terms of profit, SINORA and PACIFIC HARDWOODS reflected a combined profit of MR 34 million in 1989. Most importantly, through SINORA, PACIFIC HARDWOODS and SABAH MELALI WOOD INDUSTRIES, ICSB can now effectively embarked on an integrated timber complex which means going into further downstream wood processing activities - kiln drying, blockboard, mouldings, finger joints, furniture components, etc.
cost of production, quality.
Into the Tourism/hospitality
in less than a year, ICSB's investment in Tanjung Aru Beach Hotel appreciated by over 50%.
Marketing network in strategic locations, worldwide in London, Japan and Singapore in addition to the marketing base in Kota Kinabalu. Central purchasing office in Singapore to centralise the purchases of ICSB's subsidiaries. The opening of Innoprise (Europe) Ltd in London (operational since January 1990) Currently, ICSB's overseas interest includes a joint-venture shipping agency in Japan and a shipping and portfolio investment office in Hong Kong.
product price and
In the national scene, the move by the federal government to reduce log exports over the next few years leading to an eventual total ban presents the greatest challenge to ICSB As 60% of our income is generated frf'l'TJ the exports of round logs, ICSB n. . quickly expand its wood processing infrastructure. ICSB must grow quickly in the area of downstream processing activities. Not just KD, Mouldings, Block boards, Finger jointing, but further into tertiary processing: Reconstituted panels (MDF, Particle Board and various types of chip Boards), Mass production furniture components, Pulp and Paper and Paperboards (cartons, container boards, Iinerboards, Uneboard corrugating medium). With land as our major asset, and Sabah's comparative advantage in plantations, ICSB logically intends to establish large scale agro-crop plantations ~s a diversification measure. Forest plantations will be important as they shall be the source of raw material supplies to the mills.
The Forestry Division is undertaking exploratory measures to determine the timber business potential in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Alienation of 300,000 Ha of land in the YS concession area for forest plantation.
ICSB's core business (which is timber) will depend on the performance of the major world economies in particular Japan, Europe and the USA.
The maintenance of ICSB's competitive and lead position in the timber industry will remain ICSB's top priority.
As more and more nations subscribe to the free-enterprise system of economies, competition will become more and more intense and therefore ICSB must always maintain its competitiveness in terms of
The need to cashflow position
a stable
With the increase in the population of Sabah the demand for YS to provide
more social programs (scholarships, study loans, POC, etc) shall increase correspondingly. It is also essential that ICSB work closely with YS to ensure that funding for new social programs are anticipated and properly planned.
strength increased from 300 in 1968 to 8,262 today. Correspondingly, ICSB's personnel and related expenses had increased from MR9.S million in 1980 to MR37.8 million in 1989.
ICSB is accused of making SF "Pen.s". This is not true.
Main reason for the incorporation of ICSB is to ensure that the charitable status of YS remains intact. By being a charitable institution, YS was conferred tax-exempt status. The incorporation of ICSB which in actuality is the holding, investment and management company of YS therefore will ensure that the charitable status of YS will be protected. Advantage of group synergy, for example, tax planning, Le. Group Tax Relief, Business Losses, Pioneer Status, Capital Allowances, etc can now be effectively realized under the new structure c SB.
A cooperative housing was launched with the object of building houses cheaply for the staff. A MRS million loan with attractive term has been approved by ICSB to enable the staff cooperative to implement its housing plan. A staff retirement plan has been implemented wherein every staff following the completion of a 1O-year service with ICSB will be granted 0.9 month salary set aside to the staff retirement fund. Other benefits for the staff are also currently being considered but before increasing the remuneration/benefits for staff, ICSB must make sure that we have the necessary financial capacity to do so.
basis and simultaneously quickly implement large scale commercial forest plantation in order to ensure the long term survival of ICSB's timber business. (iii) Aggressively pursue viable diversification plan into non-timber business areas particularly in the hospitality and tourism industry. (iv) Continue to market position ICSB timber product business internationally. (v) Continue to capture other viable business opportunities, e.g. real estates, agro-plantation, etc. (vi) Continue to upgrade management skills and expertise through on-the-job training, seminars/workshops participation, study awards, etc.
A greater degree of accountability, a greater demarcation of authority and responsibility. Objectively assess the performance of management through profit and loss and balance sheet type management. It is to be noted that as ICSB is a wholly-owned company of YS, there is no change in the value of YS assets as whatever is accounted in ICSB'S books shall be eventually consolidated in YS accounts. No change in the ultimate ownership of the subsidiaries, whatever is owned by ICSB is Ultimately owned by YS.
The future direction of ICSB will be based on its successes and strengths. It will continue to pursue its revenue and profit growth objective. A 12% revenue/profit growth objective per annum shall be the target and the priorities for 1990 shall be as follows:(i) Aggressively pursue plans to go downstream processing for value added (for more revenue/more profits). (ii) Continue to manage our depleting timber resources on a sustained yield
(i) To be a leader in the wood processing industry in Sabah; (ii) To be a leader in the commercial forest plantation activities; (iii) To be a leader in the hotel industry in Sabah; and (iv) To be ranked in the top ten major corporations in Malaysia in terms of turnover and pre-tax profit in 1990.
Sitting in the middle is Director jExecutive Chairman of Y ayasan ~ flanked on his right by Tengku D.Z. Adlin, Deputy Director of Yayasan Sa
Ilnnoprise Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan, nd on his left by Mr. Stan L. Golokin, Group General Manager of ICSE.
ICSB STAFF AWARDS.989 At the end of the Executive Chairman's Annual Address, the following awards were presented to give motivation and encouragement to staff to try their best to emulate such commendable performance.
Best Department: Investment Department Throughout the year 1989, the Investment Department has lived up to its tag as an investment arm of the Organisation by closely following ICSS's Investment Policy Guidelines. As a result of the relentless efforts by its team of committed and dedicated personnel under the leadership of the Group General Manager/Group Investment Manager, the department has made leaping milestone in its activities towards ICSS's overall growth. This is evidenced from the success in the following projects in which the Department has played a significant role:
Currently the Investment Department is assisting the divestment of 49% ofT anjung Aru Hotel to Kuok Srothers and Perlis Plantations which is expected to bring in capital gains of MR11.81 million to ICSS in less than one year.
III) Acquisition of 15% Equity ShareholdIng of Shell Tlmur The Investment Department has played a significant role in the acquisition of 15% equity shareholding of Shelilimur in the middle of 1989. The pre-tax profit of Shelilimur for the year is expected to be MR31.40 million which is significantly above budget.
Iv) Close monitoring ofthe Joint Venture Companies Despite the fact that the two joint venture companies (Safima Plantations Sdn Shd and Sabah Softwoods Sdn Shd) are not performing well in terms of profit due to the current poor market conditions, the management of ICSS through the Investment Department has minimised equity injections and effected efficiency and cost saving plans by secondments and policy implementing committee.
I) Turnaround In the Manufacturing Division For the first time in ICSS's history, the Manufacturing Division is expected to reach a record pre-tax profit of MR35 million and overtake the Transportation Division as the second largest contributor to leSS's total earnings. This reflects a net profit margin of 20%. This unprecedented achievement was largely made possible with the take-over of 100% equity share holding of Sinora, Pacific Hardwoods/Silam Forest Products (PH/SFP) and Sabah Melale Wood Industries (SMWI) to capture group synergies and strengthen management team. All three companies as we all know, were formerly joint venture with foreign partners and their individual performances were disheartening. Now with their management fully Malaysianized, Sinora and PH/SFP have made remarkable improvements in such a short period. In 1989, they are expected to register pre-tax profits of MR11.7 million and MR25.12 million respectively. These figures compare favourably with their budgets of MR4.52 million and MR21.35 million respectively. This encouraging performance was a result of effective cost savings by placing key personnels and provision of investment analysis in tertiary timber processing projects and in their implementation. The Investment Department is currently spearheading the ongoing planning/development of integrated timber complexes in PH, Sinora and SMWl's site.
II) Acquisition of 100% EqUity Shareholding of TABH The complete acquisition of T ASH has been very fruitful. At the end of 1988, ICSS acquired 100% of TASH for MR56 million but a valuation by Messrs. C.H. William in september 1989 indicated the value at MR83 million. This shows an appreciation of 48% in less than a year. Through the Investment Department, ICSS has managed to secure a credible hotel operator and handled owner's problems so that the hotel operator is free to run and concentrate on operations without interference. Pogel0
Mr Francis Fung has made the following contributions to ICSS: i) Since assuming the post of General Manager of Sinora Sdn Shd., he has established new markets for the company's wood products, e.g. Europp and China. ii) He has continued to increase the company's net profit for example, MR6.48 m in Jan-Oct, 1988 to MR9.38 m for the same period in 1989. iii) Sinora has paid dividends to ICSS as a result of profit earned from operation; and
In line with ICSS's expansion policy of internationalisation, two new overseas branches have been set up in 1989: Innoprise (Europe) and ICSS Kuala Lumpur Sranch, apart from the Innoprise HongKong established last year. The establishment of all three branches not only provide overseas marketing linkages but also provide invaluable synergistic effects to ICSS's overall operations.
For the year 1989, Sinora Sdn Shd is expected to earn a pre-tax profit of MR11.17 million. This shows a favourable variance of 147% or MR6.65 million above budget and a growth of 193% from 1988. This achievement has been due to the following factors: i) Increase in productivity in the sawmill, Le. actual 25,443 m3 as against the budget of 21 ,310 m3 (Figures for Jan-Oct) ii) Increase in total turnover for both mills, Le. MR61.04 million as against the budget of MR58.58 million (Estimated figures for the year)
Sawmill :actual MR510/M3 as against the budget of MR536/M3 Plymill : actual MR5.91/3.6 mm piece as against the budget of MR6.16/3.6mm pieces
Mr Stan L G%kin receiving the best department award.
Best Non-Manager : Mr Thadlus Siblr Regional Forestry Office Marketing section, Tawau Mr Thadius Sibir was commended on his initiative and sensitivity to cost and profit in the company.
In line with the diversification and expansionary policy of ICSS, the Cpmpany has undertaken a major step in further downstream processing by setting up the finger joint, KD and moulding plants. These plants are set to be fully operational in the first quarter of 1990 making the company the first such wood-processing venture in ICSS. The various achievement of the foregoing have been attributed to the tireless effort of Mr Fung in leading the company towards a successful venture.
Ms Chong Choon Lan, secretary to the Group Financial Controller receive the Best secretary Award. The Group Financial Controller has commended that her secretary is completely reliable, has a good command of time management and a good filing system.
Pembantu Khas Terbaik: ambun
Clk Teresa SI-
BerasaJ daripada Tawau, dan berhijrah ke Kota Kinabalu kerana berkhidmat dengan Yayasan Sabah sebagai Pegawai Ke~a Akaun pada 15 April 1985. Atas kepercayaan dan keOOlehan beliau ia telah dinaikkan pangkat sebagai Pegawai Kerja Akaun Kanan pada Oktober 1985.
Kakltangan Terbalk Kategorl C : Enclk Ag Safree Hajl Mohd. Nadzlr
Ms Theresa Alberto was also awarded Best Secretary in view of her outstanding performance and dedication as Personal Assistant to the Executive Chairman.
"NUGERAH KAKITANGAN YAYASAN SAHAH TAHUN.989 Pengurus Terbaik dan Bahagian Terbaik: Puan Juliana Siton
1. Mula berkhidmat dengan Yayasan Sabah sebagai Pembantu Khas kepada Satiausaha Kerja kepada PengarahiPengurus Pentadbiran dan Perjawatan pada 1 Julai 1988. 2. Sabelum berkhidmat dengan Yayasan Sabah, beliau pernah berkhidmat sebagai Jurutrengkas di Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar Sabah (SUDC Sdn Bhd) selama 5 tahun. 3. a) Merupakan seorang yang aktif dalam 'JAYCESS MOVEMENT (JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL)'. b) Pernah dilantik sebagai Presiden kepada 'Penampang Chapter' dalam tahun 1987.
Bekas pelajar Yayasan Sabah yang pernah menuntut di Sekolah Menengah Padang Midin, Kuala Terangganu mulai tahun 1976 - 1980. Mula dilantik sebagai Kerani Am pada 9 Jun, 1981 di Sahagian Pentadbiran dan Perjawatan.
Dengan ketekunan daJam penyelenggaran tugastugas dan prestasi ke~a yang tinggi, beliau telah dinaikkan pang kat sebagai Pegawai Kerani Kanan.
Pernah menerima anugerah bagi : 1) 'Most Outstanding Female Jaycees' 2) 'Most Outstanding Past President'
Kakitangan Terbaik Kategorl A: Francis Kathil Toyong Bhg Perakaunan
Setiausaha Kerja kepada Pengarah/ Pentadbiran dan Perjawatan Puan Juliana Siton adalah yang bertanggungjawab dalam penyusunan semula pentadbiran serta struktur organisasi Yayasan Sabah selaras dengan arah baru YayasanSabah. Bahagian-bahagian Yayasan Sabah di Ibu Pejabat dan juga pejabat-pejabat kawasan telah disusun semula. Beliau juga telah melaksanakan gerakan kenaikan pangkat untuk kakitangan Yayasan Sabah. Seramai 54 orang kakitangan telah dinaikkan pang kat tahun 1989. Beliaulah yang bertanggungjawab dalam mengadakan "YayasanSabah General Orders" yang baru saja selesai disusun. Selain dari itu Puan Juliana telah membuat cadangan kepada pihak Pengurusan supaya caruman EPF Majikan dinaikkan daripada 11% kepada 15% untuk tujuan persaraan kakitangan. Dengan sistem latihan teratur, bahagian dibawah jagaannya telah dapat melatih 371 orang kakitangan dalam bentuk kursus-kursus pendek dan seminar. Dengan sistem perbelanjaan yang teratur dan terjaga, perbelanjaan untuk "Administrative and Capital Expenditure" telah berkurangan. Setakat akhir bulan Oktober tahun 1989 hanya 38.6% daripada jumlah budget telah digunakan oleh pengurusan ini.
Telah berumah tangga seorang cahaya mata.
dan Kewangan
Beliau berkebolehan dalam perlaksanaan tugas dan mempunyai sifat-sifat kepimpinan, serta 00leh dipercayai. Beliau sentiasa diberi tanggungjawab sebagai orang yang kedua bertanggungjawab dalam bahagiannya. Dengan itu ia telah dinaikkan pang kat ke tingkatan kanan dalam tahun 1983.
Kakitangan Terbaik Kategorl B Map/at! Sulit
Mula dilantik sebagai Pelayan Pejabat di Yayasan Sabah pada November, 1980. Beliau menjalankan tugas-tugasnya tekun dan memuaskan.
dengan jUjur,
Kebanyakan daripada tugas-tugasnya adalah diluar pejabat iaitu menghantar dan mengambil surat-surat daripada Pejabat Pos. la tidak mengira hujan atau panas. Tugas sentiasa dibereskan. Beliau juga aktif dalam sukan. Dia merupakan ahli sukan dan pernah beberapa kali mewakili Negeri Sabah ke peringkat Kebangsaan dalam sukan Sapak Takraw. la bermain sebagai tekong yang handa!.
Once again ICSB's Personnel and Administration Department (Training Unit) organised an in-house training program. This time the topic was on "Effective Business Writing" with the aim to improve the standard of writing skills among executive officers so that reporting could be done effectively and efficiently. The 3 day WORKSHOP was officially opened by ICSB's Group General Manager, Mr Stan L Golokin.
Atas kesedaran dan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap Pembangunan Pendidikan di negeri ini, Y.8hg. Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan, Pengarah Yayasan Sabah telah memberi sumbangan peribadi kepada SRJK St. James, Apin Apin, Keningau. Sumbangan tersebut berbentuk sebuah rumah dua unit yang menelan belanja sebanyak $20,000.00. Dengan adanya sumbangan ini, sedikit sebanyak akan dapat mengatasi masalah tempat tinggal guru-guru di sekolah berkenaan. Satu majlis penyerahan anak kunci secara besar-besaran telah diadakan di perkarangan sekolah tersebut pada 14 Februari 1990.
The workshop organised in collaboration with Maxima Management Services (Sabah) Sdn Bhd was held from 19-21 December 1989, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm at Tanjung Aru Beach Hotel. As many as 21 executive officers took part in the 3 day-course. The course outline covers The Principles of effective business writing; When and When not to write memos; Letters and reports; Criteria for effective written communications; Choice of language, style and tone; Planning your writing; Purpose, objectives and structure; Doing your reader profile; Type of report; Project, trip, feasibility, technical; Telex writing and proof-reading and; Evaluating your writing skills. At the end of the course the participants were presented with a certificate of participation by the Group General Manager, Mr Stan L Golokin.
Pengarah Yayasan Sabah menyerahkan anak kunci kepada Guru Besar, Encik Ignatius Glim.
ICSB Group General Manager Mr Stan L Golokin in the centre between Mr Vincent Chung, Group Manager, Personnel and Administration Department and Mr Benedict Morris, the speaker of the workshop.
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan has been elected as President of Asia-Pacific Tropical Timber Organisation (AnO), the new name for South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association (SEALPA) during SEALPA Heads of Delegates Meeting at TABH on February 6,1990.
Y6/lC6J)celebraled itllnmnual dinner at the Exhibition foyer of the Yayasan &bah hee.dqual" tel'S building 00 December 16. '!'hi.; end-of-t.he-yee.r bash
The honorary secretary-general
post went to his executive as-
sistant, Encik Raymund Tan.
WflS held just after the Annual Address. ~taffS8w it fit to let their hair loose and have a good time. But. the man of the ni&ht who stole the lltnelight was the Master of Ceremony. Mr Richard Kastum , >wing he WM very art at not v"ly handl~ mike too.
but the
The hard work of the prizes c0mmittee headed by EocikAwBng ~ham Pulau and the generousity of JC~B s many friends in the c0mmercial sector ellSured that there were more than enough prizes to be woo by way oflucky draws. The outstanding 11air tickets to Paris, London. La\ Angeles. Melbourne, &out. Tokyo ('2). 11008 Kong and TaiIXi among other electrical gadgets kept the crowd till the end.
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey and Datin Susan leading the Sumazau at the start of the dance.
Datuk Dr. Jeffrey (right) chairing the SEALPA Heads of Delegates meeting at TABH on Feb 6, 1990. Looking on is Encik Raymund Tan.
"Who comes
a calling"
the Laser Beam with a grand selection of oldies and the latest music had the crowd on the floor ooce dll!lC~ started and maoy were hard to stop strutting their stuff.< Popular local·· &nger. ~lella AllSibin also wooed lhe crowd with her rendition of fOpumr &J!l8s.
The dinner was well attended ,...'er 1.0c0 staff and g~ts
by of
JIC6J). The best band in town,
food was abundant Bnd dnnkswere flow~
till about '2.00
Staff and guests mingllrlg with the DireCtor! Executive Chairman.
Director of Yayasan Sabah, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan (left) lending his ears to President of PAKAR (Kuala Lumpur) Encik Zulkifli Ahmad who called on him at his office on February 7, 1990
Datin Susan picking oufthe lucky draws.
Standard Chartered Bank Chief Manager for Malaysia, Encik Ian Wilson (centre) accompanied by SCB Sabah manager, Encik Graham Honeybill (left) having a light moment with Datuk Dr Jeffrey (right) when they called on the Director of Yayasan Sabah at his office on January 11, 1990.
ENCIK PATRICK SINDU President of Consumer Association of Sabah says The Consumer Association of Sabah fully supports the views expressed by the Director of Yayasan Sabah in his New· Year message regarding many aspects on federal-state relations. Sabah, being an important partner in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia, has long been short-changed in respect of the economic development progress experienced by our fellow Malaysians in the Semenanjung. One of the factors is insufficient financial resources required to finance basic development projects to meet the socio-economic aspirations of the people. This is still occurring even after 26 years of independence. Sabah may be rich in natural resources but a substantial amount of revenue from such resources are siphoned from the State and allocated elsewhere. CASH therefore urges the Federal Government to seriously consider the need to increase Sabah's share of the oil revenue. Rightfully, priority in the allocation of such revenue should have been given to the state which produces it. And in the case of oil, a 50:50 formula is not unreasonable for Sabah. The other factors which creates feelings of deprivation among Sabahans, especially consumers, is the huge price differential in consumer and other goods between Sabah/Sarawak and the Semenanjung. CASH believes that it is high time for the Federal Government to adopt a standardised price for consumer goods throughout the country, especially basic essential goods. Even the Proton Saga, being a national car, should be sold at a standardised price for Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia. The price differential due to transportation costs should be absorbed by HICOM and the Federal Government in the name of National Integration. It is the view of CASH that national integration will not come about unless there is a serious effort to look into the aspect of 'economic integration' as well. These views were in fact forwarded to the Federal Government in a Memorandum prepared by the Consumer Associations in Malaysia since last year. Regional disparities arising from economic imbalances will jeopardise whatever efforts undertaken to pr~mote national integration if such imbalances are not seriously addressed. CASH hopes to seek the views of the Prime Minister during his coming visit to Sabah on this matter.
YAYASAN SABAH STUDENT ELEANORA "AMBASSADRESS" IN KIWI LAND A Yayasan Sabah student, Eleanora June Suran who is currently awaiting her 1989 SPM result, joined 44 other Malaysian students to undergo a one-year student exchange programme under the A.S.S. Intercultural Programme (formerly known as American Field Services Programme) in Christchurch, New Zealand. Eleanora, 16, a fifth form student of Sekolah Menengah Cik Tom Sungei Petani, Kedah left for Kuala Lumpur on January 11, 1990 for a one-week orientation course before proceeding to New Zealand on January 21, 1990. Her trip from Kuala Lumpur to New Zealand was borne by Antarabudaya Malaysia (ABM) which is affiliated with A.S.S. Intercultural Programme. Her airfare from Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur plus the one year's expenditure in New Zealand were sponsored by Yayasan Sabah. Eleanora, the eldest daughter of farmer, Encik Mansana bin Suran of Kota Marudu, will stay with her foster parents in Christchurch, New Zealand. While there, she will adapt and learn the way of life and the culture of the people. The criteria of selection was based on the individual's academic achievement, willingness to travel overseas, understandoing of people's culture and leadership quality. Antarabudaya Malaysia received a total of 60 applications of which 45 were selected. On completion of the one year student exchange programme in New Zealand, the 45 students will return to their respective home-towns in Malaysia where they will share their experience and the culture they have acquired with other fellow Malaysians.
STAFF Ways Down The
Ways up The
Success Ladder
Success Ladder
Wearing mini skirts 10 work. .•.Telling dirty jokes to your subordinates/boss.
.•.Though it is good to be "buddybuddy" with your boss, remembe your position as the subordinate .
.•.Gossiping on the phone when the whole office staff is within earshot. .•.Badmouthing your boss and the organization to outside parties .
7' 8 8
.•.Acting the role of a spoilt child" & using a whining tone with the guys .
.•.Share credit with your boss & colleagues .•.Always put your boss in good light during meetings.
.•.Chewing bubble gum when your boss is talking to you
.•.Welcome overtime work with open arms
.•.Be encouraging & think positively at the workplace. .•.Bring homemade cakes for your colleagues. .•.Learn to be a smooth operator at team work. .•.Dress smartly at all times when you're representing your company.
.•.Criticizing your .•.Be courteous to boss' pet. everyone In the company.
For the 5th consecutive year, Yayasan Sabah is once again heavily involved in the yearly Inter-Educational Institutions Sports Carnival (PESAIP). Since the inception of this Pesaip Carnival in 1986, the Sports and Recreation Section of the Public Affairs Department has had the honour of arranging and selecting athletes to represent Yayasan Sabah.
In the picture is seen the Chief Commander of the Yayasan Sabah contingent, Encik Awang Damit bin Mohamad leading the contingent in the march pass during the opening of the PESAIP Meet.
This year, 1990, for the first time there are eight educational institutions namely Yayasan Sabah, Education Department, UKM Campus Sabah, YS-ITM, Kent College, Gaya College, Keningau Teachers College and Human Resource Development Bureau, taking part in the carnival held from 17 December 1989 to 20 Febl1Jary 1990 at the Likas Sports Complex. The 1990 PESAIP games is hosted by Gaya College.
The Yayasan Sabah Men's Badminton team once again clinched the badminton trophy for 1990 forthe 5th consecutive year beating arch rival Education Department by a 5-2 margin. The Ladies team too won this year's badminton by beatin\:i ...v Education Department 4 - 1. The 1990 PESAI P was officially declared open by the Political Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Encik Mohd Mifli Mohd Nooron December 17,1989. The sports carnival covers a total of 11 games. The events are athletics, football, badminton, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, netball, squash, sepak takraw and hockey.
YS Sepak Takraw team. This team managed to recapture the title from the Education Department. Yayasan Sabah also captured the 1990 PESAIP Hockey title by beating the Education Department 3 • 1.
YS Volleyball team members. However, this team lost to the Education Department in the final
In football, YS drew with the Education Department 2 -2 .
Diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Hal Ehwal Awam, Yayasan Sabah. Dicetak oleh AdvanceGraphic. Tel: 088-235770