How augmented reality is promoting skill-based learning in the classroom

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How Augmented Reality is Promoting Skillbased Learning in the Classroom


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Struggles with the Traditional Learning Method The Power of Reiterative Learning The Liberty of Mobility Conclusion

Struggles with the Traditional Learning Method Let's be honest. The world is evolving at a fast pace, so fast if we snooze for a moment, we find ourselves miles behind. Why? It is because embracing technology is the new normal. Technological advancements are rapidly ruling our daily activities; physical interaction is no longer required to effectively communicate information because mobile devices do it so well. Technology is the new normal in education. It has made it possible for students to learn online through the Internet. Today, technology is bridging the gap between the virtual and the real world through Augmented Reality. The traditional learning system needs to evolve and change, for there are some major flaws attached to it.

One-style-fits-all: It is important to remember the learning level of students differs. Not every student grasps knowledge in the same way or at the same pace. But the traditional system of learning tries to fit everyone into the same box. Teachers are often forced to teach in a way and at a pace suited for the average student, and this affects the overall learning process.

No Personalized Learning: In schools, there is often a discrepancy between the number of students and teachers. This student per teacher ratio sometimes is so great a teacher simply can’t address all the questions every student has within the time alotted to teach a particular subject.

No Skill-based Learning: Technological advancements require a specialized workforce for every task. And the traditional system lacks this attribute. It’s still reliant on the one-style-fits-all approach.

The traditional classroom system has a lot of shortcomings, but the good news is the integration of augmented reality into classrooms can help to solve these problems. The Power of Reiterative Learning: “Practice makes perfect.” Perfection is not achieved by trying something once; it usually requires several attempts. Making second chances of utmost importance. AR in the classroom promotes reiterative learning. The gamified and problem-solving approach offered by augmented reality helps students master the intricate nature of their craft without getting bored or tired of the repetitive process involved. The reiterative learning process goes a long way in imparting creativity and skill-based knowledge to students.

The Liberty of Mobility It's incredible how quickly the world went mobile, so fast we rarely had time to stop and celebrate the wonders of smartphones. We moved from a world where cameras, music players, books, radio players, voice recorders, etc., existed independently to a world where they all came together in one all-in-one portable device. Mobile devices allow students to learn on the go through augmented reality. There is no confinement to this type of learning because it can take place anytime from any where.


Change is not always comfortable, but it is constant and necessary. At the crossroad of knowledge and practicality, there is a need for something new. To keep up with these fast-paced times, conventional learning methods need to change. AR in the classroom has already proven to be an effective tool for change. If you desire to help your students effectively bridge the gap between knowledge and understanding while promoting skill-based learning in the classroom, get in touch today.

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