How is Virtual Reality Gradually Enhancing Traditional Learning Curriculums?

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How is Virtual Reality Gradually Enhancing Traditional Learning Curriculums?

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VR Learning vs. Traditional Learning

How does VR work?

Flexible and Personalized Learning


Learning Through Experience


Introduction Could the traditional learning system secretly be doing more harm than good? Let's find out how VR learning can enhance the traditional learning system. VR Learning vs. Traditional Learning This discussion seems inevitable because the world is changing. The days of learning via chalkboards and textbooks in confined walls are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. That is why technology, and the tools it provides, is beginning to play a larger role. One of those tools is VR. So what is VR and how does it work? Let's find out.

How does VR work? VR is a computer-generated environment capable of creating a new environment people can interact with. VR capitalizes on sounds, visions, and sometimes smells to immerse people in a whole new environment. VR transports you to another part of the universe without having to travel. VR makes this "new" environment feel, smell, sound, and look natural. With estimates suggesting the spend in VR will approach $184.60 billion by 2026, VR is one of the fastest-rising technologies in the world. VR appears in gamification, businesses, homes, and now, schools. As more and more educators experience the advantages offered by integrating VR into the learning process, it is gaining greater acceptability within the educational community.

Flexible and Personalized Learning Traditional learning tends to box all students into the same old tedious curricula. Because students' skills, strengths, and attention span differ, this approach stifles the learning rate of some students. How does VR address this issue? With VR, educators can create a personalized learning schedule for students according to their preferences. In addition, with VR, learning can easily occur outside the classroom, it can take place anywhere at anytime. Learning on the go.

Exploration Every creative mind wants to explore and be exposed to new things. By nature, kids are adventurous beings; therefore, why try to squeeze them into fixed curriculums of learning through textbooks? VR offers the option for students to explore and understand diverse cultures, topics, skills and break language barriers. A relatively small VR device can open up new universes. Awesome right? VR makes traveling to distant or hard to reach locations a reality. With VR, field trips become more affordable, accessible, and engaging. So, it's a win-win for everyone: Educators save money, students explore.

Learning Through Experience Remember Albert Einstein's saying, "The only source of knowledge is Experience"? We believe what we see, hear, and feel. So, we are bound to perceive the world according to the rules developed by our experiences. Here, VR has an edge over traditional learning. Its ability to transport individuals to another version of reality makes it a great tool to build experiences. Moreover, learning through words doesn't assure experience. For instance, listening to World War II tales doesn't explicitly describe the struggles and victories experienced.


Given the significant role VR is playing in the educational sector, is it not time to give serious consideration to adopting it for your school? Throughout the world, organizations within virtually every industry are embracing and adopting new tech trends because they want to improve. Schools are no exception. Don’t know where to start? Contact us at XR Guru to learn more!

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