New Media and Cultural Heritage

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of separation between form and content. It seems a viable choice psychologically (as well as financially). Thus the balance between the two elements receives here new definition. While the form seems to simulate the every-day (albeit fantastic) experience of mundane recognizable characters walking down the street or entering cars and elevators, representing therefore the ordinary rather than the extraordinary side of life, the content remains preoccupied with ritual issues of purity, sacredness and spirituality. The cognitive dissonance created by this shift forces in fact upon the community new perception of its own sacredness, making tradition management a new and surprising venture. The methods of media adaptation through separation are all intended to ensure a slow and safe adaptation system, designed to translate particles from the post industrial world into the traditional society. By creating these artificial estrangement zones the traditional society can do both: internalize the advancement in form while distinguishing successfully between media and life, keeping its new enthusiastic media consumer constantly aware of the sacred and the extraordinary. No doubt the separation between F&C, although possibly affecting the overall quality of the product, ensures efficient adaptation of the methods of the new media component. The constant presence of deliberate distance, generated by the inner gap between F&C, correlates the distance felt between extraordinary and mundane experiences and between traditional communications and the new media product. These examples, along with the model of cultural heritage transmission system described in part A, show clearly that the ability to take a personalactive part in the act of cultural heritage inheritance, is tightly connected with the methods of data transmission. In a world of rapidly expanding digital accessories and methods of representation entirely constructed by new media components, it is important, more that ever, to carefully examine the relationship between "What" we show the next Generation , "How" we do it and how do we insert the traditional world the ability to adjust to the ever changing cultural management process.


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