Hihiaua Masterplan Group7-10

Page 244

Wetland /Tidal Planting.

Wetland and tidal planting selection would be an initial planting stratgey to allow for stablisation of the lower elevations. Genreally, wetland planting is mass planting of species and denoted by % on planting maps. Hihiaua precienct is unique in that it could create areas of learninig through Wetland rotations. Cultivations of wetlands or studies of their envrineomtns, coupled with the interaction between tidal watres, would be the first understanding of how the water is chemically made up, tmeperatures and velocity. Wetland planting has the abliity to be easliy transported through water and human influnce which creates a great trial and era space, for later and further growth through the precient. The understanding of sediments would also take place and in which plants can be cultivated to other sections of the island to stabilise or enhance soils. Wetland plant also allows final or initial fliteration of pollutants that may enter the site.


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