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& Knowledge Bases

XPLAB - Research in Automation - brescia, italy - -

01 Intelligent Applications Brescia - Italy : 7 am MD-01 Psico Smart City Predicting the past My wonderful spreadsheet May the Power be with you Knowledge Bases 50 Shades of Grey Head in the Clouds Think as you Speak Say Hello to Mr. Turing Become Partner

â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy


Copyright Ⓒ 2012 XPLAB s.a.s - Brescia - Italy - All rights reserved. POWER-KI Ⓡ e XPOLYPLUS Ⓡ are registered trademarks of XPLAB s.a.s.

! When, during the first years of the last decade of last century we introduced XPOLYPLUS®, our development system for Command, Control and Supervision Applications with real time execution, we kept coming up against the problem of communicate the benefits and potentialities of the technology to ours interlocutors. It was a problem of metrics and not of communication. For many, above all in the business area, the mediated passage that requires an extension of the vision, is to be avoided, bacause in conflicts with the stereotype of the instant decision-making ability, in which many managers conform to. ! The “tell me in a minute what your idea is and what it’s for” now celebrated in the infamous pitches, becomes an insurmountable problem for those proposing something that is needed to create something else that hasn’t been defined yet. ! To reason in this way is required the participatory vision of the interlocutor, that instead rarely is able to provide. Twenty years on we are offering a new technology: POWER-KI ®. A programming language. Yet again it’s something that is needed for doing something else that we classify under the name of Intelligent Applications. In the pages that follow we have made an attempt to tell you stories that will explain the power of this work, even from an application perspective.

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Intelligent Applications Intelligent Applications (IA) are software applications which, thanks also to the use of artificial intelligence techniques, can solve problems, reducing to the essential the interaction with other entities. The usual software applications are tools through which human and non-human users operate. Intelligent Applications go beyond this and interpose themselves between users and problems. Interactions are restricted as much as possible through the maximised use of the information and the logics, entered, available or acquired. In their more advanced forms the behaviour of IAs can not only be adaptive but also evolutionary, namely to have also the competence to modify its operational model on the basis of new events and/or rules entered or autonomously acquired. CLASSIFICATION of IAs (IA levels on the basis of the method of problem solving) Level 1 - Programmatic Level 2 - Adaptive Level 3 – Trained evolutionary Level 4 – Autonomous evolutionary POWER-KI allows to achieve Intelligent Applications from Level 1 to Level 4.

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy


â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Brescia - Italy : 7 am The alarm goes off relentlessly at seven. This is the hardest part of the day: evict those three loveable creatures from their beds, get them washed and dressed, offer them a nutritionist breakfast and, amidst the usual minor dramas and mishaps, drop them off at their respective schools. 8 am – Max can relax at last, time for a coffee and then his work starts: six castings in Dubai steelworks. On his computer the miXer application shows him the analytical data from the Heating System in operation and highlights the deviations. Advisable additions key, simulation of the decarburation by means of oxygen injection, checking the anticipated amount of slag and off goes the order for the dosing system. Check analysis. Temperature is ‘ok’ - begin casting. … “Goodness” thinks Max “it’s almost time to go and pick the little one” and cheekily: “Arianna! there’s a problem: the casting is long! Can you go and collect Minnie?".

miXer is an IA for steelworks, created in POWER-KI available in Cloud mode.

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

MD-01 As Arthur C. Clarke, whom of ”a Space Odyssey”, the reference sample was created by “unskilled labour”. His nickname was “Devil” which just about summed up his character and relationship with divinity. Those were heroic times in which steel workers, heedless of the shower of white hot lapilli, used to release the slide gate with oxygen lances whilst greedily breathing in the more or less fine dusts. “Now

we have MD-01” says Paolo, a Telepresence Operator. We’re in the new plant’s second casting room and three young operators with a senior supervisor are readying the operations at the consolle for the new casting. “MD-01”

continues Paolo proudly “with its own power supply can run for three hours and with each of its three arms it lifts 80 kg, which become 120 kg when using mains power. It is fitted with five TV cameras two of which provide stereoscopic vision. Positioning errors are less than a millimetre and movement speed can reach 2m/s”. Paolo, who is qualified in Steel Technology, told us that he doesn’t just like his job but he enjoys doing it too. MD-01 it can be done… NOW!

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Psico Smart City The Mayor receives us in the Knights’s Room where the characters, immortalised in the sixteenth-century frescoes, are silent witnesses to the hard-working pragmatism and inventiveness of the peoples of this land. The PSC project successfully completed its trial period over a year ago now and the time has come to take stock: “In

this project we have seen the real possibility of improving the quality of our citizens’s life and not simply an application of new technologies. Established this primary goal, we decided to equip ourselves with the right tools for assessing the city’s state of wellbeing and the effects of the measures that we have gradually introduced. We realised that we had an enormous quantity of both historical and real time data at our disposal. It was a question of rendering them significant and making them speak. Working in collaboration with the universities, public bodies and local businesses, we set up the Psico Smart City that became a concrete reality through the creation of a Live Model of the City (LCM). The results, as the report shows, far exceeded expectations and in financial terms we estimate that in this first year already for every one Euro invested five have been generated thanks to the creation of new companies, the revitalising of existing ones and the recovery of efficiencies.” The Knights silently approve. PSM and Live City Model are IAs creatable with POWER-K1

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy


Predicting the Past Predicting the past is a tautology with a big market. The proof: the work of analysts and rating companies in the financial market. Investing means working to improve the future, speculating, on the other hand, means gnawing away at the present. To invest on the markets, in reasonable tranquillity, is essential to have access to tools for assessing the present and forecasting the future. WikiCrowdInvest is the open platform that even allows individuals to assess existing possibilities and at the same time contributing to the defining of future forecasts. It is not, therefore, a trading tool, but an Intelligent Application that collects and evaluates information from the Internet and makes it available to users, who in turn, play a dual role as users and providers of knowledge. The benefits are for everyone: for investors, who can make choices starting from complete evaluations, for businesses, which operating with transparency and correctness, can see their proposals rewarded. WikiCrowdInvest is an AI platform, creatable with POWER-K1

â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

My wonderful Spreadsheet In the constant pursuing for retirement, Piero was one of the lucky ones who had achieved it. He managed to make it through the time slot, just before the come into force of the new reforms. During his twenty years with the company, Piero and his ingenious spreadsheets had solved problems for the production, marketing and admin departments. To his colleagues, who now looked at his desk in amazement, he sent a postcard from Cuba, his lifetime dream destination: "the Caribbean, the sea,…” In their head there was a question to which they would hardly found answer: “how, what the hell, do his spreadsheets work?”

XPLAB & Partners supply the AI that consolidates the company’s informational and procedural assets.

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy


â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy


with the power of your mind, you can break the chains ! ! ! ! and explore new fields of thought


May the Power be with you POWER-KI ® is the programming language devised for creating Intelligent Applications. Its organisation is inspired by the operation of the human brain. The code is structured in a forest of items, each of which can contain others, that develop as trees. Attributes or non-typified data can be associated with each item. The code can self-modify itself. The operating engine will handle each element, depending on its type, as an instruction or as a data container. Several elements can be executed simultaneously with ease (multithreading). The development environment for writing the applications in PWK, i.e. WorkBench, makes all the tools required available to the programmer: assisted editor for the code, graphic interface editor, testing and debugging environment, document generator and functions for the deployment. The PWK application’s user interfaces are decoupled from the code and can therefore reside on different processing units. To know more: POWER-KI a programming language. Preludio” XPLAB - 2012 - on

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Knowledge Bases The storage, searching and processing of information all require specific tools. Data Bases (DB) were created with this in mind: data containers in tabular form, from which it is possible to extract, by reduction, subsets responding to the conditions formulated using appropriate query languages. This model makes it possible to obtain high computational performances for information that can be structured in tables , but requires careful planning beforehand, as it is difficult to alter once the system is in use. What is more the information in the DBs, in itself are raw data without any semantic relevance. It is to overcome these limitations that the Knowledge Base (KB) concept, comes into being. The information in the KBs, even if not structured, can be easily entered, modified, queried and labelled semantically. KBs, alongside traditional DBs, provide for IAs a powerful substratum for the handling of information, capable of creating information models that adhere to the reality and semantically relevant, which can evolve and mutate depending on events and necessities. POWER-KI operates Databases and Knowledge Bases

â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

50 Shades of Grey Fuzzy logic is one of the more well-known attempts to allow programmes to process uncertain truths, passing from the stentorean TRUE/FALSE to what our common sense instead makes us feel. In fuzzy logic reasoning occurs by levels of truth or better still uncertainty. To each propositions is assigned a numerical value that goes from 0.0 = FALSE to 1.0 = TRUE. To illustrate: a proposition that has an equal probability of being TRUE or FALSE, will have a value of 0.5. The processing process includes three stages: fuzzification (the allocation of values to the propositions), computation, defuzzification of the result. When it first appeared fuzzy logic sparked great hopes that ever so slowly faded away, mainly because of the absence of certain operators on the values, the results were only of a moderate importance. We now want to set the wheels in motion again: we have get the proof that fuzzy logic, if complete with the missing operators, allows to obtain results that are suitable for creating adaptive behaviours in IAs with ease. POWER-KI implements advance fuzzy operators.

â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Head in the Clouds The name may be new but the idea is ancient. Its origins can be traced back to mainframes with terminals and then came the personal computer revolution, followed by the clientserver model and now terminals again: CLOUD. It seems like a turn of the wheel, but this is only true in part. Internet and Broadband connectivity allow us to cross geographical boundaries. This is the technological premise. The most important significance of the CLOUD is the change of business model for the IT industry: from the sale of products to the sale of services. From a usage perspective, the solution can result in significant savings, above all when it comes to hardware and infrastructure. With regard to the software, the hopes of many rests in HTML5 which sadly is a collection of technologies (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) and in any case does not cover the server side. Developing and keeping CLOUD applications that are not banal, always proves to be a costly exercise reserved for large sized groups. POWER-KI allows the creation of native CLOUD applications. PWK-EnterpriseServer is the tool for the simple running of both intranet as well as Internet cloud applications.

â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Think as you Speak Many of those not involved in IT are convinced that programming is a tedious finding one’s way through codes and rules. The art of programming is in reality a creative multidisciplinary job, which nevertheless has to be adapted to the tools available, in first instance languages and development environments. When we speak of languages, many of these impose precise paradigms (lists, objects, structure, and functions) that are not always suitable for representing reality’s multiple forms. This conditioning can be very deep and hack into the programmer’s way of thinking, limiting or extending, its imagination. The development environment is crucial for the comfort of the job and therefore for the reduction of the stress. A coherent and complete environment equipped with support tools for editing, testing and debugging, allows to achieve better quality and greater productivity. POWER-KI in a complete and comfortable development ! environment, WorkBench, the programmer with ! POWER-KI, has the freedom to select the most ! appropriated programming model.

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy


â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

Say “Hello” to Mr. Turing

One century after the birth of A . Tu r i n g , X P L A B p r o p o s e s t o Universities and Institutes of Instruction to accept, without competition, the challenge of:

TEST OF TURING For informations:

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

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ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

XPLAB research in automation v.le S.Eufemia, 39 Brescia - Italy


POWER-KI(R) Intelligent Applications User Group

Gruppo: Intelligent Applications e Basi di Conoscenza

Copyright Ⓒ 2012 XPLAB s.a.s - Brescia - Italy - All rights reserved. POWER-KI Ⓡ e XPOLYPLUS Ⓡ are registered trademarks of XPLAB s.a.s. In cover: NuovaMente Ⓒ1984 CAP Internal: The Jedi - Ⓒ2012 CubePhotoProduction per XPLAB

ⓒ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy




â“’ 2012 XPLAB - Research in Automation - Brescia - Italy

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