Addressing the Different Concerns Administrators Have in Adopting AR for Schools.

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Addressing the Different Concerns Administrators Have in Adopting AR for Schools.


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Introduction Achieving system-level goals Programming needs Ongoing training support Conclusion

Introduction When a concept is relatively new, skepticism towards it is high. And if you are not careful, you will find yourself investing in all the reasons why the concept is no good without taking a minute to consider the possibility that it might be vital to getting good bangs for your bucks. Many educators are yet to invest in augmented reality apps for schools because of multiple well-founded concerns. These concerns have eaten so deep that even with a pandemic highlighting that the future of education is immersive, convincing themselves that AR for school is a necessary investment remains an issue. To tackle this issue and eliminate the skepticism attached to educational technology, we’ve decided to address the many concerns educators have about AR for schools; endeavor to stay tuned!

Achieving system-level goals Every institution has its system-level goals. Strategies and programs not in line with them are eliminated. And at the moment, investing in AR doesn't seem like an excellent inclusion to your system-level goals simply because a tangible output from such investment might not be visible within the first year. But the fact remains, AR for schools is already assisting administrators in creating new, district-wide plans for learning based on student data. You can use augmented reality to implement strategies proven to help students achieve grade-level achievements. And the early mover advantage is still on— implementing AR today positions your institution as a thought leader.

Programming needs Keeping up with the many programming needs and equipping teachers professionally to adopt AR speedily is time-consuming and costly. So, why should any administrator invest in a solution that would undoubtedly disrupt productivity? Well, integrating AR for schools disrupts productivity, but this will only last a moment. Looking beyond the time of implementation and cost of training, with AR for schools, administrators can look at trends for a specific student within a specific classroom or an entire grade level and then decide the best way to move forward. Meaning you are always multiple steps ahead of the curve.

Ongoing training support Indeed, there is an early mover advantage to integrating AR for school, but this also attracts a lot of inconveniences. Adopting AR at this stage will undoubtedly keep you on the edge because you will be among the selected elites setting the pace for other institutions to follow. This means you have to invest heavily in streamlining an ongoing training support system. The best way to tackle this concern is by working with other institutions bold enough to adopt AR within the district. Scheduling monthly meetings with administrators and learning specialists helps roll out plans and provide additional resources to help teachers implement AR speedily, as do supplemental professional development training sessions.


The overall cost of adopting AR is another primary source of concern, but that’s something you need to handle on your own. However, you can curb this issue by allocating current ESSER funds toward acceleration strategies and professional development. To wrap it up, while there are a handful of concerns about AR adoption and its credibility, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Looking to schools that have successfully implemented AR can help. Or better still, work with an AR/VR company like XR Guru with a sustainable track record in creating immersive educational content.

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