How MRE Meals Will Change Your Life

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How MRE Meals Will Change Your Life

MREs, or meals ready to eat, have attracted a lot of attention. More and more people are considering the benefits of stockpiling MREs or keeping them in a vehicle as an emergency winter time stash.

MREs can be incredibly handy, and keeping some in stock can give you peace of mind. They are especially useful for people who live in remote areas where they are likely to be cut off from local stores, or have


the supply chain interrupted, by either adverse weather events or geopolitical troubles.

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MREs are shelf-stable, and if you are able to store

Variety and Nutrition

them at a cool and relatively stable temperature, they should last for up to five years. Even in a

If you like to go trekking or camping, then you have

variable or warm temperatures, you can expect

probably spent a lot of time eating trail mix and

that they will last for a year.

Kendal mint cake. While these snacks are portable, calorie dense, and good for short day trips, if you

This means that they can be useful to keep in your

had to live on them long term you will find that

car if you know you are going to be driving in

they get boring fast. They aren't a complete source

adverse conditions or keep them in your 'bug out

of all of the micro-nutrients that you need, and

bag' so that if you need to leave your home because

they aren't ideal from a psychological perspective

of a coming hurricane or other issues, then you will

either. Eating a hot meal can actually boost your

have at least a short-term supply of hot meals.

mood and feeling of wellbeing. If you're outside

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and away from your home comforts for a

going to provide you with fiber to keep

few days, then it's the simple things like

your digestive system running optimally,

personal grooming and a hot meal that will

but for the length of time that most people

keep you going.

are going to need to eat them they are a great choice.

MREs are a source of all of the nutrients that you need in the medium time. They

MREs, take a lot of the pressure off

are a warm meal, they are calorie dense,

planning for an emergency. If you're

and they supply you with protein,

wasting a lot of time and energy on

carbohydrates, fats, and essential

stocking up canned foods, or you're sick of

micronutrients. Because of the way they

eating those pre-packaged dry goods, then

are made to be shelf-stable, they are not

why not try some? If you go hiking or

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camping regularly, then you will find having a more varied menu (there are dozens of meals to choose from, and some are pretty tasty) will really boost your morale and will make you look forward to going out on the trails again. When you compare prices per calorie, too, MREs can be pretty good value for money.

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Be A Voice Not An Echo

“Hunger, love, pain, fear are some of those inner forces which rule the individual's instinct for self preservation.” – Albert Einstein




2018 • XMRE |


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