Ways in Which Augment Reality is used in Schools for Training

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Ways in which augmented reality is used in schools for training

Index • Introduction • Teaching Materials and Props • AR Worksheets • AR-based Lab Training • Game-Based Learning • Teaching Students with Special Needs and Learning Disorders • Conclusion

Introduction 

Augmented reality in education and training is an inevitable phenomenon because of the benefits and capabilities it provides.

A large percentage of those in education understand the potential of augmented reality for training and have begun to embrace the technology.

EdTech companies all over the world have capitalized on the demand to build exceptional educational solutions using augmented reality.

There are so many ways in which AR can be used in schools and some of them are mentioned below.

Teaching Materials and Aids 

There was a time in the world when schools use numerous teaching material and aids to make learning interesting.

Even in the conventional ways of learning, educating students with aids and other teaching material is quite common.

Deploying the capabilities of AR in education provides interesting visual aids and material to simplify learning.

Using augmented reality in classroom learning is an interesting way to use visual aids and make education an experience rather than just learning.

AR Worksheets 

During the pandemic, teachers could provide students with AR-based worksheets and homework to learn through AR-based materials at home.

This enabled students to learn through AR from anywhere and at anytime to make learning easier.

A simple example of using AR worksheets would be to make visual projections pop out of learning materials.

Also, AR makes it possible for students to learn by using their smart phones, and virtually everyone has a smart phone these days.

AR-based Lab Training 

The visual capabilities of AR provides numerous possibilities for teachers and students in the area of AR-based lab training.

Firstly, AR-based lab training enables students and teachers to explore beyond the horizons and learn without visiting the lab.

AR and VR can create a virtual laboratory environment inside the classroom and simulate the behaviors of a physical lab to improve the frequency and application of knowledge.

In addition, teachers and students can explore unexplorable places and instances through AR and VR and make learning interesting.

Game-Based Learning 

Educating students through game-based learning modules is one of the most successful and engaging ways to teach students.

This game-based learning resonates with all the student’s senses and results in exceptional levels of engagement among students.

Improved levels of engagement enable students to develop a deeper connection with a topic and retain the knowledge they have gained for longer periods.

Game-based learning can make a huge difference in educating students and achieving the objectives of schools and teachers.

Teaching Students with Special Needs and Learning Disorders 

AR-based learning is an ideal solution to address the needs of students with special needs and learning disorders.

Unlike conventional learning, AR-based learning addresses the learning senses of students in a different manner and hence it is an ideal solution.

Conclusion Beyond a shadow of a doubt, AR is here to make learning and teaching easier. Schools and teachers need to ensure they are making the best use of AR by choosing the right products and AR-based training solutions. XR Guru is an immersive AR learning hub aimed at enhancing education. Experts at XR Guru can offer customized solutions to fit your learning needs. Contact the experts at XR Guru today!

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