2 minute read
Diving into a sea of green
di loro, sulla loro vita, sull’ambiente circostante. Il tracciato è arricchito da cartelli didattici, giochi e da una simpatica area attrezzata, un villaggio in miniatura dove c’è anche un punto per fare dei selfie e… chissà mai che uno gnomo non appaia nella foto?! Presso l’InfoPoint di Tarvisio è disponibile un simpatico kit gratuito per i bambini.
Per i più grandicelli c’è lo Skate Park (in via degli Azzurri) e il vicino “Lynx Trail”: si tratta di un percorso naturalistico didattico dedicato alla lince, il più raro dei mammiferi in Italia, a rischio estinzione, che vive nella foresta di Tarvisio. La salita nel bosco, semplice e piacevole, porta a due punti panoramici; lungo il sentiero, le bacheche didattiche danno numerose informazioni su questo felino, difficile da vedere in natura. Si consigliano calzature da trekking.
Attività in gruppo per bambini e ragazzi Group activities for children and teens
Tarvisio offre la possibilità ai ragazzi tra i 3 e i 16 anni di fare sport vivendo il territorio. Durante le giornate di frequenza gli educatori organizzano attività sportive e ludiche all’aperto, escursioni con esperienze sensoriali, psicomotorie ed educative.
Tarvisio offers numerous ways of discovering its territory through sport activities dedicated to young guests from 3 to 16 years of age. Organised day trips include outdoor exercise and games, and itineraries through sensory, psychomotor, and educational experiences under the supervision of trained educators.
Associazione culturale La Cordata www.lacordata.eu
US Camporosso www.uscamporosso.it
Chi soggiorna nelle strutture, avrà la + Card Holiday che dà diritto a sconti o gratuità in musei, impianti di risalita, laboratori e altre attività (alcune anche in Austria e Slovenia) nonché alle escursioni organizzate da Promoturismo FVG.
La FVGcardTarvisiano ForestCampCard invece è acquistabile da tutti per 3 o 7 giorni e per beneficiare altrettanto di sconti e gratuità.
Guests of local approved accommodations are entitled to + Card Holiday, which provides free access and/ or reduced entrance fees to museums, ski lifts, workshops, and more (including activities taking place in neighbouring Austria and Slovenia), as well as participation in PromoturismoFVG’s organised trips.
The forests of Tarvisio are the ideal destination for a full-immersion experience in nature: an unspoilt environment for an outof-town daytrip or a full-fledged holiday of complete relaxation in one of the numerous family-friendly accommodation options in the area. Here you can enjoy the cosy rhythm of slow lifestyle or choose from a wide array of sports and outdoor activities.
Family vacation activities include fully equipped playgrounds; rail coasters; and bike- and mountain-bike trails of various difficulty levels, ranging from flat cycle paths to more challenging itineraries, all easily accessible and outfitted with rest/picnic areas.
Camporosso, near the main church located in Via Duomo (parking area nearby), is the starting point of the «Gnomes’ trail»: an easy walking itinerary following part of the mountain ridge through wooded areas. A funny-looking wooden gnome welcomes visitors and signals the entrance of the trail, where a signpost invites you to proceed and spot other gnomes along the way, to learn about the traits and habits of these peculiar wood dwellers. Those who enter the trail must respect nature! Strollers are not allowed.
Tarvisio gnomes are known as Bergmännchen. Behind Edelhof Hotel, and following Via del Torrente, visitors will find the entrance of the «Weidachweg», a trail running along Bartolo creek: along this itinerary you can find out all about Bergmännchen, their way of life, and the surrounding environment. Weidachweg is complete with detailed educational signage, as well as games, a rest area, a miniature village with a selfie point, and… who knows, maybe even a gnome or two that will pop up in one of your pictures! Free trail kits for children are available at Tarvisio InfoPoint.
Those who have outgrown gnomes and fairy tales will certainly enjoy the Skate Park (located in Via degli Azzurri) and the nearby «Lynx Trail»: an educational nature trail focusing on the lynx, the bobcat dwelling in the forests of Tarvisio, which is Italy’s oldest mammal and currently an endangered species. The gentle climb through the wood leads to two panoramic viewpoints. Informational signage guides visitors throughout the whole itinerary, providing interesting insight into this feline species, so hard to spot in the wild. Hiking shoes recommended.