Earth book 2017

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Folio of studio work

Xinrui Peng 825731 Tutorial 12 Tutor: Hella Wigge 2017, Semester 1





CONTENTS 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

THREE RELATIONSHIPS point, line and plane mass frame and infill

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

HERRING ISLAND: A PLACE FOR KEEPING SECRET site analysis conceptacle concept and setch design design development

3.0 FINAL DESIGN 3.1 final design model 4.0 REFLECTION 5.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY



1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS "point line and plane", "mass" and "frame and infill" are the three doundimental techtonics that we need to explored behind the complex of architecture in this semester. By engaging their concepts and protentials, influenced the process of shape, form and design, while considering their relationsips. They are the basis of the final "secret" design.



1 . 1 P O I N T, L I N E A N D PLA N E repetition of elements The techtonic is about the relationship between point line and plane, the progression of points to lines and lines to planes.


P RECEDENTS Chairs are everywhere in the middle of the city in Mlebourne. The view of this chair in different prospective is interesting. If you watch it from the side, you will find out the repetition of dots, both solid and hollowed ones. If you facing it, those dots becomes lines, the surface of the chair is consist by repetition of lines. In the end, those lines formed a implied surface.


A waterfalling wall at the entrance of Singapore -- Marina Bay Sanos Multiple repetition of single elements.


The idea of this model is by using the repetition of the same element to achieve the concept of point, line and plane.



Each single element is in a rectangular shape. The side of it can be considered as line, the surface of it can be expected as plane; it could also been viewed as a dot.


When you viewing it from the top, each elements are the dots, the arrangement of the position makes them formed the implied lines; those implied lines could formed a implied plane. Same machanism happens on the side of the model as well. The edge of those single elements are likely formed the implied lines. Multiple small surfaces of those dots formed the implied plane.



1.2 MA SS Connotations of solidity, could be a place that full of darkness or either lightness. A place that "unknown".


P RECEDENTS Mascara House Atsushi Kawamoto, Mayumi Kawamoto 2011 Shizuoka, Hamamatu-City, Japan The two columns on both sides create a strong sense of mass; it looks like that they actually press the middle part of the house. The repetition of the horizontal lines also emphasized the existence of mass. I like the contrast that these columns create the room in the middle with glasses that penetrates the light. Because the columns are constructed without windows on this side, compare with the section with the window in the middle, it has a great feeling of solid.


Museum of Art and Archaeology of the Coa Valley Camilo Rebelo 2009 Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Portugal The color and the shape of this museum is conceived as an installation in the landscape. From its material, it evokes the local stone yards and both reflect in the concrete matter and the local stone’s texture and color. It creates a strong sense of gigantic and glory.



In this charcol sectional drawing, I am trying to create a underground cave with lights penetrated in. To emphasis the scale, the curvy dark lines are the underground tree roots. This gives the imagination of the size and the emotion within the area. It has the sense of compression and chaos with the crossing roots and because it is dark. Although it was underground, the contrust between dark and light area gives the intention of the opening's location. Lights are coming through the ground which decrease the compression that creates from the earth pressing to us. The texture of the paper itself also creates the mystique of this place, the complexity of the surroundings.



1 . 3 FR A M E A N D IN F ILL Frame: the skeleton, outline, fixed and permanent Infill: fluid, inbetween, moveable and temporary However, these definations can be changed.


P RECEDENTS Langen Foundation Architect: Tadao Ando Location: Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalis, Germany 2006 This is a museum with a collection of Oriental Art and Modern Art. This is actually a concrete box in a frame and filled glass envelope. I love the reflections that been created in the water, it dissolves the borders of the building and also expands the size of it. This has a great impression of weightlessness.


The steel and glass structure can be considered as frame and infill -- steel is the frame and glass is the infilled. However, the outside glass box can be seen as the frame of the inside concrete box, which makes the concrete box as the infill.


Usually the boarder between frame and infill is clear, we typically want to create something with a fixed skeleton and filling it. I also want to make something differently, with more dynamical and freely. I've used both steel and copper wire in this model. They've all bended with angles. The fabric that link with steel can be considered as infill with the steel frame.


Steel structures are surrounding with the copper structure. This makes the copper stands out. The steel structure however, been considered as the frame of the copper, and the copper becomed the infill of the steel.



Steel and copper are one protecting by another. The circulation are creates by the wire that criss-cross throughout the whole structure. Walking with the wire, passing through the "frame and infill".



2.0 HERRING ISLAND: A PLACE FOR KEEPING SECRET A man made island in the Yarra River,


Scaled Stem

Falling Fence Gallery Cairm


Landing City LInk


Tanderrum (Comming Together) Stone House A Hill a River, Two Rocks and a Presence

Steerage 32


2. 1 s i t e a n a l ysi s Contour Map





Those are the possible area for me to keeping secret. I am thinking about to construct a area with. Consider its arrangment of the vegetation, I want to choose a place that has medium density, I am thinking about a construction that surrounds by trees. The orange part is the location and the blue part is the entrance of the construction.



2 . 2 C O N C E P TA C LE Point LIne and Plane + Mass + Frame and Infill = Conceptacle


I am selecting the ideas from the previous three relationships to formats my conceptacle. I have enhanced the length of the single element in Point Line and Plane, This creates a bigger oppotunity for the possible implication of its shape and form. The irregularity of the element forms a implies mass, those edges of the element therefore forms implied lines. The same sequence of point line and plane once again have been reflected.


The horizontal foam board represent the ground level, upper ground is the area that above it and underground is the area that underneath it. I am trying to moved the sense of intersectant from mass to my conceptacle. The crossing underground tree roots are representing by those unleveled rectangular elements. Taking the ideas from frame and infill, the thin layer of tracing paper is like the frame, embody the repetition of rectangular element -- infill.


Thinking about the way of arrangement of the surroundings, what kind of arrangement will create the sense that you want to followed?


2 . 3 c o ncep t a n d set ch d es ign My concept of secret is the direction of your journey -- everything that surrounds your are trying to guide you towards the next destination, and to choose which path to follow is your own decision. As peole making different choices, each journey for each individuals are different which makes the journey itself a secret. Because you never know where to go...


Walls/ columns are sitting with gaps, people can go into those gaps to the area behind the walls.


The structure is almost tree height with three sides surrounding by trees, one side facing the suburb.


2 . 4 d esi g n d evel op me nt I am trying to create a place with no obivious border to distinguish each rooms, each spaces are kind of semi - seperated from the walls.

This is the general form that I choose to follow for the placement of those walls. It creates the sense that leading you to the corners; when you entered the complex middle section, it has the feeling of passing through, like a labyrinth.


Two flat levels have been introsuced, people can enter to the top "roof", and it also creates a shelter for the lower ground. An underground is also been created, a space that hidden underground.



Family chatting area Children's playing area


Relaxing area with the view of t

Relaxing area with the view of c Games room Movie room



Children can play around the labyrinth like walls while families are chatting and relaxing in the first level.

Storage of books,movies and games Toilets

More choices for the family's day off, relaxing rooms with the views of forests of the views of the suburb. This will make people have a better realised that they are actually away and hidden from the city. By exploring the structure, people will find the storages and they can choose whatever they want to do within the structure.


city suburb



SCALE 1:100 48




Whole structure is surrounding by trees and they are almost at the tree height.

Exploded exonometric of elements



People can enter this structure through the either side of the ground level. They can follow the side of the walls to explode their journey. By following these walls, they will find out where the stairs are and making decisions about going down or going up. There are gaps between each vertical walls, people can see through to the back area while they walking. They can choose to go through the gaps to the other room. There are no completed barriers between each room. It is easy to passing through. Moreover, the floors of the construction are kind of transparent, which means, as people entered, they have already know that there are other levels besides ground level, even if they did not see the location of the stairs. This gives t he i nvi t at i on of fi ndi ng t he w a y t o t h e o t h e r floors. As people choose to pass through differently, each person will have a different journey and different understanding of this construction. That makes the Secret become the direction of the journey.




3.1 final des ign m odel






4.0 REF LECTION B y s tudy the thr ee te c to ni c s thro ug ho ut thi s s e m e s te r, we e xp l o re the p o s s i b i l i ti e s o f p o i nt l i n e an d plane, mas s and fr am e , a nd i nfi l l , the c l a s h o f he a d s c re a te s the o p p o rtuni ty o f ful l y e ng a g e w it h the for m and conce p ts . A b e tte r und e rs ta nd i ng o f the m e a ni ng o f a n a rc hi te c ture . E a c h b u ildin g tells a s tor y . To cons i d e r a rc hi te c ture i n a b a s i c a nd s i m p l e wa y, e xte nd i ng e a c h te c to ni c s t o it s ver y limit. Ther e is so m e p hi l o s o p hy a p p ro a c he s i n a rc hi te c ture s a s we l l . What I learned from the course of this semester is that the idea of the design has been created and pus hed by s earc hi ng fo r o p p o rtuni ti e s a nd p o te nti a l d e ve l o p m e nt. T he m o d e l s a re the sam e , the s k ills of m ak ing m o d e l o r the d e c i s i o ns o f wha t m a te ri a l s a re b a s e d o n s e ve ra l e xp e ri m e n t s . Over all, Ear th has be e n the hi g hl i g ht o f m y s e m e s te r a nd ha s o ffe re d a n e xi s ti ng m o m e nt o f w h at is going to be lik e i n the future .




5 . 0 BI B L I O G R A P HY Atsushi Kawamoto, Mayumi Kawamoto, Mascara House, 2011, photograph, retrieved from Camilo Rebelo, Museum of Art and Archaeology of the Coa Valley, 2009, photograph, retrieved from Tadao Ando, Langen Foundation, 2006, photograph, retrieved from Tadao Ando, Langen Foundation, 2006, photograph, retrieved from


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