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no. 6

XMRE Things You Should Know

How to Prepared for a Tornado / XMRE Lite Surviving a Massive Earthquake and Its Aftermath

Surviving a Massive Earthquake and Its Aftermath Preparedness Now, Survival Then

Earthquakes preparedness is, unfortunately,

This is the first and easiest step when preparing to

something most people don't put much thought

deal with an earthquake and its aftermath. Know

into. Even in quake-prone areas like California,

what you will do in the event the quake happens

most residents go about their daily lives without

at home, at work, at the mall, or anywhere else

giving earthquake preparation a second thought.

you frequent. Have emergency contact lists both

They should be thinking about it; preparation is

on paper and on your cell phone ...

both necessary and easy. read more

Military grade meals give you the energy you need. 6 different options per case allow for diversity in meals.

XMRE Lite starts at $7.95

The XMRE Lite is the best meal alternative for

XMRE Lite Ready To Eat Meals are extremely

outdoor lovers or anyone who needs food on the

versatile and are made with some of the best

move. The XMRE Lite uses the best components

components available on the military MRE market.

available on the market to offer a light-weight &

They don't require water or any kind of hydration

freshly packaged meal of 600 to 900 calories.

and are fully cooked so they can be eaten straight out of the pouch anywhere at any time. They have

Each XMRE Lite includes:

a long shelf life: 3 years for military components and 1 year for commercial components.

EntrĂŠe, bread item, spreads, snacks or dessert, drink and accessory kit containing spoon, napkin,

Our meals ready to eat are made with the most

condiment package, sauce and moist towelette

stringent quality control standards and are

and a discretionary flameless ration heater.Â

manufactured to last at least five years.

visit product page

How to Prepared for a Tornado written by Saul Mishkin

Having lived all my life in Tornado Alley, I'm as accustomed to tornado watches, and warnings as people in Minnesota are to snowstorms.Â

I can remember many sleepless nights through the years when we were either up watching the weather or lying in bed listening to weather updates on the radio.

Over a period of time, one learns to cope with such things, unnerving as they may be. That's not so hard when safe at home, but traveling brings another set of problems.

Tornadoes have hit all around us in recent years, and a number of people lost their lives in these tornadoes. One actually struck a glancing blow on our small town a few years ago. There was a good bit of damage, a woman trying to get from her car to a storm shelter was killed by a falling limb. Downed trees were blocking all the exits from town.

So we feel it only wise to take all the precautions we can. One should prepare for such natural disasters any time it is possible to do so. Once a storm is upon you, it's too late to get prepared.

Currently, we have a small storm cellar a few steps from our garage door. When tornado season is approaching, I always try to get the cellar cleaned out, which involves checking for snakes ...

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You don't need a silver fork to eat good food. Paul Prudhomme

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